A few weeks ago, I went to see the movie "The Boys In The Boat" with my family. The movie was excellent and I believe we can learn a lot from the story line.
It is set in 1936 in Seattle, Washington, during the Great Depression.
Eight men came together from different backgrounds and circumstances.
Together they learned how to row.
Not only did they learn how to row, but more importantly they became ONE in unity and purpose. When all eight men worked together, their boat was unbeatable. They went on to represent the United States in the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, Germany, and took the Gold medal defeating Italy and Germany.
While they experienced setbacks and challenges, as they worked together they were able to succeed and achieve their goal of becoming one.
After seeing the movie, my thoughts reflected back to Orem and how we as a city can be one in purpose and unity, just like the eight man rowing team. I believe that we need to put our differences aside, be positive, and work together.
Last month, we had our City Retreat where the Mayor, City Council, and the Orem Executive Staff met to set goals for our community for the coming year. I believe we are all unified in the desire to make Orem a great place to live and raise our families.
Orem is known as Family City USA and as a community family, we should treat one another with the utmost respect, remember to be kind, and look out for one another.
I am appreciative of our First Responders and the employees that work for the City. I am thankful for the opportunity to serve on the City Council and to be able to listen and represent the citizens of Orem.
In closing, I would like to encourage everyone to look for opportunities to serve and help others within our community.
-Councilmember David Spencer