Lisa Louise Cooke's Genealogy Gems
October 2, 2014

I love this old photo of my Grandpa on his toy pony on the street outside his house in San Francisco. This was snapped about 1907 and shows a happy baby and his bustling neighborhood.


To learn more about his little stretch of heaven, I turned to an old street map collection perfect for U.S. research: Sanborn Fire Maps.


The quickest way to learn about these detailed cartographic wonders is to see them in action, so here's a free short video from my 5 Ways to Enhance Your Genealogy Research with Old Maps class that not only explains their origin, but shows you an exciting way to view them in Google Earth, and of course where you can get your hands on them! 

Using Sanborn Fire Maps for Genealogy and Family History
Using Sanborn Fire Maps
for Genealogy and Family History

As you can see, Sanborn Fire Maps can bring your ancestor's city street to life!


You may not always have time to make your way to a genealogy class or conference, but with Genealogy Gems Premium videos you can learn with your bunny slippers on whenever it's convenient for you!


The complete hour long video presentation includes a downloadable handout with all the written instructions, and is available to all Genealogy Gems Premium Members on our website. Not a member yet? Become a Premium Member here 


Thanks for listening friend!
Who Else Has Viewed This Record?

There are lots of ways to find historical records about your ancestors online. Did you know there are also ways to learn who else has added that record to their trees-or who else is researching the same people you are? Click here to read about two ways to do it at the Genealogy Gems blog...



Latest Podcast Episodes 

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Genealogy Gems Podcast
Do you have enough time to work on your family history the way you would like to? How about taking on someone else's family history? In this episode I've invited someone who has jumped over his own family history to diligently working on a perfect strangers...or did he jump over it?

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Episode 45 (FREE) 
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In this episode I'm going to share some of the family history blogs that YOU-the listeners-have created. I'm hoping you'll be inspired to blog by what others are doing. Being a community is what gives genealogists strengths and inspiration. Get your notepads out and get ready to jot down these terrific blogs! 

Genealogy Gems Premium Podcast  
Episode 115 (MEMBERS ONLY)
10 cool things you can do with Evernote while you are traveling.  Great advice on what to keep on your hard drive v. what to keep on Evernote.  Interview with Genealogy Gems' DNA expert Diahan Southard, and lots of genealogy news!
Get the Most Out of Your iPad!

Lisa teaches you how to your the iPad

There's a new version of the Apple operating system out! According to Apple, iOS8 is their biggest release to date. It includes big updates to apps like Messages and Photos. And now up to six people in your household can share each other's purchases from iTunes, iBooks, and the App Store. (It's about time!) Check out all the new features at Apple's website here.


But I have to ask: when you first heard the news, was your first reaction "Wait a second - don't change things! I'm still figuring out what to do with my iPad!" 


At the beginning of a recent class I was teaching, nearly 80% of attendees indicated they owned iPads. But when I asked them to raise their hands if they felt they were maximizing it, almost all hands dropped!


iPad book

In my book Turn Your iPad into a Genealogy Powerhouse you will learn how to unleash your iPad's potential for family history on-the-go! These pages are packed with the tools you need to get the most out your tablet:

  • An in depth look at over 65 apps that are ideal for the genealogist
  • 32 Fabulous Tips and Tricks that will make you a power user
  • See it for yourself with recommended online videos
Do you have a tablet other than an iPad?
No problem! Comparable apps available in Google Play are included. And the Tips and Tricks section will give you clues as to features to look for on your brand of tablet. 


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Lisa's Upcoming Presentations:

Tucson, AZ
October 3 & 4, 2014

Heritage Quest Library
Sumner, WA
October 11, 2014

Georgia Genealogical Society Webinar
October 15, 2014

Webinar: Time Travel
November 18, 7pm CST
November 19, 2014

Indian River Genealogical Society
Full Day Seminar
Vero Beach, FL
February 7, 2015


RootsTech, Innovator's Summit and FGS�  

Salt Lake City, UT

Feb. 11 - 14, 2015


 Virginia Beach Genealogical Society
2 webinars
March 21, 2015


Kendall Co Genealogical Society
March 28, 2015 



April 14, 2015

2015 Conference in Providence RI
Keynote Speaker
April 15 - 19, 2015

Full Day Seminar
April 25, 2015

St. Charles, MO
May 13-16, 2015

Full Day Seminar
June 13, 2015

June 20 - 27, 2015 














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P.O. Box 531, Rhome, TX 76078