In this edition: Mutual Ministry Review, National Cathedral Pilgrimage; Bishop Brown's sabbatical; It's All About Love; Stevenson School for Ministry; Fun Fact, Check it Out, News in the Episcopal Church, and more ...
The Standing Committee of the
Episcopal Church in Delaware
is seeking input into a diocesan-wide
Mutual Ministry Review (MMR)
An MMR is a way of seeking information about attitudes, insights, and experiences of a broad range of persons in a variety of ministry settings. The process is meant to solicit general information and is not a ‘job performance review’ of a bishop. Rather, it is a way of getting information on how our shared ministries are going. These diocesan-wide reviews are standard practice across The Episcopal Church and have been known to provide helpful information and to foster open lines of communication.
Completed surveys will be sent directly to the Rev. Canon Michael Ambler, from the Diocese of Maine, an experienced leader in Mutual Ministry Reviews, who the Standing Committee has retained as a consultant. Canon Ambler will aggregate the individual surveys into a summary report for the bishop and the Standing Committee that identifies lines of convergence and noting areas of concern, if any. Your participation is greatly appreciated!
National Cathedral Pilgrimage
You are invited to join our National Cathedral Pilgrimage!
Sponsored by the Delaware Chapter of the National Cathedral Association,
Sunday, April 23, departs University of Delaware, Wilmington Campus, 8am
This is a unique opportunity to explore our national cathedral. Bus trip includes Sunday morning Eucharist, box lunch, guided tours available, time to explore the gardens, and bagpipe Evensong. All profits support the cathedral's restoration and preservation.
On Two Wheels:
Challenge and Renewal for the Second Half of Life
Bishop Brown's Sabbatical 2023
So then, a sabbath rest still remains for the people of God; for those who enter God's rest also cease from their labors as God did from his. Hebrews 4:9-10
Beloved of God in Delaware,
I have an amazing spring and summer planned. One month from today, I will be in the middle of a pair of motorcycle courses — the first to challenge myself to ride a dirt bike on a dirt course, and the second to hone my skills as an adventure (off-road) rider. A month later I will rent a motorcycle and make a two-week, 1,800 mile pilgrimage around the Wild Atlantic Way of Ireland and the Causeway Coastal Route in Northern Ireland. In three months, I will begin a motorcycle maintenance course in Pennsylvania to learn all the gory details of repairing and caring for a bike.
Why all this time on and with motorcycles? I planned this to help me carve out, in diverse ways, the time and space to connect anew with Christ Jesus. I will seek him in the solitary beauty of the Irish coast and spiritual sites, rely on him amid new physical and mental challenges, and rejoice in his providence in learning to care for a complex machine. The motorcycle is just the vehicle, if you will, for a closer journey with God ... and to have some fun, and experience new things along the way. Read full letter here
Across the church and around the world, we are hungry for revival and renewal. Join us for “It’s All About Love,” a churchwide festival of worship, learning, community, and action for the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement, to be held Sunday, July 9 through Wednesday, July 12, at the Baltimore Convention Center. Register by May 8 for Early Bird rate of $185.
“It’s All About Love” features three Jesus Movement festival “tents” – Evangelism, Creation Care, and Racial Reconciliation. Each tent will offer an evening revival worship service and major plenary speaker, plus dozens of day-time workshops, panels, practice opportunities and other ways to engage. Stick with one tent or explore across the tents, following the themes of: worship and liturgy, formation, justice and advocacy, leadership, preaching, stewardship, and youth and children. Featured speakers, preachers, and artists will include Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Julia Ayala Harris, Brian McClaren, Rev. Mariama White-Hammon, Dr. Kwok Pui-lan, Sarah Augustine, Lilly Lewin, Live Hymnal & Friends, and more! More information and registration here
Are you called and equipped for the
ministry of lay worship leaders and lay preachers?
The Episcopal Church in Delaware is calling forth and enriching the ministry of all the baptized in our congregations. We have contracted with The Stevenson School for Ministry (SSFM), in Central Pennsylvania to provide the necessary training to be licensed as a worship leader and/or lay preacher. SSFM offers flexible online theological education for everyone in the Episcopal Church in Delaware wanting to explore their lifelong learning and vocation call. Learning can happen at home — explore how Stevenson School for Ministry provides high-quality, community-based programs and how the classes can fit into your busy schedule. More information
Fun Fact
Question: Which rector of which Delaware church later became the first Bishop of Nova Scotia?
