
Welcome to my Legislative Newsletter, highlighting Council Resolutions and Council Bills proposed by the Howard County Council.
As your County Council representative, I encourage you to review this information and lend your voice by testifying via email or in person. To voice your support or opposition, please email The next Legislative Public Hearing will be Monday, March 15th at 7 PM off-site (meetings will be held virtually for the safety of all participants). To sign-up in advance to testify, click here.
It is my pleasure to serve you, your family, and residents of District 2. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office by calling (410) 313-2001 or by emailing I hope you will continue to stay engaged by visiting my council website at

The Process
The County Council is responsible for adopting the laws of the County. The legislative process generally follows a monthly cycle:

  • 1st Monday- New legislation is introduced; legislation from prior month is given final consideration
  • 3rd Monday- Public hearing on legislation introduced that month
  • 4th Monday- Legislative work session, if needed

Council Bills must be signed or vetoed by the County Executive within 10 days of the Council's presentation of passed legislation.
Council-Related Legislation
Howard County Council Legislation

Unless otherwise noted, the following legislation is introduced by the Chairperson at the request of the County Executive.
Highlighted Legislation
Introduced by: Opel Jones and Deb Jung; Co-sponsored by: Christiana Rigby, Liz Walsh, and David Yungmann
AN ACT amending the eligibility requirements for a property tax credit for seniors and retired military personnel in accordance with Chapter 332, Acts of the General Assembly of 2019; and generally relating to property tax credits.
Howard County Council Appointments and County Council Election Results for 2021
Howard County Council Chairpersons
Chair: Councilmember Elizabeth Walsh, District 1
Vice-Chair: Councilmember Opel Jones, District 2

Zoning Board
Chair: Councilmember Christiana Rigby, District 3
Vice-Chair: Councilmember Deb Jung, District 4

Board of License Commissioners
Chair: Councilmember David Yungmann, District 5
Vice-Chair: Councilmember Deb Jung, District 4

Maryland Association of Counties Legislative Committee
Representative: Councilmember Opel Jones, District 2
     Alternate: Councilmember Deb Jung, District 4

National Associations of Counties
Representative: Councilmember Jones, District 2
      Alternate: Councilmember Jung, District 4
Introduced Legislation
Introduced by: Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Marlene S. Hendler to the Multimodal Transportation Board.

Introduced by: Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Vanita Leatherwood to the Board to Promote Self-Sufficiency.

Introduced by: Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Dr. Mariana Izraelson to the Board to Promote Self-Sufficiency.

Introduced by: Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Bita Dayhoff to the Howard County Local Children’s Board.
Introduced by: Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
AN ACT approving and providing for a multi-year Installment Purchase Agreement by Howard County, Maryland to acquire development rights in approximately 34.5 acres of agricultural land located on the south side of McKendree Road, Glenwood, Howard County, Maryland, from William Lowrey and Jennifer Lowrey or any other owner thereof for a maximum purchase price of $1,011,600 or, if less, not more than $29,320 per acre or portion thereof, rounded to the next highest $100, plus interest on the deferred portion of such purchase price; providing that the County's obligation to pay such purchase price and interest on the deferred portion of such purchase price shall be a full faith and credit general obligation of the County; providing for the levying of taxes for such payments; authorizing the County Executive to modify such Agreement; and providing for and determining various matters in connection therewith.

Introduced by: Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION approving a Financial Assurance Plan for Howard County’s National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System permit programs, in accordance with Section 4-202.1 of the Environment Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland; and requiring certain copies be sent to the Maryland Department of the Environment.
Introduced by: Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
AN ACT to update and add definitions related to solar collector equipment; to eliminate the requirement for a glare study; to add certain reviews by the Agricultural Preservation Board; to allow rooftop commercial and accessory ground mount solar collectors in all zoning districts; to allow commercial ground-mount solar collector facilities in certain zoning districts ; to limit the size of commercial ground-mount solar collector facilities on certain parcels that are in the Agricultural Land Preservation Program; and generally relating to the Howard County Zoning Regulations.

Introduced by: Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
AN ACT removing the requirement that the Office of Transportation establish a Transit and Pedestrian Advisory Group; amending the qualifications to serve on the Multimodal Transportation Board; amending the powers of the Multimodal Transportation Board; and generally relating to transportation and the Office of Transportation.

