Volume LXXXI | August 2020
The Newark Christian
August 2020
Mission Statement
Our mission is to lead people to faith in Jesus Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit and scriptures from the Holy Bible. We seek to grow in the knowledge and grace of Christ to strengthen the unity of all Christians toward building the Kingdom of God.
August 2020
Volume LXXXI
Issue 8
Office phone 740-366-4961
Prayer notes: [email protected]
Sunday, August 2
We have planned a special "drive-by" celebration following our Sunday service. This is our opportunity to show appreciation to Pastor Jeff, Joyce and Chris Gill for their years of service and dedication to our church.

Let's fill the parking lot!

Notes from my Knapsack ~ a concluding word from Pastor Jeff
To my friends and fellow Christians --

“And in conclusion . . .”

These are often welcome words! When a speech or sermon has reached its appointed term, there’s a comfort in knowing that a wrap-up is on the way, that we know it’s time to move to the next step or stage or even, God bless us, go on downstairs to Fellowship Hall for a dinner.

The worst thing a preacher can do is say “and in conclusion” about halfway through their message. If you say it, you gotta mean it. Ditto with “my last point” which had best not have three or four more coming along.

As a pastor, who does the funerals and weddings and baptisms for a congregation, one thing I have to wrap up is that I won’t be that person for you now. I will be around, and I hope to find new ways to be present (along with that newspaper column I had before we joined up in 2012 & I’ll continue to have as long as they’ll print me), but I’m not the pastor for you after August 9th.

There are some halfway completed services I will do the last steps for later this fall, thanks to COVID, but I’m stepping back from public events and pastoral work.

I will still sing your praises and in many ways still be your fellow worshiper, if from a distance. And yes, I will keep saying “Newark Central” because there are just too many “Central Christian” churches in Ohio & beyond, but I’ll speak your name and maybe even send some folks your way.
Unlike Paul in Acts 20, I’m not vanishing from your sight. But I am saying “in conclusion” for this term of ministry, the eight years and more we’ve had since the spring of 2012, and will exit the platform and turn from the pulpit with gratitude, and many, many thanks.

In grace & peace,
Pastor Jeff
Service Spotlight
Celebrating our members....
We are blessed with some talented and generous individuals in our church and felt it was important to "shine a spotlight" on how our amazing members are contributing at Central. Let's start this month with one of our evangelism teams.

Christian Education Team
  • Sue Clark has spent several years working with our youth. She has agreed to now serve as the Christian Education Team Leader. One of her responsibilities is to work with her team to plan and support events beyond Sunday morning for our youth.
  • Stepping back in as the Youth Ministries Coordinator is Micki Cotterman. Micki is a schoolteacher and has served in the Youth Ministries role previously but took a bit of time off. We are happy to have her back. She looks forward to reaching out to our middle and high school youth.
  • Amy Mangus has agreed to serve as the Children's Ministries Coordinator. Amy is also a schoolteacher and she is already exploring ways to connect with our younger children.

The Ministries Coordinator positions are paid, contracted positions. However, both Micki and Amy have declined payment for their work in these positions. What generous individuals!

Those who continue to serve on the Christian Education Team are Barb Smith, Kendra Johnson, and Isabel Mangus . Thank you, ladies for your continued support on this team.
Vacation Bible School
COVID-19 isn't going to keep Amy Mangus from offering Vacation Bible School for our children. Amy will be in the church parking lot on Saturday, August 1 from 9 - 11 a.m. This "drive by" will allow our youth to PICK-UP VBS in a bag.
Words of appreciation
Central Christian Church,
Enclosed is a check for $100. Please use it in whatever way you see fit. I think every little bit helps in some way. During this time of uncertainty, I know God is in control. I know that because of wonderful Christian parents who raised my siblings and I in the church. Even though I spend most of my time in Solon, OH, Central Christian Church will always be my "home church."
I will continue to pray for the many ways the church ministers to people in Licking County and all over the world.
~ Janet & Mike Bush

To the members of Central Christian Church, thank you so much for the scholarship award I received. It will help me continue my studies at Case Western Reserve in the fall. Your contribution is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time, 
~ Ethan Boyle
Celebrating Birthdays and Anniversaries
August Birthdays
1 Kenny & Kyle Fry
4 Michael Ziech
5 Rev. Karen Gebhart
7 Rick Hayden
9 Julie Quickle & Jan Tomlinson
13 David Stewart & Carol Thompson
15 Abigail Buchanan
16 Kelsey Goodin
17 Vicki Palur
18 Samantha Frizzell
20 Karen Crothers
21 Jane Beeney
23 Drew Buchanan
26 Joyce Meredith Gill
28 Rev. Jeff Gill
August Anniversaries

11 Steve & Judy Schmitt
13 Rick & Karen Crothers
19 Joe & Teresa Jones
19 Ron & Carol Thompson
28 Harry & Dianne Cline
Thank you Pastor Gill
The Lord will watch over your coming and going, both now and forevermore.

Psalm 121:8