Volume V | Issue XIIII | Fall/Winter 2024

George Howard Building | 3430 Court House Drive, Ellicott City, MD 21043
Phone: (410) 313-2001 | Email: ojones@howardcountymd.gov
It is with great enthusiasm and pride I was elected to be your Councilmember representing the viewpoints of the amazing people of the Second District of Howard County. I am honored to serve as your Councilmember and looking forward to following in the steps of your prior leaders by continuing their fine legacy of leadership. My focus is on enhancing education, assuring public and personal safety, and championing community vibrancy. 

While these are our primary focus areas, my team and I are committed to partnering with you on so many different topics to make District Two the absolute best place to work and live! Working together, we can accomplish a lot and that means listening to your ideas, addressing your concerns, and building on your feedback. I look forward to our journey together!

In service and partnership,

Community Projects

BikeHoward Implementation through Resurfacing Projects – Howard County Bicycle Master Plan

BikeHoward Implementation through Resurfacing Projects


Howard County is proposing to implement the recommendations of the Howard County Bicycle Master Plan for bike lanes along:


Thunder Hill Road between MD-175 and Sohap Lane and Oakland Mills Road between Sohap Lane and Shadowfall Terrace.

A public meeting was held on Thursday, October 17th at the Other Barn in the Oakland Mills Village Center. To review the presented information, please visit the links below:

Draft road marking plans, including existing and proposed conditions

Context map showing the proposed bike lanes within the nearby bike network


After reviewing this information, please complete the brief feedback survey. The survey will be open to the public until November 1st.

If you have further questions, please contact:transportation@howardcountymd.gov 

or call (410) 313-4312.

Community Events

Creating a New Future 

East Columbia 50+ Center | Friday, October 25th – November 15th at 10 AM 

An engaging, interactive program addressing common post-retirement challenges and aging transitions. Topics include overcoming barriers, identifying strengths, boosting self-esteem, making new choices, and fostering positive thinking. 

Click here to register

Howard County Medical Center's 

Pink Pathways: Passport to Women's Health in Howard County 


Location: Johns Hopkins Breast Center at Howard County - 5759 Cedar Lane


Event Highlights: 

Join the community for an informative, fun, and interactive event that will feature women's health services and resources available at Johns Hopkins Howard County Medical Center.

Meet leading physicians and providers dedicated to women’s health and tour the new Breast Center that opened in 2023. 


For more information, email: HCGH-J2BH@jhmi.edu

Halloween Tricks, Treats, and Trees

Join the County on an adventure where nature’s “tricks” are revealed at delightful stations among the trees.

Participants must select a time slot for the stations among the trees when registering. Morning trail activities are designed for 0-4 yrs, afternoon trail activities are designed for ages 5yrs+. Ongoing activities will be available for all ages from 9 AM – 3 PM. 

Please note, there is a 25-person maximum capacity for each time slot due to space constraints on the trails.

Pre-registration highly recommended, trail times are likely to sell out in advance. 

If trail times fill in advance, walk in tickets will be sold day of the event for ongoing activities only. The nature center will have no general admission from 9 AM - 3 PM, special event tickets only. 

Registration/Information: (410) 313-0400 or visit, Halloween Tricks, Treats and Trees (All Ages) 

Event Dates: October 26th and 27th 

Time: 9 AM – 3 PM 

Price: $10 for children 1-17, $5 for adults 18yrs+, Free for under 1 year 

Domestic Violence Awareness Month Pantry Drive 

Sunday, October 27th | 2 – 4 PM | At HopeWorks 


If your organization would like to donate items for the Domestic Violence Awareness Month Pantry Drive, please call (410) 997-0304 or email.


A receipt for your tax-deductible donation will be available at the Pantry Drive. 


HopeWorks: 9770 Patuxent Woods Drive, Suite 300


For a full list of items needed, visit: HopeWorks Pantry Needs List

MLK Holiday Commission

Monthly Pop-Up Pantry  

October 28th from 10 – 11:30 AM  

Hosted by the Howard County Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission and the Harriet Tubman Foundation of Howard County, the food pantry is open to all.

If you or someone you know is in need of fresh produce and/or non-perishable food items, we invite you to visit one of our two distribution sites.

