Volume 4 ~ Issue 14; Release: September 18, 2019
  • Brother Seiffert takes solemn vows
  • FST welcomes seminarians from Diocese of San Diego
  • Province Retreat
  • Youth Orchestra Videos from Guaymas
Brother James Seiffert takes solemn vows
On August 31st Brother James Seiffert, OFM, made his solemn profession of vows to the Franciscan Order at a special Mass at the historic Mission San Luis Rey. Provincial Minster David Gaa, OFM, received James' profession in front of group of friars, family members, and friends.
Franciscan School of Theology welcomes new students

We are grateful to  The Roman Catholic Diocese of SAN DIEGO  for sending their seminarians to our  Franciscan School of Theology . Our faculty, staff, and students are honored and blessed to journey together with you, Brothers!
Province Retreat
Challenges to Consecrated Life in the New Digital Age

Retreat Director: Fr. Martín Carbajo, OFM

During this retreat we will reflect on the current communication and environmental challenges that the new digital age presents to all people and, more specifically, to our life as friars. We are already in a new culture, a new way of being and thinking. Technology has allowed a significant increase in material goods and in global connectivity, but we are destroying our common home. We are more connected, but more alone. The Synod for the Amazon, which will conclude in Rome just before this retreat, can be a source of inspiration for our reflection and our willingness for conversion.

Begin: Monday, November 4 with dinner at 6 pm
Conclude: Friday, November 8 with lunch

Please contact Peter Boegel if you would like to participate in this Province Retreat
Phone or Text: 510-725-7079
Greetings from Guaymas

For those of you who have enjoyed presentations of our beautiful youth symphony, I have two more for your enjoyment.

We have a hundred and fifty young people in our beautiful youth symphony. We play cultural and classical music to the great joy of our audience. Our vision is to play beautiful music but more important is the formation of the of the young through their participation in our musical program. Music is a powerful formator of young people and what a great joy for us to witness this growth in our musicians. It really is a very important and wonderful Franciscan apostolate. 

Here is the link to the first video and here is the link to the second .

Blessings from Guaymas!

Congratulations to Our Jubilarians

Congratulations to our jubilarians this month:
  • On September 1st Friars Ben Innes and Steve Gillis celebrated 40 years as friars.
  • On September 14th Friar Michael Doherty celebrated 50 years as a friar.
Timothy Arthur  9-1
John Gibbons 9-3
Vincent Nguyen  9-3
Stephen Gillis 9-4
William Minkel  9-8
Nevin Ford  9-9
Mark Schroeder  9-9
James Seiffert 9-11
Salvador Mejia  9-12
Philip Garcia  9-13
Ben Innes  9-14
Rusty Shaughnessy 9-21
Emerito Gomez 9-22
Michael Dallmeier 9-24
Victor Vega  9-24
Tom Herbst  9-27

Michael Dallmeier  9-9
Richard Juzix  9-12
Roland Rovere  9-15
Mateo Guerrero  9-21
Emerito Gomez  9-22
Raul Diaz  9-23
Clifford Herle  9-25
Barry Brunsman  9-25
Jeff Shackleton  9-25
Vincent Mesi  9-27
Robert Valentine 9-27
Michael Guinan  9-29
Michael Doherty  9-29
William Haney  9-29
Michael Weldon  9-29
Miguel Obregon  9-29
Michael Blackburn  9-29
Michael Harvey  9-29
John Tran Nguyen  9-29

Definitorium Meeting
September 23-27 ~ Old Mission San Luis Rey, CA

October 3

Feast of St. Francis
October 4

OFM.FYI, the bi-weekly newsletter of the Franciscan Friars Province of Saint Barbara, is published on the 15th of each month.
Relevant submissions of texts, photos, etc., are welcome at any time 
and will be placed in the next appropriate issue
 Send submissions to: jledbetter@sbofm.org