Office: 410-313-2001
3430 Court House Drive
Ellicott City, MD 21043
It is with great enthusiasm and pride I was elected to be your Councilmember representing the viewpoints of the amazing people of the Second District of Howard County. I am honored to serve as your Councilmember and looking forward to following in the steps of your prior leaders by continuing their fine legacy of leadership. My focus is on enhancing education, assuring public and personal safety, and championing community vibrancy.
While these are our primary focus areas, my team and I are committed to partnering with you on so many different topics to make District Two the absolute best place to work and live! Working together, we can accomplish a lot and that means listening to your ideas, addressing your concerns, and building on your feedback. I look forward to our journey together!
In service and partnership,
African Art Museum Reception
Thank you African Art Museum of Maryland (AAMM) for inviting me to attend your reception for Alphadi of Niger on June 4th. The AAMM is one of only three museums of its kind in the USA devoted exclusively to African art. The continued partnership with Long Reach is paramount to the success of our bustling communities!
Howard Community College Mathematics and Athletics Complex Groundbreaking
Howard Community College held a groundbreaking celebration for its planned Mathematics and Athletics Complex on June 16th. The fused facility will be an innovative and creative approach to serving students and the community. Construction will begin later this summer with an estimated completion in 2024. President Kathleen Hetherington extended the opportunity for members of the County Council to speak at the Groundbreaking Ceremony. Watch it here
Welcoming the Bauder Education Center to Long Reach Village Center
Thank you for the invitation and opportunity to bestow remarks for the grand opening of the Bauder Education Center on June 17th. This facility will be home to Headstart and Pre-K by providing free pre-school to eligible children. This center will provide services such as family engagement, mental health, consulting, and counseling. Watch remarks here
Howard County Circuit Courthouse Grand Opening
It was an honor to join Howard County Executive Calvin Ball with other state and local officials on July 13th to cut the ribbon and officially open the newly completed Howard County Circuit Courthouse. Officials broke ground on the building in 2019 and the project was completed on time and on budget despite the COVID-19 pandemic. Click here to view the remarks.
Groundbreaking for Solar Projects in Howard County
On July 15th, I provided remarks for the press conference on solar energy. This is the first of 11 solar projects as part of Howard County's Power Purchase Agreement. Reducing the use of plastics and greenhouse gas emissions is imperative to the vitality of Howard County. Watch the event here
Turf Valley Elementary School Announcement
Our committment to our children's education is imperative to their success, and I was thrilled to attend the groundbreaking for Turf Valley Elementary School on July 27th.
National Night Out
On August 3rd, District 2 was the place to be on National Night Out, and I had a great time meeting neighbors while supporting our first responders! This annual event was absolutely amazing, bringing us together to help build a strong cohesive community. Special thanks to our dedicated first responders from the Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services and the Howard County Police Department for working with dozens of neighborhoods to promote community safety in Howard County.
Free RTA Bus Passes for Students Announcement
On August 25th, a new partnership was announced with the Howard County Public School System and Regional Transit Authority (RTA) to offer free RTA bus passes to middle and high school students. The program began at the start of the school year and passes are valid through September 2022. I believe this exceptional initiative will ensure an equitable future for our students by providing access!
Watch the press conference here
August 23, 2021
Media Contact:
Mark Miller, Administrator, Office of Public Information, 410-313-2022
Howard County Unveils Plan to Fund Body-Worn Camera Program Beginning in October
Howard County Executive files legislation to release County funding from contingency, will use American Rescue Plan funding to support program immediately pending approval of budget amendment
ELLICOTT CITY, MD – Howard County Executive Calvin Ball announced plans to file a budget amendment releasing County funding from contingency in the FY2022 operating budget for Howard County’s body-worn camera program this Thursday. If the budget amendment is approved by the County Council, Ball plans to use $1.6 million in American Rescue Plan (ARP) to provide funding for the body-worn camera program beginning on October 5, 2021. With funding in place, the body-worn camera program will be fully implemented ahead of the 2023 Maryland General Assembly mandate pending Council approval of the budget amendment. Video of the event can be found here.
