The Owsley Chronicles - Nov/Dec 2022

Dear Praying Friends,

As Thanksgiving Day approaches, we can't help but count our many blessings. We praise God for the way He continues to change lives through the various ministries in which we are involved. And we thank Him for each of our supporters who encourage us with their prayers and gifts. The Lord is faithful!
Growth at Free Methodist Seminary

We have 76 students at our seminary! A greater number of women are able to attend classes now that we are online. And ZOOM classes enable us to offer classes to students in eight states and even other countries. (Angola, Japan and Paraguay). It is a joy to see each "aluno" growing in faith and serving in their churches.

Online classes are not always ideal for good interaction, so we love it when our students who live in the same city get together for study sessions (pictured at left.)
Opportunities to Help Others Grow
The Lord keeps opening doors for us to share His wonderful Word. (1) Dan continues to meet with nine people from our building for Bible study each week. (2) We are co-teaching the book of Acts at our seminary this semester. (3) We mentor and encourage the church planting team in NW Brazil. (4) We are leading discipleship groups in our local church where each participant is being trained to lead future groups. (5) Hope continues to help edit the ROOTS children's curriculum that will be used throughout Latin America.
Church Growth in Brasília

Six years ago, we helped plant a church in Brasília, Brazil's capital. When we moved to São Paulo to help with the Free Methodist seminary, Pastor Peterson took our place. He continued to disciple the core group of believers with whom the church had been started, but also had a heart for reaching those who did not yet know Christ. His friendship with Fábio opened the door for God's miraculous provision for the church's needs. You can read the rest of the story here.

Of course, we couldn't do any of this without you, our partners in ministry. Thank you for your faithfulness in praying for us and for your giving. (If you'd like to make or renew a pledge toward our support for next year, you may do so at the following link.)

Have a blessed holiday season!

For His glory and our joy, Hope and Dan
Contact Information: E-mail:,

Vonage Phone: (517) 879-2767

Snail Mail: Daniel and Hope Owsley
Rua Teopompo de Vasconcelos, 335, Apto. 64
São José dos Campos, SP 12.243-830
Brazil, South America