April 21, 2021
In this edition: Bishop Brown's statement on Chauvin verdict; Earth Day events; Camp Arrowhead parish day; upcoming Youth event; Sermon by the Rev. Russell Bohner; Fun Fact; Did You Know?; Check it Out!; positions open in our parishes; resources for our parishes; and news from the diocese, Episcopal Church, and Anglican Church.
Bishop Brown's Statement
on the verdict of the
Derek Chauvin Trial
Beloved of God in Delaware,

Yesterday, April 20, 2021, a jury in Minneapolis convicted former police officer Derek Chauvin for the murder of George Floyd, an unarmed black man who was in police custody. The trial will be remembered as a landmark event in American legal history. Sadly, achieving this just outcome is considered a major accomplishment for our judicial system, and it is. Indeed, this trial and its verdicts mark a moment of genuine progress toward fairness for all citizens and, yes, that is incredibly important. But, as is often the case, when we as a nation suddenly lurch forward we also see more clearly just how long the struggle ahead remains. As important as this one outcome is, let us not be deceived. This single action of progress does not mean courts everywhere have suddenly reformed themselves toward true justice and accountability. Our work remains.

Thankfully, in this work, we are joined by our diocese’s newly-formed Racial Justice and Reconciliation Commission. They, too, will issue a statement in the coming days. I look forward to it and to their witness, energy, and leadership for years to come.

St. Paul encouraged the faithful in Galatians 6 to bear one another’s burdens, fulfilling the law of Christ. That law of Christ is, as we well know, to love one another as we have been loved. Paul writes, “So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up. So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all ...” 

Today, I call us to prayer. Please pray for Mr. Floyd and his family, and for all whose lives have been altered by this tragedy and violence of every kind. Pray for former officer Chauvin and all those who have perpetrated violence, that they may know a better way. Pray for justice, healing, and peace. My sisters and brothers, pray for us all.

Your brother in Christ,

Our Earth

Earth Day, April 22, 2021
A Prayer for Earth Day
Creator of all living things,
Help guide our daily actions and thoughts
to become better stewards of the earth.
Guide us to act responsibly,
care for the earth you gave us,
and make wise choices in our everyday living.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Earth Day Live
Thursday, April 22, 12pm
Plant LIFE in the City
Virtual Art Exhibition on Earth Day
Thursday, April 22, 7pm
An art-science exploration for community engagement
"At the cross-section of social and environmental justice, we use art as a tool to engage the community in a conversation about our city’s status quo." The exhibition will feature art that explores the cross-section between environmental and social justice. The show will be curated by local artist and Wilmington native, JaQuanne LeRoy. LeRoy is currently the Teaching Artist and Curator in Residence for the Delaware Art Museum, Delaware College of Art and Design, and Chris White Gallery. Join event on Zoom here.
Camp Arrowhead Parish Day
Saturday, April 24

A wonderful opportunity to experience the beauties of the earth at Camp Arrowhead!
You are invited to tour the beautiful property, meet the fantastic staff, learn about retreat possibilities, view plans for the new Ashford Center, and have some great fun! More information about the day here.
Register here.
A Climate Conversation:
Youth, Faith, and Climate Action!
Sunday, May 16, 1pm
Co-hosted by the Episcopal Church in Delaware and Delaware Interfaith Power & Light, this conversation with youth will raise questions: What images come to mind when you think about climate change? Whose voices do you trust on the issue? What does the church teach in regards to caring for creation? What are your greatest fears related to climate change and the health of our natural environment? What/Who inspires you, motivates you, and gives you hope? Registration and more information to follow in next week's edition of The Net.
Living a
Resurrected Life
A sermon delivered by
the Rev. Russell Bohner
at St. Anne's, Middletown
on Sunday, April 18, 2021.
Fun Fact

Question: What have been some of the surprising outcomes of experiencing Camp Arrowhead as a camper or staff member??

Clue: Camp Arrowhead has changed the course of some people's lives in profound ways.

