July 6, 2022
In this edition: General Convention begins this week; Message from Bishop Brown; Fun Fact; Did You Know?; Check it Out!; Upcoming events; News in the ECD community, The Episcopal Church, and the Anglican Communion

80th General Convention begins this week!

July 8 – 11, 2022
Baltimore, Maryland
Prayer for Convention
Almighty and everlasting Father, you have given the Holy Spirit to abide with us for ever: Bless, we pray, with his grace and presence, the bishops and the other clergy and the laity soon to be assembled in your Name, that your Church, being preserved in true faith and godly discipline, may fulfill all the mind of him who loved it and gave himself for it, your Son Jesus Christ our Savior; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity of the same Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.
All are welcome to watch livestream worship and legislative sessions of The Episcopal Church’s 80th General Convention in Baltimore, July 8-11. The sessions — in English and Spanish — will be available on the church’s GC80 Media Hub. All convention information can also be found on the diocesan website, here
Resolutions at the 80th General Convention
What is the life of a resolution
at General Convention?
In this video, view a short comedic video
that explains more about the resolution
process at general convention.
View all resolutions to the 80th General Convention here
Message from Bishop Brown
Nominations process for the Episcopal Church in Delaware
An opportunity to invite someone to a leadership position in the Episcopal Church in Delaware. Bishop Brown speaks to the nomination process in this video.

  • Nominations deadline for publication submission: August 20
  • Nominations form: click here
Tuesday Toolbox Sessions
  • July 12 "Community involvement and outreach"
  • Aug 9 "Responsible social media usage and engagement with youth"
  • September in person lunch meet up!
  • Read more here
To receive your Zoom link, or if you have any questions or concerns, please email Please feel free to invite friends — ALL youth leaders in Delaware are welcome to join in the discussion.
Fun Fact, June 22, 2022

Question: Which diocesan priest served in several Wilmington churches while also maintaining his job with the city as supervisor and foreman in the construction of sewers and the laying of water pipes?

Clue: He was born in England, came to Wilmington before the turn of the 20th century, and was not ordained until he was 56 years old.

Answer: Here

Image: Men in north trunk sewer siphon tunnel, 1913 by Seattle Municipal Archives
This week in Christian history
Did You Know?
On On this date in 1768, Conrad Beissel (March 1, 1691 – July 6, 1768) died. Born in Germany, Beissel emigrated to Pennsylvania in 1720. He joined the local German Baptists, but led his followers out of fellowship with them as he came to believe that the Jewish Sabbath was the correct day of the Lord. Henceforth, his people would be called German Seventh Day Baptists. In 1732, in Lancaster County, Beissel established his celibate “Camp of the Solitary” – now called Ephrata Cloister. The community inevitably shrank, ending up with just one member by 1900. The German Seventh Day Baptist Church that Beissel founded survives, but Ephrata Cloister is now a monument run by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. More information

Image: Jan Stryz, Michigan State Univ. This silhouette, the only known image of Conrad Beissel, reflects his lack of regard for earthly vanities. 
Check It Out!
On this date in 1813, Granville Sharp (10 November 1735 – 6 July 1813) died. Sharp was one of the first British campaigners for the abolition of the slave trade.  Sharp contested slavery and won an important ruling that no person could remain a slave upon English soil, one of the most significant achievements in the campaign to abolish slavery. He formulated the plan to settle Black people in Sierra Leone, and founded the St. George's Bay Company, a forerunner of the Sierra Leone Company. His efforts led to both the founding of the Province of Freedom, and later of Freetown, Sierra Leone, and so he is considered to be one of the founding fathers of Sierra Leone. He was also a biblical scholar, a classicist, and a talented musician. More information

Cycle of Prayer in the Episcopal Church in Delaware
This week (week of July 3), in our diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we hold up in prayer St. Paul's Church, Georgetown, the Rev. Dr. Elizabeth Kaeton, pastor. For the July – August 2022 Cycle of Prayer, click here.
Upcoming Events in Our Community

2022 Annual Giving
Campaign Workshops
Workshop #1
Tuesday, July 12
Workshop #2
Saturday, July 16
for Once On This Island! Friday, July 29, 7:30pm 
Enjoy Caribbean rhythms, iconic Broadway tunes, and a compelling story of love's triumph over all, as performed by our talented summer camp participants.
Once on a golden and verdant Caribbean island, a little girl is rescued from a disastrous storm by four gods—Asaka, Mother of the Earth; Agwé, god of Water; Erzulie, goddess of Love; and Papa Ge, demon of Death. So starts the myth told in this breathtaking story of Black joy and sorrow, the aftermath of colonization and isolation, and the triumph of love against all forces. Told with Caribbean rhythms and instruments, this Tony Award–winning musical is a testament that a beautiful story simply told has the power to inspire and heal all. Tickets: $25 (General Admission) $15 (Child Under 10) Get your tickets here or reserve online at or tel: 302.543.8657 x4
News from The Episcopal Church
The Episcopal Church Office of Creation Care announces the opening of the 2022 Creation Care grant funding cycle, with applications available in English and Spanish being accepted for local and regional eco-ministry projects until 5pm, August 15. More information
You may read the June Creation Care Newsletter here
The Great EpisGOpal Race returns this fall, featuring a partnership between the United Thank Offering and Episcopal Migration Ministries in its third year. This popular fundraiser offers multiple ways to participate and raise funds to support special ministries and missions. Registration is open online for the virtual race, scheduled for September 3-11.
News from the Anglican Communion
Protecting freedom of religion or belief protects everyone, Archbishop tells governments
Restrictions on freedom of worship often go hand-in-hand with other forms of repression, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has warned government ministers from around the world. He told a global summit on Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) in London how faith inspires “billions” of people in the world today to serve their communities.
Lambeth Conference history articles available from the Historical Society of the Episcopal Church
Three articles on the history of the Lambeth Conference are featured in the June 2022 issue of Anglican and Episcopal History. The quarterly journal is published by the Historical Society of the Episcopal Church. The articles are publicly available at This open source access is designed to enhance knowledge of historical perspective to the 15th Lambeth Conference being convened at the end of July 2022 by the Archbishop of Canterbury.
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no later than Monday noon for a Wednesday publication.