CCF-LA News | November 15, 2022

John F. Shea Memorial Fund for Catholic Education

CCF-LA established this memorial fund to honor John F. Shea. It was my great privilege to know and work with John, his wife Dorothy, and their family for 20 years in their philanthropic efforts to perpetuate Catholic school education for the most underserved populations in our Archdiocese and across the country. 

John left us on October 16th with over four decades of support for Catholic schools. This support was visionary in three areas: first, as a school builder providing facilities for a safe, technologically advanced, and well-rounded education to encompass the basics as well as sports and the fine and performing arts. Second, to provide tuition assistance, recognizing that most of the families served by the schools live at or below the poverty line and could not afford the full tuition bill. Third, and most recently, in support of teacher’s compensation, understanding the dedication of Catholic school teachers who were well under the pay scales of their counterparts in other local schools.

The legacy continues with Dorothy and their eight children. The family believes unconditionally in the value of a Catholic school education, and that it makes the difference in supporting the most disadvantaged children to achieve their dreams and life goals. Over these decades, I would guess that at least one million students have attended schools that were touched by the generosity of the Shea family, and the vision that started with John and Dorothy. 

This dedication to the Catholic education brought John and his family great joy and fulfillment and made a lasting impact on countless communities throughout Los Angeles and the nation. His life and his professional achievements were defined by his love of family and his strong Catholic faith.

-Kathy Anderson

John Francis Shea

1926 - 2022

John F. Shea Memorial Fund for Catholic Education benefits the Catholic Education Foundation’s Tuition Awards Program. 

The fund was initiated with a $50,000 gift made possible by the Board of CCF-LA and three individuals. This is a multiple-donor fund, and all gifts are acknowledged to the Shea family. 


We remember … in November

After a full year of mixed news ranging from inflation to financial market performance, this is a great time to pause and remember. In November why do we have Thanksgiving, Veteran’s Day, and All Souls Day? It’s about remembering the past and being grateful today for those that are making a difference - perhaps by their guidance and love or perhaps by their sacrifices to make the world a better place.


Now is the time to write a letter, send a card or make a phone call to someone that you appreciate – better yet make a visit. Companionship is a special blessing to all ages. Visitors at retirement and nursing homes are enormously welcomed.


Another not so obvious way to express your appreciation is to make a grant from your charitable fund with us and make that gift “in memory of” or “in honor of” someone important to you. These gifts are a lasting way to remember someone in lieu of flowers for funerals and anniversaries or for other special occasions. Making a grant to a school is a wonderful way to celebrate a reunion year.


At CCF-LA, these are very special ways to express love and appreciation – and we make sure to send a special advisory note on your behalf.


We also have dedicated charitable funds and scholarships that have been opened to benefit a specific charity in honor of an individual. These funds provide for multiple donors and grow in perpetuity as a lasting remembrance.


The John F. Shea Memorial Fund for Catholic Education is CCF-LA’s way of remembering November and an expression of our gratitude for the difference Mr. Shea made in our lives. 

Kathy H. Anderson

President and Executive Director


A Place to Remember


In November we celebrate All Saints Day (November 1) and All Souls Day (November 2). In our Catholic faith, we have a long tradition of praying for our beloved dead and for remembering the saints.


“It is therefore a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead…”

(2 Maccabees 12:46).


The final resting place of our loved ones is often the place where we remember and pray for them. It is not unusual to drive by a cemetery in November and see more flowers than usual on the graves. In our faith practices, we respect and honor our deceased through graveside visits, prayers of the faithful, and the stories we share with our loved ones.


The Mausoleum at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels is a unique place where those interred are remembered by the thousands of people attending religious services in the Cathedral sanctuary above. Immersed in this sacramental celebration, surrounded daily by gatherings of the faithful, the interred will, for centuries to come be in direct communion with the living – their spiritual brothers and sisters in Christ. The niches and crypts are built to last the lifetime of the Cathedral, providing a place for the generations to visit and remember the lives of their ancestors.


Picking a place for remembrance is important to you, and even more so, to your heirs. The Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels Mausoleum is one of only a few places where the opportunity for interment, in a site of such sacred and religious significance, is available to all – not just to the “privileged few.” This beautiful and peaceful space is a testament of our belief in the sacredness of human life and our belief in God’s promise of the resurrection of the body and life everlasting.


Br. Hilarion O’Connor

Director of Operations, Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels

The Cathedral maintains endowment funds through CCF-LA to ensure the mausoleum is maintained in perpetuity for the living and the dead.

Make your gift:

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels - Mausoleum


There has been some positive movement in the financial markets this month. Our Investment Committee is having their quarterly meeting this week to continue to address new allocations in our Balanced Pool to help alleviate some of the volatility. 

The October 2022 Performance Report for the pooled funds managed by CCF-LA includes: the Balanced Pool portfolio which experienced a +4.69% return (net of fees) in the month of October and -18.04% (net of fees) for the first ten months of 2022. The Intermediate Fund Pool returned +2.21% for the month and -8.59% so far this year. The estimated annual yield on the short-term investment fund (STIF) account has improved to +2.51%. 

