The Outlook | March 2022
A trusted source of environmental information
The National Environmental Policy Act - A Need for Change
Several legislative measures of the 1960s and early ‘70s marked a turning point in the U.S. approach to environmental protection, with none more significant than the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). This report explores the framework of NEPA and suggests a pathway to the improvement of the integrity of U.S. environmental law and practices, and to more effective cooperation in addressing environmental protection at the global scale.
As a first time contributor to Dovetail’s newsletter (with anticipation of introducing you to the less-heard-of people who don’t always make it into the ‘big picture’), I want to tell you about Stan Ringold and what he was thinking about during his career.

Stan Ringold thought about corners.

Yes – corners. Even at time of the season such as this - at the start of a new year when many of us dwell on the path ahead, and not on the curves and crooks that may potentially lie on the trail in front of us, Stan thought ‘corners.’ Stan Ringold worked for the Forest Service in northern California, returning to his native Minnesota in 1951 where he worked for the then M&O Paper Company. After time with Diamond Match in Cloquet, Stan became forester for the
Rajala Timber Company in Deer River. That’s where I met him.
Learning from the Pagami Creek Fire - 10th Anniversary Events
The Pagami Creek Fire was a wildfire in northern Minnesota, United States, that began with a lightning strike on August 18, 2011. After weeks of slow growth, the wildfire quickly spread to over 92,000 acres during several days of hot, dry, windy weather. The fire was the largest naturally occurring wildfire in Minnesota in more than a century.
Events to acknowledge the 10th Anniversary of the Pagami Creek Fire are planned throughout March and April.
New Minnesota Forestry series on KAXE/KBXE's Tuesday Morning Show
Mark Jacobs has produced a New Minnesota Forestry series on KAXE/KBXE's Tuesday Morning Show. Jacobs is a retired land commissioner from Aitkin County, MN and an associate of Dovetail Partners. The conversations take an in-depth look at natural resource based issues important to our region; a discussion of problems but also creative solutions.
FirstEnergy Commitment to Sustainability Recognized with Right-of-Way Steward Accreditation
Designation honors dedication to responsible and sustainable practices in vegetation management 
The Right-of-Way Stewardship Council has named FirstEnergy Corp. (NYSE:FE) a Right-of-Way Steward Utility, an accreditation received by just eight electric utilities in the country. The national recognition is awarded to utilities who demonstrate standards of excellence and leadership in managing vegetation along transmission rights-of-way – the parcels of land FirstEnergy uses to build, repair, and maintain the transmission facilities that serve as the backbone of the electric grid.
MN Climate-Smart Natural and Working Lands Workgroup Formed
Minnesota is committed to taking action on climate change. The State of Minnesota’s Climate Subcabinet and the Governor’s Advisory Council on Climate Change released a draft Climate Action Framework that is intended to lay the foundation for climate action in Minnesota and guide state agencies and others to act to reduce emissions and build resiliency across Minnesota. The Subcabinet and Advisory Council are convening a series of stakeholder workgroups to assist with improving and finalizing the Climate Action Framework.

There are six work groups formed around each of six focus areas in the Framework. One of the groups is a Climate-Smart Natural and Working Lands Work Group. Mark Jacobs and Jim Bowyer of Dovetail Partners are participating in this work group with meetings scheduled throughout March and April 2022.
Wildfire Resilience Case Competition Launched
The impact of wildfires over the last ten years has been devastating for both communities and the environment. The U.S. Forest Service and the State of California have recognized the need to increase the pace and scale of forest ecosystem restoration treatments such as thinning and controlled burns. However, forest ecosystem restoration treatments produce a large quantity of wood waste by-products and are expensive to implement. There is a significant opportunity to address multiple environmental and economic challenges by finding innovative ways to use wood waste from forest restoration treatments.
The 2022 Wildfire Resilience Case Competition invites innovative next-gen solutions that support forest ecosystem restoration, community resilience, and economic opportunity in forested communities affected by wildfire. Up to four teams will be selected as semi-finalists and receive expert coaching before pitching their proposal to a panel of expert judges. The judges will award the grand prize of $10,000 and $5,000 and $2,500 to second and third places, respectively. The competition is supported in part by the USDA Forest Service Wood Innovations Program. This institution is an equal opportunity provider.

Kathryn Fernholz, President of Dovetail Partners, is a member of the steering committee that put together the case brief that is guiding this case competition.
Mapping a Path Forward for Colorado's Urban Wood Network
Workshop to be held on April 8

The Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS) & the Your Ash Is On The Line project team would like to welcome you to a hybrid in-person and virtualUrban Wood Utilization Workshop covering a wide range of engaging presentations. The 1st half of this workshop will be a hybrid event with live in-person and virtual discussions. The 2nd half will be a live in-person field demo and will not have a virtual option. The in-person is limited to 25 people. Kathryn Fernholz of Dovetail Partners will be presenting on a panel in the morning.
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