Volume V | Issue X | September 2022
George Howard Building | 3430 Court House Drive, Ellicott City, MD 21043
Phone: (410) 313-2001 | Email: ojones@howardcountymd.gov
Community Spotlight

In August, hundreds of students, staff, families, community members, and special guests attended a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of the new Talbott Springs Elementary School.

For more information, click here.  
Indigenous Peoples' Day – Monday, October 10th
Howard County Government offices, courts, animal shelter and 50+ centers will be closed in observance of the Indigenous Peoples’ Day holiday on Monday, October 10th. However, regular Monday trash, recycling, yard trim and food scrap collection services will be in effect and the Alpha Ridge Landfill will be open.
County parks, Gary J. Arthur, North Laurel and Roger Carter Community Centers, and Meadowbrook Athletic Center will be open on the 11th, as will the Cedar Lane and Schooley Mill Activity Rooms too, but by permit only. The Robinson Nature Center and county historic sites, including the Baltimore & Ohio Ellicott City Station Museum, will be closed on October 10th.

The Regional Transportation Agency (RTA) will operate on a regular weekday schedule.

For more information on RTA, call 1-800-270-9553 or visit www.transitrta.com. All parking regulations and fees will be in effect on Indigenous Peoples’ Day.

The 9-1-1 Center, Police and Fire departments remain staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For emergencies, call 9-1-1. For non-emergencies, please call (410) 313-2200.
County operations will resume on Tuesday, October 11th, at regular business hours.
Veterans Day – Friday, November 11th
Howard County Government offices, 50+ centers, courts and animal shelter will be closed on Friday, November 11th in observance of the Veterans Day Holiday. However, regular trash, recycling, yard trim and food scrap services will be in effect and the Alpha Ridge Landfill will be open.

County parks, the Gary J. Arthur, North Laurel and Roger Carter Community Centers, Robinson Nature Center, and Baltimore & Ohio Ellicott City Station Museum will be open. The Meadowbrook Athletic Complex, Cedar Lane and Schooley Mill Park Activity Rooms, and Kiwanis-Wallas Hall will also be open, but only for scheduled programs. The Belmont Manor & Historic Park will be closed.

The Regional Transportation Agency (RTA) will operate on a regular weekday schedule. For more information on RTA, call 1-800-270-9553 or visit www.transitrta.com. All parking regulations and fees will be in effect on Veterans Day. 

The 9-1-1 Center, Police and Fire departments remain staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For emergencies, call 9-1-1. For non-emergencies, please call (410) 313-2200. 
County operations will resume on Monday, November 14th, at regular business hours.
Howard County Resident Services
Information on food services, housing assistance, social services, and more!
Resources and services for residents living in Howard County:

Did you know residents 60 years of age and older or persons with a disability can take the Regional Transportation Agency of Central Maryland’s (RTA) fixed route service for free? Individuals just need to complete a RTA Certified FREE Ride Card Application and submit it either via email or mailed or dropped off in person at the RTA’s Administrative Office. Once received, applications will be reviewed within 48 hours and the applicant will be contacted to have their picture taken for their RTA Certified Bus Rider ID, completed weekdays, Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM. The ID can be processed in five minutes while rider waits in the lobby or it can be mailed.

To learn more about this free ride program, contact RTA Mobility at 1-800-270-9553, press option 3, then option 6.
PTC Offers Support for Caregivers

Powerful Tools for Caregivers (PTC) Presents the following topics to assist caregivers:
  • Reduce personal stress
  • Change negative self-talk
  • Communicate more effectively in challenging situations
  • Manage emotions
  • Make tough caregiving decisions and better understand dementia

Whether you choose to attend in person or participate online, don't miss this opportunity to improve your relaxation and exercise habits, boost your physical and mental well-being, and enjoy the support and company of other caregivers.

For more information or to register, contact Kathy Wehr, caregiver support program manager, at (410) 313-5955 (voice/relay) or kwehr@howardcountymd.gov.
Need Assistance Finding and Paying for Child Care?

Parents and caregivers, as you look toward the new school year you may have questions on where to find child care. You may also question how you can afford child care. There are resources available to assist you.

LOCATE: Child Care is a free personalized service that helps parents find child care. The service provides referrals and counseling to help parents choose high quality child care to meet their needs. LOCATE: Child Care also offers an Enhanced Service for parents of children with special needs and those who need to speak with a Referral Specialist in Spanish.

