Welcome to The New Earth Times!

Photos of Christine's Security  Ship.  
Confirmed by Ashtar.   July 2015.


Enlarged zoom image from the photo above.  
Both photos were taken on a Galaxy G6 phone 
and are un-retouched in any way.

A Note from Kathryn & Christine

Thank you for the flood of messages and support.  We have seen your loving ways in the words you choose and the kindness you send.  We have seen your devotion to God, Earth, your Ascension and each other in the way you stand steady with grace and unwavering care.  We have seen you side-by-side us, as we are by you, fulfilling whatever needs be done for our inner Awakening and collective Ascension.  
We have been publicly quiet because we needed to recover physically from a segment of our assignment, which the Masters will tell you about in the messages below.  We want to highlight that each and every one of us fulfills a vital role in our wondrous Earth Project.  It is simply part of our Life Plan that we sometimes are aware of parts of our multidimensional story and share them with you.  Your often unsung contributions are indispensable, and you are utterly cherished.  We all are the family of Earth humanity.  

We would like to state our Mission.  If you too would like to share your Mission with us, please do!  Send to:   kemay@aol.com in an email titled:  "My Mission."

Our Mission

Our shared Mission is to restore the Light of our Mother and Father God on Earth and in this Galaxy.  This Mission begins with restoring the Light within and extends to whatever is necessary -- as messengers guided by the Ascended Company of Heaven -- including the fulfillment of Divine Prophecy, the completion of Duties and Projects and all out system busting and building.  We faithfully choose Love in everything we think, feel, say, do, intend and imagine until all that is not loving within us and on Earth is forever transformed by God's Love and Light.  

TODAY'S HEADLINES                                                

The Parade of Masters Part 1
by Father God, St Germain, Sananda, Ashtar, Archangel Michael, Sanat Kumara through Kathryn & Christine

Community Corner

An Amazing, Free and Prosperous New Realm
Update by Sheldan Nidle for The Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

Because of the Constant Delays, Once Events Commence There Will Be a Stream of Welcome Changes
by Mike Quinsey Channeling hIs Higher Self

The Energetic Overlay of Planet Earth Is Very Heavy which Makes it Difficult for Those on Earth to Communicate with Those in the Spiritual Realms
by Jesus through John Smallman

Harbingers of Planetary Change Are Recognized
Update GaiaPortal by ÉirePort

Peace in Every Facet of Your Life Requires the Letting Go of Every Thing that Prevents the Experience of It
by Hilarion through Marlene Swetlishoff / Tsu-tana

through Suzanne Lie

Community Bulletin Board

PAO's April Webinar: TRUSTING DIVINE TIMING (Join Us! ~ K&C)
by Sheldan Nidle for The Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual Hierarchy

April Christed Heart Transmission: The Diamond Code and Knowing Heart
by Anrita Melchizedek

The Parade of Masters Part 1
by Father God, St Germain, Sananda, Ashtar, Archangel Michael, Sanat Kumara  through Kathryn & Christine

Art Image from The Temple of The Presence 

"It is my pleasure to assure you again that the Prosperity and Freedom Programs are real and progressing. " ~ St. Germain

Father God:
Our dear Earth Children, we have a message that will warm your hearts, and soothe your minds, too.  We want you to know from us, your Mother and Father God, and our loving Masters of the Company of Heaven, that all is well in your part of the Universe.  We know of the feelings some of you have had about our promises of the coming abundance; many of you have experienced so much disappointment and fear and pain in your lives that you cannot imagine the miracle of genuine change, much less the extreme and imminent changes we have described.  You understandably long for the results of your efforts and faith. 
It doesn't matter whether your part in this Project included understanding the details of this phase of the Prosperity Plan or not because undoubtedly you will all share in and benefit from the combined efforts of you and your Brothers and Sisters of the Light. The beautiful thing about our devoted Lightworkers is that your fulfillment in building a better world is so genuine that as you perceive the New dream already coming true, your weariness and strain will immediately melt away to be forever replaced with ecstatic happiness at seeing the Prosperity Programs rolling out for the whole world.  That is what the "delays," along with your steady faith have achieved.
We in the Company of Heaven - Mother and I include ourselves in this group - are working diligently to help with your introduction to true Prosperity for the first time in eons.  We are participating in assuring your successful awakening in the Great Earth Project that is the ultimate expression of freedom:  your Ascension to higher dimensions.  You are becoming physical Angels.  There are indeed magnificent surprises afoot for you at this very moment.  There is a high energy flow across the planet which is none other than our cascading waves of Love and Light.  These waves combine with the potent mix of high spirits of the Lightworkers who are taking part in all sorts of Freedom Projects, while envisioning more to come. 

Your Strength and Tenacity Are Launching the Era of PLENTY and BOUNTY
We see you planning programs and projects that will cover it all:  housing, clean water, toxic clean-up, healthy food, education, animal protection, nature restoration, free energy, spiritual elevation, governmental overhaul, loving care, financial prosperity, healing centers, and every sort of benefit for humankind!  Your visions will indeed be fulfilled beyond what you foresee.  This very week, funds have been moving across oceans, across countries, across all borders.   They are flowing from the ancient and royal families and their close associates into the hands of the safe bankers and paymasters who are thrilled to be the ones distributing it to the participants of "Dinarland," and through them to the world.  Refrain from giving in to doubt and impatience as the worldwide logistics are sorted out in the spirit of safety and benefit for all.  This is just the beginning for you, Beloved Earth Children.
Those whose assignment it has been to purchase currency and share the wealth it brings, have another special gift to offer the world.  We ask that you be the expression of the glorious state in which you not only feel the joy of giving, but that in spreading the gift of abundance, you are expressing your God-self. You are abundance, offering the experience of prosperity to everyone around you.  You are inspired by the great sacred fire in your hearts, which makes you beacons of the New, the world in which PLENTY and BOUNTY define every area of life.  You are all rich in blessings, and the more you absorb the feelings of being blessed, the richer you become. 
The old slavery is no longer, Beloved Children.  You, humankind's bright and awake members, have each done your part to bring the abundance about, and you will be gifted immensely.  You will delight in the joyful connections you make across the world with those who are generous, kind and open - just like you.  You are building the new network of Prosperity, which is itself a higher dimensional experience.
It does not matter what your role in this great shift has been or will be; it does not even matter if you knew anything about what has been happening.  You have responded to the rising energies by expanding.  You search within to clear away the programming of old, and you earnestly manage your thoughts, feelings and actions to bring out the best in yourself and others.  This is sacred work.  It is the path of Ascension, true and clear.  When you continue to adjust yourself internally to meet and merge with the rising energies, you remain on your upward path.  You become fluid like a horseback rider whose movements harmonize with the speed, motion and rhythm of the horse, or a skier whose movements glide gently with the varying terrain, merging with the supportive energies of Terra. 
We remind you once again that you are here because you asked us for this experience - to be present for the Ascension of Earth - a treasured wonder to be savored with awe, a Cosmic adventure of the greatest magnitude.  It was granted to those who sincerely requested the privilege of attendance, who met extensive developmental qualifications, and who took part in the thorough training required to prepare for this time.  A devoted desire to progress quickly through your lessons is also necessary to make the strenuous but quick transition from dense lower 3 rd dimensional experience to the 5 th dimension and above. 
Even though you are still partially behind the Veil of Forgetfulness, your intuition, the inner voice of and connection to your Higher Self and to us, guides you impeccably toward fulfillment of your contribution - every one of you a cog in the wheel of change, everyone working together in harmony.  Whether your intentions have been publicly declared or not, you are serving a vital role in bringing the triumph of Ascension into full consciousness in the minds of humankind.

The Ages-Old Prophesies Continue to Be Fulfilled
You are gradually becoming better adapted to thinking again in terms of no-time.  Continuing to embrace this higher dimensional orientation will help you know unequivocally that the Abundance for Earth is assured and the reality you committed to restore has already been achieved.  The triumphs continue to be recorded, and the Ascension of Planet Earth is an inevitability.  You can and do inscribe this historic ongoing event with your own mark - the expression of your free will.  You have a unique and required impact, and you can expand that influence beyond your previous soul level to any extent you desire.  If you wish to make a daring leap in your development as a soul, this is a most favorable time to do so because of the exceptional possibilities for growth that are being presented to you, moment by moment.
Perhaps you have seen that we sent messages through many of our beloved channels to let you know that the energies leading up to April 9, 2016 would increase to a crescendo, an all encompassing transitional event.  It is perhaps more accurate to say that many smaller events occurred that contributed to and created what is an even greater result.  Think expansively rather than deductively, and it will help you perceive the scope of the explanation I am offering you.  Some of our scribes described the energetic implications, while other Lightworkers perceived and participated in coordinated multidimensional events worldwide.  The Gatekeepers, Transmuters, Gridworkers and Transformers all assisted in concert.  Many quietly realized the achievements such as a stabilization of the transition to the Crystalline Grid and a significant and permanent increase in the upward spiral of Earth's Ascension Pillar.    
In this message, I wish to tell you about one of the events that occurred on the night of April 9 th.  I will explain the importance of how this particular occurrence assisted with the present coordinated world-wide upshift.  It may be helpful to keep in mind that from our view, all that is unfolding on the surface of Earth is part of The Event which is awesome and unprecedented.  There will be exceptional markers along the way for you, and you all will have the tale to tell forevermore of how Love won the day on Earth.  Here is one segment of that story. Perhaps it can inspire you since it is a symbol of the creed and actions of all Lightworkers who help to bring in the New Golden Era. 

