SPECIAL EDITION - Back to School Newsletter | |
George Howard Building | 3430 Court House Drive, Ellicott City, MD 21043
Phone: (410) 313-2001 | Email: ojones@howardcountymd.gov
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Howard County Public School System (HCPSS)
Website - HCPSS
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School Transportation
The 2024-2025 Bus Schedule is available. Please visit HCPSS for more information.
General concerns regarding transportation may be reported via the online HCPSS Office of Student Transportation Contact Form.
For more urgent matters, such as a late, or missing bus, please call HCPSS Transportation at (410) 313-6732.
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HCPSS Special Education Program - Special Education – HCPSS
HCPSS staff works to ensure high-quality special education services are delivered in a consistent and collaborative manner. HCPSS leaders develop transparent, open and accessible communication to ensure that parents, guardians, and community members trust in the integrity of the school system and are active and valued partners.
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2024-2025 School Meals
HCPSS no longer will use Nutrislice for school menus or MySchoolBucks for meal payments. LINQ Connect is a secure, online portal that allows families to view breakfast and lunch menus, make online meal payments, monitor their child’s account, schedule automatic recurring payments, set up low balance alerts, submit a Free and Reduced Meals program application, and more.
Details and information.
Many HCPSS families are eligible to participate in the Free and Reduced Price Meals (FARMs) program, which provides children with a wide range of benefits. Families are urged to check their eligibility and complete a FARMs application as soon as possible. Families must submit a new application every school year. Details on the Free and Reduced Meals program, including a link to apply, are available online.
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District Two HCPSS Schedule and Start Times | |
Elementary Schools
Bellows Spring: 9:25 AM – 3:55 PM
Deep Run: 9:25 AM – 3:55 PM
Jeffers Hill: 8:45 AM – 3:15 PM
Phelps Luck: 8:45 AM – 3:15 PM
Stevens Forest: 8:45 AM – 3:15 PM
Talbott Springs: 8:45 AM – 3:15 PM
Thunder Hill: 9:25 AM – 3:55 PM
Waterloo: 9:25 AM – 3:55 PM
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Middle Schools
Mayfield Woods: 8:30 AM – 3:15 PM
Oakland Mills: 8:30 AM – 3:15 PM
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High Schools
Howard: 7:50 AM – 2:35 PM
Long Reach: 7:50 AM – 2:35 PM
Oakland Mills: 7:50 AM – 2:35 PM
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Bellows Spring Elementary School
Bellows Spring Elementary School
We hope you had a wonderful summer!
Hello Bellows Families,
It is officially time for school to start again! We could not be more excited to welcome our students through our doors in a few days. We hope that your summer was spent enjoying some time with family and friends and that the children have a few memories to share with us. We love learning about what our students like to do at home and with their families.
It has been a pleasure to welcome our new administrative team to Bellows. If you could not attend our popsicles on the playground, we look forward for you having the opportunity to meet Ms. Hogans, our new assistant principal. In addition, Ms. Kelly Healey, our new leadership intern.
Our staff returned last week and we have hit the ground running. We enjoyed a delicious breakfast from our PTA and spent time catching up with one another and welcoming our new colleagues to BSES. Over the summer many of our Bellows staff moved to new positions or some have resigned. We wish them well and they will be missed. But, we have opened our doors to many new staff members who are already learning the “Bellows Best” culture where we value respect, relationships, kindness, and inclusivity. We are so proud of the hard work they are putting in during these pre-service days to create welcoming learning environments, learn about new curriculum, and planning for our students returning.
Please read through all of this information to be prepared for the upcoming school year.
We look forward to seeing you and our students in a few days!
Julie Schruefer, Principal
Whitney Hogans, Assistant Principal
Kelly Healey, Leadership Intern
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Deep Run Elementary School
Deep Run Elementary School
Dear Deep Run Families,
We hope you’re having a wonderful summer break and taking time to relax and enjoy this break. It is hard to believe that it is August already and our students will return in just a few weeks. We have been busy preparing for what is sure to be a fantastic school year. Our staff returned last Thursday and they are eager to see all of our Deep Run Rangers soon!
As you are preparing for school to reopen, please take a moment to complete the required updating of your Family File. This is required for your children to participate in field trips and learn who your child’s teacher is on August 21. This is also important for us to know how your child is getting home on the first day of school and the procedures to assist your child in the event of an emergency closing. Be sure to share this information with friends and neighbors who also have children that attend DRES. Below are the steps to updating your Family File.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our front office at (410) 313-5000.
