Vote Faithfully Series
with Bishop Brown
Bishop Brown talks about how we might live into this complicated election season by focusing on the love of God and how we might manifest it in our vote and our local community.
Video and text are provided in English and Spanish
Worship Service
Sunday, November 1, 7pm
— praying together for our country and our election —
via Zoom webinar
"God's People:
Resilience in Times of Trouble"
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, preached this sermon via video at a service of Holy Eucharist at Washington National Cathedral, Washington D.C., on Sunday, September 27, 2020.
Out of the Garden Shed:
Growing, Tending, Sharing in Time of Pandemic
by Lola Michael Russell
This article first appeared in the Fall edition of the Delaware Communion Magazine.
Question: Who was the first bishop elect of the diocese to tour Delaware in an automobile?
Clue: Later in life he became a Roman Catholic.
You may join the Ordination of the Rev. Deacon Maryann Younger virtually
You are invited to the ordination at 11am on Saturday, October 17 at St. David's, Wilmington via livestream here.
Exuberant dancing priest and a
joyful choir
Experience the joy of the priest and amazing choir of Sacred Heart Church in Omaha, Nebraska, in their version of Oh Happy Day.
Cycle of Prayer in the Episcopal Church in Delaware
This week (week of October 11) we hold up in prayer postulants/candidates for Holy Orders, the diaconate ministry, and the members of the Commission on Ministry. For 2020-2021 Cycle of Prayer Calendar click here.
News from the Episcopal Church in Delaware and community
Read the Fall 2020 edition of the Province III Newsletter here.
Enjoy the upcoming holidays with delicious Sees Chocolates while supporting the National Cathedral!
The Delaware Chapter of the National Cathedral Association has launched its annual Sees Chocolates fundraiser. All profits go to the National Cathedral. Please place your orders by November 6 to ensure delivery by Thanksgiving, by contacting Sue Lunger at or 302.654.1583. See the variety of chocolates available here.
Invite Welcome Connect (IWC) Task Force
Evangelism is a concept that is sometimes difficult for even the most outgoing of us. The IWC task force has been working over the last few months to support all diocesan churches in this work. Read about the task force efforts and how it can help your parish here.
The Prayer and Pain Scale project is taking off!
The Episcopal Church in Delaware will be joining experts from major academic centers to help solve some age-old mysteries around the use of prayer for healing purposes, specifically for physical pain. This project was awarded a United Thank Offering grant for 2020. If you or someone you know is suffering with chronic pain and may be interested in participating by answering questions about their prayer life or meditation practices, please have them contact the Rev. Dr. Marta Illueca/Clergy-Medical Liaison or Ms. Cindi Cozza/ Volunteer Coordinator at 302.803.6818 or by email at p for more information. Enrollment is expected to start by October 19 and we will keep you updated with information for direct access to the research platform. To learn more about the Pain and Prayer Project you may view a short video by Rev. Marta Illueca here.
Camp Arrowhead completes major projects, and opens to small retreats and rentals
Although there was no summer camp program, the staff was kept busy with finishing and hardscaping two much needed buildings. The Bishop Wright Pavilion, a 4,000 square foot meeting space was built on the site of the old Rec Hall. With its stage, fire pit, new sound system, lighting, and varied seating choices the site will greatly benefit both summer camp and retreat rentals. The pavilion exceeds all expectations and is a magnificent legacy for retired Bishop, Wayne Wright. Meanwhile, out in the Pioneer section of camp, where the older campers live, a new shower house was completed. More information and photographs
Camp Arrowhead, Lewes is seeking a part-time retreat registrar
Camp Arrowhead is in immediate need of an organized and friendly part time retreat registrar. Applicant must be able to easily commute to camp for meetings and greeting groups and work well with both clients and staff. Up to 19 hours per week, phone and computer for remote work provided. To request further information or job description please contact or call 302-945-0610. We are an equal opportunity employer.
Registration now open for MLK Voice 4 Youth Contest, an opportunity for youth to be heard.
Share how Dr. King's legacy inspires you and guides your response to challenges presented by COVID-19, racism, and social justice. $2,000 first prize, $1,000 second prize, and $500 third prize. See flyer here. More information on Facebook here or contest website here.
