July 2020, 110th edition
The Monthly Jewel
The most courageous act is still to think for yourself.  Aloud.  
~ Coco Chanel
Nourishment versus Ego-Gratification: What is Your Measure of Self-Worth?
Kalpana (Rose) M. Kumar, M.D.
The COVID-19 pandemic "sheltering-in-place" has granted time to reflect on what it is we truly value in this lifetime.  Have you become aware of what really matters in your life?  Read on and consider the tension between external and internal values. Identify and enjoy what in reality "nourishes" you. Read more here...

by Dr. Rose Kumar

Blueberries have one of the highest anti-cancer properties among fruits, second to acai and goji berries.  Organically grown blueberries have significantly higher concentrations of total phenol antioxidants and total anthocyanin antioxidants than conventionally grown blueberries, as well as a significantly higher total antioxidant capacity.  They also increase the number of Natural Killer cells, our first responder immune cells that fight viruses and cancer.   Blueberries have a low glycemic index and have anti-inflammatory as well as memory enhancing properties.
Next in our Webinar Series

Wednesday, July 22nd at 4pm 
and will be a unique format!

Participation Please - Transformation During the COVID Pandemic  Dr. Kumar would like to host a webinar presenting the personal and collective transformative process that the COVID pandemic has catalyzed.  She would like to feature your comments on how the Pandemic has impacted you personally.  She has been taking note of what many of her patients are stating about its impact on their relationship with themselves which has been both difficult to navigate and also a gift.  She would like to include your answers to the question, How has the Pandemic impacted you?  Please send your comments (which may be used but will be anonymous and are not required for participation) to  [email protected]  so you can participate in this very powerful and validating webinar on Transformation During the COVID Pandemic. 
Self-Actualization is the Third Pillar of Self-Mastery  
Eric Ehrke, LCSW, LMFT

Knowing who you are requires an ability to "walk in someone else's shoes."  Why do we need to know another before we genuinely know ourselves?  Read on and see why self-actualization is a lifelong process that begins with making choices to investigate who we are "not" before we can know who we "are." Read more...

  Feel Great This Spring!   
Aimee Brown, Lac, MSOM
Aimee says astragalus is one of her favorite "go-to-herbs" when treating clients with weak immune systems or to help them recover from colds and flu more quickly.  Check out this article to learn more about this amazing herb. During this pandemic, it's an herb you don't want to miss knowing about. 

Share the Ommani Vision
Do you have family and friends you would love to share the Ommani mission with or perhaps there is someone who is new to the idea of integrative health? Forward our newsletter to them and encourage them to sign up to receive it monthly. Thank you in advance for your referral! 

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