Weekly News & Updates

September 21, 2022 | Issue 8

Upcoming Events

  • Sept. 26 - 30 - Friendship Week - more info to follow
  • Sept. 26 - Homecoming Mass
  • Sept. 28 - Prayer at the Pole
  • Sept. 29 - Senior Financial Aid Mtg.
  • Sept. 30 - Fall Sports Rally/Homecoming 
  • Oct.  01 - Homecoming Dance

For a complete list of dates for the year please click HERE!


Emergency Lockdown Drill

Attention parents and students: On Thursday, Sept. 22, we will be having our first schoolwide emergency lockdown drill. We will run through a set of plans and procedures for students and staff in the event of a serious emergency. The safety of our students and faculty is of utmost importance and we are committed to providing plans in place for the wellbeing of our school community. We appreciate your students' cooperation and assistance. For questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Taylor at 440-230-8603 or taylor@elyriacatholic.com.

Attention Seniors

and Senior Parents:

On Wednesday, October 5, Bob Reinker Photography will be on campus for Senior headshots for the class composite and yearbook. Take advantage of the convenience and discounted price of $50.00 (includes 5x7 photo and tax). The price list for ordering photos is attached. The deadline to have your picture taken to be in the yearbook and class composite is Friday, November 25. This is a dress up day for Seniors. Gentlemen must be in a shirt and tie. Please follow the dress code guidelines in the Student-Parent handbook regarding jewelry and hair.

ECHO Yearbooks

The 2021-22 yearbooks are in and are in the process of being distributed during lunch periods on Thursday and Friday. Thank you for your patience. Enjoy the ECHO: Bring it out!

Pictures for Grades 9 - 11 arrive next week!

Attention parents of students in grades 9-11: If you ordered pictures through Bob Reinker Photography from picture day on Tuesday, August 30, your order will be distributed at the beginning of next week. If you would still like to order your student's pictures, please click on the link ORDER FORM.

If your student was absent on August 30, picture retake day for grades 9-11 is Wednesday, October 19 beginning at 8:00 a.m. Students are to be in full uniform. Please see the 2022-23 Student-Parent handbook for full uniform guidelines.

Communications Department News

B Schedules - What are they?

If you were caught off guard by today's B Schedule - delayed start, never fear. Attached please find the 2022-2023 Calendar with the B Schedules highlighted. Also included below is the Bell Schedule. The website houses all of this information under the Student Life- Parents & Student Resources Tabs of the website.

Highlighted B Schedule

Bell Schedule

Panther Family News Issues

ICYMI - the weekly newsletter that is, you can visit elyriacatholic.com/panther-family-news and catch up on all the news you missed. 

Please take time to read the information sent out to you each week in the PFN. Our goal in communicating the news is to keep everyone well informed so that this is a successful year for all of our Panthers!

Admission Department News

EdChoice News

Just a reminder, acceptance letters for both the Traditional EdChoice and EdChoice Expansion scholarships were due at the beginning of the school year. If you have not already done so, please return these to the school office as soon as possible.


Panther Club News

Looking for a retired EC jersey for a gift or to add to your Panther Pride Wear collection? Stop by the tent at our next 2 home football games and check out the options.

Proceeds benenfit the purchase of new jerseys for EC Athletic Teams. Thank you!

We all know that at

Elyria Catholic

"Loyalty That Never Dies"

Show that loyalty with an official Elyria Catholic letter jacket!

Click for details!

Boys Basektball Fall Skills Clinic

Get ready for basketball season by attending the Boys Basketball Fall Skills Clinic. Register today and learn skills from our Panthers! 

Register here! 

Dancers wanted!

The ECHS Dance Team returns for the 2022-2023 winter basketball season. Do you have previous or current dance, cheer, or musical theater experience? Consider joining the team, starting with auditions on 10/3 at 6:30 p.m. in the JETPAC.

Click HERE for more information!

Did you know that Frankie Valli & the

Four Seasons performed in the Coliseum?

Band & Color Guard

Campus Ministry

Collecting Pull Tabs

We are still collecting pull tabs for Ronald McDonald House! Tabs can be brought to the Campus Ministry office all year long.

