November 28, 2023

Stewardship 2024

Has Your Pledge Been Counted?

We are sincerely thankful for the level of pledges we have received so far during our annual campaign. We have seen numerous new pledgers commit to support the work of our church and many families have increased their giving level. That is all a wonderful reflection of the health and vitality of the church we all love.

We are still a bit behind our primary goal of a 10% increase over last year which would total approximately $1.6 million. It appears there are approximately 50 faithful pledgers who for various reasons have not yet made a commitment for next year. The Finance Committee will meet in early December to finalize our budget for 2024. The Committee can only consider the pledge totals received by that time. If we do not reach our goal, we we may be forced to underfund some of our important ministries and programs. No one wants to see that.

Remember…Every One Counts. Every person. Every pledge. If you haven’t submitted your 2024 pledge, please make this a priority. You may pledge online or complete a pledge card located in the pew racks.

Thank you very much for all you do to support the vital work of The Church of the Nativity. You make the difference.

With grateful hearts,

The Stewardship Committee

Submit 2024 Pledge

Termite Update

If you would like to stay up to date on the termite litigation proceedings, please click here.

This Week at Nativity.......

Click here for the Nativity Calendar
Email Mother Rosie

Accessibility at Nativity

The Church of the Nativity is seeking to address accessibility needs throughout our campus. Your Vestry has invited Vandersall Collective to help us discern the feasibility of a Capital Campaign at Nativity. They have been working closely with our architects at Matheny Goldmon and our Accessibility Committee.

The next step in this process is to conduct a Feasibility Study. While we are indeed one body, we also speak with many voices. I want to make sure your voice is heard.

A Case Statement was sent to you in the mail that will give you an idea of where we are and our next steps. After reading this material, please take the time to complete a questionnaire. All replies are confidential.

You can complete the survey one of two ways:

1) Go online to a webpage that Vandersall Collective has created for us. That link is You will need the Unique ID, which was included in the packet mailed to you.

2) If you would prefer not to respond online, you do have the option to mail in the survey using the survey and envelope enclosed in the mailing.

We request one survey response per household. It is important that your response is returned by December 13, 2023. All responses will be compiled and analyzed by our consultants. We will receive a report with their findings in January of 2024.

I am grateful for your participation in this process as we discern together God’s will for our parish family.

If you have any questions about how to complete the survey need additional information, please contact Vicky Hinton [email protected].

God’s Peace –

The Rev. Michael Goldsmith, Rector

F.O.C.A.L. Gifts due THIS Sunday

Sign up for FOCAL gifts HERE

The Christmas Pageant for Children

4th Grade Sign ups
5th and 6th grade sign ups
Adult Volunteers

Every child from 3 years old - 6th grade is invited to help tell the story of Jesus’ birth at the pageant on December 17th @4pm.  There’s a costume and time on stage for everyone. Right after the pageant, we’ll have Jesus’ birthday party with a special cake and treats.

·        All children 3 years old—6th grade are invited to be in the pageant. No signup or rehearsal is needed for 3 year-olds through 3rd grade.

·        Fourth graders play the major characters These are non-speaking roles. Required rehearsal is Sunday, Dec 10, 4.00 pm in Ridley Hall.  

·        Fifth and Sixth graders read the story or light candles. Required rehearsal is Sunday, Dec 11, 4.00 pm in Ridley Hall.

·        Adults, your help with make this a fun and meaningful experience for your children.

·        More details as the pageant approaches. Questions, Contact Emily Cantrell [email protected]

Youth Update

Click here for the Youth Newsletter

Upcoming Events

Sign up for Spaghetti Dinner!
Click here for the Advent and Christmas Schedules
Watch the movie trailer HERE
Donate to Help for Haiti

Flower Dedications

Click here for Christmas Flower Dedications
Click here for 2024 Flower Dedications

Schedule of Services

If you would like more information about any of the services at Nativity, please visit or speak to one of our clergy.

This week:

Wednesday, November 29

12:00pm The Holy Eucharist, Rite II, with Healing, Bibb Chapel

Thursday, November 30

6:00pm The Holy Eucharist, Rite II, Bibb Chapel

Sunday, December 3

7:30 am The Holy Eucharist, Rite I, Bibb Chapel 

9:30 am Christian Formation for all ages

10:30 am The Holy Eucharist, Rite II, nursery available, livestreamed on our YouTube channel


Find us on YouTube and watch the Sunday 10:30 am service live online.

The current Sunday Order of Worship can be found on the Nativity website on Fridays.

If you have any questions about how to watch us online, please contact Amy Brooks, [email protected].