Memorial House has reopened, space available to welcome fall retreat groups
We are delighted to announce that Memorial House has reopened! Experience all that Memorial House has to offer with so much surrounding beauty, full amenities, and the opportunity to create memories that will last a lifetime. Be assured that Memorial House is committed to the wellbeing of all guests. Every precaution is taken to ensure the conference center is safe. All federal health and safety guidelines are followed as well as guidance from our state and local governments. For full information see here.
Episcopal Campus Ministries (ECM) has been awarded $10,000 through the CARES Act!
ECM at St. Thomas is alive and well during these strange times. These amazing youths are really showing their flexibility and commitment. Their food bank ministry, the Blue Hen Bounty, continues to serve and grow. The college students who visit the pantry are of all ages and walks of life and are grateful for the assistance. ECM applied for and received funding from the CARES Act and were awarded $10,000. This money will do so much for the community and all the students who will be helped. Please keep these youth in your prayers as they continue to let their lights shine in the community and the world. More information
News from the Episcopal Church
Life is Still Here
October 31 is Halloween, All Hallows’ Eve, and November 1 is All Saints' Day, one of the principal feasts of The Episcopal Church. On this day, the Church remembers the saints, known and unknown. The following day, November 2, is All Souls’ Day, a day for remembering all of the faithful departed. Taken together, these dates, which all give form to remembering and honoring the dead, are sometimes referred to as Allhallowtide. In this time of unprecedented loss, life is still here. Read the October 2020 Episcopal Evangelism newsletter here.
General Convention Task Force invites Episcopalians to participate in survey “Social Justice and the Episcopal Church: A Call for Stories”, Responses requested by: November 5, 2020
Episcopal Church Executive Council: opening remarks from the Presiding Bishop and from the President of the House of Deputies at the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church
On the 50th anniversary of women in the House of Deputies, here are the October 9 opening remarks of President of the House of Deputies, Gay Clark Jennings, in English and in Spanish. You may also read the opening remarks of Bishop Curry in English and in Spanish.
Executive Council passes 2021 budget, including $1 million in relief for struggling dioceses:
COVID-19 pandemic dominates governing body’s 4-day discussion
It was inevitable, heading into the October meeting of Executive Council, that the coronavirus pandemic would color much of the work of the church’s governing body. Cases of COVID-19 are still on the rise in the United States and worldwide, and some dioceses and their congregations are struggling with decreased revenue as the virus and precautions to slow it upend parish life. Read full ENS article here.
Data from 2019 Parochial Reports Now Available
The Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe, executive officer of the General Convention, has announced that the data from the 2019 Parochial Reports has been compiled and is available through a number of reports, in English and Spanish. The deadline for 2019 Parochial Report filing was extended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “Our data is only as good as the information we receive,” explained Ms. Iris DiLeonardo, research and language specialist, “and so we have great appreciation for all the hard work of everyone who completed the reports during all the current challenges.”
Exploring the complexity of layered disasters, Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD)
Going through one disaster brings up a roller coaster of emotions and it is all the more complicated when dealing with multiple events. We are experiencing numerous months-long fires out west, an active hurricane season in the Atlantic and Gulf, and an increasing number of COVID-19 cases in pockets around the country. Please continue to intercede for all of the people who face re-traumatization from repeated disasters. We encourage all church leaders to practice self-care in the best way possible and to remember that recovery is a marathon, not a sprint. Read Lamplight, a newsletter of ERD US Disaster Program here. Make a donation to ERD here.
September 2020 Episcopal-Presbyterian Dialogue Communiqué
Gathering remotely by Zoom on September 17th and 18th, 2020, the representatives of the Episcopal-Presbyterian Bilateral Dialogue met and considered how the two ecclesial traditions could work to deepen ties and work together for mutual mission. More information
Becoming Beloved Community NOW webinars
Thousands of racial justice and healing leaders and practitioners across The Episcopal Church gathered to build community, craft strategy, and equip each other for action during a series of “Becoming Beloved Community NOW” online gatherings at the end of July 2020. Convened by the Presiding Officers’ Advisory Group on Beloved Community Implementation, the three gatherings focused on three urgent themes:
- Truth - Telling the truth about participation in white supremacy and racial oppression.