“Through the use of federal funding, we can fund our body-worn camera program immediately following Council approval of our budget amendment,” said Ball. “This essential program can finally move forward – and provide another layer of safety and security for our officers and our community. I am confident that the usage of body worn cameras will generate a mutually beneficial relationship that will serve our officers and our residents while upholding transparency and justice.”
Following the filing of the County Executive’s proposed budget, the State-mandated maintenance of effort (MOE) funding level for the school system was significantly higher than anticipated, prompting adjustments to the proposed budget. At the conclusion of the budget process, the Howard County Council voted to place all remaining funding proposed for the body-worn camera program into contingency. The Ball Administration addressed programmatic and staffing questions from the Council throughout the budget process in April and May, and again during a program presentation to the County Council at the end of June.
Combined with the $1 million in preliminary funding for equipment and licensing set aside during the FY2022 budget cycle and the nearly $500,000 in contingency, the additional $1.6 million will go towards fully funding this program immediately following Council approval of Ball’s budget amendment. This total of $3.1 million in funding will go towards:
· Hiring 26 essential positions across the Police Department, State’s Attorney’s Office and Sheriff’s Office,
· 600 cameras for 300 HCPD officers
· Expanded storage capacity and acquiring necessary software
· Procuring additional equipment for deputies within the Sheriff’s department
"Police accountability is a fundamental tenet of our agency and these new body worn cameras will contribute to that commitment,” said Police Chief Lisa Myers. “We look forward to continuing the outstanding relationships of trust and transparency our police department has long-established with the community.”
“BWC’s serve as a promising tool to help analyze cases and protect the truth of what occurs in our society,” said State’s Attorney Rich Gibson. “I am grateful to County Executive Calvin Ball for being innovative in seeking alternative funding that allows us to properly implement the program sooner for the benefit of our community. We hope the Howard County Council will also move quickly to release the full funding for the program from contingency.”
“I am an advocate for body worn cameras,” said Sheriff Marcus Harris. “I believe that the implementation of body worn cameras is good for the citizens of Howard County because it builds trust and provides transparency between law enforcement and the community that we serve.”
While serving on the County Council in 2015, Ball sponsored legislation establishing a committee within the HCPD Citizens Advisory Council to conduct a policing report with best practices for officer and community safety. The report’s top recommendation was to implement a body-worn program, however, at the time, there were challenges with implementation due to cost. The pilot program, which launched in the summer of 2017 and concluded in the Fall of 2018, found three major barriers to instituting the program. In addition to budgetary concerns, a lack of adequate storage space and staffing was identified.
County Executive Ball announced in June of 2020 that the County would revisit the program and develop solutions to overcome the previously cited challenges for implementation. The County proposed program covers 300 Howard County Police Department (HCPD) uniformed officers that have direct and regular contact with the public. HCPD anticipates using the vendor from its one-year pilot program, Axon, and expects to immediately begin acquiring equipment and conducting training for officers when funding becomes available on October 5.
Howard County Resident Services
Find resources and services for residents living in Howard County:
COVID-19: County Updates & Resources
Where to Look for Other COVID-19 Vaccination Sites
Maryland Department of Health launched a COVID-19 Vaccination Support Center to provide Marylanders without technology capabilities the ability to gain access to COVID-19 vaccine information and appointments. Call 1-855-MDGOVAX (1-855-634-6829) 7 AM - 10 PM 7 days a week.
Mobile COVID-19 Testing Sites
First Call Urgent Care and Centennial Medical Group will be implementing four mobile testing units in the following locations:
Long Reach Village Center
8775 Cloudleap Court
Mondays from 3 PM - 7 PM
North Laurel Community Center
9411 Whiskey Bottom Rd
Tuesdays from 3 PM - 7 PM
Recreation and Parks Headquarters
7120 Oakland Mills Rd
Thursdays from 3 PM - 7 PM
The Elkridge 50+ Center
6540 Washington Blvd
Fridays from 3 PM - 7 PM
County and Statewide Vaccination Information
Testing for COVID-19
The Howard County Health Department offers FREE PCR testing using the FDA-authorized Azova saliva test kit, which is more comfortable than traditional nasal swab.
