As a church, we must never stop growing because more people need to hear the saving message of Jesus. I believe that God put PGCC at this very intersection for a reason and that is to reach our neighbors. This building is just a building, but it is the people of God who make up the church.

Above my computer I have a couple of scriptures printed out on my wall. One of them is John 1:14a, MSG, “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.” God didn’t have to come in human form to this world to make Himself known. The Bible says He already made Himself known through His creation (Romans 1:20-21). I don’t think that God wants us to be content behind the four walls of our church building, he wants us to be real flesh and blood people in the neighborhood.

This week my family and I are moving into the neighborhood. We are moving from East Roseville to West Roseville to be part of this community. We are praying for the neighbors that we haven’t met yet that God will help us to reach out to them. Our prayer is that the light of God will shine from our lives and they will come to know Jesus. I’m not suggesting that we need to go door to door to tell people about Jesus, but let those around us get to know us. We pray that they will be like people in the dark who are brought to a bright light. 

Matthew 5:14-16 NIV

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

Don't forget to set your clocks back an hour this weekend! Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 5th.

Saturday, November 11th

10:00-11:30 AM @PGCC

Sign up November 5th

Core 201 is a course for developing practices God uses to transforms our lives. In this course you will learn about and practice several foundational, God-given practices that will build your relationship with Him, release His power within you and continually transform you so that your life reflects the life of Jesus.

Sunday, November 12th at 6 PM


No sign-ups required

Sunday, Nov. 12th from 2-4 PM


Cost is $5. Sign up November 5th

Wondering how you will survive the weeks surrounding the holidays?

Are you dreading these holidays, knowing that everything has changed and happy memories from past years can’t be recreated?

The Surviving the Holidays seminar is especially for people who are grieving a loved one’s death.

You’ll learn:

  • How to deal with the many emotions you’ll face during the holidays
  • What to do about traditions and other coming changes
  • Helpful tips for surviving social events
  • How to discover hope for your future.

For more information or to sign up call:

Kay Thomson, Facilitator, (408) 836-3311

Saturday, Dec. 2nd at 11:30 AM

Timber Creek Ballroom at the Lodge

Cost is $30. Sign-ups begin Nov. 5th

Sign up for this year's Women's Ministries Christmas Luncheon, beginning November 5th! Stop by the table on Sunday to buy tickets. Please have your meal selection ready. Click on the link below to view the full menu.

View Menu
  • Special Music: Encore Dickens Carolers & Salvation Army Brass
  • Speaker: Tiffany Holland - Associate VP of Marketing & Communications, Jessup University
  • Ministry Spotlight: The Salvation Army

Contact Kay Thomson at (408) 836-3311 with any questions.

This year, the Ministry Spotlight for the 2023 Women’s Ministries  Christmas Lunch is The Salvation Army and we would appreciate your  involvement to help children and seniors who, without your help,  would not have a gift/s for Christmas. 

In 1979, The Angel Tree was implemented to provide toys and gifts  for children whose families could not afford them. Each year, in October, families sign up for gifts for their children which is based  upon annual income. Recently, The Salvation Army added seniors who, without the Angel Tree, would receive no gifts at Christmas.  

The Angel Tree will be located in the PGCC lobby, close to the Missions corner and will  have tags including the first name of the person (child or senior) and a list of gifts they would like. 

If you decide to participate, please select a tag (or tags). Since PGCC  has little storage space, we ask that you purchase gift cards from  stores such as Target or Walmart or from an online store (such as  Amazon). PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE A GIFT CARD FROM A  FASTFOOD RESTAURANT. If you decide to purchase a gift card (as  described above), The Salvation Army has requested that you also  purchase a small gift which will be visible from the bag as described  below. 

When you bring your gift card and small gift, the gift card will be placed in a Christmas card and envelope. This card and the small gift will be placed in a clear plastic bag. The tag will be taped to the  outside of this bag identifying the recipient. Each week, the gifts will be delivered by volunteers to The Salvation Army. 

If you have any questions, please contact Kay Thomson (408)836- 3311 or Karen Beaver (916) 771-8995 

As The Salvation Army is a 501c{3} nonprofit, the amount spent is tax deductible.

Thursday, November 16th at Noon


Tickets are $10. Sign up Nov. 5th & 12th

Friday, November 10th at 10:30 AM

7381 Apple Hollow Loop

RSVP to Leora Cranmer (916) 773-9936

The Caregiver Support Group meets monthly to share their experiences with caregiving. We begin with a devotion, then the members share their challenges and solutions in a safe setting. There is a lot of sharing and caring. Our desire is to help encourage and refresh caregivers and keep them from feeling isolated. If you are caring for a spouse, relative or client, you are invited to attend.