The Impact You Each Make Is through Your Own Ascension
I will describe the scene for you.  Along the way I will ask others who were involved to contribute what they saw and felt.  We will talk some about the impact of these events and the resulting worldwide reverberations occurring now.  This is an auspicious era in Earth's history.  We urge you to relax and trust that all is well and to enjoy your expansion as events unfold.  At times, this process will undoubtedly feel strange and uncomfortable as you release the old to embrace the New.  Yet you can go forward with confidence that you are fulfilling your life's dream with every breath.
Kathryn and Christine have long been working with the Company of Heaven to experience, identify, describe, record and transmute the effects of certain cabal behaviors.  For example, they record how frequency weapons and the psychic network impact Lightworkers, by recording how they are affected themselves.  Once they accomplish their own inner transmuting and understanding of what is transpiring on all sides of the experience, with our guidance they extend their offering.  Kathryn works with Mother Earth while Christine works on the inner realms with Transmuting and Crystalline Grid teams.  Together, they expose, report and help to transform the impact of cabal actions against the people of Earth.  They trained many lifetimes for this, and they have adapted to the demanding requirements of the mission as it has progressed.  The April 9 th assignment was difficult.  We were there to support and uphold our beloved children, as we always hold you.  I will tell you the story, imbued with my energetic accompaniment, so that whenever you read this you will see in your mind's eye and feel in your heart the events as they transpired.
Can you imagine the confrontation between good and evil, dark and light, without conjuring up images of a war?  It is possible.  Over time, Christine has learned to stand her ground in the Light and feels only love, no matter what is occurring towards or around her.  As she experiences the direct effects of certain cabal weapons, she feels love and compassion for the ones who are damaged enough to still be using such weapons.  The Galactic Federation of Light and her medical teams monitor how much she can safely experience.  She does not draw these attacks by her lower thoughts.  She agreed to perform this role, and it was carefully written in her Life Plan.  It serves a function in much the same way Lightworkers bravely fulfill their system busting roles in the government agencies, legal courts, science labs, financial arenas and so on.  Christine has helped to expose many devices designed to threaten, program, influence, injure, and eventually kill the Lightworkers who have been identified as obstacles to cabal power. 
An added benefit to Christine's role is that her channeling abilities allow her to speak directly to the ones running the weapons.  These are mostly badly tortured souls who live a terrifying and controlled life.  Mother and I have asserted that 100% assistance and healing opportunities be given to every incarnated soul on this planet in order to assist with each personal Ascension and the Restoration of Surface Earth.  We send love, Light, and help from every direction - to you ALL.  One of the numerous efforts is the work Christine does.  You see, every connection runs in two directions.  If someone is aiming a weapon at Christine, that communication opens a two-way connection that allows her to speak back.  She and Kathryn have spent countless hours speaking with, sending love to those on the other side who would do her and others harm.  She has come to The Council dozens of times pleading their case.  She asserts:  how can it still be considered Free Will if someone is so hurt and damaged themselves that they would continue to try to torture and kill others?  Although we cannot and will not adjust the Law of Free Will, her appeals and service have had effect.  Thousands of what you might have called cabal minions have asked in the quiet depth of their hearts to know Mother and I once again.  Once this leap of faith is achieved by them, their own Free Will sets into motion a dramatic change in their circumstances.  Since we are still in the phase of Earth's transition where security is paramount, I will stop here.

Millions of Lightworkers' Service + Thousands of Merging Events = A Turning Point
During the night of April 9, 2016, Christine was standing at the center point of an Action, which had the purpose of assisting in releasing another level of the cabal's grip on Earth.  While enormous coordinated teams on the surface continued the arrests, containments, legal moves, sting operations and much more, Lightworkers abetted in thousands of ways, through meditation, by acting as transformers for the intense new release of Light allowing others on the Earth to more easily assimilate the incoming wave, and by transforming the Crystalline Grid into the permanent operating system of the planet.  As you can see from my descriptions, these proceedings took place on the surface of Terra and across her dimensions.  Christine was consciously aware of the event she was participating in, and many other Lightworkers joined her from their sleep.  
Christine stood anchored into the heart of Earth.  Sanat Kumara held one of her ankles while Kathryn held the other, becoming part of the grounding along with Mother Earth herself.  Earth, Sanat and Kathryn held Christine up, and they held her steady.  What Christine experienced was an enormous energy attack which lasted the whole night through, while Sanat and Kathryn held her securely, lifting her up, Terra supporting them, with all the Company of Heaven standing close, contributing their love.
Christine "stood our ground," in symbolic representation of all Earth beings, with no defensiveness or pushback whatsoever toward her attackers, all the while offering the constant and steady invitation to join her and Us rather than continuing their attack.  All of us merged our energies with her, creating a Light-filled, benevolent presence. Throughout the entire event, there was the strong sense of her quietly emanating Love: "We are here for you.  This is your chance to come to the Light.  This is your final chance in your Earth experience because the time of darkness is over; drop your weapons and come to Mother and Father."
The attacks consisted of a focused ray that hit Christine through more than one dimension. It was a technologically advanced weapon made up of several alternating energies, similar to microwave and radiation waves.  Coordinated with this weapon were blasts of calibrated electronic frequencies designed to cause excruciating pain and damage to Christine's neurological networks.  At the same time, the psychic network sent a steady barrage of messages filled with arrogant hatred, resentment, contempt and tailored psychological suggestions intended to weaken her resolve and disorganize her thinking.
Christine felt the attacks as severe pain drilling into her brain, especially the right frontal lobe, to the point of feeling she was having a stroke, and her whole body felt seared.  Since birth, by design, she has always had the ability to hold firmly to us, as she did that night, communicating constantly with Mother, with Kathryn, Sananda and Sanat, while Michael stood a bit back to allow her to fulfill her role.  This went on through the night, except for a short break when Sananda came to her to comfort her and hold her.  He was present throughout, stationed to Christine's right, monitoring the impact and effects of the weapons, not allowing any damage beyond the ordained experience to occur.  Teams of Galactic Federation of Light members also monitored and oversaw the event. 
Although Kathryn was in her own bed, dimly aware of what she felt and saw, in the morning she could see the whole scene vividly as it had unfolded.  She was exhausted, and described how her body ached as if she had been holding Christine aloft all night long.  She and Christine talked about it all, confirming for each other and with us that we had indeed experienced exactly the same events and feelings.
Kathryn wept as she described her feelings of tenderness for Christine and her brave, steadfast stance against the oncoming barrage.  "It is so impossible, and inevitable, that Sanat and I would be holding her aloft to be the target of such an attack, with Sananda monitoring and tenderly keeping vigil over her.  And yet I knew we were ultimately protected, loved beyond description, and that it would end all right, that Christine would not be permanently damaged.  Still, I felt her physical pain, at times unbearable, as she withstood the vicious onslaught.  The ferocious energy behind it was horrifying, and yet she did not waver for even a second.  We supported her, and she stood, resolute, held in Mother and Father's Light, unshakable, unflinching.  It seemed an eternity, and a moment."
Mother and I were there to comfort Kathryn and Christine and answer their questions: "What was the meaning of this?"  We explained that this was indeed a marked confrontation between Light and Dark, the last chance for those darkest of the Dark Hats to change their minds and come home to us, into the relief of the Light.  As we had all agreed in our careful planning sessions, it was the only way to allow them the final choice.  We have heard the cries of the people on Earth to help end the darkness, and it has allowed greater participation from the Company of Heaven in doing just that.  The plan was to give the darkest, cruelest, most violent cabal members one more opportunity to lay down their murderous intentions or they would openly, deliberately choose to hold out, viciously attacking with all the weapons they had.  They were not permitted to kill Christine, but they were permitted to try with all their might, to display their intentions for all to see.  As she refused to succumb, consciously representing the expressed intentions of humankind to throw off the yoke of cabal slavery, they became ever more ferocious and belligerent. 

Love Replaces War
Christine described in her own words: "Regarding those aiming their consciousness as a weapon at me, I perceived a range of intelligences, all having souls.  At the high end of the range, I could hear their inner choices, which sounded like, "I will never give in. Instead, I will destroy myself, and hurt Mother by doing so."   At the lower end of the range were similar but more simplistic declarations that sounded like, 'I know we can't kill her, but I will give my life trying to damage her, and be known by all of my kind for doing it.'  They were top cabal leaders and utterly dedicated minions.  During this event, I did have the conscious awareness that we were at the moment where either the darkness would reboot the program which would determine the tenor of Earth's coming days, or the written prophesy would be fulfilled:  that Earth would leave the spiral of darkness once and for all."
Kathryn asked us: "Did we succeed?  Did any of them come to the Light?"  Our answer: "Well, a few...but few." 
In Christine's words, "I stood tall yet relaxed, as my true and unique self, while I was also aware that I was joined by and was representing countless family members of humanity and beings of Light.  In the same way that I can feel the energy signature while hearing the voices of many divine beings at once, I could also feel their beautiful energies joined with mine to stand as the Light in this predestined moment."
"I was completely at ease; no effort or resistance was exerted or required.  I felt that with my Love, I made a plea to them to release the experience of what we have all been through, and just come Home, and all would be sorted out, but I knew already by their responses that they wouldn't.  In every second they were increasing their devotion to the weapon aimed at my brain.  Michael was of course present, yet distinctly not merged with me.  I had a clear understanding that this was because I, Christine, the human being, the woman, the person, must choose each moment and stand, not as the Galactic Being, but as the human and the child of Mother and Father God."

