Message from Dave Koren, Executive Director,

OCTA – Ohio's Broadband and Cable Association 

Welcome to January's edition of The OCTA Connection, the monthly newsletter from OCTA – Ohio's Broadband and Cable Association.

We are happy to bring the latest in broadband news to your inbox each month and hope that you find this newsletter informative and insightful. Read on to see updates from OCTA members, important industry news and announcements from our national partner, NCTA.

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Senator Vance & Welch Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Extension of The Affordable Connectivity Program to Continue Closing the Digital Divide

Senators JD Vance (R-OH) Peter Welch (D-VT), Jacky Rosen (D-NV), and Kevin Cramer (R-ND), and U.S. Representatives Yvette D. Clarke (D-NY) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), led their colleagues in the bicameral, bipartisan introduction of the Affordable Connectivity Program Extension Act. This legislation would provide $7 billion for the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), which provides affordable high-speed internet options to qualifying households across the U.S. The program, which is administered by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), is projected to be exhausted by April 2024 without additional funding. Read More

“I’m proud to co-sponsor this bipartisan effort to ensure this successful program continues to deliver results. This is exactly the type of program my family would have benefited from if I was growing up in Ohio today. We must ensure low-income families all across Ohio, from our bustling cities to the most rural parts of Appalachia, aren’t cut off from the online banking, schooling, and connectivity services they need.” Senator JD Vance, Ohio

FCC Seeks to Make Pole Attachment Process Faster, More Transparent, and More Cost-Effective

The Federal Communications Commission voted to further reform its pole attachment rules and policies to promote faster and more costeffective broadband deployment. These new rules will allow for faster resolution of pole attachment disputes and provide pole attachers with more detailed information about the poles they plan to use as part of their broadband buildouts. Utility poles are key to the Commission’s efforts to support the deployment of broadband infrastructure as those poles support the wires and equipment that carry broadband to American homes and businesses. Read More

President Signs Into Law Kennedy Bill to Require FCC to Expand 5G Access to Rural Americans by Releasing Previously Auctioned Spectrum

President Joe Biden signed Sen. John Kennedy’s (R-La.) 5G Spectrum Authority Licensing Enforcement (SALE) Act into law. The legislation will require the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to release previously auctioned spectrum to expand 5G broadband access to rural communities. Read More

How Public Input Helped Shape NTIA’s Approach to the Uniform Guidance in the BEAD Program

The National Telecommunications Information Administration (NTIA) released a Policy Notice providing guidance on the application of the Uniform Guidance in the $42.45 billion Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) Program. This Policy Notice reflects NTIA’s latest step to create the conditions necessary for building high-speed networks that connect everyone in America to affordable, reliable, high-speed Internet service. Read More

NTIA Announces Recruitment of New FirstNet Authority Board Members

The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) issued a Federal Register Notice to seek expressions of interest from individuals who would like to serve on the Board of the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority Board or Board). The Board works closely with the FirstNet Authority management and is responsible for providing overall policy direction and strategic guidance. The FirstNet Authority is responsible for the deployment and operation of the FirstNet Network, a nationwide, interoperable public safety broadband network, based on a single, national network architecture. Read More

Biden-Harris Administration Awards Nearly $80M for Wireless Innovation

The Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) awarded nearly $80 million in the third round of grants from the Public Wireless Supply Chain Innovation Fund’s first Notice of Funding Opportunity. This round includes the first awards in the Testing & Evaluation (T&E) category, designed to expand industry-accepted T&E activities, making testing more accessible to the entire wireless ecosystem. Read More

Toledo Blade: Buckeye Broadband Makes Newsweek List of Excellent Companies

Buckeye Broadband has won national acclaim for excellence in business and community leadership. The Toledo area-based company,

which like The Blade is a subsidiary of Block Communications Inc., ranked 173 among 1,000 companies lauded this week in the Newsweek Excellence Index 2024. Read More

Wall Street Journal Editorial: The FCC vs. the News in Your Neighborhood

Excerpt: "The FCC’s ancient prohibition against ownership of TV stations and newspapers in the same market has already helped put thousands of newspapers out of business. If [FCC Chair Jessica Rosenworcel is looking for fire-sale liquidations of TV stations and a loss of news reporting across large swaths of America, she’s on the right track. Station owners at least comfort themselves that their incumbency on the publicly owned airwaves can be their golden parachute. They and their lobbyists should think again. Congress will likely grab for itself any windfalls from redeploying spectrum to wireless broadband if digital penury means broadcasters by then have given up their local news audiences and thus leverage over pols." Read More

Washington Examiner Op-Ed: "A Government Takeover of the Internet Would Be Disastrous"

Excerpt: "The FCC’s new “Open Internet Order” should be called the “Close the Internet Order.” It would be even worse than the original OIO because it would impose rate regulation despite promises by various administration officials that they have no intent to do so. Biden’s net neutrality is not only a waste of time and money but also jeopardizes America’s leading position in global telecommunications." Read More

