In this edition: Youth Ministry Leaders' Discussion Groups; A Welcome Idea to Share; Parish Communications Workshop; Upcoming Racial Justice workshops; Easter Messages; Fun Fact; Check it Out!; Did You Know?; Upcoming events; News in the ECD community, Episcopal Church, and Anglican Communion
Introducing a new discussion series for Youth Leaders
One Saturday each month, 10-11am
We will meet for an hour to add new tools to our toolbox, and share our favorites with other youth leaders from around the region. We have invited a variety of guests to come and share their successes and strategies.
• May 7 "Impacts of the pandemic on youth mental health"
• June 4 "Building and strengthening your youth program"
• July 9 "Community involvement and outreach"
• Aug 6 "Responsible social media usage and engagement with youth"
• September in person lunch meet up!
Parish Administrators, Rectors, and Communicators:
Need a new (free) 'ready-to-go'
parish website, with
training included?
Don't have time or personnel to post consistently to Facebook? The diocese can do this for you!
It's all happening at the upcoming
Parish Communicators Workshop
There will be a drawing at the end of the workshop for a newly built website (with 5 tabs/pages), designed for your parish. Training included!
Learn how the diocese can post to your parish Facebook page on a consistent basis, so it will always look current, active, and generate interest. 2-click Evangelism!
Thursday, June 9
9:30 a.m. — 2:30 p.m.
Christ Church, Dover
one-on-one appointments available
at conclusion of the workshop.
More information for the workshop here.
All parish administrators are encouraged to attend,
along with communicators and rectors.
Upcoming Racial Justice and Reconciliation Workshops
All workshops/courses/trainings are offered to members of the Episcopal Church in Delaware (ECD) and its ecumenical, interfaith, and community partners. The workshops/courses/trainings are funded by the ECD and a
Becoming Beloved Community Seed Grant. All programs are free of charge.
Exploring Levels of Racism
Tuesday, April 26, 6:30-8:30pm
Racism is a system of power that structures opportunities and assigns value based on how individuals look. This workshop will help participants better understand individual, institutional, and systemic racism, and their sustained, deleterious effects on people of color, in particular Black people.
More information here and registration here
How Do We Talk About Race?
Tuesday, May 3, 6:30-8:30pm
Talking about race continues to be an extremely difficult thing to do for white people and people of color. This workshop will use a combination of lecture, experiential activities, and large and small group discussions to help people become more comfortable talking about race.
More information here and registration here
Fun Fact
Question: During the Covid pandemic, we have become accustomed to livestreamed or video recorded services. When was the first church service broadcast in the USA?
Clue: The service was from Calvary Episcopal Church, Pittsburgh, PA
On this date in Christian history
Cycle of Prayer in the Episcopal Church in Delaware
This week (week of April 17), in our diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we hold up in prayer St. Mark's Church, Millsboro, the Rev. David J. Archibald, rector. For the 2022 Cycle of Prayer, click here.
Interfaith Youth Climate Retreat,
Killens Pond State Park, Felton, May 1, 10am-4pm,
lunch provided as well as transportation to this beautiful, centrally-located nature preserve. There is no cost for attendance.
Activities will include:
- A guided nature walk
- A sustainability tour of the Nature Center
- Facilitated Climate Conversations connecting faith and our relationship to the natural world
- A workshop on Climate Advocacy
An exciting opportunity to meet with leading environmental nonprofits and elected officials, who are driving policy for a cleaner, healthier, and livable tomorrow. More information and registration
Spring Clean Up Day for youth ages 13-18,
Killens Pond Sate Park, Felton, Sunday May 15, 1-3pm,
Snacks and drinks to follow, Pre-registration required by April 13
Keep our Delaware State Parks clean and beautiful and make a difference in our environment. Meet new friends from different faith houses and organizations! Sponsored by Seaside Jewish Community
an independent, unaffiliated egalitarian community of approximately 400 families (600 individuals). More information and registration here
Upcoming Events in Our Community
Quarter Auction is This Coming Saturday! April 23, Great Hall, St. David's Church, Wilmington
Doors open at 1pm, auction begins at 2pm
No Quarters needed this year. $30/person gets your paddle entered into every drawing. Additional raffles and drawings will also take place. Light refreshments/desserts and beverages will be available.
Buy your ticket in advance from Gus Mercante: Venmo @GusMercante | CashApp $GusMercante |
Cash call/text 302.588.1501 to make arrangements
St. Barnabas’ Church, Wilmington
continues the celebration of the new Cornell-Zimmer electronic organ
with an upcoming organ recital
Sunday April 24, 4pm
Dr. Douglas-Jayd Burn, organist
A service of Healing and Song with the music of Taizé,
Immanuel Highlands, Wilmington, Wednesday, April 27, 7pm
Join us for an evening of meditative prayer, music, and candle lighting in the tradition of the Taizé community of France. For more information, please contact Immanuel Highlands Office on 302 658 7326 or email
Bent But Not Broken Conference, Grace United Methodist Church, Wilmington, Choir School of Delaware Concert, Friday, April 29, 7:30pm
Renowned conductor Jason Max Ferdinand leads the Choir School of Delaware.
