In this edition: 238th Annual Convention; Last chance to register for parish communications workshop; Fun Fact; Check it Out!; Did You Know?; Upcoming events; News in the ECD community, and The Episcopal Church
Friday and Saturday, November 18 and 19, 2022
Camp Arrowhead on the shore of Rehoboth Bay, Lewes, Delaware
More information will be forthcoming in The Net.
Please register no later than June 3!!
Parish Communications Workshop
Thursday, June 9, Christ Church, Dover, 9:30am-2:30pm
This Episcopal Church in Delaware (ECD) workshop will cover best practices, suggestions, and strategy for visual and content messaging for websites and social media. While we will focus on website and social media, we will also provide tips and tricks for graphic design for the non-designer in all media channels, to include eNewsletters. It will be a casual, fun affair that includes music and some moving of the spirit! Don't forget the free website we are giving away via a drawing at the end of workshop! More information here Registration here.
Workshop speakers: (L to R) Bishop Kevin S. Brown; Amanda Skofstad, public relations officer for The Episcopal Church; Carrie Graves, Canon for Communications in the Diocese of Maryland; Cynde Bimbi, Director of Communications and Public Relations (ECD); Scott Kresge, ECD Communications Team and administrative assistant/communications at St. John the Baptist in Milton; Cana Hartman, parish administrator/communications at St. Thomas's Parish in Newark.
First Friday Walks for Justice and Peace
Church of St. Andrew & Matthew (SsAM), Wilmington, June 3, 5:30 pm
These walks are a public display of our belief that society needs to be more just in terms of race, sex, economics, and more. We now are faced with more racially motivated murders than ever before. The Buffalo murders of ten people last week showed us that things are continuing to escalate. We need to respond! We will begin at SsAM at 5:30pm and have a prayer together. Then we will have a silent march to Rodney Square. We will then have another prayer together and everyone can return to SsAM. The committee will provide electric candles and posters (if you want to make your own, please do.) We have involved the city and the walk with be safe. You can park at SsAM for the walk. You are also invited to visit the Chris White Gallery at the end of our walk to look at the exhibit of women’s art and to have refreshments. The Gallery is located in the Shipley Lofts building at 7th and Shipley, just down the street from SsAM. We hope to see you there!
We invite other Wilmington communities of faith to join with us in this public plea for justice.
Fun Fact
Question: At one time in the diocese, the Trustees were having such financial difficulties that they were unable to pay which bishop’s stipend?
Clue: The bishop died before the stipend was paid and the debt was paid to the executor of the late bishop’s estate.
On this date in Christian history
On this date in 165 (traditional date): Justin, an early Christian apologist, was beheaded with his disciples for their faith. "If we are punished for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ, we hope to be saved," he said just before his death. Christians soon named him Justin Martyr.
On this date in 1843, Isabella Baumfree, former slave, left New York and began to travel the land, having declared the Holy Spirit called on her to preach. She changed her name to Sojourner Truth and became one of the most famous abolitionists, and women's rights lecturers in American history. More information
Cycle of Prayer in the Episcopal Church in Delaware
This week (week of May 29), in our diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we hold up in prayer All Saints Church, Delmar, vestry leadership and parish. For the 2022 Cycle of Prayer, click here.
Upcoming Events in Our Community
The First State Symphonic band concert, St. David's, Wilmington, Saturday, June 4, 7:30pm
The concert will feature several patriotic favorites including, Pageantry March, The Armed Forces Salute, The Stars and Stripes Forever. Also featured will be The Olympics: A Centennial Celebration, Suite from Bizet’s opera, Carmen, highlights from The Lion King and Ellington! More information
Too Deep for Words: Working Together in God's Holy House
The Rev. Victoria Sirota to speak at AGO Banquet, Sts. Andrew & Matthew, Sunday, June 5, 5pm
The Delaware Chapter of the American Guild of Organists welcomes the Rev. Victoria Sirota who will speak on the vocations of church musicians and clergy as partners in worship. As both a fabulous organist and pastor, Victoria Sirota is uniquely well suited to speak on this topic. All organists, church musicians, and clergy are welcome to this event on Sunday June 5 at Saints Andrew and Matthew. The banquet will offer entree choices of Herb Chicken with Lemon Caper Butter Sauce, Beef Filet Tips Au Poivre, and Herbed Lentil Stuffed Peppers, along with a variety of appetizers, sides, desserts, and wine. Tickets are $30 per person, and you may RSVP to Gabe Benton at
St. Barnabas' Church, Wilmington, Quilt Raffle
Supporting Episcopal Relief and Development for Ukraine!