FierceTelecom: FCC Prepares to Shut Down the Affordable Connectivity Program as Funding Runs Out

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) revealed it will begin taking steps this week to wind down the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP), as funding for the program dries up and Congress drags its feet allocating more. New Street Research analyst Blair Levin told Fierce Telecom the loss of the program could undermine the $42.5 billion Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) Program and cause chaos for participating internet service providers as they work through revenue losses, customer mistrust and the rollout of new low-income offerings. Read More

Broadband Breakfast: CES 2024: FCC Commissioners Talk Net Neutrality, Spectrum, Favorite Gadgets

Federal Communications Commissioners Brendan Carr and Anna Gomez talked net neutrality, spectrum policy, and their favorite pieces of tech at CES on Wednesday. Carr serves as the FCC’s senior Republican, first confirmed as a commissioner in 2017. Gomez was confirmed in September 2023, ending years of an even split and giving Democrats a 3-2 majority. Carr has been an outspoken critic of the Commission’s effort to reinstate net neutrality rules. After approving the measure along party lines, the FCC moved forward with a proposal to do so in October and is accepting comments on the plan until January 17. Read More

Fierce Telecom: FCC Hears Objections to Symmetrical Broadband Definition

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is suggesting raising the national fixed broadband speed benchmark to 100/20 Mbps from its current definition of 25/3 Mbps. Some fiber providers in a letter this month asked for the Commission to propose even higher speeds, at 100/100 Mbps, but a cohort of industry groups have objected to that symmetrical tier being a fair requirement in today's landscape. Read More

Buckeye Broadband

Charter Communications

Oberlin Cable Co-Op

NCTA Statement Regarding the Introduction of the Affordable Connectivity Program Extension Act

“With more than 22 million American households now relying on it, the bipartisan Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP) is vital to bridging the digital divide, and we must ensure it continues to receive funding..." Read More

NCTA Statement Regarding the FCC's Actions on Pole Attachments

“We appreciate the FCC’s recognition of the importance of broadband providers' timely access to utility poles. Today is a first step towards removing obstacles that slow the construction of broadband networks in needy areas. But other important issues still remain, including the fair allocation of the cost of pole replacements, which will require continued attention and future action by the FCC to ensure the efficient and effective delivery of reliable internet service to every community.” Read More

America’s Expanding Cable Broadband Networks: A Year in Review

As America targets efforts towards connecting every community to robust broadband – including the distribution of more than $40 billion in federal funds for building new networks – cable providers continue to do what they have always done: build out their networks to reach as many Americans as possible. Read More

NCTA's CTO Offers Insights into the Cable Industry's 2024 Technology Landscape

As the cable industry dives into 2024, the landscape of high-speed connectivity is poised for transformation with the ongoing rollout of 10G and emerging, next-generation technologies. Dr. Rikin Thakker, Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President at NCTA, offers a glimpse into the highlights shaping the industry's future. These include the deployment of DOCSIS 4.0, advancements in Wi-Fi networks, the seamless integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, and the persistent prioritization of cybersecurity measures. Read More

Wi-Fi 7 Explained

With the annual CES show taking place in Las Vegas, one highly anticipated technology will be on display across a multitude of devices. Under development now, Wi-Fi 7 will improve upon the updates that came with Wi-Fi 6E as well as incorporate new developments since the last certifications. These updates will facilitate the next great tech advancements, ranging from virtual reality to wireless gaming to interactive telemedicine. Read More

2023 Cable Broadband Highlights: Rural Expansion, Digital Inclusion, 10G, and Sustainability

It's a great time to reflect on the impactful initiatives undertaken by America's cable industry. The ongoing efforts and dedication of cable ISPs to extend high-speed broadband connectivity to those who need it the most are undoubtedly making a significant impact for millions of Americans. Read More

Industry Stats: 2023 in Review

It’s been a big year for broadband and TV. From network investment to critically acclaimed shows, there was a lot to celebrate in the industry. As 2023 draws to a close, here are just a few highlights from a fast-paced year. Read More

Broadband Stats: Building on Momentum

As 2024 gets underway, the U.S. will enter the next phase of its goal to connect every American, and more households will continue to gain access to the 10G platform. The foundation for this important work is built on decades of investment to continually improve the next-generation broadband platform that is powering the economy and empowering consumers in nearly every community. Read More

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In 1966 a group of cable pioneers banded together, forming a new association to represent them before the Ohio General Assembly. For more than five decades, OCTA - Ohio's Broadband & Cable Association has built a strong record of success in the legislative and regulatory arenas.

Today, our members look to the OCTA with confidence in its ability to represent the industry before the Ohio legislature, PUCO, Congress, and the Courts.