In this edition: Presiding Bishop "Plant more! Pray more! Proclaim more!"; Diocesan Acceptance Process Workshops; Sermon by the Rev. Kenn Katona; Did You Know?; Check it Out!; Fun Fact, and more.
Plant, Pray, Proclaim
or as Bishop Brown might say, Sow, Tend, and Share
Presiding Bishop issues an invitation from the
Episcopal Church Creation Care and Evangelism Departments
Plant more! Pray more! Proclaim more!
The mission of the Good News Gardens movement is to partner with people in transformational agrarian ministries that feed body, mind, and spirit. It is a church-wide movement of individuals, congregations, schools, colleges, seminaries, monasteries, camps and conference centers involved in a variety of food and creation care ministries: gardening, farming, beekeeping, composting, gleaning, feeding, food justice, and advocacy. Collectively Good News Gardens share their abundance, their prayers, and the Way of Love in their communities and beyond.
When we commit to planting more (be it beehives or herb gardens,) praying more (with our words and deeds,) and proclaiming more (through our stories and bounty) in order to share the loving, liberating, and life-giving Good News of God's love, we will find ourselves, our church, and our world transformed.
See Presiding Bishop's video
and more information on how to join the movement here.
If We Want to Live;
First, We'll Have to Die
A sermon by
The Rev. Kenn Katona
delivered at St. Barnabas, Wilmington
on Sunday, February 28, 2021
Please note: the quality of the video
is impacted by some technical difficulties
experienced during the livestream, but rest
assured the quality of the sermon was not.
Diocesan Acceptance Process Review
Diocesan Council created a task force to review the current acceptance process.
You are invited to participate in this review!
Today, parishes accept a share of the costs associated with the council’s budget. These acceptances fund work that makes more sense to be done in a centralized way instead of each parish duplicating work. The current acceptance process was created back in the 1970s when the world was very different. Did you know that the diocesan budget (adjusted for inflation) was 12 times larger than it is today? Did you know that the diocese provided most program materials for all parishes at that time?
The Acceptance Review Task Force is holding a series of workshops in March. Their purpose is to get feedback from the entire Episcopal Church in Delaware on this topic. All of us are in this together. We want your reactions and thoughts. Nothing will change without broad support across the church and Convention's approval. These workshops are a way of understanding where the Episcopal Church in Delaware is on this topic. Register in advance for any one of the following meetings to join a discussion on this topic:
Thursday, March 11, 7 - 8:30pm registration here
Saturday, March 13, 10:30am – 12pm registration here
Tuesday, March 16, 7 - 8:30pm registration here
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
Fun Fact
Question: Why do we celebrate Women's History Month and why is it in March?
Clue: It grew out of Women's History Week
International Women's Day is March 8
Delaware has been home to many groundbreaking women
Here are two amazing women who have made history in Delaware and nationwide
was invented
by a woman
Stephanie Kwolek was a chemist and an inventor who worked at DuPont for forty years. She was awarded the DuPont company’s Lavoisier Medal for outstanding technical achievement. In 1995, she became the fourth woman to be added to the National Inventors Hall of Fame. In 1946, she graduated from Margaret Morrison College of Carnegie Mellon University with a BS with a chemistry major. In 1946, she was offered a position at DuPont’s Buffalo, NY facility and moved to Wilmington, DE in 1950. When Kwolek invented Kevlar, although she did not know what it would be used for, she knew that being five times stronger than steel it could have many uses. In 1980, Kwolek received the Chemical Pioneer Award from the American Institute of Chemists, and an Award for Creative Invention from the American Chemical Society. In 1986, she retired but maintained a passion for chemistry for the rest of her life.
University of Delaware's
Library's residency program is named in honor of a woman
Pauline Young was an African American teacher, librarian, historian, lecturer, community activist, and humanitarian. She was a devoted lifelong member of her local and the national chapter of the NAACP. Born in Massachusetts, Young grew up near an underground railroad point before moving to Delaware. Young joined the NAACP at the age of 12, and she served nine years as the secretary. Later, she became the president of the Wilmington, Delaware branch. Young was honored by the Wilmington Branch of the National Association of University Women, she was recognized for outstanding service to the Home, the Community, the State, and the Nation and was thereby inducted to the Hall of Fame of Delaware Women. Young received a Certificate of Honorary Membership from Delaware State College’s Black Studies Program. The University of Delaware Library renamed the residency program in honor of Young.