Capital markets rallied in October after consecutive weeks of declines with equities posting strong gains despite ongoing headwinds. Inflationary pressures remained firm while sentiment generally improved in the absence of bad news beyond what is already priced in. The S&P 500 Index rose 8.1% despite a hotter-than-expected inflation report. Small cap equity stood out, with the Russell 2000 Index up 11%. Large-cap US technology stock suffered amid an otherwise strong earnings season. Value stocks outperformed growth stocks across capitalizations for the month and remained ahead by a wide margin year-to-date. 

Global ex-U.S. markets also improved except for emerging markets dragged down by China. Developed international equity markets, as measured by the MSCI EAFE Index, returned 5.4% for October. The U.S. dollar’s rally slowed this month as risk of sentiment tapered.

Andrew O'Boyle

Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Fixed Income returns were mixed as markets looked to price in further interest rate hikes from the Central Bank. The US yield curve pushed higher for most of the month, but declined steeply late in October, moderating the overall upward shift in the curve. The Bloomberg US Aggregate Bond Index declined 1.3% for the month of October.


“Year End Push”

Year-end is fast approaching and it’s never too early to consider how you are doing with respect to your annual charitable giving goals. We can help you minimize stress by using a Donor-Advised Fund. When you open a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), you can claim an immediate tax deduction, have us invest the funds and accrue earnings tax-free, and take your time exploring the causes and organizations you want to support. 

CCF-LA makes giving easy through the DAF as well as Designated Funds or Scholarships which are offered on either a permanent or nonpermanent basis.

You decide the terms and leave the granting to us. CCF-LA funds accounts with your gifts of cash, publicly traded stock, real estate, and other more complex assets.

Our CCF-LA community of clients rely on us for sophisticated and active investment management and easy donation pathways, while continuing to grow their philanthropy. Our Client Services team makes special efforts to ensure the highest levels of services available to each account holder.

Maggie Byrne

Head of Development and Assistant Treasurer

Join us in our Year End Push by opening a fund or contributing to your existing fund before year end. 

Contact Maggie Byrne: [email protected]


Kara Duncan

Director, Family Office

Contact Kara Duncan: [email protected]

In November We Focus on

Multi-Generational Philanthropy

This is a great time of year for our clients to consider opening a New Philanthropist Donor-Advised Fund (NP DAF) for their loved ones.

The NP DAF provides an opportunity for our younger generations to have a DAF at a lower opening balance of only $2,000 while making grants of $250 or more.

It’s a great way to encourage giving in your family by matching gifts made by the NP DAF holders as well as matching the charities they support through your own DAF. You can give the great joy of giving by opening a NP DAF account and put that under the Christmas tree.

I can assist your new philanthropist in using the account online, researching beneficiaries, and making grants.


The Patricia L. Rausch Memorial Scholarship for PMA

In this month of remembrance, Patricia Rausch’s family opened a scholarship fund that will honor her legacy in perpetuity as a beloved teacher. Patricia (1936 - 2022) was an 8th grade teacher at Our Lady of the Rosary for 51 years, where many of her students went on to attend St. Pius X - St. Matthias Academy (PMA). She was a fierce advocate of the power of a Catholic school education. She passed away earlier this year, and her family chose to memorialize a gift from her estate to PMA as a Scholarship Fund administered by CCF-LA. This is a multiple-donor fund, providing an opportunity for the friends of Patricia and her family to make gifts.

The Patricia L. Rausch Memorial Scholarship will provide annual tuition awards to students of PMA, please consider making a gift to support this wonderful legacy for students of PMA.


The Status of the Accelerating Charitable Efforts Act

CCF-LA closely follows proposed legislation that impacts the charitable giving of our clients and our mission. For instance, the Accelerating Charitable Efforts Act (the “ACE Act”) is under periodic review as part of Congressional efforts to reform philanthropic giving and provide greater transparency on the use of philanthropic funds. That effort floundered, and the ACE Act lost its initial bipartisan House sponsorship with growing consensus against the bill as an over-reach to restrict Donor-Advised Funds (DAFs). 

Although the current language in the ACE Act is unfavorable to individuals with DAFs, bipartisan members of Congress have steered away from voting on language that would potentially devastate philanthropy. Most recent reports show that philanthropists are utilizing the DAF product to increase charitable giving and support the organizations that they love. 

CCF-LA responded to a California Attorney General’s request of community foundations for DAF data between 2016 and 2020, to which the findings were released this year. The report revealed that 35% of DAFs distributed at least 25% of the funds held each year. By comparison, CCF-LA granted 1/3 of the funds received in 2021 and we are on track to exceed that amount in 2022. 

T. Matthew Hansen, Esq.

General Counsel,

Sr. Director of Operations and Corporate Secretary

CCF-LA is an excellent example of working with philanthropists to make their giving easier and faster. Our efforts go a long way to correcting the myth posited by extremists in Congress that donors to DAFs are not making grants. 

