Detex has provided two different types of matrices in the price list for our customers' reference: a cross reference matrix, and a price reference matrix.
The cross reference matrix which Detex product or option to choose in place of a competitors' offering. These are your one-stop reference when choosing a trim, exit device, or electrified function.
You will find each matrix on the following pages in the price list:
- P. 44 - Advantex Trim Cross Reference Matrix
- P. 48 - Advantex Exit Device Cross Reference Matrix
- P. 49 - Advantex Electrified Function Cross Reference Matrix
- P. 77 - Value Series Trim Cross Reference Matrix
- P. 78 - Value Series Exit Device Cross Reference Matrix
- P. 79 - Value Series Electrified Function Cross Reference Matrix
The other type of matrix found in the price list is the price reference matrix. These were designed to help customers see what the list price of a device, trim and electrified function would cost. For a video with instructions on how to use this matrix, please
click here
You will find each matrix on the following pages in the price list:
- P. 58 - Advantex Easy Price Reference Matrix
- P. 86 - Value Series Easy Price Reference Matrix