Type of Test: PCR Saliva test
When: Mondays and Wednesdays, 9 AM - 2 PM; Fridays, 12 PM - 3 PM
Location: 8930 Stanford Blvd, Columbia, MD 21045 (testing site located at the back of the building)
Self-collection testing is administered on-site or take home test kits are available for testing on your schedule. Test results are available in 2 - 4 days. Email and Internet access are required to receive test results and access Azova testing portal. Each individual being tested must provide a separate email address to prevent errors in receiving test results.
Oakland Mills Online
Oakland Mills Online (OMO) is an online social learning platform founded by Oakland Mills families to keep our community connected while we are socially isolated.
Visit OMO! One CLICK opens the door to become engaged in a community-based, multi-generational social learning environment.
Oakland Mills United
Oakland Mills United is a community organization in Howard County led by OMHS graduates. This organization advocates for the betterment of schools within the Oakland Mills community. Oakland Mills United addresses four core issues:
- Changing the stigma
- Closing the opportunity gap
- Maintenance of school buildings
- Redistricting
Board News
The OMCA Board will continue to meet virtually until further notice. For the safety of all, and regardless of one's vaccination status, everyone at The Other Barn is required to wear a mask. Thank you!
Upcoming OMCA Board Meetings
· September 28th, 7 PM
Agendas for upcoming board meetings are posted four days prior on this page. Past board meeting minutes can also be found on this page.
To contact the OM Board click here
Other Meetings
- RAC Meeting - September 16th, 7:30 PM
- OM Public Space Committee Meeting - September 21st, 7 PM
Architectural Covenant Processes
Exterior Alterations Applications Info
Request For Letter of Compliance
Property Concerns
If you have a concern about your property or another in Oakland Mills, please email Karina Caico, Covenant Advisor for Property Concerns, at: propertyconcerns@oaklandmills.org
Oakland Mills Fall Festival
October 2nd, 11 AM - 4 PM
The Other Barn (outside)
5851 Robert Oliver Place, Columbia
The Oakland Mills Community Association is happy to announce that they will be hosting the Oakland Mills Fall Festival in person! Enjoy live music, festival food, community and craft vendors, children’s crafts, and much more.
Howard County Farmer's Market in OM!
Sundays, 9 AM - 1 PM
Oakland Mills Village Center Parking Lot
The Howard County Sunday Farmer's Market is open on Sundays, 9 AM - 1 PM in the Oakland Mills Village Center parking lot close to the Robert Oliver Place bus stop and the Interfaith Center.
For more information, please visit the Howard County Farmer's Market website or their Facebook page.
Youth and Teen Center @TheBarn
The Youth and Teen Center is now OPEN! Welcome back!
Are you a middle or high school student interested in serving on the Teen Advisory Committee? The committee meets once a month to plan activities for youth throughout Columbia.
Little Free Library at The Other Barn
The free little library is open to the public. While the Oakland Mills librarian is away, please feel free to continue to leave a book and take a book so that Oakland Mills may continue to enjoy reading and sharing.
Please remember that only books that you would find at the HoCo Library should be left in our library and be appropriate in nature.
Upcoming Meetings
Resident Architectural Committee
The next RAC meeting will be held September 15th at 7 PM via zoom. Meeting agendas and meeting results are available here
Board of Directors
The next board meeting is scheduled for September 21st at 7:30 PM and will be held via zoom. More information is available here
Celebrating Long Reach at 50
It’s official – Long Reach Village is 50 years old! To mark the anniversary, there will be special events, fun projects, and learning opportunities that will improve our community.
Stream Stabilization Project near Majors Lane
Those of you who live or walk around this area have probably noticed safety fencing. Columbia Association will be working with a contractor to complete the stream stabilization project near Majors Lane in Long Reach this coming week.
That means clearing some of the woody debris along the stream and installing an imbricated rock wall. A small section of the pathway will be closed for the duration of the project.
Paper Shredding
On Saturday, September 18th from 9 AM - NOON meet at 6110 Foreland Garth to safely and securely dispose of sensitive information.
FREE for all Long Reach residents (ID Required). $10 for all others. Limit 3 grocery bags/banker boxes per household. First-come, first-served. The event is over once the truck is full.
What to bring: Recyclable documents with sensitive information
Please DO NOT bring: Non-sensitive or non-recyclable materials such as magazines, flyers, newspapers, binders, x-rays.
