February 8, 2023
In this edition: Bishop's Renew ECD announcement video; Clay Brown ordination; ERD Lenten program; Holy Week/Easter service request; Black History Month; In Memoriam; Fun Fact; Did You Know?; Check it Out!; Upcoming events in our community: news from The Episcopal Church, and more
Bishop Brown announces:
Renew ECD: five-year plan
Staffing Changes at the Mission Support Office
See Bishop Brown's full announcement on staffing changes in his video or read transcript here. Video includes English captions and Spanish subtitles. Video text can also be viewed in Spanish.
Ordination of
The Rev. Kevin Clayton Brown
In an ordination service filled with diversity and the presence of the Holy Spirit, the Rev. Kevin Clayton “Clay” Brown was consecrated a priest on Saturday, February 4, 2023. Held at the Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew & Matthew, and presided over by the Rt. Rev. Kevin S. Brown, the assembly joyfully raised their voices in song and prayer, assenting to the ordination of Fr. Clay with a loud “AMEN!”
The Rev. Ruth Beresford, rector of Christ Church Christiana Hundred, the congregation that sponsored Fr. Clay for ordination, gave an inspiring sermon filled with heartfelt reflections on his life’s journey of faith – from his childhood days of being . . . read complete article here.
View all ordination photos here.
Note: The Communications department in the Episcopal Church in Delaware is adding volunteer event reporters to its team. Beginning last week with the reporting from the leave-taking service at Christ Church, Delaware City, this will be a new addition to our diocesan communications. While we reported on diocesan events in the past, there often was not an in-depth report to accompany pictures and express the spirit of the day. All event reporting will also reside on our website, here. If you have writing skills and would like to report on diocesan events, please contact [email protected].
Racial Justice Program
St. Barnabas' Church, Wilmington
with the Rev. Elle Dowd, author of Baptized in Tear Gas
The Rev. Kenn Katona and St. Barnabas’ Episcopal Church, Wilmington, hosted activist and author, Elle Dowd, Campus Pastor for the Episcopal/Lutheran South Loop Campus Ministry, in Chicago, for a weekend of racial justice activities. On Friday evening, January 27, Pastor Dowd, read excerpts from her book, Baptized in Tear Gas, and engaged with parishioners and community members. Dowd’s book describes her personal experience and ultimate transformation from being a bystander to becoming an activist and ally to Black Lives Matter protesters during the uprising in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014. Her book was used in a book discussion by the parish in spring of 2022. On the afternoon of Saturday, January 28, Dowd led a workshop titled, Spiritual Imagination as a Tool for Social Change, and preached a stirring sermon on social justice on Sunday, January 29. Read complete article and view Dowd's sermon here.
Episcopal Relief & Development's
Lenten offerings on the theme:
"Who is my neighbor?"
According to The Book of Common Prayer, Lent provides us with the opportunity for self-examination, repentance, prayer, fasting and self-denial; and to read and meditate on God’s holy word (BCP, p 265).
This Lenten Season, Episcopal Relief & Development invites you to join us as we meditate on the commandment to love our neighbor and consider the meaning of this fundamental instruction in our daily lives.

The Rev. Robin Denney, a parish priest and former missionary focused on agricultural development in Liberia and South Sudan, wrote this year’s meditations. Robin’s reflections are poignant and personal and challenge the reader to consider the question, “Who is my neighbor?”

Join us on your Lenten journey. You can sign up to receive a meditation in your inbox each day, read the meditations online by visiting the links below, or download all the meditations to read and share. May God richly bless you this Lenten season.
Is your parish offering a Lenten Study that you would like to share with everyone? If so, please let us know and we will spread the word. [email protected]
Holy Week & Easter Services
Let us know...
Please let us know your church's schedule and offerings for Holy Week and Easter so we can place them on our website and share on Facebook and Instagram.
Fun Fact

Question: The rector of which diocesan church acted as his own choirmaster?

Clue: He later became Bishop of the Dominican Republic.

Answer: Here

Image: "File:DV307 no.96 The Choristers at Bangor Jan 17 1864.png" by Frances Elizabeth Wynne is marked with CC0 1.0.
Today in Christian History
Did You Know?
Mary, Queen of Scots
On this date in 1587, Mary, Queen of Scots, was beheaded. A Catholic monarch with a strong claim to the English throne, she was found guilty of plotting the death of England's Protestant Queen Elizabeth I. Differing interpretations of Mary's life put this in dispute and her courage at her execution helped establish her as a heroic victim in a dramatic tragedy.