Introduced by: Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION correcting the conveyance of certain easements that were granted to the Baltimore Gas and Electric Company by the passage of Council Resolution No. 140-2020.

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of Dean Dubbe 
A RESOLUTION to close a portion of Roxbury Road as shown in Exhibits A and B in accordance with Section 18.204 of the Howard County Code.

Introduced by: The Chairperson
A RESOLUTION encouraging the County Executive to implement a “Shared Streets Program” to promote the public health, safety, and welfare and the safe use of outdoor space during the State of Emergency due to COVID-19; and generally relating to implementing the “Shared Streets Program”.

Introduced by: David Yungmann
AN ACT to alter the method to calculate the number of one-acre lots that could be subject to release of easement; removing the minimum size criteria for a parcel on which a landowner’s dwelling could be built; and generally relating to agricultural preservation.

Introduced by: Christiana Rigby
AN ACT to require that certain single-user restrooms in Howard County be made available to all individuals regardless of gender; requiring that certain single-user restrooms use gender-inclusive signage to identify the restroom; establishing a certain penalty; and generally relating to the availability of single-user restrooms to all individuals regardless of gender.

Introduced by: The Chair at the request of Kimberly Kepnes
AN ACT amending the Howard County Zoning Regulations to add certain uses permitted as a matter of right in HO (Historic: Office) zoning districts.

Introduced by: Christiana Rigby; Co-Sponsored by: Deb Jung and Liz Walsh
AN ACT requiring the developer of a TOD (Transit Oriented Development) District site to provide the required moderate income housing units on the TOD site; prohibiting certain actions by the developer relating to optional methods or alternative compliance to optional methods; and generally relating to Moderate-Income Housing Unit requirements.

Introduced by: Opel Jones and Deb Jung; Co-sponsored by: Christiana Rigby, Liz Walsh, and David Yungmann
AN ACT amending the eligibility requirements for a property tax credit for seniors and retired military personnel in accordance with Chapter 332, Acts of the General Assembly of 2019; and generally relating to property tax credits.

Introduced by: Liz Walsh; Co-sponsored by: Deb Jung
AN ACT to prohibit action on certain zoning applications while a new General Plan is in process; requiring a specified report related to disclosure of certain contributions and business relationships in compliance with the Maryland Public Ethics Law; and generally relating to Zoning matters.
Legislation for Final Consideration

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Brooke Abercrombie to the Board to Promote Self-Sufficiency.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

Introduced by: Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Rev. Brian Akers to the Board to Promote Self-Sufficiency.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Alexandra Berry to the Commission for Transitioning Students with Disabilities.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Dr. Cherron L. Blakely, to the Howard County Commission for Veterans and Military Families.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Amma Felix to the Board to Promote Self-Sufficiency.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Geetha Jayaram to the Commission on Aging.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Frank W. Kirkland to the Adult Public Guardianship Review Board.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved as amended

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Elizabeth Oyebode to the Commission for Women.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Colonel Eric Towns, to the Howard County Commission for Veterans and Military Families.
Status: Withdrawn

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Gudell L. Ward to the Board to Promote Self-Sufficiency.
Status: Tabled

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of David M. Woodruff to the Board to Promote Self-Sufficiency.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Bert Hash to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Kathy Land to the Commission for Transitioning Students with Disabilities.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Edward T. Plitt to the Cemetery Preservation Advisory Board.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Yetta Roggerson to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Charley Sung to the Alcoholic Beverage Hearing Board.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Kurt W. Wall to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved


Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
AN ACT pursuant to Section 612 of the Howard County Charter, approving a Ninth Amendment of Lease between Howard County, Maryland and Symphony Woods, LLC, that expands the leased premises located at 5950 Symphony Woods Drive, Columbia, Maryland, by approximately 184 square feet and that results in an increased rental amount; authorizing the County Executive to make changes to the Amendment, under certain conditions; authorizing the County Executive to execute the Amendment; and generally relating to the Amendment.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Passed

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
AN ACT amending the term of board and commission members to be consistent with recently enacted amendments to Section 404 of the Howard County Charter; and generally related to boards and commissions.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Passed

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION endorsing the provision of financing by the State Department of Commerce for an economic development project in Howard County and certifying that the project is consistent with the County’s goals for economic development.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Passed