Middle Patuxent Environmental Area Presentation
On Wednesday, September 22nd at 7 PM learn about the Middle Patuxent Environmental Area’s mission and impact.
The Middle Patuxent Environmental Area (MPEA) is a 1021-acre forever-protected natural area of Columbia, Maryland. The primary components of the MPEA’s mission are natural resource conservation, environmental education, research, and passive recreation. Staff and volunteers utilize ecosystem management concepts to restore and protect the diversity of communities found in this area. This presentation was organized by the Long Reach Community Action and Resources for Environmental Stewardship (CARES).
Master Gardener Presentations
These are free, online presentations from the Master Gardeners of Howard County.
Beyond Honeybees: Meet Our Native Bees
September 27th at 7 PM - Did you know that Maryland has over 400 species of native bees? Discover some of their diversity and different life cycles, so different to honeybees.
Rain Barrels: Why and How
October 25th at 7 PM - Gallons of a valuable commodity run off our roofs and enter storm drains. As part of a “green” lifestyle, learn why and how to harvest rainwater for garden use.
Using Citizen Science to Guide Your Gardening
November 15th at 7 PM - Where did all the fireflies go? How can you use the data from a Citizen Science project to guide your gardening? Learn about helpful programs and how to benefit from them.
Community Yard Sale
On Saturday, October 9th starting at 8 AM have a sale in your own yard and Long Reach will take care of the advertising!
All of the participating streets will be listed on the Long Reach website and social media pages the day before the sale.
Event & Program Coordinator
Long Reach Community Association is looking to fill the part-time position of Event & Program Coordinator. This position plans village events, supports our dance program, and manages our summer camp. Candidates must be organized, reliable, team-oriented, and have excellent communication skills.
View job description here
Evening/Weekend Staff Position
Long Reach Community Association is looking to fill the part-time position of Facility Assistant. This position assists residents and customers during evening and weekend facility use. Candidates must have strong customer service skills, be able to effectively work independently, be available to work flexible hours (particularly on evenings and weekends).
Covenant Advisor for Exterior Alteration Applications
The Oakland Mills Community Association (OMCA) has a job opening for part-time Covenant Advisor for Exterior Alteration Applications. The job is weekdays and approximately 18 hours per week.
Applicant must be highly organized, proven ability to handle multiple tasks at one time and possess strong communication and computer skills. Familiarity with Columbia's covenant process preferred. Position requires processing exterior alteration applications, organizing and attending bi-monthly Thursday evening meetings of the Resident Architecture Committee, on-site visits to properties in Oakland Mills, correspondence and meetings with property owners, and adherence to the Oakland Mills architectural covenant process. Covenant Advisor will be required to become knowledgeable with both residential and non-residential architecture guidelines, covenants, and procedures. Applicant must have a vehicle for property visits.
Click HERE for the job description.
Applicants should submit a resume to manager@oaklandmills.org. Due to the volume of inquiries, only qualified candidates will be contacted. Due to the ongoing pandemic all correspondence by email only.
Facility Assistant
The Oakland Mills Community Association (OMCA) has a part-time Facility Assistant job opening at the Other Barn. They are looking to fill two or three Saturday mornings per month as well as some weekday evening hours. Applicants must be qualified and willing to work independently, often as the sole employee in the facility. Seeking an applicant with strong interpersonal skills, customer service experience, and familiarity with operating office equipment. Applicants must be 21 years of age or older and agree to a personal background check as a condition of employment. Bilingual individuals are encouraged to apply. Employee reports directly to Village Manager and Facility Coordinator.
Click HERE to view job description. Applicants should submit a letter of interest and resume by email only to manager@oaklandmills.org. Due to the volume of inquiries, only qualified candidates will be contacted. No walk-ins or phone calls please.
The mission of the Columbia Association is to foster a unique sense of place and enhance the quality of life — and the community programs are just one way to reach that goal. Take a moment to explore some of the many options.
Columbia Association offers community programs that help keep residents and families active and engaged. Columbia Association offers before and after school care, camps, volunteering, senior programs, and more.
Columbia Association International Programs: Volunteer!