Another available resource for families, is the Child Care Scholarship Program. If you’re working, in school or participating in an approved job training program you may be eligible for the Child Care Scholarship Program. The Child Care Scholarship Program (formerly known as the child care subsidy program) provides financial assistance with child care costs to eligible working families.

For more information on LOCATE: Child Care or the Child Care Scholarship Program please contact the CARE Line at (410) 313-2273 (voice/relay) or email children@howardcountymd.gov.
Help Is Available – 988

Many members of our community struggle with mental health. It's important to remember that you’re not alone. The first step can be the hardest, but each of us can be a lifeline to those facing struggles. Our actions, as individuals and collectively, can make a difference and save lives.

988 is the new national mental health crisis helpline. Whenever you call this number, you are guaranteed quality and safe care for mental health and substance use emergencies. No need to look up any national toll-free number. Simply call or text 988 and you will get free, immediate, confidential help you need from a trained counselor.
Eat fresh, buy local, and support your community!
For more information visit: WednesdayFarmersMarkets
Community Action Council Assistance 
Community Action Council offers housing assistance, energy assistance, food assistance, and early childhood education.

Visit www.cac-hc.org to learn more. Get support or get involved by calling (410) 313-6440. 
Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland 
Meals on Wheels provides nutritious meals once a week for seniors, as well as support and safety-net services.

To learn more about services or to donate/volunteer click here.
The Elkridge Food Pantry and Garden

The pantry serves all residents of Elkridge in both temporary and long-term need. The pantry is open the second and fourth Friday of each month from 4 - 8 PM.

Service Area: Elkridge, Hanover, and Jessup

Elkridge Food Pantry - Good Samaritan Outreach Center 5646 Furnace Ave
Howard County Food Bank 
Shop for the foods you want at the Howard County Food Bank. All shopping trips are family-choice. Fresh items such as milk, eggs, hygiene products, meats, produce are all on hand each time.

Families who may qualify should visit www.CAC-HC.org or call (410) 313-6440 for more details. 
Grassroots Crisis Intervention Center 
6700 Freetown Road, Columbia, MD 21044
Call: (410) 531-6677 or (410) 531-6006  
24 Hour Hotline: Dial 211  

Telephone counseling, free walk-in counseling, emergency shelter for the homeless, a 24-hour suicide hotline, Mobile Crisis Team, and a Runaway Teen Program that provides crisis intervention for runaway youth and their families. All services are free. Marylanders with mental health or substance use issues are encouraged to "Call 211 and Press One" to reach help. 
Howard County General Hospital's Member Care Support Network 

Receive FREE support while recovering from a health crisis (weekly calls, wellness checks, connection to community resources, and more). To qualify, you must be 18 years or older and live or worship in Howard County.

To enroll or for more information, email HCGH-J2BH@jhmi.edu or call (410) 740-7601. 
Report water main breaks, broken street signs, and more on Howard County's mobile app and website Tell HoCo. Residents can report non-emergency issues which the county will assign to the responsible department.

Download the TellHoCoApp on your mobile phone or visit howardcountymd.gov/Tell-HoCo.
COVID-19: County Updates & Resources
Knowing the Signs

The Howard County Health Department is tracking an outbreak of monkeypox that has spread across several countries, including the United States.

It's important to know the signs and symptoms of a possible infection.

For more information click here.
School is Back in Session
Join BSES for restaurant night and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to the PTA.
Click here for more information.

Here's what's coming up:
  • LEDO's Pizza Elkridge - MONDAY | SEPT 19th
  • Philly's Best - TUESDAY | SEPT 27th
  • Red Robin - TUESDAY | OCT 18th
  • Coal Fire - MONDAY | NOV 7th
  • Philly's Best - TUESDAY | DEC 6th

The BSES PTA is an integral part of the school. BSES has fund various programs for students, staff, and events throughout the school year. All of this requires the support, hard work, and dedication of our parents.

$10 Individual Member | $15 - 2 Members | $5 Staff | $10 Extended Family/Friend
The health room is currently accepting donations for brand new underwear, socks, and clothing items for students in need.

Click here to donate!
PTA membership proceeds benefit students, teachers and participating members through; Computer & Technology Upgrades, Campus Beautification Projects, Student Rewards/Celebrations, Appreciation Events and more.

Click here for more information.
Important Dates:

September 20th  PTA Meeting 7 PM
September 23rd  Spirit Day--Wear Deep Run ES spirit colors or Blue/White
September 26th  Schools Closed--Rosh Hashana

School News

Family Engagement Tean--Parents Needed
Do you have an interest in participating on Deep Run's Family Engagement Team (FET)?