The Episcopal Church in Delaware
compiles daily Psalms & Prayers
with images
You can start your day with these psalms and prayers at any of the following places:
Cycle of Prayer in the Episcopal Church in Delaware
This week (week of February 29), in our diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we hold up in prayer Province III. For the 2020-2021 diocesan Cycle of Prayer Calendar click here.
News from our parishes and community
TONIGHT! Damien Jones plays your hymn requests, St. Anne’s, Middletown, 7pm
Enjoy this wonderful opportunity to hear your favorite hymns! Send your requests to Saint Anne's music director, DamienJones, at so that he may include them during the live event. To join the concert, visit Saint Anne’s website here or Facebook page here.
THIS WEEKEND! Remembering and Naming: an Art/Artifact Window to Meditation and Prayer
This exhibit of art objects by the Rev. Canon Mark Harris, remembers significant moments in the death toll of this pandemic. Each of the art objects attempts to envision the numbers in ways that acknowledge our emotional response. “Catastrophe,” a print overlay on the NY Times pages listing 1000 of the first 100,000 deaths; “Book of Numbers,” a set of two books, the first with 230,000 number 1s (number of US deaths) the second with 900,000 (number of deaths worldwide) as of All Saints Day, 2020; “Hovering Spirits”, a silk-screen compilation of 500,000 dots; and “Eyes to see and Hearts to name,” a 5' x 13.5' overlay on the NY Times of February 21,2021. Visitors will have the opportunity to name and memorialize the reality of the pandemic in their own lives, by the opportunity to meditate on, pray for those who have died, or name them in a book of remembrance.
"Build Back Better", March 13, 1 pm
What we may expect from the new administration on the Israeli-Palestinian Occupation and US foreign policy. Hosted by Delawareans for Palestinian Human Rights. Co-sponsors: Delaware Churches for Middle East Peace; Students for Justice in Palestine, University of Delaware. Registration here.
News from the Episcopal Church
Poetry, Science, and the Imagination, L'Engle Seminar series, Wednesdays in March, 1pm
Poetry and the sciences are connected in deep and surprising ways. Both the poet and the scientist engage reality through the imagination. In in this five-part online seminar series with Brian Volck and special guests, you are invited to explore imagination as a way of knowing within the two disciplines. Each hour-long session will have a distinct focus and feature the insight of a wide array of poets, scientists, philosophers, and theologians.These seminars are made possible by a grant from the estate of Madeleine L’Engle and are inspired by three characteristics of her life and work:
- attention to the generative interplay between faith, art, and science;
- recognition that all art is incarnational and that science enlarges our understanding of creation;
- and generous engagement with diverse faith traditions.
More information and registration here.
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry calls for the Good Friday Offering to support ministry in the Anglican Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East.
The 1922 initial Good Friday Offering was an intentional call to support Anglican ministries in the Jerusalem and the Middle East that were impacted by the devastation of World War I, the Spanish flu pandemic, and social and political unrest throughout that region. The Good Friday Offering continues to support churches, medical programs and schools today. In Curry's Good Friday letter he asks each bishop and congregation to consider providing assistance for the Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East. Read more in English, Spanish, French, and Mandarin here.
Episcopal Toolkit for COVID-19 Vaccination Distribution
The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations has developed a toolkit for individuals, congregations and ministries to facilitate and promote COVID-19 vaccine distribution in the United States. This toolkit promotes the ongoing work that parishes and dioceses have already been doing, shares best practices, and offers ideas for ways that communities can help U.S.-based Episcopalians to facilitate vaccination, overcome vaccine hesitancy, and find information from state and local officials. Churches and church leaders (lay and ordained) can serve as an important trusted bridge between public health officials and communities. More information in English and Spanish here.
The Episcopal Church offers a new Global Mission Digital Toolkit, now available
Launched on World Mission Sunday, which was observed on the last Sunday after Epiphany, February 14, this resource is a collaboration between The Episcopal Church Office of Global Partnerships (OGP), the Global Episcopal Mission Network (GEMN), and the Standing Commission on World Mission (SCWM). This toolkit explores the Episcopal Church teaching that the mission of the church is “to restore all people to unity with God and each other in Christ” (BCP pg. 855) in a global context and offers resources to help Episcopalians live into this teaching. The project collaboration is supported by a generous grant from the Constable Fund. More information in English and Spanish here.