Clue: On leaving Delaware he became rector of Trinity Church, New York.
Image: First Anglican Bishop of Nova Scotia, public domain
This week in Christian History
Schism between Eastern and
Western Christianity
On this date in 1054, Pope Leo IX died. Because Leo refused the title of Ecumenical Patriarch to Michael Cerularius (Patriarch of Constantinople) and demanded recognition of the filioque clause (the western addition to the Nicene creed that the Holy Ghost . . . proceeds from the Father "and the Son"), he is deemed responsible for the final break between Eastern and Western Christianity. More information
First use of the term
On this date in 1529, at the Diet of Speyer in Germany, six German princes and representatives of fourteen Imperial Free Cities drafted a formal protest of Charles V's attempt to crush Lutheranism, defending religious freedom for religious minorities, e.g. those involved in the Reformation movement. From then on, the Reformers were known as "Protestants."
Cycle of Prayer in the Episcopal Church in Delaware
This week (week of April 16), in our diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we hold up in prayer St. Mark's Church, Millsboro, the Rev. David J. Archibald, rector. For the diocesan Cycle of Prayer, click here.
Open Positions in the Episcopal Church in Delaware
Christ Church Christiana Hundred, Wilmington, is seeking an Administrator for its Episcopal Pre-School
The Preschool Administrator serves as a partner with the Head of School to oversee preschool staff and has responsibility for the daily operation of the preschool office and coordination of the admissions; designs, prepares, and directs preschool communications in print and electronic form; oversees use of Brightwheels database; and supports the day-to-day finances of the preschool. More information
St. David's Episcopal Day School, Wilmington, is now hiring for its summer program
Full or part time, flexible hours!
Applicants must be 18, CPR/First Aid certified, and be willing to submit a background check & references. TECE 1 & 2 a plus. Must be dependable, reliable, and enjoy working with young children. Hours are between 8-5 with 3 summer block schedules and a week off in between. Positions start May 30th. For more information or to apply, please contact Janet Leishman, director, at 302.475.3747 or email to More information
Trinity Episcopal Parish, Wilmington, is seeking a Maintenance Manager
This position is responsible for the complete oversight and maintenance of all buildings and grounds owned and operated by Trinity Parish, and for the oversight of lease compliance of those properties owned by Trinity Parish and operated and maintained by our tenants. In addition to the day-to-day operations and management of these properties, this person should be able to identify problems, prioritize tasks and problem solve on issues, both routine and emergency, relating to all land, building and equipment so that these assets are maintained efficiently and hold their value as church assets and historic properties. See job description and application information here
Christ Episcopal Church, Dover, Delaware seeks Organist/Choir Director
Christ Episcopal Church in Dover, Delaware follows this Vision: As Christ does, we will. We express this Vision through our Core Values of Welcome, Support, Growth, and Compassion. With God’s help and each other’s, we seek to be a warm, loving, and life-changing community. We are looking for an Organist/Choir Director to join us in this holy work. Might this be you? Position description and application information here
St. Peter’s, Smyrna is seeking a part-time Parish Administrator
Reporting to the rector, this position is responsible for the efficient functioning of the church office and provides administrative support to the staff and church leaders. This person must be able to work effectively with church leaders, members and visitors, treating all with respect and professionalism. Full position description and application information here.
Upcoming Events in the Episcopal Church in Delaware
Have you made your summer plans yet?
