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The Ambassador

The Newsletter of 
St. Matthias' 
Episcopal Church 

Minocqua, Wisconsin

Whoever you are, wherever you find yourself on the journey
of faith, we welcome you.




Please remember to check the server list on the bulletin board at church (or click here to see the latest monthly schedule online).


Also, if you are going to switch dates with someone, please inform either Bill Kane or Michael Tautges at the church office.


Thank you! 


Mark Your Calendars


November 19 - 5:00 pm 

Community Table 


November 24 - 10:00 am

Native American

Inculturation Service 


December 8 - 5:00 pm

Advent Lessons & Carols


Trig's Receipts
23 B


Total amount raised July-September:




Thank you for continuing to support our church by saving your Trig's receipts!

Ambassador Archives


Want to read a recent issue of the Ambassador?  Just click on the links below.  (older archives can be found on our website)
August Ambassador
September Ambassador
October Ambassador

The Clarion


Curious to see what else is going on in the Diocese of Fond du Lac?  Click the logo below to view the most recent Diocesan newsletter.


From the Rector


Ubi caritas et amor; deus ibi est.

(Where charity and love are,

there is God.)


- from the ancient hymn at the washing of feet on Maundy Thursday.


November sees the beginning of an exciting new ministry at St. Matthias' called Caritas.  Caritas is the Latin word for love or charity.  Modeled on similar ministries that St. Matthias' parishioners have been involved with in other communities, Caritas provides limited emergency assistance to persons in need for items such as gas, utilities, prescriptions, work clothes, and other immediate necessities.  It also provides information and referrals for other agencies that offer assistance.


Caritas is funded by St. Matthias' Discretionary Fund, which, in the past, I as Rector have administered and used for assisting those who come looking for help.  Money for that fund comes through the Vestry from a portion of the Thrift Shop Tithe and from individual donations.


Over the past several months, several of us have met and looked at the possibility of developing a program and establishing guidelines that will provide a more consistent and accountable approach to helping those in need.  Both Bill Henderson and Judy Ozinga have been deeply involved with similar programs in Florida and Washington, and have been very enthusiastic in getting this program going here.  Additionally, numerous members of St. Matthias' have volunteered to staff the program and have gone through training to assist persons who come to Caritas for help.


Caritas operates on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30 to 11:30 in the St. Matthias' Outreach Center.  Applicants can come during that period and are able to talk to volunteers about their needs.  There are limits on the number of times a person may be helped within a year, as well as limits on amounts that may be spent on certain types of assistance.  This is explained to the applicants as they come, as well as other types of help that may be available from other organizations.


Publicity of this new program has gone out to through posters, and press releases to various media outlets (click here for an example).


I am very grateful to Bill Henderson and Judy Ozinga for their hard work in getting this off the ground and to Janon Furlong who has agreed to be the "bean counter" -- keeping the books and overseeing the fund.  I am also grateful to all those who have volunteered to staff the Caritas office.  It is a sign of the wonderful spirit of caring within our congregation.


If you would like to help with this ministry, speak to Judy, Bill or Janon about volunteering.  If you would like to contribute financially, donations may be made to St. Matthias' Discretionary Fund.


St. Matthias' is an amazing parish.  Caritas is only one of many avenues of outreach in which our congregation is involved.  In this Ambassador, you will also read about a new program sponsored by the St. Francis Project called Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partnership.  This past Sunday we heard from representatives of that ministry at our Adult Forum and also gave a blessing of sewing machines and other items being sent to Nicaragua.


May God bless you and all those near and dear to you as we celebrate Thanksgiving and offer our gratitude for the many blessings of life.


Life is short and we have not too much time

for gladdening the hearts of those who travel with us.

So be swift to love and make haste to be kind.


- Henri-Frederic Amiel (1821-1881)

The Eighth Bishop of Fond du Lac 


The Rev. Matthew Alan Gunter was elected Eighth Bishop of the Diocese of Fond du Lac at the 139th Annual Convention on October 19.


You can read more about the bishop-elect by clicking here to read the release by the Diocese of Fond du Lac, or by clicking here to read an interview done by the Diocese of Chicago, shortly after the election.