American Spiritual Ensemble in Concert, Saturday, April 30, 7:30pm
Led by renowned conductor, Everett McCorvey
Full Bent But Not Broken conference concert information and reservations here
Philip Moore, Musician in Residence
Christ Church Christiana Hundred, Wilmington, April 30-May 1
We are pleased to welcome Philip Moore back to Christ Church as this year’s Letty Downs Musician in Residence. Mr. Moore is retired Organist and Master of the Choristers, York Minster and was our Musician in Residence in the 2015-16 season. On Saturday, April 30 he will rehearse the Christ Church Choir from 9:30am-12noon and from 1:45-3:45pm. All are welcome to attend these open rehearsals or join in for lunch ($10 per person) and a conversation with Philip Moore from 12:15-1:30pm. Then on Sunday, May 1, he will direct the Choir at our 10:30am service of Holy Eucharist and at our 5pm Easter Lessons & Carols service with organ, choir, brass, and timpani. More information
Mothers' Day Tea, Church of the Ascension, Claymont,
Saturday May 7, 2-4pm
There will be wonderful food and tea, and some special door prizes.
$10 Per person to support our outreach. Door Prizes.
An Evening to Support Ukraine
Millcreek Fire Company, 3900 Kirkwood Highway, Wilmington, May 14, 3-7pm
Endorsed by Fr. Hutnick, pastor
Sts. Peter & Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Wilmington
Event ticket $50 includes buffet style dinner, open bar, and live Ukrainian folk music. To reserve tickets call Ivan Otama 215.962.7236
80th General Convention News
Convention Volunteers
If you have already signed up as interested in volunteering at the convention, it's time to take the next steps. You can find out what to do next here.
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has announced the preachers and presiders for the worship services at the church’s 80th General Convention in Baltimore, Maryland, on July 7-14.
Anyone can register to attend meetings as an observer or to testify. Registration must be submitted at least two days prior to a hearing. 80th General Convention online legislative meetings will resume on Tuesday, April 26:
Congregational & Diocesan Vitality
Tuesday, April 26, 7:30 p.m. ET - open hearing
Agencies & Boards
Tuesday, April 26, 7:30 p.m. ET - committee deliberation only, no testimony
Prayer Book, Liturgy & Music
Wednesday, April 27, 11 a.m. ET - committee deliberation only, no testimony
Governance & Structure
Wednesday, April 27, 3 p.m. ET - committee deliberation only, no testimony
Social Justice & International Policy
Thursday, April 28, 1 p.m. ET - committee deliberation only, no testimony
Stewardship & Socially Responsible Investing
Saturday, April 30, 12 p.m. ET - open hearing
Sexual Harassment, Sexual Exploitation, & Safeguarding
Saturday, April 30, 4 p.m. ET - open hearing
News from the Episcopal Church and beyond
April Evangelism Newsletter
This month we continue exploring our Episcopal Evangelism challenge for 2022: Creating authentic communities of friends within our churches to live out our baptismal promises and the church's mission – to restore and be restored in unity with God and each other, in Christ. Our guest Evangelism Catalyst this month is Elllis Montes, who is ushering us into Eastertide, by exploring what it means to love and serve one another. Read full newsletter here
Province III of the Episcopal Church, Congregational Development Day
Maritime Conference Center, Linthicum Heights, MD, May 14, 8:30am-5pm
Deadline to register, April 20
The program will be lead by experienced trainers of the College for Congregational Development from the dioceses of Central Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia. So far, about 30 individuals from churches and diocesan offices in Central Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, and West Virginia will be there. Details and registration can be found on our website here.
Register now for virtual Episcopal Latino Ministry Competency Course, May 16-20
Registration deadline May 6
The Episcopal Church Office of Latino/Hispanic Ministries offers this intensive session for those interested in expanding their competency about Latino culture, spirituality, and ministry. The course includes 20 hours of online classroom presentation, worship services, and group dialogue. More information and registration here
News from the Anglican Communion
The role of faith-based communities in achieving gender equality in the context of climate justice has been recognized at the United Nations, thanks in part to the work of the Anglican Communion Office at the UN (ACOUN).
The 66th UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW66) took place from 14 to 25 March, with a focus this year on climate change and natural disasters. The Agreed Conclusions issued at the end of the summit recognize that “women and girls play a vital role as agents of change for sustainable development”. More information
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