The Family Engagement Team includes Deep Run parents and staff across grade levels. The GOAL of the team is to:
▫  Help create positive home-school connections
▫  Increase family engagement
▫  Maintain effective communications with families
▫  Plan family events and programs

Friday, September 16th 8:40-9:10 AM at DRES and next month on October 7th! You are not obligated to attend each month but if you are interested please complete this form so DRES can keep you in the loop or email Glenna Deekle, Family Involvement Contact at glenna_deekle@hcpss.org.

Girls on the Run at Deep Run!
Girls in grades 3-5 can register for the Girls on the Run program. Read more...

Thank you to those who donated school supplies and books to Deep Run for this school year. DRES appreciates the generosity!

Before and After School Activities at Deep Run
Howard County Recreation and Parks is offering several before and after school activities at Deep Run Elementary this fall. Please see the flier below for registration information.

Join the Jeffers Hill PTA for 2023-2023
Please Support the Jeffers Hill Elementary School PTA

$15 membership fee for each adult who joins or $20 per family. This fee goes toward fun programs for students, teacher appreciation, and much more!

JHES PTA would love to see you at their monthly meeting!
Important Dates

September 29th - 6 PM Food Pantry | 6:15 PM ESOL Night
October 4th - 6:30 PM Watch Dogs Kick-Off Pizza Party
October 5th - School - Yom Kippur
October 12th - 7 PM Virtual PTA Meeting
October 13th - 6:30 PM Hispanic Parent Meeting
October 18th - Individual Picture Day
October 20th - 6 PM Food Pantry
October 21st - No School - Professional Work Day
October 24th - School - Professional Learning Day
October 27th - 6 PM PTA Trunk-or-Treat
November 2nd - End of 1st Quarter - 3 Hour Early Dismissal

School News
Come Work at PLES!
PLES has an opening for a lunch/Recess Monitor position working three hours a day. If you are looking for a part-time job and would like to work 15 hours a week for the remainder of the school year, please call Ms. McGraw or Ms. Stairs at (410) 313-6886.

PLES also has an opening for a student support position working one-on-one with students. If you are looking for a part-time job and would like to work 8 to 10 hours a week for the remainder of the school year at $15.00/hour, please call Ms. McGraw at (410) 313-6886.

Student Clothing, Lunchboxes, and Water Bottles:
Each year, PLES have items in their Lost and Found. At times, the pile is HUGE! As you help your child get ready for the school year, please consider labeling all of their clothing, lunchbox, and water bottle. This helps PLES return items to the students.

Join the Stevens Forest Elementary PTA today! Your membership will help SFES provide programs and services that benefit everyone in the Bobcat community, and it gives you the opportunity to help shape how the PTA. 
Memberships are individual, and cost $10. Donations are also welcome!

How is the money used?
When you pay the membership fee, $4.50 goes to the National PTA. The rest helps pay for classroom supplies, family fun events, and teacher support. 100% of donations stay at SFES and are used to fund materials, books, events, and more.

What does Membership mean?
Being a paid member of the SFES PTA gives you the right to vote on all actions of the SFES PTA.

Important Events
As of now, events will be in person, but subject to change. PTA meetings will always be hybrid.
9/28: September Restaurant Night at Chipotle, 4 - 8 PM
10/1: OM Fall Festival
10/8: 50th Anniversary Celebration
10/10: October PTA Meeting, 7- 8 PM
10/20: Restaurant Night at PizzaMan 
10/28: Trunk or Treat, 6 - 8 PM
Thunder Hill Elementary School PTA FUNDRAISING AND DONATIONS
The funds raised will benefit the school and children by offering great PTA sponsored activities. There are many ways for THES families to help meet the needs of the school.
Joining the PTA is a great start!
The PTA uses three methods to fundraise: 

Participating in any of these programs helps the PTA earn enough funds to offer great programs and support to the students, families, and staff of Thunder Hill Elementary School.

You can purchase Giant Gift cards before school at the front entrance every Friday. Cards are sold in $50 and $100 denominations, and THES earns 5% cash back at no cost to you! Checks (preferred) and cash are accepted. For more information or to purchase cards, download a purchase form.

