Welcome to Your PA

The Parent Association at Good Shepherd is an organization run by parent volunteers that works closely with our school.  Our main goal is to raise funds to help support our school all while fostering a sense of community.

Get Involved

The monthly PA meetings are a great way to meet fellow parents and build friendships while helping advance the GSES mission. The first meeting of the school year is Tuesday, Sept.6th at 8:20am in Parish Hall.

Can't attend? You can still get involved! Talk to your Room Parent or email:

Family Field Night

The PA has partnered with Tequesta Fire & Police Dept. to bring a special Touch-A-Truck event to the Good Shepherd campus!

All GSES families are invited to take part in this fun evening. Come and checkout our local heroes' trucks, play on the field with friends, enjoy pizza from Russo's Rounds (preorder forms went home in backpacks) or bring your own picnic. The PA will provide drinks and desserts.

Click here to volunteer.

Looking Forward...

Fall Festivities are coming to the Good Shepherd Campus

GSES Parents Association is excited to host it's Annual Fall Festival & Pumpkin Patch!

This "fun for the whole family" event will be held Saturday, October 8th from 11-5pm and is open to the entire community.

The fun will include:

  • Pick-Your-Own Pumpkin Patch
  • Bounce Houses & Obstacle Courses
  • Face Painting
  • Balloon Artist
  • Petting Zoo
  • Food Trucks
  • and much much more

Event details will follow in the coming weeks. We are currently in need of volunteers and sponsors to make this amazing event even more spectacular.

Email for sponsorship opportunities.

Save Around Town...

While Supporting GSES

Coupon Books on sale now - $25 each

Be sure to purchase one for yourself and one for a friend.

Order forms went home in backpacks or are available at the school front desk.  You can also place an online order for Palm Beach County and surrounding areas.  Online orders will be shipped directly to your home. Click here

Connecting with the GSES Community

For info, updates and pictures, join the Good Shepherd Episcopal School Parent Association Facebook Group.

Did You Know...

Be sure to make every dollar count. Go to Amazon Smile, make Good Shepherd Episcopal School in Tequesta Florida your charity of choice and get to shopping.

Amazon makes quarterly donations our school as a result of qualifying purchases. Last month Amazon donated $97.02 to our school from purchases made between January 1st and March 31st.

A Big Thank You!

From the Good Shepherd Food Pantry

Thank you to everyone that donated food at the Aug. 25th Parents Night. Without donations, the food pantry would not be able to carry out its mission - feeding community members in need.

The pantry is always taking donations. Visit their website to learn how you can help. Students are also encouraged to bring in nonperishable food items every Wednesday.