The November Next Bite

Volume 2 | Issue 17

News from the

Nutrition and Aging Resource Center

View New Resources Available on Our Website!

See what is new! New and updated resources included on

Instructional Campus on Aging Nutrition (ican!)

ican! is a series of interactive, study-at-your-own-pace online training modules that includes information on the Older Americans Act (OAA), partnerships, operating a nutrition services program, menu planning, diversifying funding, and more. 

Area agencies on aging (AAA), local service providers, state units on aging, congregate and home-delivered meal program staff and volunteers, registered dietitians, and all those who interact with older adults living in the community are encouraged to take the course. The course is provided at no cost, and participants receive a certificate after each module is completed.

ican! - More Information


Survey Opportunity: Help us better understand the aging network's funding sources and challenges


Feedback due Tuesday, December 31, 2024


Funding has been cited as a challenge for providers, including Area Agencies on Aging and local service providers. Our partners at Iowa State University are completing a study to better understand current funding practices, including common funding sources and challenges. The survey is anonymous and will be used by the Nutrition and Aging Resource Center to provide more relevant and useful resources related to funding.


As an organization that is part of the aging network, please complete this 20-minute survey by December 31. We ask that only one survey be completed per organization, so you may fill it out as a team if needed. You may begin, stop, and return to the survey at any point using the link below as long as you are using the same device.


Please feel free to share this survey with your colleagues. Don’t hesitate to contact Savannah Schultz at if you have any questions or concerns about this survey.


From the Administration on Community Living

National Family Caregivers Month

Read the full blog from Kari Benson, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aging, Administration on Aging

During National Family Caregivers Month and this season of giving thanks, we celebrate not only the progress of the last few years but also the prospect of a stronger, more coordinated system of services and supports for family caregivers made possible through partnerships across government and with the private sector. By working together — and with the national strategy to guide us — we are building a better future for all of us.

See the Nutrition and Aging Resource Center webpage dedicated to caregivers.

Call for Social Engagement Innovations

Commit to Connect aims to increase the awareness and availability of programs that grow social connections of older adults and people with disabilities. In collaboration with engAGED: The National Resource Center for Engaging Older Adults, Commit to Connect is launching a Call for Innovations to identify innovative model interventions, programs, and services addressing social isolation and loneliness.

All submissions will be considered for inclusion in the Social Engagement Innovations Hub—a searchable clearinghouse of best practices and data-driven interventions, programs, and services promoting social connections across populations. Contributing to the Hub will encourage adoption, replication, and awareness of programs to address social isolation and loneliness.

The current Call for Innovations is open through December 13. Before submitting your social connection examples, please read through the eligibility criteria and submission questions.

Questions? Contact Commit to Connect at

From the Network

Apply to Become an Evidence-Based Program!


Learn more about the criteria and how to apply to become an evidence-based program. Visit to get details on the application process, timeline and contacts for additional questions.

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