Nigel La Roche Jerome Pickens Colleen Golden
Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal
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Jeffers Hill Elementary School
Jeffers Hill Elementary School
Dear Jeffers Hill Students and Families,
Welcome back to another exciting school year at Jeffers Hill Elementary! We are thrilled to see you and can’t wait to embark on this new journey together.
We hope you had a wonderful summer filled with fun, relaxation, and adventure. As we kick off the 2024-2025 school year, we are eager to reconnect and dive into a year full of learning, growth, and memorable experiences.
This year is especially meaningful as we celebrate 50 years of excellence. It’s a remarkable milestone that highlights our commitment to providing an exceptional education and a nurturing environment for all our students. We look forward to celebrating this golden anniversary with various exciting events and activities throughout the year.
We are also excited to introduce a new face to our school community. Please join us in welcoming our new Assistant Principal, Mrs. Ashleigh Townsend, who is joining the Jeffers Hill family. We are confident that her experience and enthusiasm will be a great asset to our school. Additionally, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Mrs. Golden for her incredible service over the past five years. Her contributions have laid a strong foundation for us to build upon.
As we prepare for the first day of school on August 26, 2024, please remember that we welcome students into the building at 8:30 a.m., free breakfast is served to all students and instruction starts promptly at 8:45 a.m. Remember, arriving at school on time is crucial for setting a positive tone for the day, ensuring students can fully engage in their learning, and respecting the schedule that supports everyone's success. In addition, please find important dates below to help ensure a smooth transition back to school.
We are excited about the new opportunities and adventures that await us this year. Let’s embrace each day with enthusiasm and dedication, making the most of every moment as we continue to make Jeffers Hill Elementary a place where we inspire greatness!
Warm Regards,
Maisha Strong
Ashleigh Townsend, Assistant Principal
Upcoming Dates:
August 21 - Ride the Bus Opportunity for PK Students, Cedar Lane School, 9:00-11:00 am
August 23 - Open House and New Student Orientation
- 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.- Open House/Play Date for Students in PK
- 11:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.- Open House for Students in K-5
- 11:45 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.- Popsicles on the Playground sponsored - JHES PTA
- 12:00 p.m. - 12:45 p.m.-New Student Orientation in the Cafeteria
August 26 - First Day of School for Students K-5
August 29 - First Day of PreK for Students
September 2 - Schools Closed, Labor Day
September 12 - Back to School Night Grades 1-5
- GT Information Session: 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
- Session 1: 6:00 p.m. - 6:50 p.m.
- Session 2: 7:00 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.
September 21 - Dreams and Visions to Reality Health and Wellness Fair, TBD
September 18 - Professional Wellness Day, Schools close 3 hr. early
October 3 - Schools Closed
October 15 - Kindergarten Back to School Night 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
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Phelps Luck Elementary School
Phelps Luck Elementary School
Welcome from School Administration and the PLES Staff
We are excited to welcome over 700 students back to Phelps Luck Elementary School on Monday, August 26. Our incredible staff is busy preparing for our student's arrival, and we cannot wait to see our amazing students. We hope you enjoyed receiving welcome calls from your child's homeroom teacher yesterday. We know how important it is to connect with families prior to the start of school. We hope to see you at our open house sessions on Friday. During open house, please visit your child's current teacher. It is not a time to visit other classrooms.
Please also plan to attend our Back-to-School nights.
Our theme for this year is BELIEVE! Believe that everything is possible as we start a brand new school year. Our staff made a welcome video for our students and community to kick off the year. Below the video is the lyrics of the song Believe by Shawn Mendes. The song is full of positive and encouraging words.
Enjoy, and welcome back to school!
Mr. Cosentino, Principal
Ms. Anderson, Assistant Principal
Mrs. Grenzer, Assistant Principal
Click the link to watch the video: BELIEVE!
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Stevens Forest Elementary School
Stevens Forest Elementary School
SFES - First Day Arrival on the Blacktop Updated for 24-25
Dear SFES Families,
SFES has a tradition of kicking off the first day of school with all students and staff on the blacktop behind the school. Students should come to school on the first day of school the way they will throughout the school year - bus, walk, car. All parents and students should then walk to the back of the building and gather on the blacktop. There will be cones with the names of the teachers posted by grade level. We look forward to seeing our Bobcat Family on Monday, August 26th on the blacktop!