Your Requests for More Assistance Restoring Earth Are Being Answered
I, Father, can tell you that those who persisted in the attack were the highest level cabal members that still existed on Surface Earth.  They have been removed from your presence.  There still remain on the Earth many who have been steeped in the programmed ideas the cabal has taught, but whom we believe will eventually be able to make a reasoned choice for themselves, and with some help will be willing to come to the Light.  I instruct you again, remember as you scan for proof of what we say, to approach your investigation expansively - not deductively - as this will allow you to truly see what is unfolding on your planet.
As we talked with Kathryn and Christine that following morning, Mother and I were both moved and overcome with the sadness of the preceding events.  Kathryn said, "I felt Mother crying.  As the tears rolled down my cheeks, I felt the pain of her anguish and loss."  Many of you have taken our previous confessions of deep feelings with confusion or denial.  I tell you now, that although Mother and I are not mired in dense experience and lower dimensional trappings, we feel everything you do.  All of you.  Consider this deeply.  It is a key to your Awakening.
Yes, I can tell you now, Beloved Children, that those who held out, proclaiming their defiance and their intention to never give up their attack, never agree to come Home, were removed from interfering with life on Earth.  They made a choice of their own free will, and they chose to be excluded from this ongoing Earth experience, thereby depriving themselves of the privileges and experiences of Ascension and all it implies.  You will soon understand the magnitude of what their decision meant for them, and why we were saddened by their choice.  It is the responsibility of Mother God and me to make the decision to protect our beloved humanity, and by extension, the entire Universe, from the destructive intentions of those humans who had been tortured into a mistaken belief that evil is power.  We stand, as Christine did as our representative, for Love and Light in the Universe.
Kathryn continues here with some of her thoughts from the morning after the events:
"It might surprise many people to realize that Mother and Father felt such sadness at these events.  I see that there is a contortion of the explanation of the Law, As Above, So Below.  What is routinely left out is the completion of the Law:  As Below, so Above.  Whatever deep emotions we feel, so do our Mother and Father God.  It cannot be otherwise."
"It was clear to me that Mother and Father had created this and that they had to choose too:  Allow Christine, who represented in that moment all of us who stand for the Light, to be destroyed or disabled, thereby reinitiating another 26,000-year cycle of imbalance and evil, or fulfill their own declared prophesy to restore balance and Light on Earth forevermore.  They chose to protect their children of the Light in this epic and inevitable moment.  By their own decree, they had to choose to end the cycle which had become a downward spiral into infinite darkness.  They had to choose at the cost of denying their beloved errant children who demanded the right to remain as torturers and promoters of darkness forevermore.  These prodigal children refused to come Home.  The mood of the Company of Heaven was quiet and somber."
"The following day s we were stunned, exhausted and completely drained, in wonder at the magnitude of what we witnessed.  I know the understandings will unfold in the coming days as the incoming energies create continuing waves of revelations, challenges and further uplifting moments.  Thank you Mother and Father God for keeping your word to the people of Earth."
St. Germain:
It is my pleasure to assure you again that the Prosperity and Freedom Programs are real and progressing.
I have asked Kathryn to include a message from me in this much-anticipated newsletter.  We know that you appreciate the news and information we have been sending on a regular schedule, and we wish to reassure you that Kathryn and Christine's work will continue, while their assignments will expand into other areas after the RV, just as you will all begin new projects, friendships and the pursuit of your most precious dreams.

Christine has been hit really, really hard by frequency attacks since the event described above.  She and Kathryn have been very sick and completely exhausted in the days following the cabal attacks, as is to be expected.  In addition to the actions they completed on the 9 th, they have continued their training, before and after, to prepare them for their own Ascension as well as the work they will be doing for others.  They both agreed to this most rigorous learning program before they came, and so have experienced intensive physical, emotional and spiritual trainings throughout their lives. 
This is not unique to them, of course.  Every Life Plan on Earth is agreed to by Mother and Father and one's guiding Council before incarnating, and can be accelerated or slowed by the incarnated being in their communications with Mother and Father and their Council.  All is meticulously calibrated, with great care and attention because the life experience you take part in on Earth matters a great deal.  All experiences, traumas and triumphs alike, go into the cumulative soul development of the collective and the individual simultaneously.  We are one.
As a human being, what happens to you here on Earth is also felt by the aspects of you in other dimensions.  All experiences are multidimensional in that way.  This is one of the reasons we are able to oversee and share your life experiences with you.  We are simultaneously experiencing the things we felt when we were there on Earth, and we are also in tune with our Twin Flames who are incarnated, who are interacting with you in myriad ways because of your shared experiences there, and who are in turn connected with their soul expressions here with us, and so on, in infinite permutations of interrelated relationships...When we say we are One, it is not a metaphor; it is reality.
It was possible for us as the Company of Heaven family to work with Christine and Kathryn because of our easy communication with them both, but there were many other factors at play.  They were already under direct and constant surveillance by the cabal, and they had a long history of working with their attackers to bring them Home to Mother and Father God.  More importantly, they also had the long established relationships with all of you, family and friends of the Light.  We truly counted on you to monitor and send love and blessings during their absence, an action you fulfilled wholeheartedly, to shore them up and help to carry through the high vibration of Light needed for the success of the Mission. 
You were all an integral part of the resolution that was possible, even inevitable, at the end of that significant night.  With your participation, through the multi-dimensional levels of your own soul, you proclaimed your intention to stand fast for the Light.  Christine did not stand alone with Kathryn and the Company of Heaven that night.  She was fully aware of the presence and energetic support of each of you.  She is able to follow the energy streams of everyone who is participating, and she felt you, merging your courage and your intentions to sustain Light on Earth rather than allow the Matrix to continue beyond that conclusive moment. 
Sananda, Archangel Michael, Serapis Bey, Hilarion, myself and many, many other Masters, under the direct guidance of Mother and Father, and under the watchful eye of Ashtar and the entire Galactic force, all played our parts as protectors and supporters.  Your powerful energies and intentions combined with ours and were funneled into the great spiral of Love and Light, with enormous upward momentum, spinning all darkness out and away from our Earth existence.  Thus, we were able to cleanse our beloved Terra, releasing her from the ages-old grip of the dark Matrix, which had originally been a design of the Anunnaki overlords, but which has gradually become the step-child creation of humankind and cabal minions combined.  
It was this energetic participation of Lightworkers across the world, combined with our efforts at Ground Zero, which ultimately determined the outcome of the events of this time:  establishing the notable beginning of the end of the cabal control of Earth, forever. You will now see and enjoy the unfolding evidence that the "war" between good and evil on Planet Earth fades into nothingness.  There is a simple formula for bringing these completed events fully into the 3 rd dimension:  the more you live and envision peace, the more peace you will observe in your environment.  The more prosperity you Co-create with us, the more abundance you will see manifest all around you.  The aftereffect of this splendid triumph is already being felt, and you will feel another great wave of God's Light energies that will be released with the announcement of the RV/GCR.   This is just the beginning of the vast spiritual gifts to be bestowed upon humankind.  Yes, these are gifts from God, and also a vivid expression of the Universal Truth:  As you sow, so shall you reap. 
Beloved Brothers and Sisters, you stand on the shoulders of those who came before you to lay the foundations for these monumental events.  This great shift of the ages is the result of thousands of years of careful, gradual and cumulative efforts.  Your ancestors, your neighbors and friends, your Ascended Masters and the heart-dream of your great-grandchildren have all melded to give birth to this glorious moment. 
I am overcome with gratitude and joy as I look across the exquisite blossoming landscape we have created together, and I witness the fulfillment of our shared dream of seeing Freedom and Prosperity return at last to Planet Earth.  This is a time we will never forget, and will carry in our hearts forever.  I am your Brother, St. Germain.  We are One.  Namaste, all.