Lorain County Homeless Stand Down

Winter gloves are being collected through the end of September. Please drop off donations outside the Campus Ministry office. Thanks in advance for helping out our community!

Counseling Department

HOBY Leadership Conference

Counselors will be meeting with the sophomore class about the HOBY Leadership Conference held in the summer on October 4th. This is an amazing opportunity for students to build leadership skills with their peers. Each year Elyria Catholic sends 2 sophomores to attend the conference. Students must apply by writing an essay about why they would like to go and how they could benefit from the conference. Essays will be reviewed by a committee of teachers/staff and chosen based on their essay. One student will receive a full scholarship to attend this conference and another student will receive a partial scholarship for this conference. Please click on the link below for more information about the HOBY Conference for Parents and Students. Please encourage your student to apply. Please let counseling know if you have any additional questions.

HOBY Leadership Conference

Community Foundation of Lorain County

The Community Foundation of Lorain County is currently seeking youth fund members!

Fostering a Culture of Philanthropy in the Classroom and Beyond led by the vision and generosity of past Board Chair, Benjamin Norton, Community Foundation Directors established the Youth Fund in April of 1998. The Youth Fund comprises 8th through 12th graders from across Lorain County who meet monthly to learn about the Community Foundation, grantmaking, development, and issues affecting youth. The teens review their own grant proposals and make funding recommendations to the Community Foundation’s Board of Directors.

More information at https://www.peoplewhocare.org/affiliate-funds/yf. Questions about this opportunity contact Angela Lee alee@peoplewhocare.org

College Now Advisor meetings begin

Our College Now advisor has begun on our campus. College Now helps to increase postsecondary educational attainment through college and career access advising, financial aid counseling, and scholarship and retention services. This is a wonderful FREE service to all EC students and parents. She will be available for meetings on the following dates and you can book an appointment below.

9/23/2022 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM

9/26/2022 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM

10/3/2022 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

10/17/2022 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

10/24/2022 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM

10/31/2022 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Book appointment HERE

College Rep Visits

We have begun College Rep Visits with our juniors and seniors. Juniors and Seniors have chosen 2 schools in which they will attend a College Rep Visit. Please review the visit schedule below for the rest of this month. Please talk with your student about any questions you would like answered about the schools they have chosen.

College Visit Schedule

School Safety

The Counseling Department has and will continue to go into classrooms this month to talk about School Safety. We have created resources for students to use and ways to help promote safety in our school. We also have been going into Junior and Senior classrooms to prepare students for the college process. Please see our website page (elyriacatholic.com/guidance) for resources regarding these topics and don't hesitate to reach out any questions to:

  • Miss Gauntner (Last Names A-L) or
  • Mrs. Brooks (Last Names M-Z)

Knights of Columbus Scholarship

The Ohio Charity Foundation, Inc. and the Ohio Knights of Columbus are pleased to announce that, for the 2022-2023 school year, many $1,000 scholarships will once again be made available for Catholic students (grades nine through twelve) attending Catholic High Schools in Ohio. Please click link to application & info.

Knights of Columbus Scholarship 2022

Junior Scholarship Opportunity

The Scott Holland '02 Memorial Scholarship is an opportunity available to all 11th grade students at Elyria Catholic High School. Applications are available by click on the link below and are due to the Philanthropy & Engagement Office by October 3.

Scott Holland '02 Memorial Scholarship

Employment & Service Hour Opportunities

Senior Career Developement Day

Seniors: Wednesday, October 12 is Senior Career Development Day. You will have several options to choose from. Details will be shared in your English classes. Please direct any questions or concerns to Mrs. Mey at Mey@elyriacatholic.com.

Thank you!

A huge thank you to all organizations who attended our Club & Service Fair on September 15. Connections made. Partnerships formed.

Philanthropy & Engagement 

Click for details

Student Senate

Homecoming Dance - Under the Sea

All students are invited to the homecoming dance! It is being held in the EC Coliseum from 7-10pm on Saturday, October 1. Tickets are $20 each and will be for sale during all lunches. If students are bringing a date from another school, a visitor dance form must be filled out before purchasing a ticket. Visitor dance forms are available in the main office and will also be at the table where tickets are being sold.

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