Please also review the daily arrival and dismissal procedures below.
Thank you,
Mrs. Katie Carter
Dr. Casey Schurman
Daily Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
Safety Reminders
We strive to make arrival and dismissal as efficient as possible. Please review the procedures below to help ensure the safety of our students, staff, & families. Parents and students, please remember:
- If a parent/guardian walks child(ren) to school please stop at the indicated spaces on the map shown below (gray boxes labeled drop off/pick up).
- The green rectangle around the canopy is for students and staff only.
- Communicate with your child(ren) and teachers what your regular arrival/dismissal procedure will be.
Arrival/Dismissal MAP
Please view at this link.
Arrival & Dismissal Times
8:20 am: Staff on duty to support arrival
8:30 am: Students invited inside for breakfast
8:45 am: Instruction begins (students arriving after this time are late and must be signed in)
3:15 pm Dismissal begins
Morning Procedures
Students may not arrive on school property prior to 8:20 AM.
Students who walk to school may wait under the entrance canopy by grade level beginning at 8:20 AM. Grades PK, K, 1, and 4 are under the main entrance. Grades 2, 3, 5 will be in the courtyard canopy.
If you walk your child to school notice the gray boxes on the map to indicate walker drop off points. The green rectangle around the front of the school is a student only zone for arrival and dismissal.
Families who choose to bring their child(ren) to school by car will follow the route indicated with red arrows. The carloop will not open for drop off until 8:20 AM. Students should not be dropped off prior to this time.
Five cars will stop at the front of the building. All five cars’ students will exit. Families will be directed to move forward when all have exited their cars. Repeat.
Child(ren) will exit from the right side of the car. Staff are there to ensure safety. Children will need to open their own doors. If a parent must open the door, please quickly put the car in park and do so.
School begins at 8:45 AM, but arriving by 8:30, when school doors open, allows the children a chance to eat breakfast, settle-in for the day and reconnect with others. Students are considered tardy/late if they arrive at school after 8:45 AM and need to be escorted to the front office to be signed in by an adult.
Afternoon Procedures
Dismissal starts at 3:15 PM - it is essential to pick your child up on time!
- Bus Riders - Will be escorted out by staff and walked to their assigned bus
- Walkers - Students waiting for siblings should move over to the grass area just beyond the canopy on the right. Children who walk home unaccompanied are free to go as soon as their class is dismissed. Walkers must stay on sidewalks and follow directions of crossing guards.
- Car Riders- Children who are picked up by an adult/older sibling (either walking or driving) will wait under the canopy in grade level lines. Students are monitored by staff until parent/guardian arrives. It is essential to pick your child up on time.
Parent/Guardian Reminders
Most students live within easy walking distance of the school, SFES does not have space for parking. At dismissal, car loop traffic can get backed up quickly. We recommend that you walk with your student to and from home, or park in the adjacent Stevens Forest Community Center parking lot and walk over to the school entrance to pick up your student if you chose to pick up your child.
During past school years, we have noticed some families parking on the west side of Stevens Forest Road directly across from the school. These families are then crossing the road at that location, not at one of the crosswalks in either direction. That action is dangerous! Please use the designated crosswalks, the tunnel at Kilimanjaro Road, or the crosswalk across from the pool to cross Stevens Forest Road.
Cars will be provided Car Loop tags to ensure student safety and efficiency, please have this posted in a visible location at dismissal each day. All car riders are to use the car loop that moves through the staff parking lot. Forming two lines when you first enter the parking lot and then merge into one line when you turn the corner near the dumpsters.
Please view the map depicting this at this link. Keep the following in mind while using the car loop during arrival and dismissal:
- Do not pass other cars.
- Be courteous of other drives.
- Be on the lookout for pedestrians at all times.
- Parents should stay in their cars. Staff will be available to assist children.
- Follow the signals to stop and go from the staff at the crosswalks and along the sidewalk.
- Students should only exit the car at the sidewalk where staff will be waiting; please do not allow your children to exit the car in the parking lot.
Please reach out with any questions or concerns.
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Talbott Springs Elementary School
Talbott Springs Elementary School
Greetings TSES Families,
Staff returned last Thursday, and we are ready to welcome back our students on 8/26. Dr. Lewis and I enjoyed seeing families last week at the Popsicles on the Playground event, and the staff loved the chalk messages designed by students and parents! Thank you to our wonderful PTA for the welcome back lunch last week and for organizing the chalk messages!