Drawing to be held Sunday, June 5
This is the last opportunity to buy tickets!
For more information and to purchase tickets, click here
Baptized in Tear Gas: From White Moderate to Abolitionist by Elle Dowd: The Becoming Beloved Community Ministry of St. Barnabas’ Episcopal Church invites you to join us in a Zoom book study and discussion on dismantling racism and transforming the church.
Mondays June 6, 13, and 20, 7-8:30pm
The book to be discussed is: Baptized in Tear Gas: From White Moderate to Abolitionist by Elle Dowd.
You are invited to join St. Thomas's Parish, Newark in celebrating the good works of the Rev. Deacon Cecily Sawyer Harmon, Saturday, June 11, 4-6:30pm
Cecily officially retired in January 2022, however, because of Covid precautions, a celebration was scheduled for a later time. Now that the weather has warmed up, there will be a gathering in the Grove. Food and fun will take place in the open green space to the side of the church building for some delicious food, and lots of fun!
Mass Poor People’s and Low-Wage Workers' Assembly and Moral March on Washington
and to the Polls with Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival
Saturday, June 18 - Buses leaving from Delaware
Buses will leave from Delaware at 6:45am (and return/leave at 3:45pm) to arrive in time for a 9am gathering and 10am start from 3rd and Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC. Secure Bus Seats at: Follow the prompts and you should have a bus seat in a few minutes. Precise bus drop-off locations for each State are not yet determined. Buses will drop off at either Union Station or RFK Stadium. Plan on a good hike or bring money/credit card for use of the Metro.
Huge Outdoor Craft and Vendor Fair
Grace Church, Wilmington
June 25, 9am-3pm
Welcome to our inaugural Craft and Vendor Fair! Dozens of crafters and vendors selling their goods-something for everyone! Food trucks will be on site for breakfast and lunch!
Space Available on Choral Pilgrimage to England
July 19-August 1
Come join the Christ Church Christiana Hundred choral pilgrimage to England this summer! We have room for a few more pilgrims. The pilgrims stay in Norwich, visiting Ely, Walsingham, and an outing on the Broads, then move to London with day trips in the vicinity and evenings in town, starting with Evensong at St. Paul’s Cathedral where the Christ Church Choir will be in residence. You can find more information and cost here
Are You Called to Walk Where Jesus Walked?
June 18-28, 2023
Consider joining Christ Church Christiana Hundred parishioners and friends on a trip to the Holy Land. St. George’s Anglican College in Jerusalem is offering a “Footsteps of Jesus, Level II” course in summer 2023. It is not a tour of the Holy Land but a pilgrimage: a time for worship, guided meditation, reflection, and silence at key sites in the life of Christ. Our pilgrimage will be June 18-28, 2023, and reservations are being accepted now at the link below. (Please register through Christ Church directly and not through St. George’s.) The total trip cost is estimated to be $4,500 to $5,000 (round-trip transportation to Newark airport, coach airfare estimated to be $1,400, round-trip transportation to St. George’s College and Tel Aviv airport, and $2,600 for St. George’s tuition, room, and board). Scholarship opportunities may be available through St. George’s College. Reserve your spot below with a $500 deposit per person. More information
80th General Convention News
COVID-19 safety changes have been announced for the 80th General Convention
News from the Anglican Communion
Archbishop of Canterbury issues call to prayer for the fifteenth Lambeth Conference
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has issued a call for people to pray for the Lambeth Conference of Anglican bishops, and to set aside Trinity Sunday, June 12, as a dedicated day of prayer. Bishops from dioceses serving communities in more than 165 countries throughout the world have been invited to Canterbury in Kent, England, for the once-a-decade gathering, which will take place from July 26-August 8 at the University of Kent in Canterbury, Canterbury Cathedral, and Lambeth Palace. “The Lambeth Conference theme of ‘God’s Church for God’s World’, reminds us that we are called upon as Christians to pray for the needs of the world”, Archbishop Justin said in a message posted on the official Lambeth Conference website. “There are many calls upon our prayers at this time: world peace, the global climate crisis, the effects of the pandemic – to name but a few." Read full announcement here
The Secretary General of the Anglican Communion, Archbishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon, planted a tree as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy. More information
Archbishop to miss Platinum Jubilee service due to Covid-19 and mild pneumonia
The Archbishop of Canterbury has today tested positive for Covid-19 and has also been suffering with mild pneumonia since last week. He will therefore not be preaching at the Service of Thanksgiving for The Queen’s reign at St Paul’s Cathedral on Friday this week. More information
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no later than Monday noon for a Wednesday publication.