Looking for a way to learn more about the cultures represented in Columbia while helping others to do the same? Volunteers are needed for:
· The Mall in Columbia's 50th Birthday on September 25th
· The Long Reach 50th celebration on October 16th
· Upcoming World Language Cafes
CA Yards Alive!
Yards Alive! is an exciting new program established to educate by CA's Climate & Sustainability Committee and Oakland Mills residents about more sustainable landscaping practices. Oakland Mills is the location of the first pilot program. Visit the Yards Alive! Blog to learn more about the program and about ways you can improve your little square of paradise. The Yards Alive! blog has articles written by Oakland Mills community neighbors.
Columbia Association Open Space 50/50 Survey Program
Does your land abut Columbia Associaton Open Space? Then you could qualify to have Columbia Association pay for half of your home's boundary survey!
To ensure accurate installation of exterior alterations within your property boundaries, a survey of your property may be done. In order to assist with that effort and to prevent encroachments onto CA Open Space, the 50/50 Survey Program was created. CA now offers a discounted survey for community members who own property adjacent to CA Open Space.
Howard County School System
Kindness Pantry Partnership
The Howard County Public School System has partnered with The Kindness Pantry to support teachers and students by providing an inventory of school supplies to schools. Click HERE to donate.
Student Device Issues
If your student's device is having issues, take the device to:
Old Cedar Lane, Gymnasium (door on the left side of the building; follow the signs)
5451 Beaverkill Road, Columbia
(Building shares a parking lot with Harper’s Choice Middle School)
Hours of operation:
Mon., Wed., & Fri., 7:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Tues. & Thurs. from 2 PM - 5 PM
*Technology Support Centers are closed any day that HCPSS offices are closed.
Online Safety and Resources
Click HERE for HCPSS's online safety guidelines and resources.
HCPSS All in One Help Website
Answers to frequently asked questions HERE
Free Bus Rides For Students
Howard County announced a partnership with the Howard County Public School System and the Regional Transit Authority (RTA) to offer free RTA bus passes to middle and high school students.
Howard County continues its work to break down barriers so that all members in our community can thrive, including our younger residents who are eager to resume after-school activities, volunteer opportunities and after-school jobs at the start of a new year.
Read more about the new program here
The Howard County Library System is now open for limited in-person services! More Info
Visit the Howard County Public Library website to access virtual educational resources and events.
The Howard County Library System has taken an active stand against racism and hatred by launching a new educational initiative called Brave Voices Brave Choices. HCLS hopes to harness the power of storytelling to create ripples of understanding and positive action throughout Howard County. To learn more or to share your own story, visit HCLS's Brave Voices Brave Choices page.
Join HCLS in committing to and engaging in an educational pursuit for justice!
Department of Recreation and Parks
Online Registration Now Open for Fall!
Howard County Recreation & Parks is pleased to offer a full range of award winning programs this fall. Howard County residents and visitors of all ages will find returning favorites along with brand new activities, special events, and more.
Did a wheel on your recycling cart fall off or go missing? Spare cart wheels are available at the Howard Count Recyclin office (9801 Broken Land Parkway) and Kendall Hardware (12260 Clarksville Pike) during business hours.
Don’t want to DIY? Fill out our online form and an inspector will repair you cart wheel for you.
Feed Howard County - 10,000 Meals
Feed Howard County recently crossed the benchmark of delivering 10,000 meals to our neighbors in need.
Since April of 2020, Feed Howard County has worked with 20 local restaurants and a dozen communities.
The concept is simple - raise funds, buy meals from local restaurants, and deliver them to those in need.
Need Help?
Columbia Community Care
Free Supplies & Food Distribution
Wednesdays 5 PM - 8 PM
Saturdays 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Stevens Forest Neighborhood Center
6061 Stevens Forest Road, Columbia
Catholic Community of Ascension and St. Augustine Free Food Distribution
Saturdays, 10 AM - NOON
Ducketts Lane Elementary School
6501 Ducketts Lane, Elkridge
The Howard County MultiService Center Free Grab-and-Go Meals
If you are in need of food and cannot get to the center please call 410-313-0220 to schedule an appointment.
