
Welcome to my Legislative Newsletter, highlighting Council Resolutions and Council Bills proposed by the Howard County Council.

As your County Council representative, I encourage you to review this information and lend your voice by testifying via email or in person. To voice your support or opposition, please email To sign-up in advance to testify at the upcoming Public Hearing click here.
It is my pleasure to serve you, your family, and the residents of District 2. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office by calling (410) 313-2001 or by emailing I hope you will continue to stay engaged by visiting my council website at

The Process

The County Council is responsible for adopting the laws of the County. The legislative process generally follows a monthly cycle:

  • 1st Monday- New legislation is introduced; legislation from prior month is given final consideration
  • 3rd Monday- Legislative Public Hearing on legislation introduced that month
  • Following the Legislative Public Hearing a Legislative Work Session is held, if needed

Council Bills must be signed or vetoed by the County Executive within 10 days of the Council's presentation of passed legislation.

Howard County Council Appointments and County Council Election Results for 2025

Howard County Council Chairpersons

Chair: Councilmember Liz Walsh, District 1

Vice-Chair: Councilmember Opel Jones, District 2

Zoning Board

Chair: Councilmember Opel Jones, District 2

Vice-Chair: Councilmember Deb Jung, District 4

Board of License Commissioners

Chair: Councilmember David Yungmann, District 5

Vice-Chair: Councilmember Christiana Rigby, District 3

Maryland Association of Counties Legislative Committee

Representative: Councilmember Deb Jung, District 4

Alternate: Councilmember David Yungmann, District 5

National Associations of Counties

Representative: Christiana Rigby, District 3

Alternate: Councilmember Deb Jung, District 4



CR1-2025 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive

Short Title: Appointing – Edward Coleman – Alcohol Beverage Hearing Board Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Edward Coleman to the Alcoholic Beverage Hearing Board.

CR2-2025 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive

Short Title: Appointing – Thomas P. Horejes – Commission on Disabilities Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Thomas P. Horejes to the Commission on Disabilities.


CR3-2025 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive

Short Title: Reappointment - Alicia Altamirano, Esq.- La Alianza Latina Commission Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Alicia Altamirano, Esq., to the La Alianza Latina Commission.

CR4-2025 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive

Short Title: Reappointment - Santiago Carrera - La Alianza Latina Commission Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Santiago Carrera to the La Alianza Latina Commission.

CR5-2025 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive

Short Title: Reappointment- James Cecil- Planning Board. Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of James Cecil to the Planning Board.

CR6-2025 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive

Short Title: Reappointment- Barbara Mosier- Planning Board. Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Barbara Mosier to the Planning Board.

CR7-2025 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive

Short Title: Reappointment – Steven L. Towne – Commission on Disabilities Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Steve Towne to the Commission on Disabilities.


TAO1-FY2025 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive

Short Title: Transferring $5,345,000 – C0360 Real Estate Planning and Design Title: AN ACT transferring $5,345,000 from various capital projects to capital project C0360, Real Estate Planning and Design, in order to acquire an office building located at 9755 Patuxent Woods Drive, Columbia, Maryland.

CB1-2025 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive

Short Title: Authorizing and empowering – bonds - $2,445,000 Title: AN ACT for the purpose of authorizing and empowering Howard County, Maryland to borrow money in an aggregate principal amount of up to $2,445,000 on its full faith and credit, and issue and sell its bonds therefor, to be used to pay costs of a capital project, more particularly described in the County’s Fiscal Year 2025 Capital Budget, and to pay costs of issuance of such bonds; authorizing the County to issue bond and grant anticipation notes or to enter into installment purchase agreements for payment of portions of such costs; and to levy taxes upon the assessable property within the County sufficient, together with other available funds, to pay the debt service on such obligations; and providing for and determining various matters in connection therewith.

TAO2-FY2025 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive

Short Title: Transferring $2,500,000 – E1038 Planning and Design Title: AN ACT transferring $2,500,000 from various School System capital projects to capital project E1038, Planning and Design, in order to fund two capital-needs studies.