Introduced by: The Chairperson
A RESOLUTION setting a date by which the Councilmanic Redistricting Commission is required to prepare a plan of Councilmanic Districts and present the plan to the Howard County Council; setting a date following presentation of the plan of Councilmanic Districts to the County Council by which, if no ordinance re-establishing the boundaries of the Councilmanic Districts has been enacted, the plan submitted by the Councilmanic Redistricting Commission becomes law; and generally relating to Councilmanic Redistricting.
Status: Tabled

Introduced by: Christiana Rigby, Opel Jones, and Liz Walsh
AN ACT to prohibit the sale or distribution of certain single-use straws and stirrers, certain condiment packets and certain plastic food ware by certain food service facilities and retail business entities under specified circumstances; providing for exceptions to the prohibition; requiring certain establishments to have specified materials; providing for enforcement of the prohibition; specifying the duties of the Office of Community Sustainability; requiring fines to be placed in a certain Fund; and generally relating to waste reduction in the County.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Passed as amended

Introduced by: David Yungmann
AN ACT to allow a landlord to show a model or similar unit to a prospective tenant if the unit to be leased is not vacant under specified circumstances; to alter the authority of a tenant to terminate a lease without penalty if certain violations are not abated within a certain time; to alter the authority of a tenant to terminate a lease because of an involuntary change of employment; to allow a lease to provide that a tenant will pay specified costs under specified circumstances; to alter the lease payment grace period; to allow for the collection of specified charges; to repeal the prohibition against a lease stating that it is a contract under seal; making a technical correction; and generally relating to landlord-tenant relations.
Status: Tabled

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
AN ACT requiring certain recycling services for office buildings over a certain size; requiring compliance with the County’s Solid Waste Management Plan; authorizing certain inspections; providing for certain penalties; and generally related to recycling in office buildings in Howard County.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Passed as amended

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION adopting the Office Building Recycling Plan as an amendment to the Solid Waste Management Plan, 2014-2024, in accordance with the procedure required by State Law.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Passed as amended

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION approving an amendment to the Howard County Master Plan for Water and Sewerage to add Cattail Creek Country Club to the list of existing wastewater treatment plants and to the list of existing and planned permit discharges.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Passed as amended

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Ayesha Holmes to the Local Behavioral Health Advisory Board.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Passed as amended

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
AN ACT requiring a license for private animal shelters; defining certain terms; authorizing the adoption of certain regulations; providing for certain exemptions; requiring that a license application contain certain information; requiring an application fee; requiring that certain fees be adopted by Resolution of the County Council; providing for inspections; providing that a denied application can be resubmitted under certain conditions; providing for a license term; providing the conditions under which the license can be suspended or revoked; providing for appeals and license renewals; requiring certain records; providing standards of care for private animal shelters; providing for certain penalties; adding to the duties of the Animal Matters Hearing Board; and generally relating to private animal shelters in Howard County.
Status: Tabled

Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION approving a nonrefundable application fee and a license fee for an annual Private Animal Shelter License.
Status: Tabled

Introduced by: The Chair at the request of Blue Stream, LLC 
AN ACT amending the Howard County Zoning Regulations to allow all CAC (Corridor Activity Center) zoned properties to reduce the required commercial square footage below 20 square feet per dwelling unit if the Department of Planning and Zoning finds based on a market study submitted by the developer that the reduction is necessary for the financial viability of the project; and generally relating to the CAC zoning district.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Passed as amended
Upcoming Council Meetings
Unless otherwise noted, the County Council will hold its meetings in the Banneker Room of the George Howard Building, 3430 Court House Drive, Ellicott City, MD. The next meetings are as follows:

  • Monday, March 15, 2021 - Joint Meeting with Board of Education (Meetings will be held virtually for the safety of all participants)
  • Monday, March 15, 2021 - Legislative Public Hearing (Meetings will be held virtually for the safety of all participants
  • Wednesday, March 17, 2021 - Legislative Work Session (Meetings will be held virtually for the safety of all participants)

Please note these dates are subject to change. To access the most up-to-date calendar of meetings in its entirety, click here.

Can't attend a meeting but still want to stay involved? You can stream the Council's sessions online and click on the meeting you would like to watch. The Council's sessions are also streamed in real time on this website.