Mondays and Wednesdays: NOON - 4 PM
Third Saturday of each month: 9 AM - 1 PM
Howard County Government's List of Food Distribution Sites HERE
Donate or Volunteer
Columbia Community Care
Donation Drop off:
Donation bin inside LA Mart in the Oakland Mills Village Center
More donation drop-off sites and list of needed items HERE
Volunteer Information
Volunteers needed to restock, translate, and shop/deliver. More info and sign up HERE
Long Reach Little Free Pantry
If you would like to support the Little Free Pantry located in the Long Reach Village Center, please consider donating items such as:
· Pasta and sauce
· Peanut butter
· Jelly
· Boxed mac and cheese
· Ramen
· Baby food
· Grab-and-go snacks (granola bars, apple sauce, Ensure etc.)
Donations may be placed directly in the pantry. If it is fully stocked, please drop off items at Stonehouse where they will be store until they are needed. Learn more about the Little Free Pantry at longreach.org/little-free-pantry. Questions? Contact events@longreach.org
Oakland Mills High School Food Pantry
Donations always welcome! Donate in-person on the second Wednesday of the month, make a monetary donation, or order donations through the pantry's Amazon Wishlist. Visit the OMHS Food Pantry Website for more info.
Blessings in a Backpack at Talbott Springs ES
The Blessings in a Backpack program continues to help TSES students this school year. Learn more HERE
Community Events and Resources
The Community Action Council (CAC) is a community, and one in four in our community are struggling to make ends meet. If you are wondering where to get help, or how to help your neighbors, go to www.cac-hc.org to learn about the Community Action Council of Howard County. CAC offers four main programs and services to help improve economic security and strengthen our community: food assistance, housing assistance, utility assistance, and early childhood education.
The Howard County Food Bank
The Howard County Food Bank, operated by Community Action Council of Howard County (CAC), is proud to get back to full operations and offer "family-choice shopping” just like any other grocery store. While groceries were pre-bagged during the height of the pandemic in an effort of extreme caution, CAC feels strongly that it's important for families to choose the items they want, and it is ready to reinstate this model. All shopping trips are once again be family choice. Fresh items such as milk, eggs, hygiene products, meats, produce are all on hand each time. Families who may qualify should visit www.CAC-HC.org or call 410-313-6440 for more details.
Head Start and Pre-K Opportunities from Community Action Council
CAC offers FREE Head Start and Pre-K programming to eligible 3- to 5-year-old children. Programs provide family engagement services, speech & language therapy, mental health consulting, hearing & vision screening, and nutritional counseling.
CAC operates four sites across the county, including at The Bauder Education Center at the Long Reach Village Center. Learn more at www.CAC-HC.org or by call 410-313-6440.
To read more about the opening of their newest location: The Bauder Education Center in Long Reach, click here
Virtual Holland Awards – Save the Date
The Community Action Council of Howard County will be holding its annual Holland Awards, virtually on October 14, 2021 starting at 6 PM CAC is excited to announce that Columbia Association's President and CEO, Lakey Boyd, will be the Keynote Speaker!
Each year, the Reverend John W. Holland Humanitarian Awards are presented to an individual or organization that demonstrates extraordinary commitment and dedication to serving the most vulnerable population in Howard County. The award is named in honor of the late Reverend Holland, whose life of tireless service was an example and inspiration for all.
This year’s awards will be presented to Kathleen Koch, chair of the Howard County Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD) and Neighbor Ride both for their positive impact on the lives of residents during the pandemic in partnership with CAC and the Howard County Food Bank. Tickets will go on sale in August at www.CAC-HC.org
Fall Yard Curbside Reminders
With the first day of fall just a few weeks away, the Howard County Bureau of Environmental Services is offering this quick brush up on yard trim curbside collection.
For more information on the county's curbside collections, click here
Cycle September
The Howard County Office of Transportation is encouraging county residents, whether a novice or expert bike rider, to join riders all around the world this month to take part in the global bike challenge, “Cycle September.” This fun, friendly competition challenges individuals, communities and businesses to see which can get the most family, friends, neighbors and co-workers to ride a bike during the month of September.
All you need to do is ride for 10 minutes to get into the prize drawings and help your organization climb the leaderboard. You can ride anywhere, any time – i.e. it doesn’t have to be a commute to work to count. If you want to ride for more than 10 minutes, even better!