As we gather 'round to offer our thoughts to all of you who have worked so hard in past weeks and months, we are touched so deeply to feel how familiar and close you have drawn to us, how warm and comfortable is this feeling of family unity and Love.  We have been through difficult challenges, but we always come through it with an even greater feeling of solidarity and pleasure in each other's company.  This is the wonderful blessing of living through these times of your Earth experience together; the connections are deep and lasting, and the memories remain always as intensely brilliant beacons in the landscape of timeless existence.
We vowed when we came here that we would carry this Mission through, and we have kept our word to Terra, to Earth humanity, and to our Brothers and Sisters of Agartha.  Your Agarthan neighbors are longing to embrace you, their Surface cousins who have struggled so long in the throes of conflict with off-planet invaders, on-planet controllers, and a Matrix illusion that was designed to either kill or control every being on the planet.  The Agarthans have remained hidden, but they have carefully monitored your progress, your losses and your deepest wishes to raise yourselves out of the depths of low vibrational energies. 
The sense of unity and purpose you have created and the rise in planetary energies has cleared the way to the extent that we will soon be able to reveal the presence of Galactic neighbors in your skies and in your Inner Earth.  The Agarthans are eager to come forward to make contact with you without the interference of destructive lower dimensional secret organizations.  They are beyond excited to know that you will soon be able to celebrate a glorious reunion, with all the hugs and laughter an occasion like that deserves.  What tales you will have to tell one another!  What a glorious day it will be for all of us when our beloved human Brothers and Sisters at last truly claim the freedom that awaits them!
Regarding recent events, I can assure you that all the elements of the complex plan are in motion.  The process will not be stopped.  It would not be possible for me to give you a full picture of all the preparations, negotiations, planning and encouragement that has been needed to bring 209 countries, with leaders and populations in varying degrees of fear, suspicion, willingness, paranoia and hope into agreement in preparation for the global currency reset and its accompanying program, NESARA/GESARA.  The years of meetings and gatherings that made this enormous project possible have also laid the foundations of fairness and cooperation that have already brought forth treaties, trade agreements and cross-cultural understandings that will establish and sustain peace on Earth for all time.  All this is now possible because of the increasing participation of awakened people who have seen the bright promise of raising their eyes to join with us in harmony and joy, to Co-create with us the Vision of a New Earth, steeped in the atmosphere and feeling of wonder and jubilation.
Beloved Brothers and Sisters, it is truly our time.  We are stronger in our dedication and our Love.  We have gained precious experience and wisdom along the way, and we will be of service to the Light, in joy and peace, and in Love with one another as never before. 
I am your brother Sananda, in proud service to the Great Earth Project, our Dream.
Dearest family of Earth, I revel in the feelings of Love and Light that Sananda has just surrounded us with, and reach out my hand to you as the one who represents your Galactic protectors and supporters, all members of the Galactic Federation of Light, all gathered in Love to assist in every way they can, and to see this phenomenal triumph of Light on Planet Earth.
I wish you could spend a day with my view.  You would be at ease for the rest of your time on Earth, beginning now.  The entire Universe is with us, Beloved Brothers and Sisters. 
I know there have been exhausting stretches in life for you when you have felt alone, abandoned, alienated, overwhelmed and despairing that anything would ever be happy for you again.  I say, Dear Friends, no more!  It is the time for you to awaken!  Let the small pleasures in your day and in your dreams lead you quickly to the greater delights to come.  I am here to tell you you are protected - no more need to adapt to miserable conditions.  A New Day is dawning.  Claim your stance to never again feel alone; never suffer from fear.  Now, allow yourself to acclimate to happiness!  This is your "work," your challenge and your greatest hidden talent.
Let me give you a hint:  Instead of looking for "proof" through "evidence," focus upon seeing what Lights up in front of your eyes.  Open your inner sight, your intuition and your heart.  The truth lies there, waiting for you to discover it and give it credence.  That is how you discover the new reality.  That is how you can SEE it.  If a news report brings you fear and disappointment, understand that it was designed to do so.  Do not fall under its spell.  When you see information that brings you hope, that seems to bring you a feeling of ease - embrace it.  We work with channels, intel gatherers, news reporters, messengers of every kind to imbue written and spoken words with Light.  That is how you know the news is real; it carries the qualities of Light.  
A light-filled news report can contain any content, such as the news of events around the world, but it will always be told in such a way that it is both factual and leaves you with feelings of clarity, insight, understanding, hope, camaraderie and Unity.  There is nothing foreboding, danger-filled, antagonistic, worrisome or fearful in real news.  You will know it has been generated from a dark source if it leaves you with dread, fear, or hopelessness.  We will never transmit our messages in such a way as to create these negative feelings in you.  The world has already changed.  It is waiting for you to turn your attention from old familiar patterns of worry, stress and doubt, to recognize the Golden Light around you so that you can all get on with the celebration of establishing goodness, mercy and God's abundance for all.  
Do you remember the old song, "All the World is Waiting for the Sunrise"?  Well, now the lyrics have changed.  All the world (well, including Terra, the Galactics, the Agarthans, and all of us in the Company of Heaven) is waiting in rapt fascination until all of you realize the sun has already risen!  Let us sing and shout and pray in gratitude for this new and everlasting dawn.  All the millions of ships and their billions of fellow travelers send their blessings, encouragement and applause to honor you and your beautiful blue planet.  Hallelujah!
I am your brother Ashtar, in service to Mother and Father God and the ongoing Ascension of Planet Earth.  Salut!
Archangel Michael:
This is an endless message, Brothers and Sisters.  I don't mean today's newsletter will never end, but I do mean our indestructible connection and our warm communication with you will go on.  More and more you will notice me tapping you on the shoulder, singing your favorite song, and you will know it is me, your brother Michael.  I am here to listen, to help, and cheer you up and cheer you on when you are weary or blue.  I tell you, I am not removed to some high octave of Archangel-ness.  It is the same for me as it is for you.  The more we expand, the more Light we can hold, emanate, enjoy and offer, and the more simple pleasures become magnificent.  The more we laugh.  The more we love.   It is my aim and delight to find any reason at all to bring my Love and Light to shower you and lift your spirits. 
Feel my energy. If you are reading this, I am present with you now.  If you cannot yet clearly feel me, release your breath and relax.  Feel that?  I want you to know me and what my energy feels like.  Become so familiar with my laughter and my joyful pranks that you will never mistake me for one who would warn you about impending disappointments or disasters, or speak with disdain about another, or correct you for being too hopeful or too exuberant.  Ah, no, in my Heavenly family, I am known for my unbridled celebration of Life and for my ability to find the good joke in almost any happening - even the shenanigans of the cabal and the yawns and snores of the unawakened ones.  It is not that I am somehow a blind optimist; in fact, it is by looking directly at the plain truth that I so easily find humor and joy.  I have a real interest and fascination with the bright diamond qualities in each conscious being, human or otherwise, and I see the creativity in individuals and groups and the Light in every situation.  It makes life truly fabulous.
We want your life to be easier for you, more delightful, and the more you call on us, the more we can assist you.  Never think of any assignment as too trivial for us, your angels.   I speak as your Brother, not as a representative of any position or job, when I say:  come to us, call on us, rely on us.  You are all weary to the bone.  Drop everything from your arms into ours.  You widen and strengthen the dimensional bridge when you allow us to share, dissolve, heal burdens.  We too long for our closeness.  We want to help more.  We are very aware of how exhausted and strained you all are.  Easy now.  We love you.  I love you.  
We can talk about the most "serious" concerns without ever being discouraged, or defeated, and we would never disparage another.  I have often repeated Mother's words: "This story ends in glory."  Now, I ask you, my Brothers and Sisters, to join me in the laughter and the thrill, and even relief if you need to experience that for a while, to catch your breath and rest.  I am here with our Brothers and Sisters of the Company of Heaven to comfort injured warriors, but not so that the wars can continue.  We are moving now into the era of peace and abundance, and we will rejoice because that is what we do best, isn't it?  If you are not yet used to the idea of absolute abundance, unlimited prosperity, and endless happiness, allow us to help you.  I am ready to answer your every call directly.
I am Archangel Michael.
Sanat Kumara:
Ah, Michael, yes, we do love the way you make us laugh...and expand.
In previous incarnations I have worked as a therapist/healer in various cultures and eras, for it has been my pleasure to look deeply into the intricate workings of the human mind/heart/body to understand what makes people adopt a particular style of thinking and feeling and then hold onto it, regardless of evidence that suggests they are "out of phase."  It is a characteristic of the way humans tend to adapt to life after they have experienced intense suffering or torture.  We develop what is called "ego."  There is more than one way to describe ego.  Ego can simply be seen as the function or apparatus needed by self to participate earnestly in lower dimensional incarnation.  When the ego gets overworked, overburdened and imbalanced, it takes on a life of its own (or takes over your life), splitting-off part of your Self that has taken on the job of protection in the face of abuse and persecution.  The worse and more frequent the oppression, the greater the ego becomes.  Perhaps we could say that the ego then becomes the most important and active part of the self, displacing the heart as the decision maker with its important and practical faculty, intuition, your inner spiritual messenger from God.
It all comes down to what you feel you can rely on when you feel threatened or alone.  Do you reach for Mother God's hand, or do you "pull yourself up by the bootstraps?"  Does it seem weak to you to rely on guidance from Above, or "vulnerable" to put your trust in those who seem to be invisible or at least distant from you?  Are you too "practical" to put your hand in mine or rest your head in Mother God's warm embrace?  Do you feel the need to think everything through, research every question, analyze every possibility before you are willing to trust?
Dear Children of God, these are the symptoms and strategies of an oppressed and fearful being who has been pushed to the limit of their endurance.  The dreadful feeling - that you are "not enough" to fend off, endure, survive the pain, find a solution or a way out - has been seared into the nervous systems of humankind on Earth during many, many lifetimes.  It has become so familiar and so common that you simply accept that "Ego" as you know it, is a normal and innate part of the human makeup, as our friend Sigmund Freud so famously described.  It is not.  The human template was not originally designed to be "instinctively" violent, rageful, suspicious, concerned, guarded, mean, panicked, selfish or competitive. 
You were made of Love and Light, just as we were, but human DNA was tampered with along the way by the ones who wished to enslave humankind, who were to manage the Earth's resources which they intended to steal for their own use.  A damaged human ego was advantageous to secure their designs and provide their most cherished commodity: fear.  These anomalies in human makeup are now gradually being healed; you are being returned to the loving, creative and cooperative race of beings who were once joyfully connected directly and consciously with God.  You can feel it in yourselves, can you not?  The transition to crystalline bodies will have the effect of making you more receptive to the presence of Mother and Father God, more empathic toward one another and the other Kingdoms on Earth who were once your treasured charges, the adored and appreciated conscious beings of Light with whom you share Earth's Love and abundance.
You are quickly awakening to the responsibility you feel toward the animals, the elementals, the whole ecosystem that was created for your joy and pleasure, and was never intended to be misused or consumed with abandon.  This New Day is bringing the wonderful promised changes for every being on Earth.  The most pressing responsibility for you now, Beloved Humankind, is to assist in your own healing by allowing the shift within, away from Ego toward Unity Consciousness.  It is the harmony within that will create harmony without.
You have heard Martin Luther King's truth, "Be the peace you wish to see in the world."  You will achieve that elevated state by making peace with the ego you created for your protection in a terrifying world of cruelty and destruction.  Talk with your ego-self.  Reassure him or her that their job is done, finally, and a separate and dominant ego is no longer needed, but integration is.  Nothing is lost when you knit your Self back together, absorbing the energy and will that was once split off and assigned to Ego.  See those qualities in yourself, and embrace them with Love.  Bathe yourself in Mother's HoneyLove, soothing the fears and anxieties that went into creating the anxious and fearful part of yourself we are calling Ego.  We have all healed here in the same way at the end of each of our Earth lives.  When you are no longer in fear, there is no temptation to "shoot from the hip" or to defend yourself by attacking another.  Those impulses will fade into the distant past as you step into your full human Mastery, which is the Divine Being who was truly made in God's image. 
In your crystalline state, you are every bit as able as Mother and Father God are to demonstrate the qualities of mercy, gratitude, joy, forgiveness, generosity and empathy.  The changes within you are an enormous part of the flow of uplifting energies that are Co-creating peace and abundance on the planet.  Go within, lovingly and patiently, to help yourself release your grip on the suspicion, fear, combativeness and doubt you thought were just part of "normal life."  As you do, you will be stepping through the doorway into the New Golden Age, to the life of harmony and Love you have longed for.  It is not an impossible dream; it is a renovation task that you must accomplish within yourself.  Your body is helping you, so get your ego on board too.  Now, work in harmony with the God-energies you feel flowing across the planet and through your being to bring forth the glowing human you are destined to be.
You are not alone.  We are here to help you in your important self-building task.  It is what we planned together before you came, so of course I stand ready to assist you every moment of the day.  Call on me to hold and support you as you expand into the larger self you are becoming.  Call on me to celebrate with you when you feel the exhilaration of being new and strong in a greatly improved, expanded and more comfortable version of You.  We Loved you before, and we Love you now.
I am your Sanat.  I willingly proclaim myself as your Loving mentor and friend, as I have been since the beginning of this Earth adventure.  I am here with you always.