CB2-2025 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive

Short Title: Bond Enabling- $2,500,000 - E1058 Systemic Renovations Title: AN ACT for the purpose of authorizing and empowering Howard County, Maryland to borrow money in an aggregate principal amount of up to $2,500,000 on its full faith and credit, and issue and sell its bonds therefor, to be used to pay costs of a capital project, more particularly described in the County’s Fiscal Year 2025 Capital Budget, and to pay costs of issuance of such bonds; authorizing the County to issue bond and grant anticipation notes or to enter into installment purchase agreements for payment of portions of such costs; and to levy taxes upon the assessable property within the County sufficient, together with other available funds, to pay the debt service on such obligations; and providing for and determining various matters in connection therewith.


CB3-2025 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive

Short Title: Multi-year Contract and related loan documents – U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development – Section 108 Loan Guarantee Assistance funding Title: AN ACT pursuant to Section 612 of the Howard County Charter, approving a multi-year Contract and related loan documents between Howard County, Maryland and U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development for Section 108 Loan Guarantee Assistance funding to support the creation and preservation of affordable housing units in two redevelopment projects with Enterprise Community Development, Inc. in Columbia, Maryland; authorizing the Executive to accept the terms of the Contract, under certain conditions; identifying the collateral for the Loan; authorizing the County Executive to execute the Contract; and generally relating to the Contract.

CB4-2025 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive

Short Title: Multiyear agreement – State of Maryland, Howard County and Montgomery County- Bus Rapid Transit Title: AN ACT pursuant to Section 612 of the Howard County Charter, approving a multiyear agreement between Howard County, Maryland and Montgomery County, Maryland for the extension of certain bus rapid transit systems to Downtown Columbia; authorizing the Executive to make changes to the agreement, under certain conditions; authorizing the County Executive to execute the agreement; and generally relating to the agreement.

CB5-2025 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive

Short Title: Amendment - Property Tax Credit – Disabled Law Enforcement Officer or Rescue Worker or Surviving Spouse of Fallen Law Enforcement Officers or Rescue Workers. Title: AN ACT amending the amount of the property tax credit for real property owned by certain disabled law enforcement officers or rescue workers; and generally relating to the property tax credit for real property owned by certain law enforcement officers or rescue workers.

CB6-2025 - Introduced by Deb Jung

Short Title: Inspector General and Deputy Inspector General Classification Plan Amendment Title: AN ACT amending the Classification Plan for Howard County to establish the class code, pay grade, qualifications, duties, and general requirements for the Inspector General and Deputy Inspector General; and generally relating to the Howard County Classification Plan.

CB7-2025 - Introduced by Deb Jung

Short Title: Inspector General and Deputy Inspector General Pay Scale Title: AN ACT amending the Pay Plan for Howard County; providing pay scales for the Inspector General and Deputy Inspector General; providing for the application of this Act; and generally relating to the Pay Plan for Howard County.

CB8-2025 - Introduced by Deb Jung

Short Title: Inspector General Advisory Board Financial Disclosure Statement Title: AN ACT amending Section 22.206(c) of the Howard County Code to add the Inspector General Advisory Board to the list of boards and commissions required to file financial disclosure statements; and generally relating to financial disclosure statements.

Upcoming Council Meetings

Unless otherwise noted, the County Council will hold its meetings in the Banneker Room of the George Howard Building, 3430 Court House Drive, Ellicott City, MD. Meetings will be held in person and virtually. The next meetings are as follows:

  • Council Monthly Meeting: Monday, January 13th at 10:30 AM
  • Offices Closed - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: Monday, January 20th
  • Legislative Public Hearing: Tuesday, January 21st at 7 PM
  • Legislative Work Session: Monday, January 27th at 9:30 AM
  • Legislative Session: Monday, February 3rd at 7 PM

Please note these dates are subject to change. To access the most up-to-date calendar of meetings in its entirety, click here.