Please note that all food is FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE. 


Ridgely's Run Community Center 

8400 Mission Road


Hopkins Methodist Church 

13250 Highland Road


No registration required. For more information, please call (443) 386-0405 or

(443) 280-1935. 


If you are interested in volunteering with food distribution, please arrive by 8:30 AM 

The 27th annual Celebration of the Arts in Howard County will be held on Saturday, November 2nd at the Horowitz Visual and Performing Arts Center at Howard Community College. 


Begin the night with a reception at 6 PM where local culinary sponsors will showcase their finest foods.

At 8 PM, guests take their seats for the Rising Star Performing Arts Competition and the presentation of the Howie Awards. 

Nine talented, local finalists will vie for the audience vote for the $5,000 Rising Star award!

In between performances, the 2024 Howie Awards will be presented to an Outstanding Artist, Arts Educator, and Community Supporter of the Arts recognizing their contributions to the arts community in Howard County. 


For more information, visit: Celebration of the Arts Gala | Howard County Arts Council (hocoarts.org) 

Turkey Waddle in the Park 

Join the County as the community gobbles their way through the North Laurel Park! The self-paced walk consists of different fitness and children’s activities.

You also have the chance to enter to win a turkey for your Thanksgiving dinner.

Ages: 2-10 years of age

Cost: $10, center members; $15, nonmembers

For more information, please contact (410) 313-0457 or visit Turkey Waddle to register for the event.

Pumpkin Palooza  

Join the County for the second annual Pumpkin Palooza celebration at Miller Branch Library on Saturday, November 16th from 11 AM - 2 PM. There will be games, composting demonstrations, food trucks, and more! 

Bring your pumpkins and jack-'o-lanterns to be composted at Alpha Ridge Landfill.

Carved, uncarved, painted pumpkins are acceptable (water-based paints are preferred), and all decorations, including candles, lights, plastic bags, etc. must be removed before collections can occur. 

For more information, click here

Doors open at 10:30 AM | Lunch served at 12 PM


Tickets are $17 per person and on sale at all Howard County 50+ Centers. Seating is limited and all sales final, no refunds. Please bring non-perishable food items to be donated to the Howard County Food Bank. 

For more information, call (410) 313-5400

While most of CFIN’s events are intended for families with children, Everyone is invited to participate in the Community Ecology Institute community (from long-time participants to those who have just discovered CEI) to register for the

"Opt Outside" event: Green Friday Fun which will be held on Friday, November 29th from 12:30 - 3:30PM. 

To read more about all of CFIN’s offerings and for registration links, visit here

Community Spotlight

October 15th National White Cane Awareness Day 

What an honor it was to join the White Cane community on October 5th and present the Certificate of Recognition!

The courage, independence, and resilience of individuals part of this community are truly inspiring. It was a privilege to celebrate the power of the white cane – a symbol of freedom and self-reliance.

Let’s continue working together to create a more inclusive world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive! 

Howard County Board of Elections

BOARD OF ELECTIONS - Board of Elections | Howard County 

The mission of the Board of Elections is to ensure federal, state and local elections are conducted timely, responsibly, and with the highest level of professional election standards, accountability, security and integrity, intended to earn and maintain public confidence in the electoral process. 

2024 Presidential General Election 

Early Voting - Thursday, October 24th through Thursday, October 31st

Election Day - Tuesday, November 5th 

District 2 Howard County Polling Place List: Updated February 2024 

Voter Information | Howard County 

Mail-In Ballots & Mail-In Voting | Howard County Mail-In Requests 

Any registered voter may vote a mail-in ballot. To receive a mail-in ballot you must submit a Maryland Application for Mail-in Ballot.  

Mail-In Ballot Drop Box Locations: 

Gary J. Arthur Community Center 

West Friendship Volunteer Fire Department 

George Howard Building 

Meadowbrook Athletic Complex 

Bain 50+ Center 

Howard County Police Department - Scaggsville 

St John Baptist Church 

Howard County Board of Elections 

North Laurel Community Center 

Elkridge 50+ Center 

Early Voting Center Locations: Early Voting | Howard County 

Early voting for the 2024 Presidential General Election will be from Thursday, October 24th, through Thursday, October 31st, inclusive.

