If you are reading this, you’ve probably received a piece of mail from Jewish Family Service before. Recently, you may have received a bright yellow envelope from us.
You probably get a lot of mail from lots of places; I know that I do. But, that yellow envelope was not junk mail. It wasn’t just an invitation to our spring fundraiser, Just For Show. It was an invitation and a “call to action” to support the critical work we do here at JFS.
Over 55% of the clients we serve pay $5 or less for their service……each visit. This is for our Clinical Services that are provided by experienced, licensed and trained experts in their fields. In addition, 100% of the clients that come to us for our Food Pantry, Family Violence Program and Transitional Housing pay nothing at all and have access to our full scope of wraparound services in their time of need: food, employment and financial coaching, emergency financial assistance, even learning assessments for their children.
These figures are stunning to us as well, and
we work here.
I tell you this because most of us don’t realize what a HUGE feat we accomplish day in and day out to help almost 13,000 individuals….in need……with complicated lives and issues…….regardless of their ability to pay (you heard me) and for as long as needed. We are tasked each day to help more people, reduce or eliminate waitlists and do it with little or no fees.
But, we do it. And we do it because you are here with us, volunteering, donating and supporting our efforts.
So, if you received a bright yellow invitation in the mail recently to our Just for Show spring fundraiser on April 30
, it’s not junk mail. Its counseling, play therapy, help finding a job, kosher home delivered meals for older adults or food for families in need. So, consider opening that yellow envelope and purchasing a ticket or sponsorship to join us on April 30
. I can guarantee that your ticket will provide you with a night of fun and laughter. I can also promise that your ticket will provide someone else with the opportunity to start down a path of self-sufficiency.
For those many of you who have already made a contribution, in some way, to JFS this year……we thank you. If you have not made a gift yet this year, we ask that you do so TODAY. Help us to do our work for those in greatest need. Whether you come to our annual event to celebrate our positive stories or make a gift to our annual campaign - one small act will have life changing results for someone. We guarantee it!