The Mall in Columbia Turns 50
Join The Mall in Columbia for it's Celebrations Saturdays this September!
September 18th: Happy Birthday to the Mall in Columbia - There will be a brief anniversary ceremony starting at 2 PM in the Center Court with a performance by Toby’s Dinner Theatre, remarks by elected officials, a raffle of a Pandora bracelet valued at $500, and distribution of free birthday cookies.
September 25th: Fifty and Forward - Highlights Visit Howard County, Toby’s Dinner Theatre/The Young Columbians. At 7 PM, the Columbia Festival of the Arts will present a free outdoor film screening of the 1971 version of Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory.
Every Celebration Saturday will feature: Entertainment on Celebration Stage ♦ Strolling performers ♦ Balloon Twisters ♦ Toby’s Dinner Theatre Performances ♦ HOCO Arts Council Artists ♦ Retailer Activities ♦ Month - Long Exhibits by: HOCO Public School System ♦ Columbia Association Archives ♦ MANNEQART
Fun (Free!) Events At The Chrysalis
Visit the Chrysalis at Merriweather Park in Symphony Woods for fun, free events like:
September 19th - Opera in the Park with Baltimore Concert Opera
September 28th - Maryland Winds Music of Screen & Stage
Draft Plan Workshop Series
At the Draft Plan Workshop Series, the HoCo By Design team will display a draft future land use map and review draft recommendations on key topic areas. Hear how the ideas have been shaped by scenario planning, discussions with the Planning Advisory Committee, meetings of the Strategic Advisory Groups, feedback from technical experts, and input from the community.
Following your attendance, complete a survey to provide your thoughts. If you are unable to attend, visit the website for a recording of the virtual workshop. Or, take the survey anytime--prior attendance at a meeting is not required.
Attend a Virtual Meeting:
· Tuesday, September 14th at 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Virtual Overdose Response Training
Learn how to save a life after an overdose. Free Narcan kits are available to attendees. Must pre-register with the Howard County Health Department.
Upcoming training dates:
There is a lot going on in the world today - all of which can cause us to feel stress, anxiety, anger, and more. To help learn strategies to navigate these difficult times, join the Horizon Foundation, Gilchrist and the Wendt Center for Loss and Healing beginning September 14 for a fall series on grief, loss and trauma. This virtual series will include four 1-hour sessions where we will discuss grief responses and provide realistic strategies to sustain yourself and support others in the face of grief and trauma exposure. Attendees may register for more than one session. Check out the topics below and sign up for the sessions you're most interested in.
- “Caring for Yourself” – Tuesday, September 14th, 10 AM
Learn healthy coping techniques and strategies to sustain yourself in the face of grief and trauma. Who should attend: everyone.
- “Caring for Youth” – Tuesday, September 21st, 10 AM
Learn tips on supporting children and youth in the face of uncertainty. Who should attend: educators, parents, health care providers and anyone who lives or works with youth.
- “Caring for Older Adults” – Tuesday, September 28th, 10 AM
Understand the unique needs of older adults, and learn tools to provide support through this time of uncertainty, grief and loss. Who should attend: health care providers, long-term care and assisted living providers and anyone who lives or works with older adults.
- “Caring for Each Other” – Tuesday, October 5th, 10 AM
Our community – and our world – has grieved in many ways this past year. The losses, injustices and inequities we have experienced can impact our mental health. Come learn more about what it means to grieve as a community, and how we can best support each other through times of trauma. Who should attend: everyone.
Each session will be recorded and made available to registrants at the end of the series. Register today to claim your spot!
Every Step Counts Autism Walk & 5K Run
Each year, the Howard County Autism Society's (HCAS’) Every Step Counts Autism Walk & 5K Run brings together those touched by autism and members of the wider community in a supportive, energizing, fun environment. This year's event on October 2nd, 2021, will again feature a 5K run and 4K walk around Centennial Lake in Ellicott City, MD as well as the popular virtual option added last year. This fundraiser has a goal to raise $100,000 to support a local autism community that is more than 7,000 strong!
There are several opportunities for members to participate:
· Join as a Sponsor: You will enjoy the benefits of social media exposure, visibility on the event website, signage at the event, complimentary registrations for your team members, and a modified version of the event “village” the day of the event. https://runsignup.com/Race/EveryStepCountsAutismWalk5K/Page-19
· Volunteer: Support the day of the event.