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support the Thunder Hill PTA every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the exact same low prices and Prime benefits. Once you select the PTA as your charity, just shop through the smile.amazon.com link. Your orders that have supported charity Remember, only purchases at smile.amazon.com or through AmazonSmile activated in the Amazon Shopping app will support your selected charity. 
AmazonSmile's impact: - $1,637.09 to Thunder Hill Elementary PTA*
Box Tops
Once you download the Box Tops app, you’ll be able to scan your store receipts and earn cash for your school. The app automatically finds participating products on your receipts and instantly adds cash to your school’s earnings online. Plus, you can invite friends to earn, get reminders to scan, give credit for your earnings and more! Just search Thunder Hill Elementary School.
Support Waterloo Elementary School

Get Connected
The PTA Is always looking for volunteers for a range of positions, including leadership roles and event coordinators. Please email ptawaterloo@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering.
Find Waterloo Elementary School on Facebook @waterloopta

Technology Support for Waterloo Families
If you need Technology Support, please complete the following Google Form. Waterloo Elementary School will collect the information and respond with support, as soon as possible. 
Support Mayfield Woods Middle School

Stay connected with the PTA and Mayfield Woods events!

PTA Membership: Becoming a PTA member sign-ups are now online at https://mayfieldwoods.new.memberhub.store/store. By becoming a member, you will receive voting rights at PTA meetings.

Membership dues are $11.00 per person and $18.00 for 2 people for the 2021-2022 school year.

PTA Officers:
President: Monique McDowell 
1st Vice President: Dawn Myers
2nd Vice President: Vacant
Secretary: Pam Smith
Treasurer: Jodi Guzewich
PTACH Delegate: Rodney Williams

For more information please email mayfieldwoodspta@gmail.com.

**Meetings are the second Wednesday of each month at 7 PM**
Taharka Bros. Ice Cream Fundraiser

Use coupon code: FALCONS

Click to order 8 pints of ice cream. The best ice cream in Baltimore will be delivered to your door on September 22nd!

The OMMS PTSA will earn $10 from every order, so be sure to share this event and tell your friends, family, and neighbors! We have a goal to reach $500.

Pro tip: want to buy less than 8 pints? Combine with a friend or neighbor and split an 8 pint order!
Support Howard High School

Become a PTSA Member for the 2022-2023 School Year and be part of the change!
Join students and faculty at the 2022 Howard High School Homecoming Parade.

Click here to sign up.

LRHS PTSA is looking for individuals to volunteer for the 2022-2023 school year. Many positions are available. Open positions include: Vice President, PTACHC Representative, Social Media Chair & Webmaster. If interested, read more.
Can't commit to any of the open positions but still want to help? Complete the Volunteer Interest Form.
Virtual Senior Information Night 
Tuesday, September 20th 2022 at 7 PM 
Open to students and families.

  • College Planning
  • Steps of the application process
  • Transcript Requests
  • Letters of Recommendation 
  • Scholarships and Financial Aid

Use the Google Meet link below to access the virtual presentation:

If you have any questions, please contact Student Services as (410) 313-6950.
Fall Music Concert

When: Monday - Tuesday October 17th and 18th, 7 PM
Where Oakland Mills High School
9410 Kilimanjaro Road
Columbia, MD 21045, USA (map)
Youth Opportunities
Registration for Fall Activity Guide Now Open

Registration is now open for all Howard County and out-of-county residents for the Department of Recreation and Parks' 2022 Fall Activity Guide. There’s something for everyone in this year’s Fall Activity Guide.

To view the guide online or to register for a program, visit www.howardcountymd.gov/rap.
HC DrugFree's Teen Advisory Council

New! Based on feedback from high school students wanting to serve as mentors and role models to help younger students in 8th and 9th-grade transition to high school, exciting changes are happening with the Teen Advisory Council (TAC) this school year, and all Howard County students in grades 8 through 12 are invited to join. During the monthly meetings, TAC will focus on Life Skills necessary for all high school students, including managing stress and other emotions, developing healthy relationships with peers and family, and making healthy choices to help prepare for life beyond high school.

Join the first 2022-23 meeting on Monday, September 19th from 5:30 - 7:00 PM via Zoom to learn more about TAC and to see how you can get involved. Community service hours are available for participation, and TAC members will have volunteer opportunities throughout the year.

Students will give back to our community while learning skills and enjoying experiences valuable for future college and job applications.

To become a member of TAC or to learn more about it, please visit the TAC page of our website. To receive the Zoom information for the meeting, please register at this link.
Upcoming Meetings 

The OMCA Board meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 7 PM. Meetings will continue to be held virtually until further notice.