The Caregiver Support Group meets at the home of Leora Cranmer, 7381 Apple Hollow Loop. If you are interested in coming, please call Leora at 916-773-9936.

Pick up your shoeboxes! Shoebox dedication will be held on Sunday, November 19th.


Liberti Family


Why Peru? 

I Thought God Wanted Us to Focus on The Balkans? 

Proclaim International has an office in Lima Peru and I’ve never been to Peru and frankly, I have never discerned God’s leading to go there. As you know by now, my heart and passion for people and ministry are in The Balkan countries. However, as part of Proclaim's ongoing commitment to recruiting the next generation of Kingdom workers, we offered three internships to young college students to join us out on missions in Croatia, Poland and Peru. With these internships, there was a great need for veteran staff to come alongside these students to lead them spiritually, help them with cultural adaptation and to guide them to use and grow in their gifts while on mission. That’s where I came in. I was needed to join the team in Peru. I felt a bit like Jonah in that I initially didn’t want to go. I did realize however that I was needed in this role in Peru and I wanted to see people come to saving faith in our Lord Jesus Christ regardless of the continent. God can use any one of us anywhere on the planet to bring truth to the lost. I successfully dropped my reluctant attitude and looked forward to seeing how God works in and through our team in Peru. Thank you for your prayers and support! 

“Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:2-3


All Next Week

  • Please, only store bought items, not things that have been sitting in your pantry
  • Non-perishable items only. Low sugar and low sodium is preferred

We will have totes to put your groceries in outside the entrances on the east and west sides of the church on Sunday and during office hours next week, 9 am - 4 pm Monday-Thursday. THANKS for helping those in need!

Daylight Savings Time Ends: Sunday, November 5th.

CORE 201 Class Sign-Ups: November 5th. Class on Saturday, November 11th from 10:00-11:30 AM.

Surviving the Holidays Sign-Ups: November 5th. Class on Sunday, November 12th from 2-4 PM.

WM Christmas Luncheon Sign-Ups: November 5th, 12th & 29th. Please have your lunch choice ready when you sign up. Event on Saturday, December 2nd at The Timbers Lodge at 11:30.

Solo Sisters Luncheon Sign-ups: November 5th & 12th. Luncheon on Thursday, November 16th at noon. Cost $10.

Caregivers Support Group: Friday, November 10th at 10:30 AM.

Prayer & Worship Night: Sunday, November 12th at 6 PM.

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Dedication: Sunday, November 19th.

All events are at the church unless otherwise noted.

1: Lara Tarahteeff

Darryl Huismann

2: Shiela Lovato

Colt Beloberk

5: Barbara Clement

Patti Brown

6: Margy Flentge

7: Ken Evans

8: Dottie Johnson

10: Debbie Thompson

11: Rachel Herrgord

Pam Underwood

12: Jim Gruebele

Peggy Reinhold

14: Virginia Lynam

17: Lim Frank

Laura Birdwell

18: Ken Peterson

Gordon Lutz

20: Jean Duffin

Suzanne Rollinson

Marlene Romero

Jackson Beloberk

21: Carol Nogle

Don Andrews

24: Stephanie Wolfe

25: Barbara Baker

Becky Balding

27: Tilly Schoppert

Nelson Schmidt

28: Jean Sadowski

29: Jim Musgrave

Hannelore Schuermann

30: Annette Loper

9: Larry & Cyndee Thomas

Rod & Janet Elliott

17: Jack & Danelle Brown

18: Gordon & Beverly Linder

19: Ron & Carole Westlake

27: Kay & Charlene Michael

Your contributions are what make these emails so great

We need your contributions of:
  • Devotional thoughts (400-700 words, Pastor Phil will edit)
  • Artwork (photos, drawings, paintings, crafts, poetry, etc.)
  • Humor

Please email your contributions to: [email protected].

THANKS! Our emails are a blessing because of what you contribute.

GIVING SUMMARY - September 2023


BUDGET: $61,375

YTD General Giving: $556,510

YTD Budget: $552,375

DEBT REDUCTION STATUS (as of October 15th)

Current Loan Balance $114,525

20/20 CAMPAIGN STATUS (as of September 30th)

Amount Given: $377,457

Amount Pledged: $386,368

Thank you for your faithful giving to PGCC.

You can GIVE by:

  1. At Church on Sundays using the Offering Boxes by the auditorium exits.
  2. Mail at 1730 Pleasant Grove Blvd, Roseville, CA 95747.
  3. Online at or by clicking on the blue button below.
  4. Bill Pay through your bank.
  5. Mobile through the Give Plus App.
Click to Give Online
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Pleasant Grove Community Church
1730 Pleasant Grove Blvd., Roseville, CA 95747
(916) 771-4447