Early Voting Centers will be open each day from 7 AM to 8 PM.

Howard County voters can vote early at any of the Early Voting Centers. Visit the website to view a map of Early Voting Centers in Howard County. 

Howard County Resident Services
Resources and social services for residents living in Howard County: Resident Services
Did you know residents 60 years of age and older or persons with a disability can take the Regional Transportation Agency of Central Maryland’s (RTA) fixed route service for free? Individuals just need to complete a RTA Certified FREE Ride Card Application and submit it either via email or mailed or dropped off in person at the RTA’s Administrative Office.

Once received, applications will be reviewed within 48 hours and the applicant will be contacted to have their picture taken for their RTA Certified Bus Rider ID, completed weekdays, Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. The ID can be processed in five minutes while rider waits in the lobby or it can be mailed.

To learn more about this free ride program, contact RTA Mobility at 1(800) 270-9553, press option 3, then option 6.
Help Is Available – 988

988 is the NEW National Mental Health Crisis Lifeline. Whenever you call this number, you are guaranteed quality and safe care for mental health and substance use emergencies. No need to look up any national toll-free number.

Simply call or text 988 and you will get free, immediate, and confidential help from a trained counselor.

For more information click here.
Community Action Council Assistance 
Community Action Council offers housing assistance, energy assistance, food assistance, and early childhood education.

Howard County Food Bank Location and Hours:

Tuesdays, 1 - 4:30 PM
Wednesdays, 11 AM - 7 PM
Thursdays, 1 - 4:30 PM

Laurel MultiService Center*

Wednesdays, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM
Thursdays, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Call (410) 313-6440 or visit www.cac-hc.org for support or to get involved. 
Early Childhood Education
CAC’s Early Childhood Education program will open Head Start and PreK slots for the 2024 school year, children must be 3 - 5 years of age for the program. All program services are free to enrolled eligible families.

Rental Assistance
CAC provides housing assistance and eviction prevention to Howard County residents who have fallen behind in their rent but are not yet facing eviction. Renters should contact CAC immediately when they are first unable to pay their rent.

Residents may apply via the CAC website, GET HELP – Community Action Council of Howard County (cac-hc.org), by emailing clientassistance@cac-hc.org, or by calling (410) 313-6440. They may also visit CAC’s Howard County Food Bank and or the Multiservice Center located at the North Laurel Community Center to meet with a CAC Community Worker.
Howard County Food Bank 
Shop for the foods you want at the Howard County Food Bank. All shopping trips are family-choice. Fresh items such as milk, eggs, hygiene products, meats, produce are all on hand each time.

Families who may qualify should visit www.CAC-HC.org or call
(410) 313-6440 for more details. 
The Elkridge Food Pantry and Garden

The pantry serves all residents of Elkridge in both temporary and long-term need. The pantry is open the second and fourth Friday of each month from 4 - 8 PM.

Service Area: Elkridge, Hanover, and Jessup

Elkridge Food Pantry - Good Samaritan Outreach Center 5646 Furnace Avenue, (443) 492-9209
Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland 
Meals on Wheels provides nutritious meals once a week for seniors, as well as support and safety-net services.

To learn more about services or to donate/volunteer click here.
Howard County General Hospital's Member Care Support Network 

Receive FREE support while recovering from a health crisis (weekly calls, wellness checks, connection to community resources, and more). To qualify, you must be 18 years or older and live or worship in Howard County.

To enroll or for more information, email HCGH-J2BH@jhmi.edu or call (410) 740-7601. 
Report water main breaks, broken street signs, and more on Howard County's mobile app and website Tell HoCo. Residents can report non-emergency issues which the county will assign to the responsible department.

Download the TellHoCoApp on your mobile phone or visit howardcountymd.gov/Tell-HoCo.
County Updates & Resources

HCEDA's Minority Business Directory is a helpful resource. This directory not only offers a list of local enterprises but also promotes economic diversity, fosters community integration, and helps identify potential partnerships and collaborations.

