Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
AN ACT transferring $476,969 from the General Fund, Contingency Reserve to the Department of Police, Office of the State’s Attorney and Sherriff’s Office for the Body Worn Camera Program.
Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
AN ACT transferring $273,540 from the Grant Fund, Contingency Reserve to the Department of Finance to reflect increased grant funding received from the State Department of Commerce for a grant that aids businesses who set up online sales and telework opportunities.
Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
AN ACT pursuant to Section 612 of the Howard County Charter, approving a multi-year Agreement between Howard County, Maryland and Hurricane Electric, LLC for certain internet services used by the County, authorizing the Executive to make changes to the Agreement, under certain conditions; authorizing the County Executive to execute the Agreement; and generally relating to the Agreement.
Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION approving the terms and conditions of a Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement by and between the Howard County, Maryland and SunEast Friendship Solar LLC and MHGH&S, LLC for the generation of electricity on property located at 13300 Frederick Road, West Friendship.
Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION approving the terms and conditions of a Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement by and between the Howard County, Maryland and SunEast Friendship ANEM Solar LLC and MHGH&S, LLC for the generation of electricity on property located at 13300 Frederick Road in West Friendship, Maryland.
Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION approving the terms and conditions of a Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement by and between the Howard County, Maryland and Terrapin Branch Solar, LLC, and 2800 Nixon’s Farm Lane, LLC, for the generation of electricity on property owned by 2800 Nixon’s Farm Lane, LLC located at 2800 Nixon’s Farm Lane, West Friendship, Maryland.
Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION approving the terms and conditions of a Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement by and between the Howard County, Maryland and Community Power Group, LLC and Jack Coogan Fyock Jr. for the generation of electricity on property located on Ten Oaks Road, Glenelg, Maryland.
Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION approving the terms and conditions of a Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement by and between the Howard County, Maryland and Roslyn Rise Four, LLC for property located at 10351 Twin Rivers Road, which will comprise a mixed-income, rental housing development to be known as one-half of Roslyn Rise Apartments, and finding that the Development meets the requirements of certain Special Affordable Housing Opportunities pursuant to the Adequate Public Facilities Act and may proceed subject to all other provisions of the Act despite being located in an area that is closed for development due to the projected enrollment in the school capacity chart.
Introduced by: The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION approving the terms and conditions of a Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement by and between the Howard County, Maryland and Roslyn Rise Nine, LLC for property located at 10401 Twin Rivers Road, which will comprise a mixed-income, rental housing development to be known as one-half of Roslyn Rise Apartments, and finding that the Development meets the requirements of certain Special Affordable Housing Opportunities pursuant to the Adequate Public Facilities Act and may proceed subject to all other provisions of the Act despite being located in an area that is closed for development due to the projected enrollment in the school capacity chart.