For more information, contact Matthew Hansen: [email protected]


Client Services is so important to our strategic plan that a specific department was created this year. Without high levels of client satisfaction related to our services and philanthropic support, our business model will not succeed.

What sets CCF-LA apart from other community foundations is our timely attention to details in acknowledging gifts, making grants, and providing reports – all in an environment that honors the values of our Catholic faith.

We are pleased to introduce Tania Naaman as the Director of Client Services, joining us with more than fifteen years of experience in the financial services industry. She has led high performance teams focused on business scale-up and customized client service. Tania will lead the Client Service team in delivering a superior client experience by collaborating closely with all our stakeholders.

Tania received a B.S. from Cornell University and an MBA from Harvard Business School. She is fluent in English, French and Arabic.

Tania Naaman

Director of Client Services

“I am delighted to join the CCF-LA team and look forward to working with our development team, our clients, our beneficiaries and our board to continuously provide the highest quality of philanthropy service, ensuring success in their charitable endeavors." -Tania Naaman

October Grant Beneficiaries

During the month of October, we issued 51 grants valued at $2,847,902.17 to beneficiaries aligned with our values. While grant recipients were located across the country, the majority (at 93%) supported charitable organizations operating in the greater Southern California area.  


Our Client Services department is not the only way we support our clients. Through our Development Department, we support our client’s events through our attendance and sponsorship. We are particularly grateful to our donor-clients that purchase table sponsorships and tickets for the attendance of our staff and other clients.  

Catholic Education Foundation of LA

35th Anniversary Celebration

The Catholic Education Foundation of Los Angeles (CEF) celebrated its 35th Anniversary Sat., Oct. 22, 2022, paying tribute to the six past presidents of CEF. Staff from CCF-LA and distinguished guests were at two sponsored tables for the event that honored CEFs mission to provide tuition assistance to very low-income students attending Catholic school in the Archdioceses of Angeles. Since its inception in 1987, CEF has provided more than 215,000 tuition awards valued at more than $242,000,000.

St. Thomas More Society of LA 40th

Annual Red Mass

Organized by the local chapter of the St. Thomas More Society, the Red Mass event, was held on Wed., Oct. 26, 2022, at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels with Archbishop José H. Gomez presiding and Cardinal Gregory of Washington D.C. delivering the homily. 

The Red Mass is an ecumenical, civic celebration that honors judges, lawyers, legislators, and legal professional often held around the time U.S. Supreme Court begins its new year. Matthew Hansen and Maggie Byrne, both attorneys, attended to represent CCF-LA and the Thomas More Society.

Photo Credit: Victor Alemán/Angelus News

Santa Teresita 34th Annual Gala Dinner and Celebration

The Carmelite Sisters of Santa Teresita celebrated their 34th annual gala on Sat., Oct. 22, 2022, followed by a morning praise and gratitude Mass of Thanksgiving and Brunch on Sun., Oct. 23, 2022. The Sisters are dedicated to the mission of upholding the dignity of the human person, providing for short- and long-term care for the elder in a compassionate and loving manner through their work at Santa Teresita.

St. Frances X. Cabrini School - Gratitude Celebration & Field Blessing

CCF-LA issued many grants to support the new athletic field at St. Frances X. Cabrini School in Central LA.

Maggie Byrne and Tania Naaman attended the “Gratitude Celebration & Field Blessing” on Sat., Nov. 5, 2022, an appreciation event in honor of volunteers, supporters, and community partners.

Archbishop José H. Gomez was on hand to bless the Sister of Johnnie's Field.

It should be noted that Maggie Byrne first learned about CCF-LA while working at the school in their development office. 

The Legacy Society of the Archdiocese of LA Luncheon

The Legacy Society of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles held its annual luncheon following the 10 a.m. mass at the Cathedral on November 6, 2022.

Representatives from the Good Shepherd Center for Homeless Women and Children, House of Prayer for Priests, and St. John Seminary explained the importance of providing for their ministry works in estate planning intentions.

The Cathedral Children’s Choir provided entertainment. Kathy Anderson, Maggie Byrne, and Tania Naaman attended.

CALL Family Day at the Chaves Ranch

The Catholic Association of Latino Leader (CALL) held its annual Family Day at the Chaves Ranch on Sat., Nov. 12, 2022, where members enjoyed a fun filled day of networking, mass, pony rides, hayrides, food, and beverages.

Mathew Hansen and Norma Hernandez, along with their families attended this event. 

Halloween Potluck All Staff Feast!

Organized by Bonnie Peralta, in our Marketing Department, staff members were encouraged to show off their best culinary skills at this feast to celebrate Halloween.

A great time was had by all.

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Mission Statement

The Catholic Community Foundation of Los Angeles empowers charitable individuals and organizations across cultures and generations through professional philanthropy management solutions that allow clients to develop and sustain their philanthropy in support of Catholic values.

Catholic Community Foundation of LA I | (213) 426-1180