Image: "Mary, Queen of Scots" by lisby1 is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0.
Check it Out!
College of William and Mary
On this date in 1693, the College of William and Mary was founded in Williamsburg, VA to “make, found and establish a certain Place of Universal Study, a perpetual College of Divinity, Philosophy, Languages, and other good arts and sciences” to educate Anglican clergymen. It is America’s second oldest higher education institution after Harvard.

Cycle of Prayer in the Episcopal Church in Delaware
This week (week of February 5), in our diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we hold up in prayer St. Anne's Church, Middletown, the Rev. Russ Bohner, rector; and the Rev. Celeste O. Cox, priest-in-residence. For the diocesan Cycle of Prayer, click here.
Black History Month — February 2023
Black Americans in Delaware: An Overview, by James E. Newton, University of Delaware
"The history and life experiences of black Americans has been long neglected and continues to provide important opportunities for research. In his pioneering work on blacks in American history, George Washington Williams, a minister and America's first significant black historian, wrote in 1882, 'I have tracked my bleeding countrymen through the widely scattered documents of American history. . . .' Anyone attempting research on the history of black Americans in Delaware and the Eastern Shore will certainly find Williams' comments appropriate." Read full paper here
James E. Newton, an award-winning artist, a leader in Black American studies and a revered mentor at the University of Delaware for more than three decades, died on May 24, 2022, just days before he was to be awarded an honorary degree from the University. He was 80 years old. Read more about him here.
The theme for Black History Month 2023 is Black Resistance. 
To honor the legacy of Black Resistance, Network Advocates for Justice, inspired by Catholic Sisters, offers a calendar of events to guide you as you celebrate each day in February. You may see the calendar here
Open Position in the Episcopal Church in Delaware
Camp Arrowhead has an opening for a full time retreat director who can improve and increase
non-summer camp retreat business.
Compensation starts at $45,000 commensurate with experience. Includes medical and dental insurance. Fantastic work environment! If interested please send questions and/or resume to [email protected]
Upcoming Events in the Episcopal Church in Delaware
Delaware Choral Arts presents Spirituals 2023
Church of Sts. Andrew & Matthew, Wilmington, Saturday, February 11, 3pm
Guest appearance by Wilmington Children's Chorus. More information
Choral Evensong will be sung by the Immanuel Choir at Immanuel Church on the Green, New Castle, Sunday, February 12 at 4pm. All are invited!
Included will be works by Rose, Andrews, Campbell, and MacDonald.
Organ Recital by Princeton University Organist, Christ Church Christiana Hundred, Wilmington, Sunday, February 12, 4pm
Join us as Princeton University Organist Eric Plutz plays Brombaugh’s Opus 32 organ. His program will include a wide range of music from composers whose works will bring forth the beauty of the Christ Church organ. At Princeton, Mr. Plutz plays for weekly services at the Chapel, academic ceremonies, and solo concerts and accompanies the University Chapel Choir in services and concerts. He coordinates the weekly After Noon Concert Series at the University Chapel, is Lecturer in Music and Instructor of Organ, is rehearsal accompanist for Princeton Pro Musica, and maintains a private studio as well. Seats are $20 Adults / $10 Students / Children under 12 Free. More information
Please join Christ Church Christiana Hundred on a pilgrimage along the Way of St. James — the Camino de Santiago, October 2-13. Initial deposit due by February 15
For centuries, pilgrims have walked the Way of St. James for spiritual deepening, healing, and inspiration. This pilgrimage along the Portuguese Way, one branch of the Camino in which we will walk the well-trodden path that parallels the inner journey pilgrims make, will be led by the Rev. Stacey Carpenter and will follow a daily pattern of walking between 10-16 miles each day and gathering each evening to pray and reflect on our experiences. The total trip cost is estimated to be $3,500 to $4,000. More information and registration. Questions? Please contact Stacey Carpenter.
Choral Evensong with Christ Church Choristers, Christ Church Christiana Hundred, Wilmington, Sunday, February 19, 4pm
The Christ Church Choristers will be joined by a small ensemble from the Christ Church Choir to sing Evensong for the Last Sunday after the Epiphany on February 19 at 4 PM in the Chapel. Music will include works by Tallis and Dyson. An organ prelude will begin at 3:50 PM. These services on third Sundays are part of our celebration of the Chapel’s 70th anniversary and the blessing of our new chapel organ, Fisk Opus 164. More information
