August 3, 2022
In this edition: Two churches engaged in community; Lambeth Conference-PB video; Fun Fact; Did You Know?; Check it Out!; Upcoming events; News in the ECD community, The Episcopal Church, and the Anglican Communion
Two Delaware Episcopal churches
connecting with community

St. Stephen's – Harrington
Sts. Andrew & Matthew (SsAM) – Wilmington
St. Stephen's, Harrington, a small church without a priest, has a big presence in the Harrington community! Again this year they will participate in Harrington Heritage Day to be held on August 27.
Members of St. Stephen's in Harrington working at the parish booth during a Harrington Heritage Day event.
Harrington Heritage Day has been held in August for over 40 years and attracts around 3,000 attendees. There is a parade, food booths, vendors; all three museums are open, and there's entertainment all day long. This year the parade will be bigger than usual due to this being an election year. St. Stephen’s has participated for many years and this year it will be giving away various items with the church's name, address, and website:
  • Find a Church: You're Invited mailers
  • bottles of water with information about St. Stephen’s
  • pencils with St. Stephen’s name
  • small tote bags with St. Stephen’s information
  • postcards of the church
  • cookbooks for sale
  • and a bake sale, income from which will cover the cost of the giveaways.
SsAM, a large inner-city (Wilmington) congregation, reached beyond the church to help launch the Faith Efficiency Mini Grant, July 28.
L to R: The Rev. Dr. Jeanne Boardman, DIPL regional director, D-L Casson, SsAM parish administrator, the Rev. James M. Bimbi, SsAM interim rector, Matt Myers, county executive, John Sykes, DIPL founder/president, Dan Kasper, Del Tech auditor, Scheta Arya, DIPL executive director; Suzanne Sebastian, Energize DE deputy director.
In partnership with Energize Delaware and Delaware Interfaith Power & Light (DIPL), SsAM hosted the launch of this grant which allows Delaware congregations to build efficiency and resiliency. In addition to learning how congregations can apply for a grant to become energy efficient and help the environment, attendees learned how thoughtful stewardship of natural resources reduces pollution, protects our life-sustaining ecosystems, and conserves resources for future generations.
Opening prayer at beginning of press conference
for the Faith Efficiency Mini-Grant Launch

written by the Rev. James M. Bimbi
Blessed Creator, we look to you in awe for the abundance and beauty which you have provided for all the creatures of the earth. May we never claim it as ours alone. Enlighten us to use it wisely in the present age, being ever mindful of the generations to come. Inspire us, and all the peoples of the earth, to take actions that will preserve these sacred resources so necessary to our common life. This we pray, with gratitude to those who are calling us towards a more sustainable tomorrow. Let it be so. Amen.
Old St. Stephen's Church Museum in Harrington
One of Harrington's museums is the old St. Stephen’s Church, built in 1875. There are several artifacts from the old church in the museum, the most valuable of which is the Rose Window. Viva Poore, a member of the church and also a member of the Historical Society that owns the old church, will give some of the Heritage Day tours. When giving tours, she always mentions that the "new" church is still active in the community offering Sunday services as well as events throughout the year.
Lambeth Conference
Message from Presiding Bishop Michael Curry on Lambeth Call on Human Dignity

"In our church we are making plenty good room for all of God's children."
Bishop Kevin S. Brown — messages from Lambeth

To learn more about the Lambeth Conference, click on the buttons below
Who Am I?

by Tomoko Saito Werbe
Read article here
“In this world the socially disadvantaged man is constantly given a negative answer to the most important personal questions upon which his mental health depends: Who am I? What am I?”

Jesus and the Disinherited, Howard Thurman
Fun Fact

Question: Which diocesan bishop so much enjoyed visitations that he said: "I had many pleasant Sussex homes, in Georgetown, Seaford, Laurel, Millsboro, Delmar, and many outlying farms, but of all of them the one I most cared for was the Lewes Rectory under the shadow of St. Peter's."

Clue: One year he spent 32 Sundays in Kent and Sussex counties, 15 with parishes and missions which had no clergy.

Answer: Here

Image:. "farmhouse 1" by mmahaffie is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.
On This Day in Christian History
Did You Know?
Prayers that led to the Cambridge Seven
On this day in 1883, Harold Schofield (1851–1883), just 31 years old, died of typhus. Two and a half years before, he left behind a bright future in England's medical world to serve as a missionary doctor with the China Inland Mission, the first Protestant missionary allowed into the heart of China. His heart ached under the weight of lost souls and he knelt again and again, sometimes foregoing food, to pray that God would send more men to spread the gospel among the Chinese. His prayer was for more than just missionaries. He was praying for a specific kind of person, men who could lead, so he was praying for university men, men equipped in England's top colleges with the finest mental and physical training. He pressed God for an answer but would not live to learn the outcome. But God heard his prayer. A year and a half later, in February, 1885, on a platform in London, seven university men, all of them athletic and scholarly, stood to testify how God had changed their hearts and led them to offer themselves for mission work in China, the Cambridge Seven. More information

AuthorPhotographer Thomas Charles Turner
Check it Out!
The Cambridge Seven
Montagu Harry Proctor Beauchamp, Stanley P. Smith, Arthur and Cecil Polhill-Turner, Dixon Edward Hoste, William Wharton Cassels, and C.T. Studd have been called the Cambridge Seven. They’ve also been called the Dream Team of Missions. They were all British aristocrats, educated in Britain’s finest schools. They all hailed from some of the finest families of England. In February 1885, the Cambridge Seven left for China, having been accepted as missionaries in the China Inland Mission. This was one of the grand gestures of 19th-century missions, making them religious celebrities; as a result, their story was published as "The Evangelisation of the World" and was distributed to every YMCA and YWCA throughout the British Empire and the United States. They all served in China for many years. C, T. Studd is known for two sayings: “Only one life, ’twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last,” and “Some want to live within the sound of church or chapel bell. I want to run a rescue shop within a yard of hell.”

Cycle of Prayer in the Episcopal Church in Delaware
This week (week of July 31), in our diocesan Cycle of Prayer, we hold up in prayer Trinity Parish, Wilmington, the Rev. Patricia Downing, rector, and the Rev. Charles Lane Cowen, associate rector. For the July – August 2022 Cycle of Prayer, click here.
Upcoming Events in Our Community
Encore Creativity, the nation’s largest choral organization for older adults comes to Trinity Parish, Wilmington
Fall semester begins September 8
The Encore Chorale of Wilmington is open to anyone 55 and older, no prior singing experience is necessary, and there are no auditions. Encore focuses on creating musical excellence while also having fun! David Simmons, Trinity’s director of music, is the conductor of the new Encore Chorale of Wilmington. Each semester is 14-15 weeks in length and the fall 2022 semester rehearsals begin on Thursday, September 8. Weekly rehearsals are held on Thursday mornings from 10-11:30am. Each semester culminates in a public performance. Register for fall 2022 semester online Full and partial scholarships based on financial need are available. More information
News from The Episcopal Church
The Rev. Michael Barlowe, secretary of the General Convention, invites Episcopalians from across the church to apply for appointment to the various interim bodies created by General Convention. These committees, commissions, and task forces carry out the work of The Episcopal Church between conventions. More information (In English and Spanish)
Time is running out to apply for a 2022 Creation Care grant!
Deadline: August 15, 5 p.m. ET
Up to eight grants — ranging from $10,000 to $25,000 each — will be awarded to Episcopal programs and ministries that address the impacts of environmental racism and support regional and local collaborative eco-justice projects. More information.
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