Consider a stay at Memorial House in Rehoboth Beach,
the Episcopal Church in Delaware's Retreat House
Memorial House is a place for all seasons, people, ages and faiths. Nestled among the pines, just two blocks from the Atlantic Ocean and backing to Lake Gerar, Memorial House is sheltered from the hustle and bustle of the busy resort town of Rehoboth Beach. Its spacious rooms beckon you to stay. Meals are served to meet your needs. Guests appreciate the private chapel where they can enjoy quiet moments alone or join in group worship. Currently, there is availability for the following dates:
- July 7-14 (4 rooms)
- August 18-25 (4 rooms)
- September 1-4/Labor Day weekend (4 rooms)
Learn more about Memorial House, accommodations, meals, and registration here
Spring Concert, Thursday, April 20, 7pm, Trinity Church, Wilmington
The newly established Encore Chorale of Wilmington, for singers 55+, will present the second concert of its inaugural season at Trinity Episcopal Church. The concert, which will usher in the warmth of spring with songs of light and love, is free and the greater Wilmington community is encouraged to attend. Trinity’s Director of Music, David Simmons, is the conductor of this new ensemble for older adult singers. The Encore Chorale of Wilmington is part of Encore Creativity for Older Adults, the nation’s largest choral organization.
Organ Recital with Bruce Barber & Friends, Sunday, April 23, 4pm, Christ Church Christiana Hundred, Wilmington
Christ Church’s own Bruce Barber will play an Eastertide program on our new Chapel organ, C. B. Fisk Opus 164, and will be joined by guest instrumentalists Rob Skoniczin on trumpet, Amy Leonard on viola, and Janet Witman on harp. Together, they will present an hour-long program featuring music from the early 15th through 20th centuries. Admission is free, and limited seating is available. RSVP at
The Intersection of Gambling Disorder, Religion, and Spirituality: a Faith-Based Perspective
presented by Delaware Council on Gambling Problems (DCPG), April 26,9am-4pm
DE State Troopers Association Hall, Cheswold, DE (just north of Dover on US 13).
James Walsh, Ph.D., and DCPG associate and counselor, Hector Garcia, will be discussing gambling disorder, religion, and treatment for those experiencing problems related to gambling. Six leaders from various faiths will present in a panel discussion on the topic. More information and registration
Serafin Ensemble in Concert!, Sunday, April 30, 4pm, Trinity Church, Wilmington
The Arts At Trinity (TAAT) closes out its 2022-23 season with the highly acclaimed Serafin Ensemble in a program entitled “A Little Night Music with the Serafins.” The repertoire includes Mozart’s Eine Kleine Nachtmusik and Beethoven’s Violin Sonata in F (Spring). As with all TAAT concerts, there is no charge for admission to the performance, but donations are graciously accepted before and after the performance. Bring a friend and enjoy an afternoon of gorgeous music in the beautiful acoustics of the historic Trinity Episcopal Church.
Spring Flea Market,
Saturday, May 6, 8am-2pm (Rain Date May 13)
Grace Church, Wilmington
Spots still available for Holy Land Pilgrimage, June 18-28
Join Christ Church Christiana Hundred parishioners and friends on a trip to the Holy Land. St. George’s Anglican College in Jerusalem is offering a Footsteps of Jesus course from June 18-28, 2023. This is not a tour of the Holy Land but a pilgrimage with visits to significant sites in Christ’s life with time for worship, guided meditation, and reflection. Reservations may be made with a $500 deposit per person, and scholarship opportunities may be available through St. George’s College. The total trip cost is estimated to be $4,500 to $5,000. Visit for details and the itinerary.
Seen, Heard, Connected and Invited: ECW in a Changing World
Episcopal Church Women, Province III Annual Meeting, Richmond, VA, July 21-22
The meeting starts on Friday evening, July 21, and closes on Sunday morning. July 23. Expenses will be covered by the ECW of Delaware, including transportation for two drivers max. We will spend two nights at the Roslyn Retreat Center and meals will be part of the package. At this time there are three ECW - Delaware board members who will attend. We are offering this experience to three others. If you are interested, please contact me soon! I plan to send the registrations by the end of April. Roslyn is a lovely facility, I hope you will want to join us. Province III meetings are always interesting and informative. If you have any questions, contact me. Email is always best. I will send the registrations for all who wish to participate, and it will be pre-paid for all of us. Do not fill out the form! All who will be attending will be contacted for room and meal choices before I mail the registrations. Have a joyous Easter! Beth FitzPatrick
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News from the Anglican Communion
Archbishop of Canterbury News and Statements
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Anglican Communion News Service
Read latest news and reports from the around the Anglican Communion here
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