Brandywine Hundred Ecumenical Prayers for the Ukraine
Sunday, February 26, 1pm
Brandywine Collaborative Ministries and St. David's, Wilmington, in support of
Sts. Peter and Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church
1406 Philadelphia Pike, Wilmington
Free will offering collected will be used to purchase generators
for citizens in the Ukraine. More information
News from The Episcopal Church
Do you feel called to the work of church and community redevelopment? Commences February 9
The Episcopal Church’s Office of Church Planting and Mission Development is offering an online discernment retreat for those seeking to discern their role and fit in church redevelopment.
  • What: Re-Visioning and Renewing: Discerning Leadership for Redeveloping Congregations
  • When: 12 to 5 p.m. on Thursdays: February 9, 16, 23, and March 2
  • Cost: $350
  • Resource link: Discernment grid
  • Questions? Email Steve Matthews
Episcopal Migration Ministries, the churchwide program that resettles refugees in the United States, is launching a new initiative to help Episcopalians welcome migrants fleeing anti-LGBTQ+ persecution
The Rainbow Initiative, created in response to a General Convention resolution, will help Episcopal congregations understand the circumstances of LGBTQ+ migrants who are forcibly displaced, create new partnerships with other groups and organize events for Pride Month in June 2023. It also involves a churchwide survey, open until February 20, assessing Episcopalians’ knowledge of – and participation in – efforts to welcome LGBTQ+ asylum-seekers. More information
Sharing the Bounty: Stories from the Good News Gardens Movement
Join us for “Sharing the Bounty: Stories from the Good News Gardens Movement.” Throughout this four-part video series, you’ll see Episcopalians planting, praying, and proclaiming across their varied contexts. Find more information, including release dates and reflection guides, at iam.ec/sharingthebounty.
Registration open for 2023 Episcopal Youth Event “Regreso a Casa: A New Age of Faith.”
July 4 - 8, University of Maryland, registration deadline March 17
The Episcopal Church Youth Ministries Office announces open registration for delegations of young people and chaperones planning to attend the Episcopal Youth Event (EYE) July 4-8 at the University of Maryland in College Park. Celebrating its 40th anniversary in 2023, EYE is the church’s second-largest event after General Convention, drawing nearly 1,500 young people ages 15-19 from every province every three years. Attendees participate as part of a delegation, which can be from a diocese or coordinated through a congregation, school, or other Episcopal organization. More information
Save the date!
'It’s All About Love: A Festival for the Jesus Movement' with Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
July 9-12, Baltimore, Maryland
Mark your calendar to join us for this churchwide festival of worship, learning, community, and action for the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement. Join in person or host a virtual satellite event in your community. Watch for more details coming soon.
News from the Anglican Communion
The Archbishop of Canterbury concluded his joint visit to South Sudan with the Pope and Church of Scotland Moderator today by saying their ecumenical pilgrimage was “a sign to the world”
The pilgrimage by the Archbishop, Pope Francis and the Rt Rev. Dr Iain Greenshields reflected their united concern for the people of South Sudan. It also expressed their desire to demonstrate the hope of reconciliation and unity after centuries of division between their churches. Speaking on the last day of the joint visit by leaders of Roman Catholic, Anglican and Reformed traditions – the first of its kind in history – the Archbishop said: “We need constantly to be reminded, and I hope this trip reminds people, that the normal is for the Church to work as one.” Read full report here. Image courtesy of archbishopofcanterbury.org
In Memoriam
John R. Barnes, Jr.
Husband of Judy Barnes,
Financial Assistant,
Mission Support Office
December 9, 2022
Elaine L. Benash
Mother of Dina Hollingsworth,
Managing Director,
Memorial House
January 19, 2023
Clara Lafontaine
Mother of Walt Lafontaine
Executive Director,
Camp Arrowhead
January 18, 2023
Rest eternal grant to them, O Lord; and let light perpetual shine upon them. May their souls, and the souls of all the departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen
"In Memoriam" is a new addition to The Net
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