For minority-owned businesses aiming to enhance their visibility and join this expanding network, we invite you to list your enterprise in the directory by clicking here

Free At-Home, Accessible Covid-19 Tests Now Available 

Every U.S. household can now order 4 free at-home COVID-19 tests, including more accessible tests for people with low vision or low manual dexterity.

The tests will detect the current circulating COVID-19 variants and are intended for use through the end of 2024. 

To order standard tests, fill out a form at https://special.usps.com/testkits.

To order InteliSwab accessible tests, visit https://special.usps.com/testkits/accessible.

You may also order by phone at (800) 232-0233.  

For additional information, including ordering instructions and information about the features that make the InteliSwab test more accessible, visit ACL.gov/AccessibleTests.

Go to aging.maryland.gov to learn more about Maryland Department of Aging health promotion and disease prevention efforts. 

HoCo Parks & Recreation Fall Activity Guide 

Recreation & Parks' 2024 Fall Activity Guide is available online.

Recreation and Parks will host sports, activities and events. There is something for all to stay active and entertained!

For more information, click here to register.

Save the Dates

Thursday, October 31st

Friday, November 1st

Sunday, November 3rd

Tuesday, November 5th

Monday, November 11th

Thursday, November 28th

Long Reach

Upcoming Meetings


The next Board of Directors Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 5th, at 7:30 PM.

Visit Board Mtg – Long Reach Community Association for location information, agenda, and more.  

For more information, click here.

For more information contact, Tina Addo, Village Manager at info@longreach.org.

The Village Office Has Moved 


Stonehouse is undergoing building renovations through the Fall of 2024. During this time, the village office has temporarily moved to a location at the Long Reach Village Center. 


The office is open by appointment only. Please visit the website, longreach.org, for information on how to contact staff.  

Halloween Party 

When: Saturday, October 26th

Time: 10:30 AM – 12 PM

Location: Locust Park Neighborhood Center (8995 Lambskin Lane) 

Join the Long Reach community for spooky family fun! Enjoy pumpkin decorating, a magic show, treats, and snacks! 

There is no registration required for this free event. Costumes are encouraged! The event is intended for children 10 and under, and adult supervision is required. 

For questions, contact: lrcaevents@longreach.org 

Paper Shredding

Saturday, November 16th from 9 AM - 12 PM

Stonehouse Lower-Level Parking Lot, 6110 Foreland Garth

Safely and securely dispose of sensitive information. Residential shredding only – No business shredding. 

FREE for all Long Reach residents (ID Required) 

$10.00 cash for non-Long Reach residents - No change will be provided. 

Limit 3 grocery bags/banker boxes per household. First come, first served!

Visit, Paper Shredding – Long Reach Community Association for more information and details on accepted items for the event.  

Oakland Mills

Upcoming Meetings 

OMCA Board Meeting 

Tuesday, November 12th at 7 PM 

Hybrid meeting, held at The Other Barn and on Zoom 

For more information, click here.

OMCA staff is working a hybrid schedule. Before you visit The Other Barn, please contact OMCA by email or phone to leave a message and schedule an appointment.

For more information, contact Brigitta Warren, Village Manager at manager@oaklandmills.org

Sunday's Farmers Market 

Market Dates: Now - Sunday, November 3rd 

Market Hours: 9 AM - 1 PM 

Address of Market: 5851 Robert Oliver Place

District Two Schools

Bellows Spring Elementary School - Bellows Spring Elementary School 

Deep Run Elementary School - Deep Run Elementary School 

November 21st - PARENT CONNECT

American Education Week 

November 22nd - Family Bingo Night, 6:30 - 8 PM

Jeffers Hill Elementary School - Jeffers Hill Elementary School 

PTA Trunk or Treat – Friday, October 25th, 6 – 8 PM 

Phelps Luck Elementary School - Phelps Luck Elementary School 

Join Phelps Luck for the Annual PTA Trunk or Treat and Fall Festival on

Wednesday, October 30th from 6 - 8 PM.