Answer: Here
Did you know?
First Earth Day was the largest
single day protest in human history.
A US Senator Gaylord Nelson proposed the idea to hold a nationwide environmental teach-in on April 22, 1970. The idea grew into Earth Day and more than 20 million people poured out on the streets on the first Earth Day, which remains the largest single day protest in human history. On Earth Day 2016, the landmark Paris Agreement was signed by the United States, China, and some 120 other countries. On Earth Day 2020, over 100 million people around the world observed the 50th anniversary in what is being referred to as the largest online mass mobilization in history. More information
Check it out!
Sacred Earth
Restoring the World Through Art
CARAVAN is an international arts NGO/non-profit recognized as a leader in using the arts to further a global quest for a more harmonious future, both with each other and with the earth. For the first time, all of CARAVAN’s artistic initiatives this year will be related to environmental care and justice – protecting the earth and all that lives upon it. Its 2021 theme is Sacred Earth: Restoring the World through the Arts, reflecting the urgent need to address climate change and our relationship with the earth. Launching this Sacred Earth year, you may watch The Ocean Voice video by Rodrigo Thome here.
Cycle of Prayer in the Episcopal Church in Delaware
This week (week of April 18), in our diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we hold up in prayer the St. Martha's Church, Bethany Beach, the Rev. David Beresford, interim rector. For the 2020-2021 diocesan Cycle of Prayer click here.
Resources for our parishes and community
Being a Top-Notch Hybrid Church Masterclass: six-hour online course with a practical application, Wednesdays, June 9 and 16, 12-3pm
Held over two three-hour days, one week apart, the class provides the research, tools, and customized training to meet the immediate need of church leaders to become a hybrid congregation offering in-person and online worship and missional experiences. The focus of the masterclass is to equip leadership teams with very practical and actionable learning that can be applied immediately. These experts are not church people who can do this on the side. Rather, they are experts in their field who are wanting to share their vast knowledge with the church. More information and registration here.
Province III Spring 2021 Newsletter
Read full newsletter and
register for the following events here.
  • Covid-safe Event Planning, Monday, April 26, 12-1pm
  • Introduction to 80th General Convention, by the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, Monday, May 24, 12-1pm
It's not too soon to start planning your stewardship campaign!
The Episcopal Network for Stewardship offers resources for these topics:
  • Clergy guide to forming the campaign team, information here
  • Stewardship job descriptions here
  • Free webinar on year-round stewardship, Saturday, April 24, register here
  • Free webinar on virtual stewardship 201, Saturday, May 1, register here
  • Free, training/recruiting your stewardship team, Saturday June 5, register here
News in our parishes and community
Racism is a Public Health Crisis: Join YWCA Delaware and partners for 2021 Stand Against Racism event, Thursday, April 22, 11am
Representatives Melissa Minor Brown and Kendra Johnson will be announcing a Resolution, recognizing that racism is a human rights and public health crisis, on the steps of the Carvel Building (820N. French Street, Wilmington) and via Zoom webinar. More information here. Register for webinar here. Register to attend in person here.
Basics of Hebrew Calligraphy, six sessions Tuesdays beginning April 27, either 10-11am or 7-8pm
Riva Brown is a calligrapher and watercolor painter. She has lettered in Hebrew and English combined with watercolor painting to create documents of unique beauty. In 1994, Riva was awarded the Delaware Fellowship Grant for Established Professionals as a Folk Artist for the creation of Jewish marriage documents, known as Ketubot כתובות (an example pictured behind her) and has been called a State Treasure by the State of Delaware. You are invited to take this opportunity to study with her, learning Hebrew calligraphy whether you know Hebrew or not. Instruction given in English. No previous experience necessary. More information
News from the Episcopal Church
News from the Episcopal Church Executive Council which met virtually on April 16
Opening remarks from the Presiding Bishop
The following is a transcript of the opening remarks of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry at the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church, which met virtually on April 16. These remarks have been lightly edited for clarity. Read more in English and Spanish here
Opening remarks from the President of the House of Deputies
The following are the opening remarks of President of the House of Deputies Gay Clark Jennings at the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church, which met virtually on April 16. Read more in English and Spanish here
Announcement of diocesan relief grants: all dioceses may request up to $40K to address needs
Seeking to ease the financial strain of the COVID-19 pandemic on its dioceses, the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church approved a resolution allocating up to $40,000 to any diocese requesting assistance over the next 18 months. More information in English, Spanish and French here
Gathering on Sacred Ground with Presiding Bishop Curry, Tuesday, April 27, 5:30-6:30pm
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry invites participants and facilitators who’ve been part of the Sacred Ground race dialogue film series to convene as a community! You will hear learnings and success stories from peers, words of encouragement from the Presiding Bishop, and exciting announcements about how we can pursue racial healing, reconciliation, and justice together. Whether you have finished the series, are in it now, or are planning to start it, come to get encouraged and to deepen our shared commitment to Becoming Beloved Community.
Episcopal Church Releases Racial Justice Audit of Leaders
Report offers insights into race and power in the church. After two years and more than 1,300 surveys, the ground-breaking Racial Justice Audit of Episcopal Leadership is now available to the wider church and public. The audit identifies nine “patterns” of systemic racism – ranging from the historical context of church leadership to current power dynamics -- that will also be highlighted in three public webinars in May and June. More information in English and Spanish here
The Episcopal Church’s Tell Me Something Good series launches second season, watch here
Tell Me Something Good, a web series from The Episcopal Church that launched in the fall of 2020, returns for a second season. This series highlights positive stories from around the church through conversations with a variety of guests. More information
2021 Theology of Gratitude Scholars Conference: Calls for Proposals, October 15-17
United Thank Offering (UTO), along with the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts and the Cathedral Church of Saint Paul in Boston, will host the second annual Theology of Gratitude Conference. More information
Episcopal Asiamerica Ministries, Church Planting announce virtual “Church Planting in the Asian Diaspora” conference: May 13-15, 7pm, register by May 7
The Episcopal Church’s Asiamerica Ministries is partnering with the Church Planting and Redevelopment Office to offer a virtual conference on Church Planting in the Asian Diaspora. The conference will bring together a diverse group of storytellers to share their experiences of church planting as Asian American Episcopalians, and in Asiamerican contexts. More information here
Episcopal Youth Event/Evento de Jóvenes Episcopales Research Project, Early Spring 2021
The following invitation was shared by the Episcopal Church Office of Youth Ministries.
Read invitation and link to participation form in English and Spanish here
Episcopal Church Year in the Life web series explores challenges of past year
Watch trailer here
A Year in the Life is a new web series from The Episcopal Church that documents how Episcopal churches, schools, and ministries have navigated a very contentious and difficult year. New episodes of A Year in the Life will be released every two weeks beginning on April 20. The trailer is available for viewing on the Episcopal Church website here, on Facebook here, and on Instagram TV @theepiscopalchurch. More information
Blue Book reports available on the General Convention website
The reports for the 80th General Convention, commonly referred to as “Blue Book reports,” will be posted on the convention website starting in April. More information in English and Spanish here
News from the Anglican Communion
A collection of Primates' Easter Messages for 2021
You may read these messages from the Anglican Communion around the world here.
Anglican Communion Secretary General urges Christians to pray for the People of Myanmar
The Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon, has called on Christians around the world to pray for Myanmar and her people. In an Easter message of hope, Dr Idowu-Fearon tells the Myanmar people that they are not alone. More information here.
Submissions: Please submit announcement information for The Net to communications@delaware.church
no later than Monday noon for a Wednesday publication.