CR108-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Appointment- Carlton J. Brown- Board of Health Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Carlton J. Brown to the Board of Health.
CR109-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Appointment- Xavier V. Bruce- Commission for Veterans and Military Families Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Xavier V. Bruce to the Howard County Commission for Veterans and Military Families.
CR110-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Appointment- Nancy Chang, MD- Board of Health Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Nancy Chang, MD to the Board of Health.
CR111-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Appointment- David Ennis- Board of Health Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of David Ennis to the Board of Health.
CR112-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Appointment- Robin Jones Gillispie- LGBTQIA+ Commission Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Robin Jones Gillispie to the LGBTQIA+ Commission.
CR113-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Appointment- Cristiana Little- Human Rights Commission. Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Cristiana Little to the Human Rights Commission.
CR114-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Appointment – Daniel Medinger- Board of Directors of the Economic Development Authority Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Daniel Medinger to the Board of Directors of the Economic Development Authority.
CR115-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Appointment- Samuel Oak Renner Quick – Multimodal Transportation Board. Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Samuel Oak Renner Quick to the Multimodal Transportation Board.
CR116-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Appointment – Pedro Ramirez- Board of Directors of the Economic Development Authority Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Pedro Ramirez to the Board of Directors of the Economic Development Authority.
CR117-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Appointment- Andrea Rizkallah- La Alianza Latina Commission Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Andrea Rizkallah to the La Alianza Latina Commission.
CR118-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Appointment- Allison L. Robinson- Board of Health Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Allison L. Robinson to the Board of Health.
CR119-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Appointment- Georgia M. Royalty- Board of Health Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Georgia M. Royalty to the Board of Health.
CR120-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Appointment- Johanna Clay Souder- Board of Health Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Johanna Clay Souder to the Board of Health.
CR121-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Appointment- Lisa L. Steptoe- Commission for Veterans and Military Families Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Lisa L. Steptoe to the Howard County Commission for Veterans and Military Families.
CR122-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Appointment- Mark Stevens- Planning Board. Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Mark Stevens to the Planning Board.
CR123-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Appointment- Paul I Turlington- Commission for Veterans and Military Families Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the appointment of Paul I. Turlington to the Howard County Commission for Veterans and Military Families.
CR124-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Reappointment- Brooke Abercrombie- Board to Promote Self-Sufficiency Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Brooke Abercrombie to the Board to Promote Self Sufficiency.
CR125-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Reappointment- Ishaan Busireddy- Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Commission Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Ishaan Busireddy to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission.
CR126-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Reappointment- Tabitha Dixon- Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Tabitha Dixon to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Commission.
CR127-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Reappointment- Amma Felix- Board to Promote Self-Sufficiency Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Amma Felix to the Board to Promote Self-Sufficiency.
CR128-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Reappointment- Dr. Mariana Izraelson- Board to Promote Self-Sufficiency Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Dr. Mariana Izraelson to the Board to Promote Self-Sufficiency.
CR129-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Reappointment- Rosa Angelica Maymi- Advisory Board on Consumer Protection Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Rosa Angelica Maymi to the Advisory Board on Consumer Protection.
CR130-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Reappointment- Tiffany Murray Releford, Esquire- Human Rights Commission Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Tiffany Murray Releford, Esquire, to the Human Rights Commission.
CR131-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Reappointment- David M. Woodruff- Board to Promote Self-Sufficiency Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of David M. Woodruff to the Board to Promote Self-Sufficiency.
CR132-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Reappointment- Arnettia Wrye, Esquire, MBA - Police Accountability Board Title: A RESOLUTION confirming the reappointment of Arnettia Wyre, Esquire, MBA, to the Police Accountability Board.
CB49-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Emergency Appropriations- Economic Development Authority – Farmer Grants Title: AN ACT making emergency appropriations pursuant to Section 610(b) of the Howard County Charter and amending the Annual Budget and Appropriation for Fiscal Year 2025 to provide additional spending authority in the Economic Development Authority for farmer grants; and declaring that this Act is an Emergency Bill necessary to meet a public emergency affecting life, health or property. expires – 11/12/2024; extended – 12/17/2024; extended twice – 01/21/2025
CB50-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Amendment to Pay Plan – Fire Management and Dispatcher pay scales Title: AN ACT amending the Pay Plan for Howard County; amending pay scales for certain positions within Fire Management; correcting certain pay scales applicable to members of the Howard County Public Safety Dispatchers Association; providing for the application of this Act; and generally relating to the Pay Plan for Howard County. expires – 11/12/2024; extended – 12/17/2024; extended twice – 01/21/2025
CB51-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Amendment to Howard County Retirement Plan – Creation of a Deferred Retirement Option Program for Participating Deputy Sheriffs. Title: AN ACT amending the Howard County Retirement Plan in order to create a Deferred Retirement Option Program for Participating Deputy Sheriffs (Deputy Sheriffs DROP); defining certain terms; establishing certain deadlines; setting forth the eligibility for Deputy Sheriffs DROP to include certain employees of the Office of the Sheriff; providing for the term of Deputy Sheriff DROP participation; providing for the termination of participation in Deputy Sheriffs DROP; requiring that certain accounts be established and maintained; setting forth provisions related to the disability, death, or retirement of Deputy Sheriffs DROP participants; and generally relating to the Howard County Retirement Plan. expires – 11/12/2024; extended – 12/17/2024; extended twice – 01/21/2025
CB52-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: LGBTQIA+ Commission – Amendment to membership Title: AN ACT amending the membership of the LGBTQIA+ Commission to add that up two members can work or attend school in the County; amending the appointment requirements for the college student; and generally relating to the LGBTQIA+ Commission. expires – 11/12/2024; extended – 12/17/2024; extended twice – 01/21/2025
CR133-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Department of Planning and Zoning Fees – Correction Title: A RESOLUTION amending a fee schedule previously adopted by the County Council to correct a fee charged by the Department of Planning and Zoning for Approved Plan Revisions.
CR134-2024 - Introduced by The Chairperson at the request of the County Executive Short Title: Supporting an Application – Eastern Howard County Enterprise Zone designation Title: A RESOLUTION supporting an application to the State of Maryland for the designation of the Eastern Howard County Enterprise Zone as part of the Maryland Enterprise Zone Program.