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Holistic Child Health Newsletter 
November 2015 


Dear Friends,


Welcome to the Holistic Child Health Newsletter.


The goal of my holistic pediatric practice, and of this newsletter, is to inform and support parents to become more empowered as the primary health care providers for their children. Extending far beyond Western medicine's conventional treatments, holistic medicine and mindful parenting allow us to boost children's natural immunity, support their optimum health and wellness, safely heal any illnesses, and prevent disease-without dangerous side effects.  Holistic medicine provides us with the tools to nurture the physical, emotional, social and spiritual health of your children.


Over the coming months and years, I intend to use this newsletter to address some of your concerns as parents, share information that you might want to add to your knowledge base, and inform you of important issues and current events that are happening in the news, and in your area.


Together we can heal the whole child. Naturally.


Yours in Health,


Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD

Leah and Larry  

NYC Parents Sue to Stop Required Flu Shots for Tots

Board of Health can't ban big soda cups and they can't require flu shots
New York City parents filed a lawsuit Monday in the New York County Supreme Court to end a Bloomberg-era regulation requiring mandatory flu shots for kids enrolled in daycare, Head Start and pre-kindergarten set to begin on Jan. 1, 2016. Just as the courts over-turned the attempted Bloomberg ban on big soda cups, holding that the NYC Board of Health an d Mental Hygiene has no authority to create new laws, parents argue that the Board of Health has no legal authority to dictate shots.

All the children of the parents bringing the suit are fully vaccinated, they object specifically to the flu shot and the illegal way the city has forced it upon families.

"The Board of Health, without any legislative authority, adopted this flu shot dictate as well as granted itself the power to require any other vaccine it desires," said Aaron Siri, attorney for the parents. "The Board of Health not only adopted the rule without any legislative authority, it did so in direct conflict with New York law that gives the state legislature the power to decide which vaccines shall be mandatory."

Children aged 6 months to 59 months would be banned from programs, and program-operators could be fined thousands of dollars for every child who does not get the flu shot. These children are the only residents of New York State required to get flu shots. Almost nowhere else in the US is the flu shots required.
"There is literally no legislative authority permitting the Board of Health to grant itself authority to mandate any vaccine it desires and create an unprecedented regime to enforce its self-created dictates. " Said Siri. "None."

The Board of Health passed the regulation in the last week Bloomberg was in office, leaving enforcement to the de Blasio administration. The regulation only affects children enrolled in the 2000 programs overseen by the City of New York, the more than 10,000 daycare providers regulated by the State of New York, and the more than 20,000 unlicensed daycare operators are not covered by the regulation.

The New York legislature considered and rejected adding the flu shot to the required shots for all students in the state. The suit asks for an injunction on enforcement, and over-turning the illegal NYC regulation.

Attorney Aaron Siri is providing his services pro bono but please help defray court costs of this trial and the expected appeals here:

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Follow the Facebook Campaign Here:

Lowering Our Susceptibility During "Flu Season"  
NIH Research: Flu Shots Not Effective in Elderly

The Best Vegetables for Boosting Immunity
Getting a Flu Shot Every Year? More May Not Be Better

Obama's New Appointee To Head The FDA 
Is A Big Pharma Mega-Lobbyist

H Pylori & Gluten Intolerance Can Cause The Same Symptoms

How GMOs and Glyphosate Impact Soil Biology

Poison Plus Nutrition Does Not Equal a Balanced Diet

EPA to American People: 'Let Them Eat Monsanto's Roundup Ready Cake'
GMO Cookie Is Crumbling

Pennsylvania Takes First Step To Mandate Vaccines For School Children

HPV Vaccines Raise International Red Flags  

Gauging Vaccine Reactions Absent Reliable Reporting

Governor Cuomo Signs Mandatory Meningitis Shots Bill

The Health Liberty Revolution to Save Our Children

Many Doctors Discouraging HPV Vaccination, Study Finds

Peer Review Process in Academic Publishing Untrustworthy
Americans are Talking About Vaccines

Bill Gates 'Vaccination is a Wonderful Miracle'

Argentinian Study: Tampons, Sanitary Pads and Sterile Gauze Contaminated with Probable Carcinogen Glyphosate
Formaldehyde: A Poison and Carcinogen

Sugar Is Definitely Toxic, a New Study Says

The 10 Most Toxin-Filled, Cancer-Causing Things In Your Home (and How To Eliminate Them)


We are ready to sue NYC to stop the flu shot for pre-schoolers .....

