The Weaponization of Sex
Because the king's order was urgent and the furnace overheated, the flame of the fire killed those men who took up Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell bound into the burning fiery furnace. Then King Nebuchadnezzar was astonished and rose up in haste. He declared to his counselors, “Did we not cast three men bound into the fire?” They answered and said to the king, “True, O king.” He answered and said, “But I see four men unbound, walking in the midst of the fire, and they are not hurt; and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods.” Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the door of the burning fiery furnace; he declared, “Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, servants of the Most High God, come out, and come here!” Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego came out from the fire. Daniel 3:22-26

If you are a solid person with convictions such as these, then if Satan or even God spins you around, you will always come back to your original position. If you habitually act on your thinking then you will not be influenced by other forces, even if you have no food to eat. This is the kind of daily routine you have to adopt in order to become an unchangeable person.
SMM, God Depends on Us Alone, 6/1/77
Hyung Jin Nim started his Sunday sermon by discussing how, at the end of True Father’s life, he explained about the God of Night theology. He knew about the Han Mother’s ongoing betrayal and wanted us to understand clearly about his mission as the returning Christ.

In the 10 years since Father’s passing, Hak Ja Han predicted the advent of world peace had arrived, but then Covid 19 came, causing poverty and starvation in many nations. People scoffed when Hyung Jin Nim spoke about worldwide judgment, but we saw a devastating worldwide pandemic leading to lockdowns never seen before in history.

The intersection of money and power leads to abusive practices, including blackmailing of sexual acts recorded on video by intelligence agencies. It is connected with the Fall through the misuse of love and weaponization of sex. Father taught we must guard our holy place.
Last week we saw the raid on Trump’s residence in Florida, allegedly for classified documents. The fact that there were no raids on Hilary’s residence in Chappaqua, NY for destruction of 30,000 subpoenaed classified emails shows there is not equal justice in America.

We are entering a time of plagues, famine, and warfare. China shot 11 missiles near Taiwan and Japan. Some predict the likelihood of a world war, which would strengthen centralized government cartels, but there is also the possibility that divisions in China, the U.S. and other nations will lead to internal wars. We should pray that world wars can be avoided and for righteous people to resist tyranny in their nations.

In China the Communist Party sent tanks in front of banks to stop protests by people who were prevented from withdrawing their savings. It is not wise to trust “digital” money and investments, which can be frozen. Real assets are our own skills and relationships, as well as land, precious metals, and, yes, weapons to defend our freedoms.
The Founding Fathers in America were willing to risk their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. We should worship the Giver of life, not just "life" or physical survival.

As discussed in the last week’s sermon, Christ, as the full image of God in human form, appeared to Joshua, as recorded in Joshua 5, and to Jacob in Genesis 32:24-28 where he wrestled with a “man” all night, who gave him a new name which means “he who has striven with God and prevailed,” and again in the time of Nebuchadnezzar, as indicated in Daniel 3:14-26. 

Nebuchadnezzar demanded that all residents of Babylon worship the golden image he set up. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who were faithful Jews, refused. The three of them were cast into the blazing furnace, so hot that the prison guards taking them to the furnace died from the heat. When Nebuchadnezzar and his officers looked into the furnace, they saw 4 men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt, and the form of the 4th is like the son of the gods.

Hak Ja Han’s betrayal set off worldwide judgment. Pray for chaos to immobilize leaders of satanic nations including Communist China and for humanity to rise up against tyrannies around the world.

True Father’s Seonghwa 10th Year Memorial
by Miho Panzer

True Father passed away 10 years ago, but I can still remember his mannerisms, his smile and even his scent when I served him and the True Family at East Garden from 1976 to 1987. I remember he would always go to bed after midnight and get up early before 3 or 4am to pray. Even when he was no longer awake, I could often hear him praying in his sleep. As many of us know, he worked night and day to accomplish God’s will while he was alive here on earth and I believe he is a hundred times more active now that he is in the Spirit World.

The day before the Memorial at the Tennessee Cheongpyeong we gathered at the Welcome Center. Many 2nd Gen, including Hyung Jin Nim’s and Yeonah Nim’s 2 youngest sons, Shinjoon and Shinduk, worked hard on the offering table all day and without complaint. I could see that under the 2nd King’s hard training they had become strong. I felt a lot of hope to see them with such a sincere attitude.