Project Resource Offers Spring Stewardship Training, 6 consecutive Sundays, April 18 to May 23 (begins two weeks after Easter) 5 - 6:30pm, via Zoom
Project Resource is the stewardship formation offering of the College for Bishops. At a time when many of our resources, both denominational and ecumenical, in this area are contracting, Project Resource has proven success in being an effective and enduring set of practices for changing the culture of giving in congregations. Being good stewards of the bounty God has placed in our hands has been our struggle from the earliest days of the Church. But if we have learned anything from the past year, it is that we cannot continue to do what we have done before. We must learn contextually appropriate strategies that reflect the diversity of our beloved community. We must learn to do a new thing. Project Resource is that new thing. More information here.
New Scholarship Opportunity and Upcoming Grant Deadlines!
NEW! Episcopal Church scholarship for the 2021-2022 academic year, application deadline April 11
Applications are now being accepted for educational scholarships from the Episcopal Church for the 2021-2022 academic year. More information in English and Spanish here.
2021- 2022 Conant Grants, application deadline March 14
The March 14 deadline is approaching to apply for Conant Grants from the Episcopal Church for the 2021-2022 academic year. More information here.
Task Force announces next round of missional investments, application deadline March 15
The Episcopal Church’s Task Force on Church Planting and Congregational Redevelopment announced that its sixth set of grants are now available for Episcopal dioceses and mission developers who are envisioning, planning, or growing new worshipping communities and missional enterprises throughout the church. The grants are part of a $2,500,000 initiative funded by the General Convention in 2018 that seeks to celebrate and strategically support emerging communities in The Episcopal Church and that builds partnerships within and beyond the church, expands our language of ministry, and creates new ways for the church to engage the people of God. More information in English and Spanish here.
Episcopal Church Young Adult Service Corps, application deadline for 2021-2022 extended to April 9
Applications for 2021-2022 placements with the Young Adult Service Corps (YASC), the international missionary program of The Episcopal Church, will now be accepted through Friday, April 9, 2021. YASC offers Episcopalians ages 21-30 the opportunity to follow the Way of Love into deeper relationship with God and the global Anglican Church while spending a year living and working with communities around the world. More information in English and Spanish here.
Becoming Beloved Community grants available for local/regional efforts, applications due April 12
The Presiding Officers' Advisory Group on Beloved Community Implementation is pleased to announce the availability of grants to catalyze the church’s work of racial healing, reconciliation and justice. Allocated by the 79th General Convention of The Episcopal Church, the intent for this funding is to build capacity and increase Episcopal engagement in four primary fields: telling the truth about our churches and race, proclaiming the dream of Beloved Community, practicing Jesus’ way of healing and reconciliation, and repairing the breach in institutions and society. More information in English and Spanish here.
Care of Creation Grants now available, application deadline extended to April 16
The Episcopal Church’s Task Force on Creation Care and Environmental Racism is now accepting applications for its 2021 Grant Cycle. An informational webinar for those interested in learning more about the grants and the application process is scheduled for February 18th at 3 pm. More information in English and Spanish here.
News from the Anglican Communion
Archbishop of Canterbury to address UN Security Council
The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev. Justin Welby, will address the UN Security Council on Friday, March 19, on the theme “Religious Actors in Peace Processes.” This will be his second address to the UN Security Council (UNSC). In August, 2019, he became the first Archbishop of Canterbury to address the UNSC. The address will be part of a consultation that the UK government hope will lead to a UNSC Resolution on religious minorities in conflict.
A prayer for racial justice written by Archbishop Justin Welby and
Dr. Sanjee Perera, Archbishop's Adviser on Minority Ethnic Anglican Concerns
Sovereign Lord Jesus Christ, who took human form and broke down the walls that divide;
We seek your forgiveness for not living out the truth that all are one in Christ, for the sin of racism.
We pray for all those affected by the marginalization of prejudice and the violence of racist words and actions.
We pray that we might uproot its cancerous and systemic hold on our own institutions.
We pray that we might recognize in reverence your divine image and likeness in our neighbor,
And find joy in the resemblance.
We pray in your name and seeking your glory. Amen.
1 Peter: Real-Life Biblical Focus of Lambeth 2022
The First Epistle of Peter, a text that speaks to “immediate pastoral problems” while also “rais[ing] an utterly compelling and inspiring vision of the call of God” will serve as the Biblical focus of the 2022 Lambeth Conference, says Archbishop Justin Welby in a video introduction launched in early February on the conference’s website. The book, Welby says, helps the Church grapple with “real life” issues like “climate change, conflict, gender, identity, modern slavery, poverty.” He continued, “Many of our sisters and brothers experience these pressures on a daily basis. And when we meet in Canterbury, we must listen to the voices, to the testimonies, to each other.” You may see video here.
no later than Monday noon for a Wednesday publication.