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Audio on the Go
Search our collection of digital audiobooks for all those summer road trips and hours spent in the great outdoors.
by Matthew McConaughey
by Gary Paulsen
by Kristin Harmel
For reading on the go, download the Libby app or search online via OverDrive Digital Library or www.wellington.ca/Catalogue

All Wellington County Library branches are open for limited in-person service, including browsing and Wi-Fi access. Please make note of continued precautions, including capacity limits, reduced open hours, and mandatory face coverings.

All branches are closed Monday, August 2 and Monday, September 6. 
Summer Reading 2021
Participants of all ages are welcomed to pick up herb seed kits and read to win grand prizes. Each book read earns one ballot for prize draws like a 1-year park pass, gift baskets from local businesses, and a spruce tree from Green Legacy.

Speak to staff or visit www.wellington.ca/SummerReading for details and online ballot entry. Last day to enter is Friday, September 3.
Ready, Steady, School!
Have a little one starting daycare or kindergarten; or a primary student nervous about the upcoming year? Try some of these titles to gently introduce the idea of school. Search these and other staff picks at www.wellington.ca/Catalogue.  
by Lillian Jane 
by Alexandra Penfold
Get Multilingual with Mango
While travel remains paused, discover the world through language and explore languages spoken in our own backyard.
Mango Languages is an online language learning system that teaches conversation skills in over 70 languages, including French, English as a Second Language, and a selection of endangered and indigenous languages.

Your Wellington County Library card gives you free access! Visit learn.mangolanguages.com to get started. 
by Jess Hitchman and
illustrated by Vivienne To
This picture book celebrates kids discovering their passions and what they might do when they grow up!

A rhyming smorgasbord of creative ideas, this is a great choice for all ages. Preschoolers are guaranteed to have fun, while older readers will appreciate the underlying message - don't forget to dream BIG! 
Check out staff picks through our online catalogue for more recommended reads.
on social media!
Alternate formats available upon request.
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