August 21, 2023
The LAT Rules have substantially changed as of August 21, 2023. These changes will impact the way we work and it is important to understand what has changed and why. We have created a chart of the new Rules here and we have a printable version here on our website. If you are having trouble with the links, please copy and paste into your browser:
Key LAT Decisions - Summer 2023
Tiziana Serpa writes on a recently decision on the issue of entitlement to attendant care benefits, which requires the services to have been “incurred” pursuant to the SABs, in particular with a family member who is providing attendant care.

Read the complete blog here.
Noah Beiles blogs on C.B, T.G.B and B.G.B v Belair Direct Insurance Company in which Adjudicator Kaur reaffirmed that spouses and dependents of insured persons injured in accidents are only entitled to benefits for psychological injury if the named insured sustained a physical injury in the accident.

Click here to read Noah's complete blog.
In the Licence Appeal Tribunal decision of Ko v Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company, 2023 ONLAT 21-015392/AABS-PI, Adjudicator Kaur addressed the issue of jurisdiction as it pertained to finality with respect to a full and final settlement.

Tiziana Serpa writes on this decision, which you can find on our website here

We have a LAT team of over 40 lawyers and we are always here to help.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions you might have about the new Rules, or any issue you are facing with a LAT file.

We look forward to connecting.

LAT Practice Group | 416-777-2811 | |