
Welcome to my Legislative Newsletter, highlighting Council Resolutions and Council Bills proposed by the Howard County Council.
As your County Council representative, I encourage you to review this information and lend your voice by testifying via email or in person. To voice your support or opposition, please email To sign-up in advance to testify at the upcoming Public Hearing click here.
It is my pleasure to serve you, your family, and the residents of District 2. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact my office by calling (410) 313-2001 or by emailing I hope you will continue to stay engaged by visiting my council website at

The Process
The County Council is responsible for adopting the laws of the County. The legislative process generally follows a monthly cycle:

  • 1st Monday- New legislation is introduced; legislation from prior month is given final consideration
  • 3rd Monday- Legislative Public Hearing on legislation introduced that month
  • Following the Legislative Public Hearing a Legislative Work Session is held, if needed

Council Bills must be signed or vetoed by the County Executive within 10 days of the Council's presentation of passed legislation.
Howard County Council Appointments and County Council Election Results for 2023
Howard County Council Chairpersons
Chair: Councilmember Christiana Rigby, District 3
Vice-Chair: Councilmember Deb Jung, District 4

Zoning Board
Chair: Councilmember Liz Walsh, District 1
Vice-Chair: Councilmember Dr. Opel Jones, District 2

Board of License Commissioners
Chair: Councilmember David Yungmann, District 5
Vice-Chair: Councilmember Dr. Opel Jones, District 2

Maryland Association of Counties Legislative Committee
Representative: Councilmember Deb Jung, District 4
Alternate: Councilmember David Yungmann, District 5

National Associations of Counties
Representative: Councilmember Deb Jung, District 4
Alternate: Councilmember David Yungmann, District 5
Council-Related Legislation
Howard County Council Legislation

Unless otherwise noted, the following legislation is introduced by the Chairperson at the request of the County Executive.

CR172-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Cedric Brown to the Housing and Community Development Board.

CR173-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Ashwin Hazarika to the Howard County Local Children’s Board.

CR174-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Andrea LeWinter to the Equal Business Opportunity Commission.


CR176-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Elvira Dominguez McCullough to the La Alianza Latina Commission.

CR177-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Sharon Pinder to the Equal Business Opportunity Commission.

CR178-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Yolanda Vazquez to the La Alianza Latina Commission.


CB42-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive AN ACT to implement State Law relating to police discipline, including provisions related to an Administrative Charging Committee and Trial Boards; providing for an Administrative Charging Committee under State Law; setting forth the qualifications for members, method of selection, and exclusions from membership; defining certain terms; requiring the advertisement of certain vacancies; providing for budget and staff; requiring a minimum number of meetings; requiring certain training; providing for the terms of Committee members; allowing for certain stipends; setting forth the duties of the Committee; requiring that members submit to certain background investigations; authorizing the adoption of Rules of Procedure; providing for certain legal representation; authorizing the Committee to take certain actions in accordance with State Law; requiring members to maintain confidentiality; requiring civilian members to provide financial disclosure statements; providing for the removal of members; requiring each law enforcement agency to establish a Trial Board process in accordance with State Law; providing for certain legal representation and budget; requiring civilian members of the Trial Board to submit financial disclosure statements; and generally relating to police discipline in Howard County.

CB43-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Co-sponsor(s) Christiana Rigby AN ACT authorizing the County or the Housing Commission to assign the right to purchase by written agreement to certain entities who may acquire or finance the purchase of rental housing; clarifying the time that an offer shall remain open; amending the minimum number of affordable units; defining certain terms; providing that certain assignments may be recorded; requiring that certain covenants be recorded; and generally related to the notice and right to purchase rental housing.

CB44-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Co-sponsor(s) Christiana Rigby AN ACT prohibiting the increase in the amount of rent over a specified amount for certain regulated units; requiring the publication of the permitted amount of rent increase; allowing a landlord to apply for a capital improvement surcharge upon a showing of certain criteria; allowing a fair return for a regulated unit; providing certain exemptions; defining certain terms; requiring that certain fees be prominently displayed; setting forth penalties; inserting a severability clause; providing for the abrogation of certain provisions of this Act; establishing a workgroup to study the effect of this Act; and generally relating to rental increases in Howard County.

CB41-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive AN ACT amending the Adequate Public Facilities Act in order to remove references to specific types of housing unit allocations; removing references to “geographic” targets as a basis for the housing unit allocation chart; and generally relating to the Adequate Public Facilities Act of Howard County.

CR179-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION adopting the Housing Unit Allocation Chart pursuant to the Adequate Public Facilities Act of Howard County.

CR180-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION adopting the School Capacity Chart, pursuant to the Adequate Public Facilities Act of Howard County.

CR181-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION declaring that a portion of certain real property consisting of 0.376 acres of land located on Rogers Avenue and owned by Howard County, Maryland is no longer needed by the County for a public purpose; authorizing the County Executive to convey the property to Our Lady’s Center, Inc., in exchange for the acquisition of 0.548 acres of adjacent property owned by Our Lady’s Center; waiving the advertising and bidding requirements of Section 4.201 of the County Code in connection with the property’s conveyance; and providing that the County Executive is not bound to terminate the County’s interest in the property if he finds that the property may have a further public use.

CR182-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION endorsing the 2023 RTA/Howard County Transit Development Plan as a guide for future transit development in Howard County and in the Central Maryland region.