Please see below for important information related to Family File and Free and Reduced Meals. Family File completion is required each year and is critical information for TSES to have by the first day of school. As of today, around 20% of families have completed their family file. Please help us reach 100% by the first day of school on 8/26!
Check out our website for the school supply list. Please reach out to our front office at (410) 313-6915 if your family needs support with school supplies.
We are so excited to see our students and families this Friday, August 23 at Open House!
Leslie Harmon, Principal
Derek Lewis, Assistant Principal
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Thunder Hill Elementary School
Thunder Hill Elementary School
Greetings Thunder Hill Community,
The first day of school is coming and we are getting so excited to welcome your children back into the building for a wonderful year of learning and achieving goals together. We look forward to our partnership this year! Please remember to update your child’s Family File information today!
It is very important for parents to update the Family File before the start of the school year on August 26th. Currently, 57% of Thunder Hill families have updated this information. Let’s get to 100% by the first day of school. All families must update this information every year. Thank you for helping us do the best for your child!
THES has a tradition of kicking off the first day of school with all students and staff on the blacktop. Students should come to school on the first day of school the way they will throughout the school year - bus, walk, car. Students will be directed to the blacktop on the side of the building. Teachers will be holding signs with their names on them. Once all students are on the blacktop, we will enter the building as a school community.
We look forward to seeing our Thunderbirds on Monday, August 26th on the blacktop!
Proudly Serving You,
Mrs. Hurd, Principal
Mr. McMahon, Assistant Principal
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Waterloo Elementary School
Waterloo Elementary School
My name is Rachel Edoho-Eket [pronounced: ED-OH-ECK- IT] and it is truly an honor and privilege to serve as Principal of Waterloo Elementary school! I am very excited to work alongside our Assistant Principal, Mrs. Janet Yarn as we partner together to provide a safe and nurturing learning environment for all students.
Waterloo takes pride in its commitment to excellence and the great partnership that is fostered between home and school. We are very fortunate to have such talented students who are guided and inspired by our dedicated staff and supportive families. Our mission at Waterloo Elementary School is to ensure an exemplary learning and teaching environment where each student participates in a safe, respectful, and responsible manner. We are committed to engaging all students and nurturing their intellectual, social, emotional, and physical development in a world-class learning environment. My desire is that all students will perform at their highest potential, and I am confident that our students will continue to achieve great success with your ongoing involvement and support.
This upcoming school year will mark my 19th year in public education. Before becoming a Principal, I served as an elementary school teacher, mentor teacher, instructional team leader, and Assistant Principal. I am a proud graduate of the Howard County Public School System! As a lifelong learner, I hold a Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education, a Master's degree in Curriculum and Instruction, and a Doctoral degree in Educational Leadership and Professional Practice. On a personal note, my husband and I reside in Howard County and are parents to our wonderful twins. As members of this community, we consider ourselves fortunate to live within a school district that provides a rich learning experience for all students.
Although I have always felt at home in the classroom, it is in my position as an administrator that I have felt most fulfilled in my life’s work. The elementary principalship provides me with the daily opportunity to collaborate with teachers and parents, while remaining closely connected to students in the classroom.
As Principal, my door is always open and I welcome your input. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or items you would like to discuss. I can be reached by phone at (410) 313-5014 or by email at rachel_edoho-eket@hcpss.org. It is with a strong commitment that I serve Waterloo Elementary School. I am eager to learn and lead together, and look forward to celebrating our collective successes during the 2024-2025 school year!
I hope you are having a safe and enjoyable summer! Please stop by the office to say hello when you are near Waterloo! I’d love to see you and your family!
Enjoy the remainder of your summer,
Dr. Rachel Edoho-Eket, Principal
Janet Yarn, Assistant Principal
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Mayfield Woods Middle School
Mayfield Woods Middle School
Dear Mayfield Woods Middle School Families,
Welcome back to another exciting school year! We are thrilled to start the 2024-2025 academic year and look forward to the wonderful experiences and achievements that lie ahead.
The first day of school for all students is August 26th. The school doors open for students at 8:25 AM. The school day begins at 8:30 AM. We can't wait to welcome back our returning students and meet our new students.
