St. John Vianney Catholic Church Cleburne
Weekend masses located at Marti Elementary School 2020 Kilpatrick, Cleburne, 76033
Week day masses at Our Lady of Victory Chapel, 501 N. Nolan River Rd, Cleburne, 76033
20th Anniversary of the 9/11 attack on our country
We are living at the time of HIS greatest Mercy
Come and learn about the profound spiritual significance of
The Original Divine Mercy Image aka the Vilnius Image

Clicking on the bold words below will take you to sites for more information.
So, what was your reaction when you first heard that Jesus appeared to Sr. Faustina in the 1930's and gave her 14 Amazing Promises to those who pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet? The bottom line is this is an annual opportunity to delete the liabilities in our purgatory account!

Huh! Should I believe this? Why? What does this matter to me? The answers are here: Pray to believe!
Jesus called it His plan of Divine Mercy, listen to Fr. Michael Gaitley explain Divine Mercy 101

Divine Mercy Novena This is the Novena to Divine Mercy. It goes for 9 days as laid out below. The first part of each section below divided into days, 1-9, is a direct quote dictated to Saint Faustina Kowalska by Jesus during an apparition in Vilnius (Lithuania) on Sept 23-24, 1934. The Novena is intended to be prayed over the nine days from Good Friday thru the eve of Divine Mercy Sunday (Saturday), but anyone can pray this novena at any time of the year.

“By this Novena, I will grant every possible grace to souls.” The words of Jesus to St. Faustina Kowalska as recorded in her voluminous diary. Click here to pray the Divine Mercy Novena.
Where Sin Abounds, Grace Abounds!!!

Hitler was elected in 1933. Nazism was rising at the same time Jesus was speaking to Sr. Faustina in Poland in the 1930's. She died in 1938 at age 33.

In 1933, the villagers in Medjugorje, a remote village in communist Yugoslavia, built a 17 ton cross on their mountain to commemorate the 1900 anniversary of Jesus' rising from the dead. Hitler brought grave sin into the world, while Jesus was teaching Sr. Faustina about His endless mercy, and the villagers in Medjugorje were unknowingly preparing their Cross Mountain to be climbed by millions of pilgrim feet answering the call of Our Lady Queen of Peace.

In the 1940's, WWII era, in Krakow, Poland, a young priest named Karol Wojtyla, prayed regularly at the Divine Mercy Shrine. By 1978, he was Cardinal Wojtyla of Krakow, when he presented the Divine Mercy Chaplet as an official devotion of the church. Six months later, he became Pope John Paul II who canonized St. Faustina in 2000, as the first saint of the millennium and who himself died Saturday, April 2, 2005, on the eve/vigil of Divine Mercy Sunday. He was born May 18, 1920 in Wadowice, Poland, 35 miles from Krakow, and is 13 days younger than George Marti who was born May 5, 2020, and who is the benefactor of Marti School in which we meet. Marti died Dec 20, 2015. They were contemporary figures, making a difference in the world in which they lived.

Where sin abounds, grace abounds. There is A LOT of hidden good going on in the world today! We must persevere. We will find out one day. Jesus told Sr. Faustina that when the world learns about his Divine Mercy and prays it will be His time of greatest mercy! Yeah, that's us, that's now! Generations before did not have this special annual offer!! It's like receiving the graces of baptism annually!