Your Daily News Update
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Friday March 12 2021
Long Island
Coronavirus hospitalizations are dropping on Long Island while increased shipments of vaccines are arriving, and a push is underway in minority communities to boost confidence in the shot.
“The Long Island Solar Roadmap,” a new report and interactive online map from The Nature Conservancy and Defenders of Wildlife, demonstrates how Long Island, New York could produce more solar electricity than the region uses all year by developing arrays on “low-impact” sites such as parking lots, capped landfills and commercial building rooftops.
New York City
Mary Wall, the current chief of staff to the New York City Department of Education, is set to work with the president’s COVID-19 COVID Response Team on meeting the Biden's stated goal of returning students in grades K through 8 to full-time schooling by the end of his first 100 days
New York City released hundreds of people as the pandemic raged. Now jails are full again, and an increase in infections could spread the virus beyond their walls.
New York State
Gov. Andrew Cuomo characterized the new allegations as “gut-wrenching,” but insisted that he has “never done anything like this.”
Service providers say New York pocketed $400 million in enhanced Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) aid that should have flowed to nonprofits providing direct care, housing and other supportive services to people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
President Biden’s new role as a crusader for Americans in poverty is an evolution for a politician who has focused on the working class and his Senate work on the judiciary and foreign relations.
So far, repeated declarations from the White House and elsewhere seeking to discourage would-be migrants have failed to deter a surge of people hopeful that their turn has come.
Hon. Arthur "Jerry" Kremer
P: (516) 663-6688
Executive Vice President
Anthony Figliola
P: (516) 663-5335
Albany - Long Island - New York