(Channeled and Transcribed by Dr. Kathryn E. May & Christine Burk,
 4/18/16 )

Community Corner
An Amazing, Free and Prosperous New Realm!
Update by Sheldan Nidle for The Galactic Federation of Light and Spiritual 

"... These conditions are totally unacceptable.  This worldwide process cannot be hindered by old-time business practices of either the banks or the many allied financial corporations.  Despite these same old forms of delay, the required monies are ultimately to be transferred. There is now a series of alternatives that can be applied to resolve any future difficulties of this sort.  We look to our earthly allies to use this new system to quickly permit these large sums to be successfully moved from Asia to any other continents as required.  Therefore, the things so far encountered are to be put aside and the much-needed wealth sent on its way.  The start of this process is now underway !" 

13 Muluc, 1 Kank'in, 12 Manik
April 12, 2016

Selamat Jalwa!  Much continues to happen around your world! The globe is caught in a strange conundrum.  On one hand it is able to openly say that the monies needed to begin both the numerous humanitarian programs and the final stages of the prosperity packages have been approved for funds transfers.  Yet the recent coming and going of the business world's first quarter have created a situation that led to another week's delay in the transfer operations. These conditions are totally unacceptable. This worldwide process cannot be hindered by old-time business practices of either the banks or the many allied financial corporations.  Despite these same old forms of delay, the required monies are ultimately to be transferred.  There is now a series of alternatives that can be applied to resolve any future difficulties of this sort.  We look to our earthly allies to use this new system to quickly permit these large sums to be successfully moved from Asia to any other continents as required.  Therefore, the things so far encountered are to be put aside and the much-needed wealth sent on its way.  The start of this process is now underway!

As you receive your first funds, be ready to spring into action. Within your community, there are those who deeply wish for you to succeed.  Contact these individuals and see how your plans interface with theirs.  The purpose of these funds is to help you and your community to achieve goals.  Never forget this.  You are working with others to create healing centers; to forge mutually acceptable means to move your community forward and to demonstrate how, together, you are forging a new reality.  As all of this occurs, you are readying the infrastructure to better your community and indirectly prepare it for first contact with us.  Our mentors are to finish the task of letting each of you obtain a better understanding of your personal path to full consciousness. This procedure, when looked at with the broader view in mind, paints a picture of how you are to be readied for your final necessary steps to full consciousness.  These things help us to realize how your due diligence is finally to make possible what Heaven is now so graciously accomplishing!

This heavenly movement is so perfectly timed that you can easily observe how each of you is moving forward with a wondrous rhythm. Not only are you doing so, but the same is true for each ecosystem so beautifully maintained by Gaia.  We have daily observed how you are changing and can also see similar patterns within the diverse biosphere of Mother Earth.  The dark cabal has so far just dented this diverse set of ecosystems.  Gaia, with our assistance, has kept even the most devastated system working. Here, your help combines with our more indirect assistance to keep Life on your world moving forward.  What is needed is for you to vastly increase your more direct aid to these varied ecosystems.  What you are doing is helping both these numerous "life zones" and your fellow humans.  These projects allow Gaia to work at a pace that mirrors your progress to full consciousness. Thus, this realm is changing at the pace set by Heaven to introduce a new realm.  This new realm can, at the appropriate moment, merge into the higher one found in Inner Earth.

These changes thus have a divine timetable that is set daily by Heaven.  We are made aware of these daily resets and use our medical and geological teams to verify what is actually happening. As this Gregorian year moves forward, we check its progress against charts that we have compiled since we first arrived en masse at the start of the decade of the 1990s.  Heaven has set a series of rhythms that are still mirroring each other.  We are watching one of these, which we first chose after the time of 9/11.  It has consistently shown us insights to move this surface realm toward a time when the needed merger of inner and surface worlds can truly happen. This is to occur after you have travelled with our help to Agartha and been put in your personalized Crystal Light Chamber.  This time is only to be revealed to you as it happens.  We are closely observing how Heaven is moving this grand set of patterns with a very gracious hand.  Our task is simply to follow this grand pattern and act upon certain items designated by Heaven's numerous Grand Councils.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters!  What is happening on your realm is a great shift from the dark reality of the cabal to the new Light realm of Heaven.  We feel blessed, after millennia, to finally participate in the great reordering of your consciousness. Atlantis deeply desired to turn its former dissidents into docile servants of the ruling oligarchy.  Instead, these newly-minted humans were thrust into a world largely devoid of its former inhabitants.  Therefore for 13 millennia we all suffered under the harsh rule of the Anunnaki and their chosen minions.  Now, in this time, you are starting to escape the fate long considered inevitable by the dark.  Instead, you are being liberated and are shortly to be thrust back into full consciousness.  We are part of the operations that are initially to prepare you for this wondrous journey by teaching lessons on your true history and off-world origins.  These are to be combined with some deep mentoring by your off-world cousins.

There is, moreover, a need to learn about your many responsibilities and duties to Gaia and her numerous life zones. Here, we as a group intend to teach you many things.  You first need to understand what all of this is intended to mean to your companions and, especially, to your wondrous Soul.  Heaven is moving this reality toward a state where this can be greatly altered.  As you are moved upward in consciousness, you begin to notice quick flashes from your future realm.  This is all a test created to slowly make you aware of how swiftly you are being changed.  It has to be done at a rate by which those things happening to you are not undertaken either too quickly or too slowly.  Each of you has a natural rhythm that needs to be honored.  We Masters play a part by assisting each of you during this transitory time.  This requires the proper amount of grace applied and mercy added to what can surely transpire.

This deep concern is part of a sacred process that contains elements of prayer and sacred rites.  The overall degree of change is immense.  We are given the sacred responsibility to shepherd you and permit you to "make it" to the last step.  This requires that we seek operational procedures from our sacred guides in Heaven and confer with our gracious hosts the Agarthans.  This is what we do daily along with prayers and sacred ceremonies.  We Masters are determined to see all of you fulfill your life contracts and become fully conscious Beings again.  The moments lived in this present reality are a great degradation, as well as a great hall of lessons.  It is time to rise up a new reality!  It is time to see the fruits of your new growth and to witness how you are to forge the way to this new reality!  Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!

Today, we again reported on what is occurring around your world. Those events long promised by the Light are finally to start to appear around you.  See these only as the initial confirmation of a new amazing, free and prosperous new realm.   Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!) 

More from  Sheldan Nidle, Galactic Heart & PAO: HERE
Community Corner
B ecause of the Constant Delays, Once Events Commence There Will Be a Stream of Welcome Changes
by Mike Quinsey Channeling his Higher Self 

Art: Van Gough

"Some question why you have to go through so much turmoil to establish the New Age.  Simply put it is the result of an immense clearing out of the old that no longer serves your needs or purpose."  ~ Mike Quinsey

15 April 2016

People's expectations are rising and their confidence improving so much, that they are coming forward to support the Light.  The truth has begun to surface and the lies and distortion of the facts are not so easily accepted as they were.  People's perception of what is going on is revealing the truth, and they have the ability to be discerning where false information is circulated.  These are the predicted times when what has been hidden will be revealed, and although the news is still largely controlled by those on the dark side, it does sometimes leak out.  There have been many resignations as the dark Ones are revealed, and it will continue until it reaches a point when their place is taken by Beings of Light.  It is in fact already happening on a small scale and often it has a knock on effect that leads to others who have hidden their actions coming out.

These matters take time to surface but they most certainly will come out in due course.  Some Beings of Light are still in the middle of what is happening, but their voices are often muted by those who still hide the truth.  However, matters are changing even more rapidly than previously and the pressure is mounting on those who support the Illuminati.  They know that their time is limited and had hoped to escape responsibility for their deeds.  There is no escape and they will have to answer for their actions, regardless of how much they try to avoid the inevitable time of accountability.

So what is expected of you as you enter the New Age with full expectations of Ascension.  By now if you are preparing yourself for it you should be able to see the whole of Humanity as One and as your Brothers and Sisters.  That being so you are expected treat all as equal and with Universal Love, and that is not as difficult as it may first appear.  It does mean however that you have to drop any prejudice you might feel against any other person.  That is what you should be aiming for if you want to move on from the lower dimensions.  It is the biggest step upwards that you can make, and you can do it if you really want to.

Bear in mind that you are eventually going to leave the lower vibrations, as the changes occur in your approach and understanding of spiritual understanding.  In any event it is your underlying wish to return to the higher vibrations, because you sense that your home is there where you can live in peace and are not bound by the problems found in the lower vibrationms.  They are of course part of your experiences that you have to rise up from, if you wish to evolve.  As has been previously indicated, you agreed to drop down into the lower vibrations, and you were assured that at any time you wished to progress, you would be given help.  Time as you know it is on your side but if you wish to take advantage of the coming end of the last cycle and the opportunity to ascend, you need to apply yourself to reach the level of vibration that is necessary to do so.

You can seem to standstill where your evolution is concerned, but all the time you are making progress.  You may have your ups and downs, but progress is inevitable as the more experience you gain the greater your ability to find the way home.  In this instance it is where you came from to try your skills in overcoming the challenges presented to you.  When you finally return to the higher dimensions all will be revealed to you, as you have been severely restricted by the lower vibrations and even temporarily lost your memory.  Some of you have a "feeling" of experiences in a higher level, and occasionally a memory of them.  This sometimes results from your "out of the body" experiences during your sleep time, although most souls cannot bring such things to their waking mind.