Hops & Harvest Festival
Saturday, October 2nd, NOON - 5 PM
Merriweather Park at Symphony Woods
The Hops & Harvest Festival has quickly become a popular place to enjoy unlimited tastings of beer, wine, and spirits. Enjoy fresh local food and area bands like the Kelly Bell Band, DJ Chris Tharp and Miss Moon Rising. There will be scores of local breweries, wineries, distilleries, craft artisans and food vendors to explore, as well as a hammock lounge area and lawn games including Cornhole, Giant Jenga, and carnival-style games.
Celebrate Walk Maryland Day on October 6th by Registering as a Walk Leader
Governor Larry Hogan has declared October 6th, 2021, “Walk Maryland Day,” a celebration of our state’s official exercise and a call to action to promote walking for physical activity and improved health. The celebration needs you! We’re seeking Walk Leaders -- change agents from different sectors of the community who see the health benefits of walking and encourage fellow Marylanders to take time out of their day to enjoy a walk in their community. Walk Leaders will help recruit Sole Mates, the participants leaders seek out, to join registered walks throughout the State.
Are you interested in leading a walk on October 6th? Anyone can register as a Walk Leader, whether your walk is in your neighborhood, at a local park, on a treadmill, with your dog, by yourself, or with a group of friends while maintaining social distancing guidelines. The possibilities are endless!
It will be up to the Walk Leaders to recruit Sole Mates and coordinate logistics for walks on October 6th. You can always register as a solo walk leader or check out the many walks and programs throughout the month of WALKTOBER on our webpage at www.mdot.maryland.gov/walktober. We want to hear from you! Use hashtag #WalkMD2021 to share pictures and videos from your walk.
To learn more about Walktober, Walk Maryland Day, and our partnering agencies, please click here!
Truck or Treat
Saturday, October 30th
10 AM - 3 PM
Get in gear for a “wheely fun” day to celebrate Halloween! Come dressed in your favorite costume to trick-or-treat at all of the trucks, tractors, emergency vehicles and more, while meeting some of your hometown heroes. A limited number of presale tickets are available online via MissionTix at www.missiontix.com/truck-or-treat-3. Info: 410-313-4840. Inclement weather status line: 410-313-4452 (ext. 1). Truck or Treat past photos
$5 per child ages 2+ (under 2, free) Register for a one-hour & 15 min time slot.
Please register any adults attending with a free ticket to allow for an accurate head count. Limit 2 adults per child.
A limited number of tickets will be sold.
The Office on Aging and Independence has compiled a free resource guide for older adults, adults with disabilities, and caregivers that includes information about aging in place, housing, and health/wellness.
Be sure to check it out here or you can request a hard copy be mailed to you by calling Maryland Access Point at (410) 313-1234. Share it with family, friends, or loved ones that are looking for resources in Howard County.
In Need of Crisis Intervention?
Grassroots is a private, non-profit agency that empowers people in crisis to make positive changes by offering professional 24-hour crisis intervention, shelter, and outreach services. They provide programs and services including 24-hour crisis intervention hotline, Maryland Crisis Hotline, Walk-in Counseling, Mobile Crisis Team, Suicide Prevention, Outreach and Education, a 33-bed Family Shelter, an 18-bed Men's Shelter, a Motel Shelter, Cold Weather Shelter, and a Day Resource Center. The Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center, Inc. is located at 6700 Freetown Road, Columbia, MD For more information, please call (410) 531-6006 or visit the Grassroots website. The 24-hour hotline is (410) 531-6677 and the MD Crisis Hotline is 1-800-422-0009.
Need Help?
If you need help with depression, suicidal thoughts, or other serious mental health issues, please contact:
Grassroots Crisis Intervention: (410) 531-6677
The Maryland Crisis Hotline: Dial 211 and then choose option 1
The Crisis Text Line: Text 741741 and a trained counselor will respond
The National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1 (800) 273-8255
The Howard County Health Department: (410) 313-6202
Report Non-Emergency Issues Online
Report water main breaks, broken street signs, and more on Howard County's mobile app and website Tell HoCo.