Stevens Forest Elementary School - Stevens Forest Elementary School 

PTA's Truck or Treat – Tuesday, October 29th, 5:30 – 7 PM 

Scholastic Book Fair – Tuesday, November 19th – 22nd, 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM 

SFES Turkey Trot – Saturday, November 23rd, 9 - 11 AM 

Talbott Springs Elementary School - Talbott Springs Elementary School 

Thunder Hill Elementary School - Thunder Hill Elementary School 

PTA Fall Fest & Trunk or Treat – Friday, October 25th, 5 – 8 PM 

PTA Restaurant Night at Honeygrow – Tuesday, November 5th , 10:30 AM – 10 PM 

PTA Restaurant Night at Kokee Tea – Tuesday, November 5th, 11 AM – 10 PM 

Waterloo Elementary School - Waterloo Elementary School 

October 24- Book Fair Begins 

October 25- PTA Trunk or Treat beginning at 5:30 PM 

November 8- Turkey Trot (Rain Date: Nov. 11) 

November 12- Nothing Bundt Cakes PTA Restaurant Night 

Mayfield Woods Middle School - Mayfield Woods Middle School 

MWMS PTA will host a hangout/dance for 6th grade students on October 25th from 6 - 8 PM.

  • Location: MWMS
  • Dress: Casual (in compliance with HCPSS dress code)
  • Space is limited to 250 students.

Students must register and purchase admission in order to attend the event (scholarships available). Registration is first come, first served. Tickets will not be available at the door.

The event requires volunteers and donations. Please see our link to donate snacks/drinks or your time as a chaperone.

7/8th grade students will have a hangout/dance on November 8th.

Next PTA meeting: Tuesday, November 12th at 7 PM

Join us in the school media room or via Google Meet using the link below:


Please try joining 5-10 minutes before 7 PM

Contact Sylvie at (805) 490-4285 if you are having issues.

Oakland Mills Middle School - Oakland Mills Middle School 


Event: OMMS Family Math Night

Date: Wednesday, November 13th

Time: 5:30 - 7:30 PM

Howard High School - Howard High School 

Winter sports tryouts begin on November 15th  

The registration for Winter sports is completed through HCPSS Connect

To tryout for Winter sports, students need the following: 

  • a completed physical form (dated after 11/15/2024), 
  • a utility bill (cable, electric, gas, or water) dated after 8/1/24, and 
  • all online forms completed within the athletic registration.  

To be academically eligible for Winter sports, students must have earned a 2.0 and have no more than one E in the first quarter of school year 2024-25.  

Students are expected to attend tryouts to be eligible for sports team consideration.   

If you have questions, please contact our AAM, Dr. Brandon Lauer at Brandon_Lauer@hcpss.org

HoHS Food Pantry 

The HoHS Food Pantry will occur on the dates listed below from 6 - 7:30 PM. 

Groceries, toiletry products, and gently loved clothing is available.  

  • November 21st  
  • December 19th  

Families are asked to drive around to the back parking lot (past the cafeteria). A sign will be posted on the door.   

Calling all 9-12th Grade Artists, Dancers, Filmmakers, Musicians, Photographers, and Writers!  

PTA Reflections is a fun opportunity for you to showcase your talent.  

For more info, please visit HoHS PTSA Givebacks or email jenptareflections@gmail.com 

Lions' Pride Athletic Booster CRAFT FAIR – Sunday, October 27th from 10 AM - 3 PM 

Band Restaurant Night - Coal Fire – Monday, November 4th from 11:30 AM – 9 PM 

Long Reach High School - Long Reach High School 

Craft & Vendor Fair 

LRHS BOOSTERS - Craft & Vendor Fair (google.com) 

Saturday, November 16th from 10 AM – 3 PM 

6101 Old Dobbin Lane


Join the community for the Long Reach Boosters Club 2024 Fall Craft & Vendor Fair. The event will host the potential of over 100 vendors featuring food, handmade crafts, art, décor, photography, jewelry, skin care, direct sale vendors, and much more!  

Bring your Family, Friends and Christmas List for a fun day of shopping. 


  FREE Admission & FREE Parking! 

Oakland Mills High School - Oakland Mills High School 

OMHS Food Pantry – Wednesday, October 30th 3:30 – 5:30 PM 

Click here to visit the website.

OMHS Craft Fair- Saturday, November 2nd from 10 AM - 3 PM 

Fall Play – Thursday, November 14th – 16th  

Axes and Ivories Concert- Wednesday, November 20th at 8 PM 

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