Volume 4 ~ Issue 13; Release: August 15, 2019
- Chapter of Mats
- Lights for Liberty
- St. Francis Center New Exec. Director
- FAN Seeks Exec. Director
US-6 Chapter of Mats 2019
The Chapter of Mats, perhaps the largest gathering ever of friars in our country, has come and gone. Friars from six provinces congregated at the Hyatt Regency Tech Center in Denver July 29th through August 2nd, 2019.
The first evening, the historic event officially opened with a festive dinner and a video message from Rome.
“What you are doing this week is in step with what’s going on around the Order,” General Minister
Michael Perry
told the nearly 400 friars in a video greeting. “You’re there to share your dreams and to deepen your bonds. It is a time to talk about anything and everything. It’s a time to build trust.” Michael asked friars to reflect on the eight core values outlined in “Making Fraternity our Mission: Revitalizing and Restructuring the Order of Friars Minor in the USA,” emphasizing that we are called to move beyond business.
This historic event was a huge success. It would not have been possible with out the Chapter Planning Committee (
Larry Ford, Bob Hutmacher
Sam Nasada, Efren Quintero
and chair
John Barker),
the event planning company Nix, the staff members of Denver
Hyatt Regency Tech Center, and all those in attendance.
There is a wonderful collection of photos from the Chapter of Mats posted to the USFranciscan Flickr account -
Click here to view them
Lights for Liberty
On Friday July 12, 2019, an event called Lights for Liberty: A Vigil to End Human Concentration Camps was held in several cities worldwide. Several friars participated in protesting the inhumane treatments of migrants in detention centers: Friar Mark McPherson in San Francisco, Friars David Buer and Juan Turcios (HNP) in Douglas, AZ, and Friars Sam Nasada, Phillip Polk, and Scott Slattum in Phoenix.
St. Francis Center Los Angeles Names Marianne Kulikov Executive Director
With the news that Jose Ramirez, former executive directory, transitioned after almost 10 years at St. Francis Center, to join St. Anthony’s Foundation in San Francisco as executive director, Marianne Kulikov assumed the role of interim executive director and has now been named executive director. Marianne has been with the Center since January 2011. She develops strategy for implementation of the development plan, executes special events, develops and submits grant proposals, and works with the executive director to maintain, grow and cultivate relationships with donors, volunteers, and others to nurture their connection to St. Francis Center. She has a degree in Journalism from Chapman University, completed the Project Grantsmanship program through The Grantsmanship Center, and enjoys the challenge of using her writing skills to further St. Francis Center’s advancement. She loves anything beach-related and some of her favorite extracurricular activities include running, biking and paddle boarding.
The Franciscan Action Network Seeks Executive Director
The Franciscan Action Network is seeking an Executive Director to grow and forward its mission:
Inspired by the Gospel of Jesus, and the example of Saints Francis and Clare, the Franciscan Action Network (FAN) is a collective of Franciscan voices seeking to transform United States public policy related to care for creation, poverty, human rights, and peace building.
The Executive Director will provide leadership for the organization with a focus on fundraising, public relations, community engagement, programming and fiscal management.
If you know anyone who would be a good candidate, please encourage them to send their resume and cover letter to
and include the words "Executive Director" in the subject line.
Click here
for a full job description and qualifications. Please share this with your networks.
Deadline for applying is by September 15, 2019.
Congratulations to Our Jubilarians
Congratulations to our jubilarians this month:
- On July 5, Friars Angelo Cardinalli, Michael Guinan, and Louie Vitale celebrated their 60th year as friars.
- On July 10, Friar Barry Brunsman celebrated his 70th year as a friar.
- On July 11, Friars Didacus Clavel and Max Hottle celebrated their 65th year as friars.
- On July 24, our brothers Friars Alberto Villafan and Charles Talley celebrated their 25th anniversary as Franciscans.
Remebering Friar Finian McGinn
Friar Finian McGinn, OFM, born and raised in Phoenix, Arizona entered the Franciscan Order at Old Mission San Miguel, California, where he was given the name of Finian, replacing his baptismal name of John. After a year of novitiate he pursued higher studies in philosophy and theology and was ordained to the priesthood at Old Mission Santa Barbara. His ministries included a Ph.D. in education from the University of San Francisco, professor of Spanish at Fresno College, California, and an undergraduate position at the University of Notre Dame. He was particularly interested in bilingual studies. His acquired knowledge of the Mungh language earned him an award from the Microsoft corporation.
His life alternated between teaching and pastoral work, especially at Mt. Carmel church in Fresno, California, where he spent many years and was highly regarded by parishioners and students. In 1998 he was appointed Visitor General to the Province of the Holy Martyrs in Japan. In 2003 he was elected as Provincial of the St. Barbara Province in California, and then elected to the General Council in Rome. During this time, he became seriously ill and was flown back to California where he underwent emergency surgery and rehabilitation. He insisted on finishing his ministry as a General Definitor in Rome, where he was greeted with great respect and enthusiasm.
Fr. Finian spent his final years at the Franciscan School of Theology where he tutored many students. There and throughout his life, he was gentle and always interested in his students and former parishioners. He passed away at Old Mission San Luis Rey on July 25, 2019. He was 84 years old, 66 years a professed friar, and 59 years a priest. At his request the Vigil took place on
Sunday, August 4, with the Mass of the Resurrection and interment at Old Mission Santa Barbara.
Br. Scott Slattum 8-1
Fr. Kenneth Laverone 8-2
Br. Keith Warner 8-6
Fr. Josef Prochnow 8-8
Br. James Swan 8-12
Br. Peter Boegel 8-19
Fr. Alberto Villafan 8-20
Fr. Clifford Herle 8-23
Fr. Warren Rouse 8-28
Fr. Michael Weldon 8-30
Fr. Kenneth Laverone 8-2
Fr. Garrett Galvin 8-4
Br. Salvador Mejia 8-6
Fr. Larry Gosselin 8-10
Br. Rufino Zaragoza 8-11
Br. James Swan 8-11
Fr. Max Hottle 8-14
Fr. Evan Howard 8-18
Fr. Luis Baldonado 8-19
Fr. Louis Vitale 8-25
Fr. Luis Guzman 8-25
Fr. John Hardin 8-29
James Seiffert's Solemn Vows
August 31 ~ Old Mission San Luis Rey
Feast of the Stigmata
September 17
Definitorium Meeting
September 23-27 ~ Old Mission San Luis Rey, CA
October 3
Feast of St. Francis
October 4
the bi-weekly newsletter of the Franciscan Friars Province of Saint Barbara, is published on the 15th of each month.
Relevant submissions of texts, photos, etc., are welcome at any time
and will be placed in the next appropriate issue
Send submissions to: jledbetter@sbofm.org