CR183-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION approving the terms and conditions of a Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement by and between the Howard County, Maryland and Waverly Winds, LLC for property located at 5501-5627 Cedar Lane, which will comprise a mixed-income, rental housing development to be known as Building A of Waverly Winds Apartments.

CR184-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION approving the terms and conditions of a Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement by and between the Howard County, Maryland and Waverly Winds Four, LLC for property located at 5501-5627 Cedar Lane, which will comprise a mixed-income, rental housing development to be known as Building B of Waverly Winds Apartments.

CB45-2023 - Introduced by Liz Walsh AN ACT requiring a restaurant that offers children’s meals for sale to offer a certain number of healthy children’s meal for sale; specifying the options required for a certain children’s meal; requiring a restaurant that offers for sale a children’s meal with a beverage to include a certain default beverage; preserving a consumer’s choice to purchase and a restaurant’s right to sell a children’s meal other than a healthy children’s meal; requiring the Howard County Department of Health to create and disseminate certain written informational resources; providing for the enforcement of this Act; providing for the severability of certain provisions of this Act; and generally relating to healthy meals for children. 

CR153-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Leslie Bauer to the State Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

CR154-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Xavier V. Bruce to the Equal Business Opportunity Commission.
Status: Tabled
CR155-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Roxanne Cox to the Equal Business Opportunity Commission.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

CR156-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Kellyann Few to the Environmental Sustainability Board.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

CR157-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Monteith Mitchell to the La Alianza Latina Commission.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

CR158-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Katie Myers to the Cemetery Preservation Advisory Board.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

CR159-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Derek Patrick to the State Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

CR160-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Andrew Sherman to the Equal Business Opportunity Commission.
Status: Tabled

CR161-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of William Phillip Webster to the Environmental Sustainability Board.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved


CR162-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Ash Baker to the LGBTQIA+ Commission.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

CR163-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Brian Bailey to the LGBTQIA+ Commission.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

CR164-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Abby Gibbon to the Howard County Agricultural Preservation Board.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

CR165-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Abby Gibbon to the State Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

CR166-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Cathy Hudson to the Howard County Agricultural Preservation Board.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

CR167-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Cathy Hudson to the State Agricultural Preservation Advisory Board.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved

CR168-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Beck Rainbow Lynn Seckler to the LGBTQIA+ Commission.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved


CB38-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the issuance, sale and delivery of up to $150,000,000 consolidated public improvement bonds and up to $50,000,000 metropolitan district bonds, pursuant to various bond enabling laws; providing that such bonds shall be general obligations of the County; authorizing the County Executive to specify, prescribe, determine, provide for or approve the final principal amounts, maturity schedules, interest rates and redemption provisions for such bonds, and other matters, details, forms, documents or procedures and to determine the method of sale of such bonds; providing for the disbursement of the proceeds of such bonds and for the levying of taxes to pay debt service on such bonds; and providing for and determining various matters in connection therewith.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Passed as amended


CR169-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION adopting the Howard County Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Passed

CR171-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION pursuant to Title 5, Subtitle 3 of the Education Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, approving the Howard County Board of Education’s Capital Budget Request for Fiscal Year 2025 and Capital Improvement Program Request for Fiscal Years 2026-2030 for the purpose of submission to the Interagency Commission on School Construction.
Status: Tabled

CB39-2023 (ZRA 204) - Introduced by Christiana Rigby AN ACT amending the definitions of "Parking Area, Parking Facility or Parking Use" and "Solar Collector, Rooftop" to ensure that solar canopies are permitted by right uses on parking structures.; and generally relating to solar canopies.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Passed as amended

CB40-2023 - Introduced by Liz Walsh AN ACT removing certain exemptions for stream restoration projects in the Forest Conservation Act, removing the definition of a stream restoration project, and generally relating to the Forest Conservation Act.
Status: Tabled

CR185-2023 - A RESOLUTION calling the County Council of Howard County, Maryland into legislative session on specified dates.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Approved
Tabled Legislation

CR131-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Leslie Bauer to the Howard County Agricultural Preservation Board.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Removed from table and approved

CR141-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Derek Patrick to the Howard County Agricultural Preservation Board.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Removed from table and approved


CR101-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive  
A RESOLUTION pursuant to Section 4.201 of the Howard County Code, authorizing the County Executive to grant easements to Baltimore Gas and Electric Company so that it may replace and relocate poles and other equipment maintained by Baltimore Gas and Electric Company on property owned by Howard County, Maryland in Ellicott City; waiving the advertising and bidding requirements of Section 4.201 of the Howard County Code; and providing that the County Executive is not bound to grant the easements if he finds that the property may have a further public use.
My Vote: Yes
Status: Removed from table and approved

CR134-2023 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive
A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Dana Couch to the Local Behavioral Health Advisory Board.
Status: Tabled
Upcoming Council Meetings
Unless otherwise noted, the County Council will hold its meetings in the Banneker Room of the George Howard Building, 3430 Court House Drive, Ellicott City, MD. Meetings will be held in person and virtually. The next meetings are as follows:

  • Legislative Public Hearing: Monday, November 20th at 7 PM
  • Offices Closed - Thanksgiving: Thursday, November 23rd
  • Offices Closed - Thanksgiving: Friday, November 24th
  • Special Legislative Session: Monday, November 27th at 9 AM
  • Legislative Work Session: Monday, November 27th at 9:30 AM

Please note these dates are subject to change. To access the most up-to-date calendar of meetings in its entirety, click here.