- Justice - Changing racist systems, especially “criminal” justice and public health/COVID response.
- Healing - Breaking free of white supremacy via training and formation.
More information here. These webinars are now available for viewing here.
General Convention Task Force seeks participants representing the diversity of the church for Safe Church Listening Groups. Responses requested by: October 18, 2020
Sacred Spaces as Safe Places
Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry has issued the following statement: "The events in Louisville remind us of the need for safe spaces in times of conflict. Churches, synagogues, and mosques are houses of prayer, worship, and faith. Sacred spaces are safe places where the way of love and nonviolence, the way of peace, the way of justice, and the way of reconciliation can be affirmed and practiced. In deeply conflicted situations, these spaces can play a vital role in preventing escalation into upward spirals of violence. Respecting these spaces as safe places demonstrates a commitment to finding nonviolent solutions. This can help to broker peace and change that can move a community forward, in the direction of genuine justice and eventual reconciliation." Read full statement here.
Grants available for Young Adult and Campus Ministry, Application deadline November 20, 2020
Informational webinar offered October 1, 2020, 3:00pm EDT
The Episcopal Church announces its 2021 grants program for Young Adult and Campus Ministries currently engaged in or seeking new relationships with young adults on or off college campuses. Episcopal ministries or ecumenical ministries with an Episcopal presence are invited to apply. Eligible applicants include dioceses, congregations, or college/university ministries. Grant information and applications are available in English here and in Spanish here.
Walking with Asylum Seekers: A Training Series for Congregations
In the month of October, join Episcopal Migration Ministries, in partnership with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America (ELCA) and Lutheran Family Services of the Rocky Mountains (LFSRM), for a three-part training series for congregations interested in supporting and walking alongside asylum seekers. The three 90-minute virtual events will provide advocacy updates, resources for group discernment, ministry models, and important considerations when engaging in ministry with asylum seekers. More information
News from the Anglican Communion
Invitation to "virtual" consecration of the Bishop of Singapore
The Church in the Province of South East Asia is inviting Anglicans around the world to join them online this Sunday, 18 October, to participate in the consecration and enthronement of the Rev. Canon Dr Titus Chung as the 10th Bishop of Singapore. The service will take place at 4pm SGT/8am GMT on Sunday, October 18, and can be viewed on a YouTube live stream here.
Director for Mission, Canon John Kafwanka, steps down
The Director for Mission at the Anglican Communion Office, the Rev. Canon John Kafwanka, will step down in December to return to parish ministry. Canon John will become Vicar of the parish of St. Augustine of Canterbury, Whitton, in the Church of England’s Diocese of London. He has worked for the Anglican Communion Office for 14 years, the last 11 of those as Director for Mission. Full details here.
‘Renewal' for Church is coming despite ‘trauma’ of pandemic, say Archbishops
The Church will emerge “renewed and changed” from the crisis of the global coronavirus pandemic, the Archbishops of Canterbury and York have said.In a joint address to members of the Church of England’s General Synod, Archbishops Justin Welby and Stephen Cottrell said that a time of trauma, loss and struggle in this country and around the world, Christians have proved to be a “people of hope”. Read full article here.
Exploring Prayer: Five part video series on speaking and listening to God, by the Archbishop of Canterbury
Over five lessons, Archbishop Justin explores different ways of praying. From asking for things and giving thanks, to expressing deep sadness and anger, Exploring Prayer helps you begin — or develop — your conversation with God. View series here.
Update from Anglican Communion Office at the United Nations
The latest newsletter from the team at the Anglican Communion Office at the United Nations (ACOUN) has just been published. It contains news about a submission to the Human Rights Council about racial and gender inequality in Lebanese nationality laws; updates on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); a report on domestic abuse and Covid-19; and the views of an Anglican medical student from Burundi at an event exploring the impact of young women of faith on the Covid-19 pandemic. Click here to download the newsletter in PDF format; or click here to find it on the ACOUN web pages.
no later than Monday noon for a Wednesday publication.