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New Comprehensive Economic Recovery Initiative (CERI)
The Comprehensive Economic Recovery Initiative (CERI) was established in July 2020 to provide education, training, technical assistance, and research in partnership with hard hit communities and regions in Michigan. The CERI will partner with communities in Resiliency Planning, Financial Resiliency, Circular Economies, and Communications Infrastructure.

Read more here, or by clicking the image above, and pre-apply below!

Apply for Spring SLFG Projects!
Are you interested in applying for funding to support a Student-Led, Faculty-Guided Project during the 2021 Spring Semester? Work is completed by students at colleges and universities throughout the state, under the supervision of a community partner and an experienced faculty member. Apply here, or by clicking the image above!

Applications are due by November 13th!
Co-Learning Plan Authors
REI typically supports four Co-Learning Plans a year, and authors receive up to $8,000 in support. Co-Learning Plans can be written by practitioners, decision-makers, community leaders, entrepreneurs, scholars, or other stakeholders. Click here to look into Co-Learning Plan topics and apply here, or by clicking the image above!

Applications are due by November 20th!
Become an Innovation Fellow!
The Innovation Fellows Program seeks to incorporate the tools, models, and policies identified in Co-Learning Projects into practice in communities around Michigan. Innovation Fellows are funded through a competitive award process. Apply here, or by clicking the image above!

Applications are due by November 23rd!