Volume 9 / Issue 11 | November 2022

The Apologetics Newsletter
of the Missouri Baptist Convention

In this issue:

What Is Regeneration? ... The Angel of the Lord Appears to Gideon ... A Look at Justification ... Get Your Copies of The Baptist Faith & Message and the Apologetics Journal & Directory ... and more!

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Article IV-A of The Baptist Faith & Message: Regeneration

Regeneration is the work of the Holy Spirit that brings a sinner from spiritual death into spiritual life. It is a one-time, non-repeatable act. And it is permanent. That is, a person whom God foreknows, predestines, calls, justifies, and glorifies cannot lose the gift of regeneration without losing all the associated links in God's golden chain of redemption.

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The Angel of the Lord Appears to Gideon

Gideon is secretly threshing wheat in the vat of a winepress, in hopes of eking out enough grain for his family without attracting attention from the invading Midianites. Suddenly, the angel of the Lord appears, saying, "The Lord is with you, valiant warrior." Say what?

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Article IV-B of The Baptist Faith & Message: Justification

In some respects, justification is the linchpin of God's great work of salvation. It is his fundamental act of blessing by which he saves us from the past and secures us for the future. Unlike regeneration, indwelling, and sanctification, which occur in us, justification takes place outside us. Put another way, the location of justification is heaven, where God declares believing sinners in right standing before him.

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Interview: Jesus Before Bethlehem

Recently, Rob Phillips was a guest on the California-based radio program, "Is He A Real One?" with Christian apologist Vada Hedgeman. The topic: Is the Old Testament's angel of the Lord the preincarnate Christ? 

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A Man with No Name

Manoah's  barren wife encounters an unlikely visitor, who tells her she's going to bear a son. Without delay, she rushes to Manoah and declares breathlessly, "A man of God came to me. He looked like the awe-inspiring angel of God." Who is this unnamed visitor?

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Study The Baptist Faith & Message

High Street Press, the publishing imprint of the Missouri Baptist Convention, has released a new resource for personal and group study: Understanding The Baptist Faith & Message. The 300+ page resource unpacks the Southern Baptist Convention's confessional statement, exploring its history and 18 articles of faith.

Watch the video trailer ...

Get the New Apologetics Journal and Directory

The Missouri Baptist Apologetics Network has released its 2022-23 Journal and Directory, featuring four articles from network members and an updated directory of members you can invite to your church. 

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