August 19, 2020
"I do not believe people are afraid of change; they're afraid of loss."
Bishop Brown
IN THIS EDITION: Global race towards a vaccine, Youth ministry, Fire and formation, Fun Fact, Check it Out, Did you Know? and more...
Bishop announces important information
about the diocesan annual convention
  • Learn about new guidelines, certification, voting process, deadlines, and important dates.
COVID: Global race towards a vaccine, August 19, 7:00 pm
BCM presents an online program on the vaccine journey from laboratory bench to clinical application.
The talk will cover highlights from an expert panel presented last week by the Pan-American Health Organization and the World Health Organization, in which the Rev. Dr. Marta Illueca shared the key aspects of the discovery and pharmaceutical development that are notably connected to the race for a COVID-19 vaccine.
Fun Fact
Question: In which church's cemetery is the oldest inscribed tombstone in Delaware?

Clue: It was placed in 1707.

Answer: here.
Did you know?
Norman Rockwell memorialized the murder in Mississippi of three student civil rights workers
"Norman Rockwell is easily the most beloved and well-known American illustrator of the 20th century. Celebrated for his charming anecdotal covers for Saturday Evening Post and other periodicals from the 1920s through the 1970s, it is no exaggeration to say that he defined key socially-shared, popular icons of each of these decades. His technique and wit are well known. But he had a darker, more serious mode that emerged late in his career." Read article by Dennis Raverty, associate professor of art history at New Jersey City University here.
Check it out!
You can hear recorded
daily prayer from the Church of England online
Join your brothers and sisters in Christ from all around the world. Listen to a service of Daily Prayer and join in with thousands of others saying these words each day. Listen here.

You may also access services of Daily Prayer which are available in both contemporary and traditional forms and for all times of day here. You may light a candle online here to pray for yourself, for a loved one, or for a situation.

Whatever is going on, make space to pray in your life.
Curriculum During Quarantine
Via Zoom, Saturday,
August 22,
10am - 12pm

Register here
Saturday October 3, 2020
A Special Zoom Gathering
sponsored by the
Commission on Ministry
Delaware Women and the Impact of COVID-19
Report from Delaware Women's Advancement and Advocacy

Read full report on impact on women in areas of employment, health disparities, economic security, and social inequities here.
Cycle of Prayer in the Episcopal Church in Delaware
This week (week of August 16) we hold up in prayer Episcopal Campus Ministries. For 2019-2020 Cycle of Prayer Calendar click here.
News from the Episcopal Church in Delaware
The Episcopal Church in Delaware has joined the state-wide challenge and journey, 21-Day Racial Equity Challenge, August 17 - September 6

Led by the United Way of Delaware and YWCA Delaware, the challenge is a state-wide virtual journey into the history of racism here at home in Delaware. The Episcopal Church in Delaware is a partner (a “challenge champion”) in this effort. A personal commitment of time (5-30 minutes a day for three weeks), an internet connection, and openness to learning are all that are required. Read more about the challenge here. Register to participate here.
236th Annual Convention — November 20-22, 2020
Nominations: the deadline is Friday, August 21.
As members of the Episcopal Church, we all share in its leadership and oversight, often by serving on parish and diocesan teams and committees. Any active Episcopalian in the Episcopal Church in Delaware may nominate someone to serve on a diocesan-wide body. You may nominate yourself as well. Please prayerfully consider a person you know who might be ready to serve at the diocesan level. If you have questions, feel free to contact John Michael Sophos, Nominations Chairperson, [email protected] or D-L Casson, Secretary of Convention, [email protected].
Support Camp Arrowhead by buying a special edition shirt!
As you know, the pandemic forced Camp Arrowhead to cancel its spring retreat groups and summer camp. Some of you were personally affected and many more of you shared in our grief. Over the years, many of you have expressed how camp feels like home or that camp is your happy place. Show your support and Arrowhead pride with a special edition acrostic design shirt — C.A.M.P. Camp Arrowhead's My Place. You can choose from six colors and up to 12 sizes at a price of $4.99 for one, $6.98 for two, $8.97 for three, and $9.99 for four or more. These are limited edition and shirt orders will close August 26 and should arrive at your door by September 14. All proceeds go directly towards relieving the impact of Covid-19 on camp’s operating budget. Order your shirt here.
The Way Home (TWH) is seeking an Episcopal priest to serve as a volunteer board member
TWH is a prison ministry and a non-denominational, non-profit organization with 501(c)(3) status. The principal criteria are that the board member have an interest in serving the special needs population TWH deals with and whether their experience and skill-set strengthen the program; of particular interest would be folks with financial, business, or administrative experience. Board members do not work directly with clients, rather the Board provides the administrative structure and support that staff need in order to carry out their mission of service. Meetings are held in Georgetown. For more information, please contact the board chairman, Daniel D. Cowell, MD, MLS, DLFAPA, either by phone 302.537.0769 or email [email protected] and see more information about TWH on Facebook here.
Walking With God — Episcopal Church Women (ECW) 2020 Annual Business Meeting and Worship
Saturday, October 10, 10am-12noon
The ECW of Delaware will hold its 2020 Annual Business Meeting and Worship by Zoom this year because of the pandemic. More information in Proclaim! the August newsletter here.
Celebrate Sea Sunday! Remembering Seafarers - Our Supply Chain Heroes, September 20, 2020
Almost everything we use in our daily life arrives by ship. And it is seafarers, an invisible society of workers that bring those ships to our shores. As we drive our imported cars, eat fresh fruit, and wear clothing that is manufactured overseas we give little thought as to how these items made it into our stores. At the Seamen's Center of Wilmington we see firsthand the sacrifices these workers make in order to earn a living for their families. This year, more than ever, we have witnessed that dedication as seafarers were not able to set foot on shore for months on end due to COVID-19. We have seen crew after crew unable to go home when their contract ended, again due to the pandemic. Remembering them on Sea Sunday has never been more important. More information.
Annual Giving is up and running!
We are pleased to be able to offer you resources for your Annual Giving campaigns in 2020 for your 2021 Fiscal Year. These are easily downloadable for your parishes to use and adapt to your needs. For some, using the writeable PDF format may be best, and for others the Microsoft Word format may work. If you decide to use these resources, please know that they are generic and “over-written” so that you can customize them to the needs of your community. Full information on the diocesan website here.