Some question why you have to go through so much turmoil to establish the New Age.  Simply put it is the result of an immense clearing out of the old that no longer serves your needs or purpose. However, many souls are reluctant to release that which is familiar to them and if that is their choice it will be upheld.  It means however that they cannot continue to remain on Earth as the vibrations lift up. So they will at a suitable time move to another "Earth" where they can continue their chosen experiences.  They would not in fact feel at home in levels that were too high for their comfort or desire to continue experiencing the lower dimensions. Be assured that they would still be given every help to assist them to evolve at the speed that suited them.  You are never alone in your desire to evolve and help is but a call away.

Many evolved souls on Earth are ready to serve others and their plan has gone ahead as necessary, so that when it is safe to do so they can put their plans into action.  It means that because of the constant delays, once they commence there will be a stream of welcome changes quickly brought into being.  Free energy will bring about so many changes in a relatively short time, that you will hardly have time to catch your breath.  The mood of people will change from despair to hope as they see the changes taking place that with help from the Galactic Forces will occur with all speed. Distribution is no problem at all when you consider that you have immense facilities to call upon that are at your disposal.  The size of the challenge to distribute new equipment will be easily handled by those who wait to serve you.

Political changes are necessary so that the right people are in place to ensure everything proceeds speedily and efficiently.  There has been too much "serving of self" when the privilege of representing the people has been abused.  People of the right approach and good intentions are waiting in the wings and ready to move quickly into action.  All of you are known for exactly what you are and no pretence or false claims will get you anywhere.  However, many of you are ready to commit yourselves to work for the good of others. Be assured that your talents will be called upon as and when needed. People will have much to ask when the truth starts to emerge and that is where those who are enlightened can be of great help.

This year is still going to be one to remember and although matters are not manifesting as quickly as intended, be assured many things are happening behind the scenes.  To say the least you will not be disappointed once those of the Light feel safe enough to proceed with their projects.

This message comes through my Higher Self.  I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


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More from Mike Quinsey: HERE
Community Corner
The Energetic Overlay of Planet Earth Is Very Heavy which Makes It Difficult for Those on Earth to Communicate with Those in the Spiritual Realms
by Jesus through John Smallman

"Knowledge is of the Heart, not the human heart, but the center of your true Self, the center of the energy field of pure Love that is One with God and from which you can never be separated.  You access it by going within, to your holy inner temple or sanctuary in quiet contemplation, and by allowing intuition, the Holy Spirit, your higher Self to commune with you there." ~ Jesus through John Smallman

13 April 2016

You are  always  infinitely loved, there is  not  a moment when you are not enfolded in the divine embrace, the field of Love that is God, our Source.  There is  nothing  anyone can do to break the bonds of Love that connect them to God, Who neither judges, nor blames, nor condemns.  Those are all unreal human concepts, whereas Love is the only  Reality.   So, forgive yourselves, accept yourselves, and embrace yourselves, as God does; and in the  knowing  that you are eternally and infinitely loved, then love, honor, and respect yourselves. When you do that you will find that you also honor and respect  all others.   That does not mean that you will magically like them or their behaviors or opinions, it means that you will accept them lovingly, just as they are, and then, magically, your dislikes will fade away.

Why is that, you may ask?  Well, it's quite simple, you are all mirrors to one another.  What you like or love in another is a perfect reflection of what you approve of in yourselves, and what you dislike or disapprove of in another is what you dislike or disapprove of in yourselves.  But, because you mostly hide from yourselves what you like or approve of because you sense that it is invalid - what you like and approve of may have been discouraged or disapproved of by your parents, carers and teachers - and what you dislike or disapprove of in yourselves you are frequently ashamed of and cannot bear to acknowledge. Everyone has to deal with these issues, and initially, in early childhood, you learn that you need an acceptable mask behind which to hide your real and "unacceptable" self, the self that makes errors and is judged and blamed.

That early conditioning is deeply ingrained, and not easily released or discarded. You  need  help.  Every human is accompanied on the earthly journey by at least one guide or mentor from the spiritual realms, nevertheless, the energetic overlay of planet Earth is very heavy which makes it difficult for those on Earth to communicate with those in the spiritual realms.  On top of that, when you enter the earthly realm, your memory of the spiritual realms fades rather quickly so that you can adjust to the human condition and live on Earth as a human.  In fact you  forget  the spiritual realms as you get caught up in the distractions of the illusion.

The constant sense of peace, joy, harmony, acceptance, and Love that is Reality, where you have your eternal existence, is lost on Earth, and if you could remember it clearly, then to live an earthly life would be practically impossible. Every human  chose  to be human for the lessons that they intended to learn, and to assist others they met and interacted with along their paths.  Love, Reality, God, Source is Relationship.  As separated beings, as humans, relationships have to be established because they are not automatically formed.

Separation has not occurred because separation is  impossible,  but because you chose to experience separation by entering the illusion and playing the games that unreal state demands, it  seems  that you are separated one from another.  In that unreal state relationships have to be developed.  Infants that are not touched or cherished frequently die at an age early because the relationships essential for life are not provided.  And the vast majority of humans are damaged as a result of dysfunctional relationships early in life.  It is not just a matter of being neglected, it is because the limitations that the illusion sets as part of the human environment, the appearance of individuality, of separate bodies, that the ability to communicate freely demands the use of language.  In Reality you  know .  In the illusion language is meant to lead to knowing, but often fails in its task - there are differences due to race, culture, and belief systems, differences that can be readily understood, known, and accepted when you know one another as One, but which get utterly lost in the confusion of language.

The Bible tells the story of The Tower of Babel, a story of humanity at that time, that spoke one language, trying to build a tower to reach up to God, and that God saw what they were doing and prevented them from completing it by by dividing them into tribes speaking different languages so that they could no longer understand one another and were therefore unable to complete the tower. Language  is  a barrier to  knowledge .  Knowledge is of Reality.  Comprehension, understanding, and learning are of the illusion, of the state of limitation, concepts and ideas conceived of by human reason which is severely limiting.

Knowledge is of the Heart, not the human heart, but the center of your true Self, the center of the energy field of pure Love that is One with God and from which you can never be separated.  You access it by going within, to your holy inner temple or sanctuary in quiet contemplation, and by  allowing  intuition, the Holy Spirit, your higher Self to commune with you there.  Even if it seems that you are unable to access your guides, are unable to hear them, nearly all of you have known someone or have known someone who knows someone who can access the spiritual realms and commune with me or other holy Ones who are formless, and who can then receive guidance and messages that assist them on their life paths.  You truly do  know  that the spiritual realms are Real, and not the wishful imaginings of those with damaged minds.

If you feel that you need spiritual guidance, and you are unable to still your mind sufficiently to make contact personally with your spiritual guides or mentors, that may be because you chose a life path that precludes that inner knowing or because your doubts and skepticism prevent you from hearing.  If this is your experience then it might well be helpful to seek out a medium, a mystic, or a channel, who has access to see if they can help you.  As long as your intention is pure, completely honest, and loving, and not an egoic desire for sensational information to, for instance, win the lottery or to gain an advantage over another, then seeking guidance in that way can be beneficial and comforting.

However, the ongoing task for the vast majority of Light workers, Light bearers, and awakening humans in general, is to spend time daily in peace and undisturbed quietness, intending to be loving in every moment, in every situation, regardless of what arises.  By simply doing this each one of you has an  enormously  powerful effect in moving the human collective forward toward its inevitable and truly imminent awakening.  By doing just that you are bringing joy to the world, and that is what awakening is all about.

Your loving brother, Jesus. 

More from John Smallman including audio for this message: HERE
Community Corner
Harbingers of Planetary Change Are Recognized
Update GaiaPortal by ÉirePort

Art Credit of Galactic Ship Unknown

13 April 2016

Harbingers of planetary change are recognized.
Electives are sought, and selected.
Frequencis of Hue-Being mastery complete their functions.
Full motion forward.

More from GaiaPortal: HERE
Community Corner
Peace in Every Facet of Your Life Requires the Letting Go of Every Thing that Prevents the Experience of It
by Hilarion through Marlene Swetlishoff / Tsu-tana

"Take time to partake of relaxing activities that nurture your soul."   ~ Hilarion

April 10-17, 2016

Beloved Ones,

Your desire to experience peace in every facet of your life requires the letting go of every thing that prevents the experience of it. It is, however, you who must do the necessary observation and introspection of the patterns that still remain and need attention. Do not become discouraged if they seem difficult to eliminate from your mental processes. Many times, it is really the energies of mass consciousness that impinge upon your senses which triggers all that is not yet completely cleared from within you. That is why we have advised previously that you take time at least once a week to perform the   total energy clearing  process to keep a high energy field around you.

Also take some time each day to just stand upon the Earth in your bare feet and picture roots growing from your body into the center of the Earth.  Our scribe has purchased an Earthing Mat which she uses under her bare feet while she is sitting at the computer to lessen the effects of excessive electromagnetic energy.  Each person has to take assertive action on one's own behalf in a way that gives benevolent outcomes and keeps your physical body healthy and filled with a sense of vitality and well being. Wearing a Shungite pendant is also very helpful as this stone provides a very helpful cleansing and clearing of various negative thought forms and any difficult or destructive energies are shifted in vibration to a higher level.  

This is a time of new beginnings which asks you to take action to work towards the accomplishment of your dreams through self determination. Cast aside all doubt and reach for the stars! The worst is now behind you and it is smooth sailing ahead so it is a good time to move forward and take that next step.  Focus on what you  DO  want instead of what you don't want and you can achieve anything that you set your mind to.  Accept only the best for yourself without compromise, there is always a peaceful solution to any challenge that bars your way, open your mind to perceive it from a higher perspective for we, your guides always seek to inspire, uplift and support you!