To help our 6th graders and new students acclimate to our school, we will hold an orientation on Thursday, August 22nd from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM in the cafeteria. This will be a great opportunity for them to get familiar with the school environment, routines and expectations, meet their teachers, and make new friends. We are also excited to announce that all 6th graders and new students will be assigned a Chromebook and charger. We anticipate having the Chromebook distribution process completed within the first two weeks of school.
A friendly reminder, cell phones, ear buds, etc., are not permitted in the middle school setting. Acting in the best interest of our students, we will be adhering to. If a student has their cell phone out, they will be directed to turn the phone into the front office. The student will be able to pick up their phone from the front office at the end of the school day. We will review this policy with our students on the first day of school.
The research is clear, cell phone use for middle school aged students during the school day is detrimental to their learning. Cell phone use and social media access contribute to 70% of the stress our middle school students are experiencing. We all want what's best for our students! We want our students to be in class and available to learn during the school day. Having cell phones off and not accessing social media during the school day will provide our students with an optimal learning/school experience. I thank our commUNITY in advance for your support with this issue.
In closing, we are eager to embark on this new school year together. We will continue to show our students how much we care for them by expecting ALL of them to succeed and excel. We will build on the positive momentum from last year and look forward to a successful year ahead.
Please enjoy the remainder of your summer!
David Strothers, Principal
Sabrina Cunningham
Assistant Principal, 6th - 8th Grade (A - L)
Kimberly Hess
Assistant Principal, 6th - 8th Grade (M - Z)
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Oakland Mills Middle School
Oakland Mills Middle School
Welcome to a brand new school year!
Our staff has been working hard to prepare for the return of our students. Teachers have been engaged in professional learning and are busy beautifying their classrooms to create welcoming learning environments.
We’re excited to introduce several new staff members who will be joining us this year:
- David Cook, Social Studies
- Christina Endy, Math
- April Mangaoil, Math
- Hana Yi, Math
- Leilanai Lucca, Special Education
- Alan Nettles, English Language Arts
We look forward to the positive impact they will have on our students!
Important Information:
- New Student Hours: 8:30 AM - 3:15 PM
- Students may arrive beginning at 8:20 AM, but please do not drop off students before 8:20 AM as there will be no supervision prior to that time.
School Improvement Plan Focus Areas
Our School Improvement Plan will focus on four key areas this year:
- CCR (Career and College Readiness): Implementing effective Tier 1 differentiated supports during first instruction.
- Math: Applying effective formative and summative assessment strategies to provide meaningful feedback and inform instructional decisions.
- Attendance: Strengthening communication with families to support consistent student attendance.
- Discipline: Creating a positive and restorative school culture that fosters healthy relationships and a sense of belonging for all students.
If you are interested in being part of our School Improvement Team, please don’t hesitate to contact me. We welcome your involvement!
Student Schedules:
Student schedules will be available on HCPSS Connect. While we strive for accuracy, there may be some minor adjustments. If you notice anything unusual with your student’s schedule, please don't worry—changes may still be in progress. Students will receive a hard copy of their schedule on the first day of school, Monday, August 26th.
New Student Orientation:
We’re excited to welcome our incoming 6th-grade students, as well as new 7th and 8th-grade students to Oakland Mills Middle School!
We’re looking forward to another great year ahead! Thank you for your continued support as we work together to ensure the success and well-being of every student.
Warm regards,
Principal McLendon
Margaret Stavish
Assistant Principal, 6th Grade and 7th Grade (L-Z)
Eugene Rose
Assistant Principal, 7th Grade (A-K) and 8th Grade
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Howard High School
Howard High School
Welcome Back!
We are thrilled to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! Our staff has been hard at work getting things ready for an exciting year. I have been thinking a lot about the rich history of Howard High School that has been over 70 years in the making. So many have come before us and created memories that last a lifetime. Now in 2024, we are in a place where we can start to shape the story for who we want to be moving forward. As a new generation of Lions are entering the hallways, we want to find ways to celebrate their stories and open them up to the many possibilities our world has to offer. At Howard, we believe that every student is filled with greatness. Our mission is to help students embrace their passion and prepare for a rewarding career and great life.
As we prepare for Monday, August 26, here are a few updates/reminders for you:
- Period 1 starts at 7:50 am, and it is our hope that all of our students will be in their class by that point.
- If you are dropping off students in the morning, we recommend you arrive early. Traffic backs up by 7:40, especially the first few days. Cars dropping off have a designated loop to move through. We ask that you pull down as far as you can before dropping off, so more cars can enter the loop.. Please do not enter the bus loop (directly in front of the school).
