The October Forkful

Volume 1 | Issue 3

News from the

Nutrition and Aging Resource Center

Market Your Nutrition Program Webinar!

Save the date!

Join the Nutrition and Aging Resource Center and Keita Cole, CRS-A/D, CVA, Aging Nutrition Director and Tennessee Dementia Service Coordinator for the Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability to discuss how to Market your Nutrition Program.

This webinar will be held Tuesday, November 14 from 10 to 11am CT.

Mark your calendars now, and look for registration information coming soon!

Meet the Network!

Meet Izzie Sadler! Izzie is the Executive Director for the Sowega Council on Aging. She discusses the benefits and challenges to the Senior Centers Without Walls program that has been implemented in the community. The program offers meals and activities with a twist to help keep older adults engaged in community settings.

Learn more about the work that Izzie does in this Network Spotlight video.

View New Resources Available on the Website!

See what is new! New and updated resources included on

Explore Key Findings in Senior Nutrition Programs: Restaurant Program Toolkit

This toolkit features restaurant programs, how to create them, and promising practices for implementation and sustainability in one kit from the Nutrition and Aging Resource Center.

News from the Aging Network

Connections Chat: Share Peer Discussion with AAAs and Local Service Provider Nutrition Staff

Please share the following with your network:


Calling all Area Agencies on Aging and local service providers! Join the Nutrition and Aging Resource Center for the next Connections Chat. This opportunity is for you!


Meet and interact with peers from across the nation on our next Connections Chat call. Discuss topics that interest you, ask questions, and learn from others who also are serving older adults in their communities.


The call will begin with a brief tour of the new Instructional Campus on Aging, or ican! This interactive, self-paced learning module series is perfect for new staff and volunteers or those who want to renew aging nutrition program knowledge. The series is completely free!


The remainder of the Connections Chat will be spent in small groups where participants in Zoom breakout rooms discuss whatever would be most beneficial to those in the group.


The call is Wednesday, October 11 from 3 to 4 pm CT. Please register here.

Register Today!

Communicate About Aging Webinar

The North Central Region Aging Network hosts monthly webinars on the first Friday of each month. Join the November 3 webinar, How to Communicate About Aging at 11am ET / 10am CT. Simply go to NCRAN Learn page, and click Join here!

Participate in HNRCA Nutrition and Aging Research Studies

From Tufts University Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging (HNRCA): Through our research, important theories about nutrition and health are investigated, and the results often lead to dietary recommendations for millions of Americans.

Since research based on human participation has the best chance of yielding results that can be applied to the general public, there is a constant need for volunteers to participate in nutrition research studies. Play an integral role in helping our important research.

Funding Opportunity: Community Food Projects Competitive Grant Program

Grant from the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture to support projects improving food security in the community by developing innovative connections between for-profit and non-profit food organizations. Deadline is October 30, by 5:00 p.m. ET

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