How to become a (Zoom) Davener
Cantor Annelise will show you the basics of how to navigate while also teaching you nusach, prescribed musical motifs, of different prayer services for evening minyan and Friday night service. Participants must have a strong command of the Hebrew to attend this class.
6:10 pm-6:45 pm, Thursdays, except during Passover. Participants are encouraged to attend minyan following the class, where folks can use what they've learned in class and participate in the service.
Tefilah Workshop with Cantor Annelise
Explore some of our most celebrated prayers and have an opportunity to create some of our own. Learn about Kavannah, intention, when understanding prayer, and how to make centuries old liturgy feel as though it’s speaking directly to you.
2-3 pm on Wednesdays
RSVP to Cantor Annelise for the Zoom link for all classes at!