The bus locator is now available on the HCPSS website. If you take a bus to school, please check the details for pick up/drop off times and bus numbers.
Student schedules are available on HCPSS Connect.
Back to School Night will be on August 29th.
Please update your Family File for this school year if you have not already done so.
Again, we are excited to welcome everyone to an awesome school year. If you need anything, please check our website for up-to-date information, staff contact lists, and a calendar of upcoming events. If you can’t find what you are looking for, give the school a call and we will help find the right person to answer your question.
Go Lions,
Steven Fleming, Principal
Patrick Scible
Assistant Principal, 9th Grade
Meghan Senisi
Assistant Principal, 10th Grade
Samantha Armstead
Assistant Principal, 11th Grade
Napoleon Saunders, II
Assistant Principal, 12th Grade
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Long Reach High School
Long Reach High School
Please help your child by replenishing supplies during the year as needed.
The TI-84 Plus Silver Edition or CE (handheld) graphing calculator will be used in Howard County mathematics courses beginning with Algebra 1 and extending through the end of the mathematics course sequence.
Although students will be provided with a graphing calculator for use in school and have the ability to borrow one for out of school use, students may opt to have their own personal handheld graphing calculator. Students who go on to take mathematics courses in college will often be able to use the same calculator for college course work.
| LRHS Main Traffic Pattern Arrival and Dismissal: |
Go to our main page on Canvas
Math Support
Science Support
English Writing & general English support
College Essay Support
ESOL Homework Help
Special Events
College Application Assistance (dates TBA)
CTE Career Services (dates TBA)
Upcoming Spring Sessions
AP Help Sessions
SAT Reading/Writing Session
SAT Math Session
Click here for more information
Adam Eldridge, Principal
Malcolm Anderson
Assistant Principal Reach Academy and 9th Grade
Michael Cometa
Assistant Principal, 10th-12th Grade (A-F)
Tiffani James
Assistant Principal 10th-12th Grade (G-M)
Daniel Sageman
Assistant Principal, 10th-12th Grade (N-Z)
Oakland Mills High School
Oakland Mills High School
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Hello OM Community!
I want to officially welcOMe everyone to the 2024-2025 school year. We are so excited to return hOMe from summer break! Each school year represents a time of new beginnings, and I am so excited to continue our journey with the amazing OM community. At OMHS, we value our strength in working together. What makes OM so unique is how we use this collective strength as a community.
I am privileged to continue to serve as the Oakland Mills High School Principal. It is an honor to work with our highly qualified and dedicated staff, our wonderful students and supportive families. After all, Oakland Mills is hOMe! I look forward to working with each of you to make the 2024-2025 school year a success.
Our staff commUnity has been busy at work this summer on various school improvement initiatives and curriculum writing to prepare for our start to the school year. They have attended professional learning opportunities and are ready to implement strategies to differentiate the instruction for all of our students’ needs. Our staff has been working hard in preparing lesson plans that promise to make for another exciting and productive year. All we await now is our amazing OMHS Scorpions!
The Oakland Mills High School commUnity reflects the core belief as being a place where we are strongest together. We are a commUnity where relationships and the sense of commUnity mean everything.
The success achieved at OMHS is because of the people who make up our school commUnity. Our stakeholders, including our families, are the hub of our success. OMHS staff are dedicated educators who have a passion for working with students. OMHS students are passionate, eager, and always ready to take on new challenges.
We are OM…We are Strongest Together!
Moving Forward Together.
As we move forward, we will continue on our journey of Legacy, Community, Opportunity, and Perseverance with the support of our amazing commUnity!
Enjoy the remaining days of summer! I look forward to seeing everyone as we return. Remember, students begin on August 26, 2024.
See you soon!
Dr. Jeffrey Fink
Oakland Mills High School Principal
We Are OM…We Are Strongest Together! Moving Forward Together
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General Information
All students begin on Monday August 26, 2024. Schedules will be available digitally via Synergy.
The OMHS Back to School Night is on Thursday, August 29, 2024. Please save the date! Additional information will be sent out on connecting with OM.
For the most up to date information during the school year, we encourage everyone to register for HCPSS News at Oakland Mills High School news at www.hcpss.org. Follow OMHS on X (formerly Twitter): @hcpss_omhs. The OMHS website is http://omhs.hcpss.org.