Thank you to all who have supported the diocesan offerings!
Read a message of thanks from Helen King Spence, Chair, Diocesan Stewardship Resource Team, here.
Province III ECW Virtual Meeting, August 22, 10am-2pm
Province III ECW are about to embark on a new way of conducting their business. Next month they will hold their 101st Annual Meeting virtually. Download full information: Letter of announcement, Registration Form, Candidate Information, Nominating Committee Letter, Province III Job Descriptions.
News from the Episcopal Church
"I Condemned Trump’s Bible Photo-Op And Went Viral. Here’s What That Moment Taught Me"
The Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington said: “It seemed to others that I was being brave. It felt more like I was being summoned to stand with others who were being brave.” Read full article here.
Episcopal Church House of Bishops July 2020: A Word on Protest and Federal Policing
The House of Bishops met virtually July 28-29, 2020. The following statement was adopted on July 29. While the situation on the ground in Portland has changed, the bishops believe it is important to share their statement about protest and policing. More information in English More information in Spanish
Episcopal Church plants seeds for 10 new ministries
At its June meeting, The Episcopal Church Executive Council approved grants totaling $213,551.00 for new church starts and missional communities. Resolutions A005 and A032 approved by General Convention in 2018 authorized the Task Force on Church Planting and Congregational Redevelopment to solicit and recommend grants for new and continued funding for new worshipping communities and missional enterprise ventures throughout The Episcopal Church. Read full press release in English here, and in Spanish here.
Third season of The Way of Love with Bishop Michael Curry podcast continues with guest Ruby Sales
In the latest episode, Bishop Curry talks with legendary leader Ruby Sales about her long and enduring work for civil rights and freedom in the United States. The two discuss how she was introduced to these movements, her search for a calling, and the potential of The Episcopal Church to lead in honest racial justice and reconciliation. To Go on the Way of Love is to cross boundaries, listen deeply, and live like Jesus. To do any of these things, and to have any hope of healing, we need to be able to tell each other the truth and go, as Ruby Sales says, “where it hurts.” Full information here.
Season of Creation, September 1 – October 4, 2020 Devotions offered by four leaders
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry and the leaders of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), the Anglican Church of Canada and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada have prepared a series of devotions to observe the Season of Creation 2020, September 1–October 4. Read full information here.
News from the Anglican Communion
Covid-19 and Domestic Abuse
A major new resource jointly published by the Anglican Consultative Council and the Anglican Alliance. produced by Mandy Marshall, Director for Gender Justice: “Domestic Abuse and COVID-19: How Churches can respond” is now available in French, Spanish, Portuguese and Kiswahili in addition to an updated English version. Further translations are in the pipeline. The resource is available free of charge from the Gender Justice page of the Anglican Communion website –
What do Anglicans Believe?
Stephen Spencer, Director for Theological Education, has produced a new study guide as an introduction to Christian doctrine. What do Anglicans Believe? A Study Guide to Christian Doctrine from Anglican and Ecumenical Statements is published today in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. It can be freely copied and distributed (but not for a fee) and downloaded from the Theological Education in the Anglican Communion (TEAC) page of the Anglican Communion website: interactive study guide can be used in a range of settings from seminaries to home study groups.
Lambeth Conference and the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Together in Unity Appeal
The Archbishop of Canterbury has taken the decision to further postpone the Lambeth Conference until the British summer of 2022. Later this year details will be given of a four-year program leading up to and extending beyond the Lambeth Conference. This programme will be designed to allow the whole Anglican Communion – priests and laity as well as bishops – engage with the issues that the bishops will consider in their face-to-face meeting in July and August 2022. Last week, when the bishops had been due to be gathered at the University of Kent in Canterbury, Archbishop Justin launched the Together in Unity Appeal; and asked bishops across the Communion to join in a global response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Details of the Archbishop’s appeal can be found at Many mission agencies throughout the Anglican Communion have launched their own appeals, and many of these are included in a composite article on the Anglican Communion News Service:
Submissions: Please submit announcement information for The Net to [email protected]
no later than Monday noon for a Wednesday publication.