July 27, 2022
In this edition: Lambeth Conference - letter from Bishop Brown; A Call to a Life of Faith; Faith Efficiency Mini Grant Launch; Fun Fact; Did You Know?; Check it Out!; Upcoming events; News in the ECD community, The Episcopal Church, and the Anglican Communion
A retreat for bishops and the opening and closing worship services of the Lambeth Conference 2022 will be held at Canterbury Cathedral.
Bishop Kevin S. Brown
attends Lambeth Conference

July 26 - August 8

God's Church for God's World
The Lambeth Conference is called by the archbishop of Canterbury, typically once a decade. More than 650 bishops are registered to attend, including more than 100 from The Episcopal Church.
Letters from Lambeth
Bishop Brown
Hello beloved in Delaware,
I send you greetings from the University of Kent in Canterbury, England, and the fifteenth Lambeth Conference. Caroline and I, like the great majority of bishops and spouses attending the conference, will eat, sleep, and work on this lovely campus just a mile and a half from Canterbury Cathedral. We arrived yesterday and in only a few hours we met folks from every continent! No doubt, our communion spans the globe. Today’s agenda is full of introductory events and conversations, and tomorrow we begin two days of retreat and study centered around the First Letter of Peter. The conference itself begins Saturday.

Our joy at being here is tempered greatly by the Archbishop of Canterbury’s decision not to invite the same-sex husbands and wives of our gay and lesbian bishops to the conference. While we long knew it was the case, it is nonetheless painful to see this personal rejection embodied in this way and at this time and place. ... Continue reading.
To learn more about the Lambeth Conference, click on the buttons below
Commission on Ministry
A Call to a
Life of Faith

by the Rev.
Jeffrey A. Ross
Read article here
Diocesan Discernment Day

  • October 1, 9am - 3pm
  • St Peter's, Lewes
  • online and in-person
  • more information to follow
A wonderful opportunity to make your congregation
energy efficient and help the environment!
Faith Efficiency Mini Grant Launch
July 28, 10-11am
Episcopal Church of Sts. Andrew & Matthew, Wilmington

In partnership with Energize Delaware, Delaware Interfaith Power & Light is excited to bring this grant opportunity to Delaware congregations to build efficiency and resiliency.

Thoughtful stewardship of natural resources reduces pollution, protects our life-sustaining ecosystems, and conserves resources for future generations.

Come and learn how your congregation can apply for a grant (up to $6,000) to make your congregation energy efficient and help the environment. Refreshments will be provided.
Fun Fact

Question: Which diocesan clergyman was a powder man who first came to Delaware to work for the Du Pont Company, eventually becoming director of the black powder division?

Clue: He was ordained a deacon at the age of 54, was raised to the priesthood four years later, refused to take any pay as a minister, and when retired from active ministry took charge of the diocesan office and managed the bishop's correspondence.

Answer: Here

Image: "Black Powder Press" by www78 is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0.
This Week in Civil Rights History
Check it Out!
Abolition of slavery
On July 26, 1833, having abolished the slave trade in 1807, Britain's House of Commons banned slavery itself. When politician and abolitionist William Wilberforce, who had spent most of his life crusading against slavery, heard the news, he said, "Thank God I have lived to witness this day." He died three days later.

Did You Know?
Chicago Race Riots
On July 27, 1919, the Chicago Race Riots were ignited. Eugene Williams, a Black 17-year-old floated across a non-existent, but acknowledged, color line separating whites from Blacks in the swimming area. Whites hurled stones at Williams who drowned. The volatile situation exploded and by the end of the riots, 38 people had been killed.

Image:"Chicago History Museum, race riot, 1919 (2)" by ukdamian is licensed under
Cycle of Prayer in the Episcopal Church in Delaware
This week (week of July 24), in our diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we hold up in prayer St. David's Church, Wilmington, the Rev. Brad Hinton, rector; the Rev. Deacon Bruce Richards, deacon; and the Rev. Anna Waid, priest associate. For the July – August 2022 Cycle of Prayer, click here.
Upcoming Events in Our Community

Free Vacation Bible School
Grace Church, Wilmington
August 1-5, 5:30-8:30pm
Dinner included!
Location: 4900 Concord Pike, Wilmington, DE 19803
Fore more information visit:
Christ Church Christiana Hundred Golf Classic, Hartefield National Golf course, Monday, August 29
Hit the links at Hartefeld National Golf Course on Monday, August 29 to benefit Christ Church and Preschool programs. Registration and lunch begin at 11:30 AM, with a shotgun start at 1pm. Even if you don’t golf, all are welcome to attend the evening’s reception from 5:30 - 7:30pm. The cost per golfer is $250, with a $50 discount for those ages 21-25. Several levels of sponsorship opportunities are available as well. Link your business identity to Christ Church and its preschool while enjoying the opportunity to network, entertain clients, and have fun. Visit www.christchurchde.org/golf-classic-post for details and to register.
News from The Episcopal Church
July Evangelism Newsletter
This month we continue exploring our Episcopal Evangelism challenge for 2022: Creating authentic communities of friends within our churches to live out our baptismal promises and the church's mission—to restore and be restored in unity with God and each other, in Christ.Our guest Evangelism Catalyst this month is Rachel Jones, who writes about sharing the gift of Good News with those closest to us. Read July newsletter here
The Episcopal Church will create a fact-finding commission to research the denomination’s role in the federal Indian boarding school system that separated generations of Indigenous children from their families and cultures in the 19th and 20th centuries. More information
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