Upcoming OMCA Board Meeting
OMCA staff is working a hybrid schedule. Before you visit The Other Barn, please contact OMCA by email or phone to leave a message and schedule an appointment. For more information contact, Sandy Cederbaum, Village Manager at manager@oaklandmills.org 
Rent The Other Barn!

The Other Barn is currently booking events through 2023. To view venue photos and information, please click on the link below. Tours are by appointment only.

For more information, contact Brigitta Warren at events@oaklandmills.org. Follow The Other Barn on Facebook!
Lively Arts for Little Ones is back!

Lively Arts for Little Ones is geared to children ages 2 to 5. All children must be accompanied by an adult. Everyone ages 2 and older must have a ticket. Tickets are $5.00 and are available at the door.

Performances will take place in the Courtyard next to The Other Barn.

If weather is inclement, we will move the performance inside.

For more information, please email events@oaklandmills.org.
Oakland Mills Fall Festival
Saturday, October 1st
11 AM - 4 PM

There will be live entertainment in the Courtyard, festival food trucks, a children’s area, and so much more.

Please contact Brigitta Warren at events@oaklandmills.org to request a vendor packet or for more information.
OMHS Food Pantry Donations at The Other Barn 
Monday through Thursday between the hours of 10 AM - 3 PM

The OMHS Food Pantry is taking donations at The Other Barn.

Click here to see a list of items needed. 
Oakland Mills Online

Visit OMO! One click opens the door to become engaged in a community-based, multi-generational social learning environment.
Oakland Mills United

Oakland Mills United is a community organization in Howard County led by OMHS graduates. This organization advocates for the betterment of schools within the Oakland Mills community.

Oakland Mills United addresses four core issues:

  • Changing the stigma
  • Closing the opportunity gap
  • Maintenance of school buildings
  • Redistricting

For more information click here.
Upcoming Meetings
Board of Directors
The next board meeting is scheduled for September 20th, 2022 at 7:30 PM and will be held via zoom. More information is available here.

Stonehouse is open by appointment only.
Legal documents/Resale Packets are available for purchase. Information regarding upcoming Board and RAC meetings will be posted on our website. Please feel free to contact our staff for assistance or to schedule an appointment. For more information contact the Village Manager, Tina Addo: info@longreach.org
What's the Roving Radish?

Howard County’s Roving Radish promotes healthy eating habits through meal kits comprised of locally and regionally grown foods straight from the farm to your table.

The meal kits are available to anyone who works, plays or lives in Howard County and are offered at a discounted price to those in need.
Let's Go Birding
Saturday, October 15th, 8 AM
Jackson Pond in Long Reach

Join Long Reach CARES (Community Action and Resources for Environmental Stewardship) on a birding morning to find birds migrating through our village.

Complete trip takes approximately an hour and a half, but attendees can leave early if needed.

Participants will meet at the Kendall Ridge Pool parking lot and walk on foot through Columbia paths from there.

Please bring comfortable walking shoes and binoculars if you have them.
Register at LRCA.eventbrite.com.
Long Reach Village-Wide Yard Sale
Saturday, October 8th, 8 AM

Residents in Long Reach will have a sale in their own yard!

A list of the participating streets in Long Reach will be found on the website and on social media the day before the sale.

If you are a Long Reach resident, sign up at longreach.org to participate. 
Master Gardener Talks
Free online presentations by the Howard County Master Gardeners
Bulbs: Forcing Bulbs for an Early Spring
Monday, September 19th, 7 PM

