•••The PTG Buzz •••
Hello SHES Parents,

In this edition of the PTG Buzz Newsletter you can learn about past events as well as events and fundraisers happening in December 2021 and January 2022 at SHES.

If you have any feedback or ideas for community events or fundraisers, please drop us a line at [email protected]. We’d love to hear your thoughts on ways to support our school community. We are also always looking for a few good volunteers. Come join us!

The Sacred Heart School PTG
Visit the new PTG Website!
We’ve created a site where you can find all the information you need on PTG events, fundraisers and volunteer opportunities. Make sure to bookmark our site and visit frequently to stay up to date on all PTG happenings.

Thanks to Briana Zagacki for setting up and managing the new site!
Boon Supply
Our Boon Supply Shop has raised $925 to date for SHES!

You can shop for gifts all year round! Sacred Heart earns 40% of each purchase.

Questions: Contact Kristi Senk0 at [email protected]
Scholastic Book Fair
Our Scholastic Book Fair held last month was a success! Thank you to everyone who purchased books for their families and teachers!

Our sales totaled $9,119. This earned SHES $2,130 toward our 2021–22 assessment. Many thanks for your support!

We thank Kylie Brown & Renee Ranier for co-chairing the Book Fair!
Holiday Greens
Our Holiday Greens Sale brought some much needed holiday cheer. Thank you to all of the families who purchased wreaths, garlands, hanging baskets and poinsettias.
We raised over $2,300.00!

Thank you to Amy Bair for continuing to chair this fundraiser.
Sarris Holiday Candy
We raised $829.00 through our annual online Sarris Christmas Candy sale! Thank you to all who purchased sweets as gifts this season!

Keep an eye out this spring for our Easter Candy Sale!

Thank you Michelle Snyder for managing our Sarris fundraisers!
Peach Bowl Pool
Purchase a block to support our school!
$30.00 / block

Payout of $125.00 end of first quarter score
Payout of 250.00 for the halftime score
Payout of $125.00 end of third quarter score
Payout of $500.00 for the final score
Shop with Scrip
Buy gift cards from your favorite brands
to earn money for our school.

It’s never been easier to create opportunities for what matters most to you. No extra money spent. No extra time wasted.

How it works:
Raise money by purchasing gift cards at face value. Shop 750+ top brands and immediately earn up to 20% on every gift card you buy. 

Get started today!
Create an account on the RaiseRight app or at ShopWithScrip.com using our organization’s enrollment code:

Questions or feedback?
A Few Good Volunteers

The Sacred Heart PTG strives to offer our students and families programs and events that are both fun and educational! We are always looking for volunteers and there are plenty of opportunities available throughout the school year.

Please read our monthly newsletter, The PTG Buzz for up-to-date information about events and happenings at SHES. If you hear about an event that interests you, please contact us at [email protected] and we will put you in touch with the committee chair.

We meet the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm.
Our next meeting is on January 4, 2022.
Sacred Heart Elementary School 
325 Emerson Street  |  Pittsburgh, PA  |  15206
(412) 441-1582  |  [email protected]