Remember to join the PTSA and Boosters clubs, all are always welcome in our commUnity!
Student Schedules
Counselors have been working hard on schedules throughout the summer to make sure they are finalized before school starts. Please continue to check your email, canvas, or wait for a return call from your counselor.
Reason(s) to request schedule changes are: missing graduation requirements, not scheduled for 7 credits, earned credit for course listed, requesting work or Jumpstart release. You can call Student Services at (410) 313-6950 and leave a detailed message for your school counselor.
We appreciate your patience.
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Dr. Jeffrey Fink, Principal
Felicia Bond
Assistant Principal, 9th Grade
Trumaine McCaskill
Assistant Principal, 10th Grade
Jamie Proctor
Assistant Principal, 11th Grade
Elizabeth Phillips
Assistant Principal, 12th Grade
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Howard County Public School System Athletics
Fall: Fall Sports Tryouts began August 14th, 2024, DEADLINE to REGISTER has passed.
Winter: Winter Sports Tryouts – Starting November 15th, 2024, DEADLINE to REGISTER is Thursday November 14th, 2024
Spring: Spring Sports Tryouts – Starting March 1st, 2025, DEADLINE to REGISTER is February 28th, 2025
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Howard County Recreation and Parks Athletics | |
HopeWorks Youth Leadership Project
Application deadline: September 1st, 2024 | For ages 13 to 18
The Youth Leadership Project is part of HopeWorks' mission to prevent cycles of violence through youth and community engagement. In this safe and affirming space, teens of all genders participate in monthly social justice-centered discussions, educate their peers, and lead community projects.
For application requirements, visit: Youth Leadership Project.
Send completed applications to: Tori, Community Educator and Youth Specialist: Tori's email.
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Roots and Wings
2024 - 2025 Program Year
The Roots & Wings program is an outdoor educational program that serves homeschool children through experiential, place-based education.
The program began in 2018 with a small group of families in a small rental space, and is now housed at Freetown Farm, our 6.4 acre organic farm in Columbia. Roots and Wings aims to provide children of all walks of life, with a place to feel connected, to feel welcome and to feel a sense of educational freedom.
The program builds flexible curriculum to ensure self-guided learning opportunities, while consistently offering environmental engagement, arts integration, social emotional learning, animal husbandry, land stewardship, STEM & literary exploration and free play.
Spaces are currently available in all age groups: Bulbs (5-7yrs), Sprouts (8-10yrs), Buds (11-13yrs), Blooms *NEW* in 2024 (14-17yrs)
- Children must be 5 years old by August 20th to participate.
- Classes run Monday -Thursday and families may choose 1-4 days to participate.
- Cost: $2,160 per day/child (for the 30-week program). Pay in full or in 10 monthly installments.
To register, email: rootsandwings@cei.earth
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Oakland Mills Fall Festival – Vendor Application is OPEN!
The vendor application period is open for the Oakland Mills Fall Festival! If you’re interested in being a vendor, email Amy Carpenter at office@oaklandmills.org for application information.
Applications first come, first serve and are due Friday, September 20th.
New this year! There will be a section of the festival highlighting vendors ages 16 and under. Email Amy Carpenter at office@oaklandmills.org for more information.
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Long Reach – Let's Go Birding!
Saturday, September 21st at 8 AM
Meet at Kendall Ridge Pool Parking Lot
Join Long Reach CARES (Community Action and Resources for Environmental Stewardship) to go birding around the neighborhood of Kendall Ridge and see what birds are traveling through our area during their fall migration.
All ages are welcome. Wear comfortable shoes and bring binoculars, if you have them. Participants will meet at the Kendall Ridge Pool (8245 Tamar Drive) parking lot and walk on foot through Columbia paths from there.
The rain date is Sunday, September 22nd, from 8 – 10 AM.
FREE! Register at LRCA.eventbrite.com.
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Green SEEDS Internship Fall Session
Green SEEDS Fall Application is Open!
The application for CEI’s curated fall Green SEEDS internship program for high school and college students is open.
The purpose of this unpaid internship is to:
- Provide an immersive experience that explores our relationship with the environment in which we live.
- Create a welcoming, refreshing, and collaborative social space for all students.
- Explore nature-based solutions to local challenges such as food security, climate change, biodiversity loss, waste generation, stormwater management, etc.
- Develop transferable skills in the areas of ecology, community development, agriculture, and advocacy.
Click here for the application
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