Caritas Outreach Ministry
Through the first four days that Caritas has been serving the community, they have already assisted in the following ways:
  • Gas (x5)
  • Warm the Children (x4)
  • Driver's license replacement (x2)
  • Winter coats & boots
  • Used electric stove
  • Work boots
  • Car repair
  • Thrift Shop vouchers
  • Propane bill assistance

Thank you to all of the wonderful volunteers who helped get this ministry started, and to all of you whose donations make it possible! 

Parish Updates

Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partnership

The St. Francis Project is helping to gather used sewing machines, fabric, yarn/needles, school supplies (including backpacks, spiral notebooks, pencils), hospital supplies (including scrubs, walkers, etc.), billed caps, and bicycles to help the Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partnership based in Stevens Point. Each month a National Guard plane flies the gathered materials to Managua where they are distributed. We hope that as a parish, many of you might be willing to donate to this very wonderful ministry with our sister country Nicaragua. Susan & John Brant will coordinate and take collected items down to Stevens Point. The Thrift Shop has already given us three sewing machines and we hope that some of what would otherwise be passed on to Goodwill can be diverted to this project.


Music Ministry Team:  Have a favorite hymn?

Have we missed your favorite hymn? Our Music Ministry Team is currently planning for the Epiphany, Lent, and Easter seasons. If you have a hymn that you especially like, please fill out one of the tan cards found in the church office. We will try to honor your request when your hymn matches the lessons for the day.


Personal Products Pantry:  Donations needed!  

As our Personal Products Pantry distribution increases, so does our need for products. We are particularly in need of full-sized shampoo, toothpaste, deodorant, shaving cream, body lotion, denture related products, feminine hygiene products, toothbrushes, dental floss,and disposable razors. If you care to contribute items, there is a basket in the narthex. Many thanks!

In Other News... 
Thursday, November 21, 6:00 pm 
   - Thanksgiving Newcomer's Evensong

This is the time of year where we particularly celebrate all of the new folks who have started coming to St. Matthias' during the past year. Following the beautiful Evensong service, everyone is invited to a potluck Thanksgiving feast -- Fr. Wallace makes the best turkey you'll ever taste!! Old-timers bring the food (there's a sign-up sheet on bulletin board). Newcomers, please just come and enjoy!


Sunday, November 24, 10:00 am 

   - Native American Inculturation Service   

On Sunday, November 24th, St. Matthias' will be celebrating its 2nd annual Native American inculturation service. People of all faiths, traditions, cultures, and races are encouraged to attend. Isaiah Brokenleg will be preaching, and elements of Native American culture will be included in the service, potentially including a drum with singers, dancing, the four-direction prayer, and smudging (the burning of sage). Food will be served afterward.
Touchstones:  Commitments to Building Relations  
Written by Diane Diederich


As mentioned last month, I'd like to present a series of suggestions on how to make commitments to building relationships.


The first commitment to a healthy relationship is openness. It is said that the way to deepen and go forward in a close relationship is through a process of becoming transparent. This means that you make a conscious decision to reveal yourself; you expect that the same decision will be made by the other person. To obtain freedom and closeness, both people must make the decision to be revealing.


Partners or friends might not be willing to commit to openness from a fear of rejection, the need to control or the need to deceive. If both people are serious and capable of contributing to a healthy relationship, they must be willing to be open. We will never be known and loved if we don't dare to open ourselves to others. Once there is nothing to hide, we can be free to live in love.


Here's the rub. So many people function from their fears and control that relationships are comprised. It's as if we say, "You prove to me that I can be open and you will accept everything I am." Of course this is unspoken, yet if we see any indication that one has not met our expectations, we shut down and build a wall.


Jesus never built walls. He was transparent. He put Himself out there as He was so that the people He encountered could accept or reject Him. That's what He was about-He didn't fear rejection. He didn't fear rejection. He invites us to be that secure of the person God intends us to be that we risk telling others about us-all about us!


It's the stories, the person, the struggles, the foibles, the mistakes that endear us to each other.


TTFN, Diane
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