This presentation addresses the forcing of spring bulbs for conventional indoor bloom or outdoor pots and window boxes. The topics covered include step-by-step directions for preparing the soil and planting the bulbs, for chilling and storing bulbs to facilitate blooming, choice of bulbs and containers, and suggestions for attractive arrangement in planters.
Register at LRCA.eventbrite.com.
Community Events
Upcoming Cycling Events
September and October 2022
Below is a list of HC cycling related events for September and October:
  • Old Ellicott City Main Street Music Festival: Saturday September 17th Noon to 8 PM: https://visitoldellicottcity.com/msmf/ Bike HoCo will be hosting a Bike Corral (secure bicycle parking) in Lot E (behind Phoenix Upper Main). Ride your bike rather than drive to this great event. There is no cost but donations to Bike HoCo are welcomed.
  • HoCo By Design Transportation and Mobility Chapter Review and Q&A: https://www.hocobydesign.com/county-in-motion. Once each decade, Howard County updates its General Plan, a long-range, visionary document that guides land use, growth, and development decisions. Each Chapter in the draft is being offered for public review and comment on Thursday September 22nd virtually 6:30-8:30 PM and in person Wednesday September 29th 3-5 PM.
  • BikeAround Columbia and Downtown Block Party Saturday September 24th 9 AM -Noon: http://dtcpartnership.com/things-to-do/bikearound/ The BikeAround course will be marked and open from 9 AM Saturday, Sept. 24th, through 6 PM Sunday, Sept. 25th. The rides start at Color Burst Park in Downtown Columbia.
  • Oakland Mills Fall Festival Saturday October 2nd 11 AM - 4 PM: https://events658.wixsite.com/oakland-mills-fall-f  Bike HoCo will host a Bike Corral in the Village Center parking lot near the Other Barn.
  • 12th Annual Bike HoCo Ride and Fundraiser Sunday October 2nd 10 AM - 3 PM: https://bikehoco.org/news/2022/9/14/12th-annual-bike-hoco-ride After a 2 year pandemic delay it is time again to join Howard County cyclists on Bike HoCo’s 12th Annual Bike HoCo Ride. Enjoy a great early Fall ride and prepare for next weekend’s Sea Gull Century in Salisbury with a half or quarter century ride. Bike HoCo is your local Howard County bicycling advocacy 501(c)3 non-profit. This is our only annual fundraiser and helps support our efforts in bicycling safety, education and as an active transportation alternative.

If you are aware of any other local events please email to: president@bikehoco.org
Howard County Autism Society's (HCAS’) Every Step Counts Autism Walk & 5K Run brings together those touched by Autism and members of the wider community in a supportive, energizing, and fun environment. The event features a 5K run and a 4K walk around Centennial Lake in Ellicott City, MD as well as a shorter “stroll” for those who would like a shorter distance. As we all ease back into a post-Covid world, this in-person event is back along with the virtual option that was popular last year. Participants may elect to walk or run at Centennial Park on Saturday, October 1st starting at 9 AM OR participate virtually at a time and location of their choosing.

Registration is open!

To register, donate, sponsor, volunteer or learn more, visit https://runsignup.com/Race/MD/EllicottCity/EveryStepCountsAutismWalk5K or contact the event coordinators at (410) 290-3466 or info@howard-autism.org. #AutismStrongMD #EveryStepCounts
The Holland Awards is an incredible evening of fun and celebration as our community comes together to honor those selflessly serving Howard County. There will be food, drinks, live entertainment, and more!

In addition, there will be a short program featuring Keynote Speaker Tracy Broccolino, President of the Community Action Council of Howard County. She will discuss upcoming plans for CAC and the Howard County community.
Pet Parade – Halloween Costume Contest for Pets (All Ages)
October 15th, 2 - 4 PM

Dress up your furry (or feathered or scaled) family members and show them off for each other and our judges. Participants are judged on fashion/costume, presentation, behavior, and use of props. Extra points for special skills or tricks.
Pets must be on a leash or otherwise contained and non-aggressive. Winners receive gift cards. Must register by 10/7. For all ages (must have a handler who is 18 yrs+). Located at Centennial Park South. Registration of a pet is $10.

The event is free for spectators!

Information: Karen Bradley Ehler, (410) 313-4635 or kehler@howardcountymd.gov.
Truck or Treat 2022
October 22nd, 10 AM

Tickets are now on sale for the annual Recreation & Parks Truck or Treat. A “wheely fun” way to celebrate fall and community, come dressed in your favorite costume to trick-or-treat at all of the trucks, tractors, emergency vehicles and more, while meeting some of your hometown heroes.

Tickets are $5 per child ages two and older (under two are free); however, please note, a limited number of tickets are available for each 75-minute time slot.

To register for this Spooktacular event, click here.
HopeWorks Virtual Screening:
The Color of Care
October 15th, 3 PM

"The Color of Care" presents firsthand and historical accounts demonstrating how racism permeates health care in America.

Join HopeWorks for a special virtual screening of The Color of Care, a Smithsonian Channel™ and Oprah Winfrey’s Harpo Production.
This film provides firsthand and historical accounts demonstrating how racism permeates health care in America, and how the COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated systemic negligence that cost countless lives.

Following the screening, there will be discussion about the film and racial health disparities in America.

Register here.