Take time to partake of relaxing activities that nurture your soul. Giving rest to yourself is a necessity each day so that you can recharge your body, mind and soul.  If you do not do this for yourself, you will be too depleted to give to anyone else. In setting respectful boundaries for yourself, it helps to maintain well being in every facet of your life.  This nurturance brings a smile to your face and lifts your energy field to a positive and higher level and this in turn has a positive effect on all those around you!

Along with the   total energy clearing  once a week, it is also important to keep your chakra system cleared each day.  There is a lot of 'sticky stuff' in the air waves at this time that can attach to your energy field which then requires more of your personal energy and effort to remove from you.  By taking time each morning to visualize each of your seven major chakras spinning rapidly in a clockwise direction, you keep them at optimum operating levels, and this protects you from lower energies as they just automatically bounce away from you because your energy field is not setting up an attraction to them.  And so, Dear Ones, practicing spiritual hygiene every day is very important.

Until next week...
I AM Hilarion

2009-2016 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana 


Notice is hereby given that the creation of videos by people other than the author/channel/scribe of any messages from this author/channel/scribe is prohibited unless authorized by her.  Permission is given to share this text message on other blogs and websites as long as the text message is posted in its entirety and nothing has been changed, or altered in any way and author/channel/scribe's credit, copyright and live website links are included as the source of the messages.

Thank you for including the above website link when posting this message.
Community Corner
through Suzanne Lie

Art Provided by Suzanne Lie

"Unconditional Love means to love even that which has, or those who have tried, to limit you, frighten you, or exhaust you.  Most of all, Unconditional Love is able to love fear--unconditionally."  ~ Your Lightbody

16 April 2016


Do you remember me from our first days on Lemuria?  Within that NOW we were only Lightbody, and many of us lived within the NOW of the HERE before Gaia's resonance fell into the lower dimensions.  When Gaia fell into the fourth, and then the third dimensional, I, your Lightbody hid inside your increasingly dense form. 

Now, I AM hidden inside your costume of flesh.  I await my birth into the reality that is being created by the merging of the third, fourth, and fifth dimensions.  All three dimensions have existed as three separate octaves within the physical reality of life on Earth.  Many have denied the fourth and fifth dimensions, and some have denied the third. 

The ones who have denied the fourth and fifth dimension have been called "logical", whereas the ones who have denied the third dimension have been called illogical or worse.  As the third and fourth dimensions merge, the physical world will become so infused with light than even the most logical ones will not be able to deny the existence of higher worlds. 

Higher perceptions will become more and more normal, and the logical ones will be recognized as being limited and unable to see that which is just before them.  These logical ones may not be able to accept the shift, as they will not be able to believe that it is possible. 

Therefore, they will not expect it, and their perceptions will not be calibrated to perceive the fifth, or even the fourth dimension.  Since they will not allow themselves to perceive the higher dimensions, these logical ones will not notice that their reality is changing. 

They will not notice the change because their limited perceptions will separate them from the new reality being born as the dimensions merge.  For those who believe a cosmic moment is beginning, only fear can stop them from the experience of that moment. 

Unconditional Love will heal your fear and expand your perceptions. Unconditional Love means to love even that which has, or those who have tried, to limit you, frighten you, or exhaust you.  Most of all, Unconditional Love is able to love fear--unconditionally.

Take a moment now, physical body of mine, to call up what you fear. Yes, it is closer than you thought.  There it is, right beneath your everyday, conscious thoughts. 

Allow this fear to enter into the light of your conscious awareness. Tell me what this fear is so that I, your Lightbody, may heal it with my Unconditional Love.  Allow me to merge that fear into the fourth and fifth dimension so that ALL the dimensions are healed and merged into the ONE.


"My fear is that of betrayal.  I fear that if I take the leap, if I "bet it all" on my successful transformation into Lightbody, that it will have been only my imagination.  Then I will have lost my ability to survive in the physical world. 

My fear is that if I surrender into my inner guidance, I will lose.  Then "they" will be right, and I will have lost all that I have "worked so hard" to achieve.  My fear is that my inner voice is wrong, and the outer world is right.


My dear physical one, I wish to tell you that it is this fear that has blocked your forward movement.  However, you are part of a group, which is the group that has volunteered to assist Gaia in Her planetary ascension.  Most of the members of this group have this same fear for they have chosen to listen to the inner voice and ignore the "logic" of their egos. 

However, each of you must call upon your Lightbodies to Love that fear free.  Then, you can complete your personal experience so that you can contribute it to the group process of planetary ascension.

Even though you are a part of the group, each of you must be WILLING to be the "first one" to take your leap.  Each of you must be willing to be the "first one" to trust yourself enough to reveal yourself. 

If you hold one bit of doubt, it will ripple throughout the group with the speed of light.  If you hold back, it will hold back the others. 
You must take the leap. 
You must take it NOW.

Do you recall when you took the leap to enter into a physical body for the first time?  Do you recall the terror of becoming third dimensional, and the many, many lives and deaths that followed? 

Now you are about to be set free.  If you look at this one life, it may appear to be a "long time" before your ascension.  On the other hand, if you look at your journey from that first life until this life, the remainder of your time in the third dimension will appear very short indeed.

I give you a preview how you shall ground the fifth dimension into your physical body and merge your third and fourth dimensional selves with me, your Lightbody.  You have already begun the process by surrendering your third dimensional life to the control of your Higher Self.

Now-see the bright circle of light before you.  It begins as a speck, but with every step you take towards it, the light grows brighter. 

See how this light, this fifth dimensional light, shines into your physical form.  You can see how the layers of vibration within your body are merging with your fifth dimensional layer that is on the outside of your physical body. 

These "layers" of your birthing Lightbody are very bright and loosely formed like a cloud of beaming light, or a nebula, in outer space.  Inside that layer is your fourth dimensional self. 

Your fourth dimensional self is a bit more condensed and holds more form than your fifth-dimensional Lightbody.  However, your fourth dimensional form constantly morphs and shape-shifts.  It also moves from reality to reality, as if in a dream.

At the core of your beaming fourth dimensional form is the denser third dimensional form for your consciousness.  This "form" is made of dense third dimensional matter. 

Your process of surrender has been allowing the fourth and fifth dimensional vibration to slowly integrate into your third dimensional body.  Hence, what was once very dense is now infused with finer vibratory frequencies.  Eventually, every cell and atom will vibrate in tandem with your fifth dimensional counterpart. 

The pull of your fifth dimensional vibration is slowly altering your third dimensional self, transforming it into a fourth dimensional self, but the final transformation to fifth dimensional self cannot take place until your fourth dimensional effluvia is purified and healed. 

ALL fear must be released before the transition can be complete.  When fear is transmuted to power, your fourth dimensional self will act like glue to bind your fifth and third dimensional anatomies.  Your third dimensional consciousness will be the first portion of your third dimensional self to make the transition into the fifth dimension.  

Your fifth dimensional consciousness will calibrate your third dimensional senses to consciously perceive more and more of the fifth dimension as it bleeds into your everyday life.  Dream awareness and analysis, as well as frequent meditations, will accelerate your process because you will train yourself to focus your attention on your higher dimensional realities.


Be patient with yourself.  There is a process beginning here that is far beyond anything you could ask for, or even imagine.  Be still and allow that process to engulf and direct you.  During this process, you may have the experience of intense heat in your body. 

This heat is because you are trying to run fifth-dimensional consciousness through a third-dimensional body.  The limitation and separation that is the matrix of third dimensional life form can cause a dissonance within the body when your fifth-dimensional consciousness runs through it.

If you hold only a dim light, many of your weaknesses can be hidden in the shadows.  However, as your consciousness expands, your light grows brighter, and your weaknesses are exposed for all to see.  Not many of you are comfortable with this degree of openness and vulnerability. 

Consequently, you may send mixed messages into your world.  You may send the message of who you truly are within your fifth dimensional consciousness, while you simultaneously send the message of who you "should be" from your third dimensional consciousness.

These different messages compete against each other and cause stress within your body.  This inner dissonance is then projected into your outer world.  In that manner, any fear that you hold within your body will become projected out onto your third dimensional environment. 

Because it is often difficult to perceive your inner fear, you may choose ignore it.  Conversely, you can usually feel the fear of someone close to you.  Hence, we remind you to remember that you created your reality.

If you created your reality, then you created having a person displaying your fear for you, so that you can no longer ignore it.  Before you confront and heal this fear in someone else, see the source of that fear inside yourself.  Once your Unconditional Love has healed the fear within you, the issue with the external person will then solve itself.

Keep surrendering all your fears to me-your Lightbody-and I shall assist you in transmuting them to power.  However, first you must complete the transmutation of your ego.  While your ego is engaged, there is always the possibility of corruption of your power. 

Once your fifth dimensional SELF is the sole creator of your life you will be so detached from the rewards and punishments of the third dimension that external corruption will no longer be a problem.

Go, now, and partake deeply in your process.  You have waited many lifetimes for this opportunity.  Enjoy it to the fullest.  You are one of the ONES who will experience this grand cosmic moment in an awake and aware fashion.  Because you have "gone ahead" into your higher expressions of SELF, you will be able to consciously facilitate their transformation into Lightbody.

I AM your Lightbody.  I will guide you in every step.  Just relax and continue to surrender EVERY fear.  We are ONE.  I am you, and you are me. 

We are ONE individualized creation within a Cosmic Sea of Unity.
Touch my heart,
Caress my mind
So Unity,
At last, we'll find

            Your Lightbody

More from Suzanne Lie including her incredible messages, books, videos and courses: HERE
Community Bulletin Board 
Join Us!  We'll Be There!

Welcome to PAO's Live Webinar for April
Divine timing is the universal clock, of which we and our planet are a part.
It cannot be hurried, and we must trust it.

Live Webinars give us the opportunity to work together. 
With positive intent, we can collectively help to change this reality.

Topics include...
* Understanding the nature of 3D vs 5D time
Enduring frequent time delays: Learning to trust the process
 Understanding the Divine Order:
Divine Time for... Announcements - Disclosure - Landings - Mentoring
 Doing our part: Working together to prepare ourselves as we await our reality shift.