As many of you are aware the New York City Board of Health passed regulations in the last week of the Bloomberg administration that will require annual flu shots and pneumococcal shots for all New York City children between the ages of 6 and 59 months to attend daycare regulated by the City of New York, pre-kindergarten, Head Start, and other programs beginning 
 on Jan. 1, 2016.

The Autism Action Network has assembled a group of highly experienced lawyers who analyzed the regulation and have concluded that the Board of Health has no authority under law to require shots. We have prepared a lawsuit against the City and the Board of Health challenging the regulation and we are ready to go.

How You Can Help
We are looking for New York City residents who will be directly impacted by the law who would be willing to join in the suit as plaintiffs. There will be no financial cost to you, nor will you be required to appear in the media. And the more plaintiffs we have the better our chances of success.

For further information please click here and consider joining this  important  suit:


STD/HPV Shots for Minors Without Parental Consent 

Assemblymember Amy Paulin and State Senator Liz Krueger are trying yet again to pass their bills (A1528 and S2712) that will allow children of any age to obtain vaccines for sexually-transmitted diseases (human papilloma virus HPV and hepatitis B) without parental knowledge or consent. The main selling point for this vaccine is that it claims to prevent cervical cancer, yet it would be required for boys  as well.

Don't Miss These Films

Under Our Skin: 
A Film About the Hidden Story of Lyme Disease

Andy Abrahms Wilson's documentary  Under Our Skin  tells the often hidden story of Lyme disease, an infectious disorder caused by the bite of an infected deer tick, 
a tiny parasite not much bigger than a pencil point. Wreaking havoc across the country, the disease was originally called "Mrs. Murray's Disease" after the motherin Lyme, Connecticut, who noticed that many people, including children, in her neighborhood were affected by a mysterious illness characterized by a rash followed pretty quickly by symptoms of arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

Read more about it here:

Unacceptable Levels - 
A Film About Chemicals  in our Bodies, and How They Got There....

Unacceptable Levels examines the results of the chemical revolution of the 1940s through the eyes of affable filmmaker Ed Brown, a father seeking to understand the world in which he and his wife are raising their children. To 
c reate this debut documentary, one man and his camera traveled extensively to find and interview top minds in the fields of science, advocacy, and law. Weaving their testimonies into a compelling narrative, Brown presents us with the story of how the chemical revolution brought us to where
 we are, and of where, if we're not vigilant, it 
may take us.

  Like me on Facebook

Dr Palevsky is now  on Facebook 
where he will be posting important articles, scientific papers, 
and medical information for your interest, with his added comments.

Join him there today! 

Click on the icon above and please feel free to share the link.




Dr. Palevsky is a board certified pediatrician who utilizes a holistic approach in his work with children and families. 


Dr. Palevsky received his medical degree from the NYU School of Medicine in 1987, completed a 3-year pediatric residency at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City, and enrolled in a 1-year fellowship training program in the out-patient department at Bellevue Hospital/NYU School of Medicine. 


Since 1991, his clinical experience has included working in pediatric emergency medicine at Our Lady of Mercy Hospital in the Bronx, NY, serving as the Chief of the Pediatric Acute Care Unit at Lenox Hill Hospital in NYC, and working in in-patient and out-patient pediatric medicine, neonatal intensive care medicine, and newborn and delivery room medicine. 


Dr. Palevsky has also worked in a conventional, holistic and integrative pediatric practice at the NYC Beth Israel Center for Health & Healing- an integrative and complementary care medical facility.

Currently, he runs his own holistic pediatric practice in Northport, NY and Manhattan. Dr. Palevsky teaches holistic integrative pediatric & adolescent medicine to parents, and medical and allied health professionals, both nationally & internationally. 


Dr. Palevsky is a former Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, Past-President of the American Holistic Medical Association, and a diplomate of the American Board of Integrative Medicine (ABIHM).


For more information, or to contact Dr. Palevsky go to: 


Don't forget to check out other informative interviews with Dr Palevsky on his Media Center page HERE



HCH will never share your information with any third parties. 

Thank You for subscribing to the 
Holistic Child Health Newsletter.  
If you would like to contact us, please feel free to do so. 
We are happy to hear from you.
 Lawrence B. Palevsky, M.D., ABIHM
For Appointments: Long Island and Manhattan 
(631) 262 8505 

 For all other Inquiries: [email protected] 
  © 2012 Lawrence B. Palevsky. All rights reserved. 
Disclaimer: All material in this newsletter and on the web site is provided for educational purposes only. Consult with your health care provider regarding the advisability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your individual situation.