We made towers of Father’s favorite fruits and nuts. Since Father loved pine nuts, we made that the central tower. I remember when Father went to Danbury prison in 1984 we always brought him pine nuts and ginseng extract. This time we also made a tower of blueberries and cherries, since those were also favorites. Many of the young generation never saw Father even once, so I explained about Father’s absolute faith and way of life.  

Through the 2nd King hard training, I believe True Father is guiding them. Now is a challenging time in both Sanctuary and in the whole world, but the way that we respond is our treasure. Many new people are coming to learn about Father’s teachings and about the 2nd coming of Christ. I could feel Father’s spirit on Sunday morning and that he was happy with all of us working with the 2nd King and Queen! In the time remaining this year, let us give our very best!

Hak Ja Han's Beliefs as Revealed UNDER OATH

 by Jim Stephens
These points are revealed in her deposition under oath in the Family Federation lawsuit against Sanctuary Church regarding the Tongil mark (12 gates symbol).

1. She has always had more authority in the church than True Father.
This is the most shocking of her statements to me, being in the church almost 49 years. She states that she has always had more authority than True Father and that he should never have done anything without her approval.
Even though she was there four times when True Father crowned Hyung Jin Sean Moon as his successor, she claims she never approved, so therefore the coronation is not valid. (Page 126, Lines 10-21, Page 127, Lines 5-15)

2. There is no successor.
(1.) Even though Rev. Moon spoke for years about God wanting to create love, life, and lineage, and (2.) even though the Principle of Creation asserts God wanted to create His Lineage on earth, and even though (3.) Rev. Moon crowned Sean Moon as his successor on at least four occasions, still Hak Ja Han testifies under oath numerous times that there is “no successor.” (Page 130, Line 25 and Page 131, Lines 1-13. Page 139, Lines 6-11. Page 149, Lines 20-25 and Page 150, Lines 1-10) She states in several parts of her testimony that there are no successors to True Parents, and Sean is not a successor to Rev. Moon. (Page 114, Lines 7-15)

3. She and Jesus are the True Parents.
She identifies “True Parents” as the Only Begotten Daughter (herself) and the Only Begotten Son (Jesus). She leaves out True Father, Sun Myung Moon. (Page 17, Lines 10-20)

4. True Father had Original Sin which she removed.
She states that Sun Myung Moon was born with Original Sin which needed to be removed. He could not have become the True Parent on his own. He had to meet her. When Sun Myung Moon met Jesus at 16, he was given a path of suffering and indemnity to qualify as the only begotten son so he could meet Hak Ja Han. After meeting her, Rev. Moon could ascend to the position of Only Begotten Son. (Page 98, Lines 21-25, Page 99, Lines 19. Page 100, Lines 22-25. Page 101, Lines 11-21, Page 102, Llines 1-8)

5. She believes she was born knowing the Divine Principle. She knew it from birth and did not have to go through a learning and growth period. She did not have to make any effort or sacrifice to gain this knowledge. Her course is contrary to Jesus and True Father’s courses (and the Principle of Growth in Divine Principle). She says True Father had to suffer a great deal in order to meet her. She says he never educated her. (Page 105, Lines 9-25, Page 106, Lines 1-25, Page 107, Lines 1-2) True Father’s mission was to find the word and write it down so he could qualify to meet her. (Page 109, Lines 11-22)
6. She states under oath that True Father did not complete his mission on earth. (Page 109, Lines 9-14)

Calling All Patriots! Join a Rod of Iron Patriot class!
Jesus and True Father are One 
by Kerry Williams

"Since humankind has received satanic blood, people cannot return to God on their own. So the Messiah must accomplish absolute restoration of the lineage, renewing the bloodline that was defiled by Satan. This transition must be made. This is why the Messiah must surely come."
January 7, 1988, Cheon Seong Gyeong, p. 127, 172-53, 1988.1.7




May God bless you and your families! 


Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President
World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA

"Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the Biblically-based teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."
Unification Sanctuary USA |