Sunday, April 24, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT 
Thursday, April 28, 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. PDT
Talk to Sheldan Live...
simply by using your home computer

(After the Webinar, Sheldan will answer your questions)
Seats are Limited... Register Now! 
Cost: $15.00 U.S.

Community Bulletin Board


Monthly Christed Heart Transmissions By The Elders

The Diamond Codes and Knowing Heart ~ April 2016 

Anrita Melchizedek
The Pleiadian Light Network

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now, in this sacred month of April.  Sweet ones, through the most recent planetary activities of March, of eclipses and equinox energies and the Christed Petal of your Powerful Heart, you experienced a deepening sense of standing in your truth and power as spiritual warriors of Light, whilst simultaneously releasing your own debris of suppressed and ignored patterns.  As you observed, released, accepted and/or activated all that was needing to be transformed and embraced, many of you continued to experience deep levels of release including many physical dis-comforts and flu-like symptoms, facilitating a deeper merging and integration of your Beloved I Am Presence.  Sweet ones, we mention here once more the importance of trusting and surrendering to the Divine; to allow the flow of your intuitive guidance and Beloved I Am Presence to take you deeper into your blossoming, magnificence and Light.  To slow down and ground yourselves in facilitating the release of old fears and patterns that no longer serve you.  There is also no need to push a particular direction or focus.  Simply connect with your Beloved I Am Presence, expressing the assistance needed as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, in the Knowing that you are not alone, but deeply celebrated, appreciated and Loved.

In this sacred month of April, this observational awareness of the changes still needing to be experienced in non-judgment and Divine Love is expressed through a greater sense of re-balancing, new beginnings, and the activation of the Christed Petal of your Knowing Heart.  You are further able to deepen the blueprint of your creational energies and service work as you experience a deeper anchoring and activating of your Diamond Octahedronal Light Bodies and the Diamond Codes of Creation, of Self-Mastery, culminating in an alignment of Light through the June Solstice energies, and a joyous re-union of hearts with soul and star family and friends of the Light.

Sweet ones, we have mentioned these beautiful  Diamond Codes of Creation that come through from the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God as the  eighteenth ray of Melchizedek Consciousness, of God Consciousness ~ the ray of Transcendence, sweet ones, the ray of Self-Mastery, that merges and aligns all aspects of yourselves into a deeper level of purity and innocence and knowing of yourselves in service to Mother Earth.  Additionally, sweet ones, you experience a deeper connection of support with soul and star family and friends of the Light, and with this too, the ability to embrace the inner child as your gateway to God.  The ability to embrace the wounded child as the ego aspect, as the balance within you that takes you into the seat of the soul. ... 

To read and experience the rest of this transmission, including LINKS for the YouTube, MP3 and full written versions, please go HERE

LINK:  http://www.pleiadianlight.net/monthly-transmissions-by-the-elders/

Quote of the Day

by Yosef

Today I can believe
painful wounds will heal
angels fly silent around me
that I am a living miracle.

Today I will forgive
myself when I fail
people who dishonor my name
fears that restrict my soul.

Today I do know 
tears always flow from love
faith can calm a nervous mind
a worthy path is beneath my feet.

Today I shall dream
so joy can gain momentum
genius answers my prayer's request
sad hearts again beat without pain.

Today I must trust
God protects me in every moment
all life is meaningful and sacred
and what I need, I surely already have.

With Thanks & Love to  Dinar Chronicles: HERE
and to The Big Call with Bruce & Co: HERE
From the Editor's Desk...
                 ~ ~ ~ A NNOUNCEMENT! ~ ~ ~
          Live Radio Show "Channel Panel" 
         Featuring The Company of Heaven

  Happy New Day Friends and Family across  Earth!  We in The Council of Light have asked Kathryn, Meg and Christine to continue our weekly live radio shows along with guided editions of The New Earth Times.  The shows will sport an ever evolving format which will continue to feature Mother and Father God and the Company of Heaven.  We love you and greatly await moving ever closer in communication and celebration.  Together we begin the next phase of our shared Project to raise Earth and all upon her into the New Golden Age! 

JOIN US on our LIVE Blogtalk Shows!

NEXT SHOW:  To Be Announced!

Please Enjoy Our Latest Show:


Testimonials from recent shows...

What a show, what a show!  Kathryn, Christine, Meg, Sananda, Michael, Eoghan, Father and Mother (Cupid) and visiting St. Germain...Thank you for the gift of LOVE you brought so brilliantly to us!  Since becoming a member of this family, the ability to put feelings into words has been ever increasingly a challenge and today...well I have only 1...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! 
With Honey Bunches of Love, Light, Gratitude and Emotion,
*:x lovestruck Teresa

Dear Kathryn and Christine, I have been deeply deeply affected by the show.    It is still sinking in. The magnitude of what transpired today is way beyond that what can be put into words or grasped by my mind.  I feel it.  An energetic circuitry got completed ... I am so so grateful, words cannot do justice to express the depth of feelings. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Mother Father God, and all their Creation,  Your loving child, Simran

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Dearest Ones...ALL of you who shared today...all of YOU!   I have such PEACE in this moment...as our guests today EXPLAINED my entire current life...all nearly 57 years thus far. Every word - as always - has the music and feel of things I have known yet been unable to adequately explain in ways others could begin to understand.  This amazing journey... With deepest gratitude and forever love...to new beginnings and excitement beyond our imagination in the most deLIGHTful of adventures...with the fullness of LOVE being our creations.  
With love and blessings, I thank you...   ~ Bette

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I'm still in awe of what was shared with us today - I'm so grateful for the roles the two of you (and others in your household!) have played over many lifetimes, because the result of YOUR work is a direct blessing to ME.  And to all the rest of our wonderful family.  And to everyone else on our beautiful Gaia.  And everywhere else.  Words just aren't enough.  And so we all keep sending love and gratitude to each of you.   Lots of love to all of you,  John L.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

I have no words to express the Great Richness this show brought to me!!!!  The magical Surprise showing of St. Germain with super good news is the happy positive energy that I feel prevailing with  everyone everywhere!! ... Dear Mother Sekhmet was regal.   I cried with love for Her.  Dear Sekhmet...you really helped me expand my mind, (that's what I want the most).  I feel I want to embrace you and thank you in humanity's name...   Love Joy and hugs, Marcia

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 
New Galactic Newsletter Launches on Surface Earth
By Archangel Michael, July 19, 2015 

warm welcome to  THE NEW EARTH TIMES , a brand new venture in co-creation.  We have asked our beloved channels to bring you the news, as we see it, so this will be a different kind of publication. We are the Company of Heaven:  Mother Father God, Ascended Masters and Archangels, who love you and only ever offer what is for the greatest Good of ALL.  We will be bringing you updates, news and Galactic-interest stories related to the Ascension of Earth, along with 5th dimensional lifestyle features. 

The purpose of this publication is not only to keep you informed of what's happening in various facets of the Ascension Earth Project, but also to galvanize our Unity.  We share an important Mission:  restoring the Light on Earth, so that she and all upon her may ascend in freedom and glory.  We share with you an unbreakable bond of family, service and love.

Besides our regularly Featured Columnists (Mother and Father God, Sananda, Ashtar, Archangel Gabriel and Arcturian Team Leader), our publication will feature many fascinating and compelling guests including:  Ascended Masters, the Council of Light, Angels and Archangels, members of the Galactic Federation of Light, Agarthans from Inner Earth, Terra (Earth), Galactic Emissaries from this and other systems, representatives of many other Kingdoms and more.  Often, we will include features from other channels and Lightworkers in order to enhance the harmony and union of our shared service and goals.  I have many surprises up my sleeve to inform, astonish and delight you.

Our cherished channels, Kathryn and Christine, live in such a way that they carry out whatever we ask without hesitation.  We have a close relationship full of trust and understanding.   We speak and laugh together all throughout every day.  Our channels have prepared and trained for their role now for many lifetimes - just the same as you have done.   Sooner than you think, you will all be able to communicate with us directly.  It is a day we have awaited with longing, and that day will arrive with such triumph!

I have often said that all communication is for Union.  This is our wish and the inevitability we share. 

Glory to our Mother Father God as we charge into this next phase of Project Earth:  the full realization of New Earth and the dawning of the New Golden Age. 

I am your brother,
Archangel Michael
Namaste All.

Channeled by Christine, New York, 19 July 2015
Photo Credit:  Griffith Observatory 
Kathryn E. May, PsyD., and Christine E. Burk.  Permission is given to copy and share these messages freely, provided they are presented in their entirety without additions or deletions, and credit is given to the channel(s) and to the website,   www.whoneedslight.org  Artificial voice recordings are not permitted. Translations and transcriptions must be approved case by case by the author and the scribe.
Donations gratefully accepted (Please go to Link, scroll to bottom to find donation button - thank you for your support!):    DONATE
Website:   whoneedslight.org
Featured Radio Show:   

Please enjoy our  YouTube  channel.

Who Needs Light? is a book by Dr. Kathryn E. May,  endorsed by Mother Father God and Sananda/Jesus - they have called it "A Guide for Ascension."   It is no less than a step-by-step, Light-encoded manual for freeing yourself once-and-for-ALL from the matrix. 

Who Needs Light is a Mission.  It is an all-inclusive project of Lightworkers and Light beings working together in harmony, prosperity and joy for the upliftment of Earth and all upon her. It is the movement of liberation that leads to The New Golden Age.

Who Needs Light?  We all do!  We are all born of Light, and - whether we are conscious of it yet or not - we are all currently engaged in a mighty effort to restore Light, Love and Peace to Surface Earth and throughout the Galaxy.  In this valiant and assuredly successful venture, we are receiving much support and guidance from our loving Galactic and Ascended Family. 

Order    Who Needs Light? or donate, so that others who cannot afford the book will be able to get their copy.  The author will match all donations. 

|       Who Needs Light?      |

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